Mad Pack

Mad Pack

Very fun and interesting MMO game, I was browsing steam with my friend to try and find a game to play and we came across this, I have been playing non-stop for 2 days, sometimes AFK’ing to stay on top of the ‘Time In Game’ leaderboard lol. The only thing I don’t like is that there are only 2 servers, a Russian server, and a European server. I am in Canada, so I have to play on the EU server since it is the only english speaking one. The downside to this is that there are over 10K players on the Russian server, and there are 55 on the EU server. I am #1 on EU though :) Shout out to bumbum and BussySlaya for helping me through this journey.

Real player with 31.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Open World Games.

Every few days i receive a debuff. It started two weeks ago, from 4.5b damage i gone to 250k, my gold was reduced from 100m to 1m… then, from the 250k damage i leveled and buid items till i reached 2m damage. and now, i am at 475k…

i was liking the game, but atleast ADVICE you are going to break my equips. Bah, this thing is too boring.

Thanks for destroying my character, stealing my gold and my equipments.


ps you taked my gold and changed my items for rebalancement. Then, wth there is 2 ppls level 100 with 900m and 1,4b gold? thats decisely not legit. balancement totally failed, game destined to fail, if you destroy the account of a non russian, and permit russians to bug with no consequences….

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

Mad Pack on Steam

Stephino RPG

Stephino RPG

rawr im dragon. its a great rts game with a slow start. 8/10

Real player with 150.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Tactical RPG Games.

This is a nice game, you build your empire by constructing and upgrading buildings, building up defences, expanding your empire to other planets/locations… You can get sucked in really fast if you like this type of games, which is my case… but if you are going to play this game be aware of something that is most likely to happen to you especially if you are playing it to play along side work.

Admins are playing the game.

Attacks will always take 100% of the enemy resources (if the army capacity is enough to take all)

Real player with 42.7 hrs in game

Stephino RPG on Steam



Welcome to Taurion. A Fully decentralized MMORTS.

A Fully persistent sandbox MMO that runs unstoppable and autonomous.

Prospect, Mine, Refine, Build, Fight, Craft, Trade and work with other players to build your empire.


Over the years the governments of the Earth became increasingly hostile and fractured. Alliances were formed and broken. Eventually 12 factions emerged in a semi-stable world order (or houses as they are now known). By this time the scale of weaponry available to the 12 factions was too powerful to use without exterminating all life on Earth. Consequently, when WWIII erupted, it wasn’t a kinetic war. It was an information and propaganda war that lasted well over a century. Intelligence agencies had taken over news and entertainment and shut down free speech entirely. Every piece of information, or rather disinformation, was curated. Nobody knew what was true or what was false.

The absence of a meaningfully informed population left the megacorporations free to do as they pleased. With regulatory capture, they simply pushed through laws and regulations that benefited them and their shareholders in the short term. The constant flux of “truth” in the disinformation campaigns made long term planning nearly moot, and also made it easy for the megacorporations to create and push their own narratives.

Environmental standards were dismantled, and all laws regarding genetic engineering were erased. Biotech companies produced ever more genetically modified plants and animals that required ever harsher pesticides, herbicides, and stronger antibiotics.

Slowly the Earth was poisoned. Superbugs became more common, wiping out millions of people, nevermind the costs to domestic animals and wildlife. GMO plants became invasive species, destroying pristine environments and disrupting ecosystems. People became sicker and sicker as agro chemicals poisoned their water supplies while fisheries suffered as the lakes, rivers, and oceans were poisoned. Species were going extinct at alarming rates.

Eventually there was a crack in the social world zeitgeist and people began to reject government and corporate narratives that were clearly the opposite of reality. Mass protests turned into riots that were mostly crushed by government forces and private security forces hired by corporations. But for every casualty, the movements attracted 10x more people.

Behind the scenes the intelligence agencies ramped up misinformation campaigns against each other, blaming other factions for domestic and international problems. Following suit, the megacorps began environmental campaigns to support protesters against their competition.

Social cohesion in large urban centres was breaking down. Logistics chains for food, fuel, and consumer goods were crumbling. Protests got bigger and bigger and spilled over into suburban areas as well and degenerated into city-wide riots and looting.

Peak violence happened when the Jodon faction launched a limited nuclear strike against the Tydroid corporation’s main production city, Berlin, in order to satisfy public outcry that was flamed by a disinformation campaign from the Yonic corporation, Tydroid’s largest competitor.

Rather than continue the violence on Earth, the various factions and megacorps launched strikes against each other’s satellites in order to disrupt communications and push their own narratives.

The situation had become desperate, and in 2247 the 12 factions formed a discussion group called “The Houses” to bring an end to the worldwide violence. For several years they debated and discussed, until in 2251 they arrived at the conclusion that they’d all failed humanity, and that the Earth was doomed, poisoned beyond the point of no return. They would need to head for the stars if mankind were to survive.

Building starships to transport colonists would take 20 intense years, but not everyone would get to go.

Selection of people who would go to the stars took place under the authority of the technetronic elite in the 12 Houses. Only the best and brightest would have a seat reserved for them and their families. Billions would be left behind on the poisoned, dying Earth.

As the selections progressed, it became increasingly apparent to those that would be left behind that they weren’t going to be chosen. Human rights protests across the planet turned into full scale riots with many casualties. The world was thrown into chaos and society began to break down (even more).

But for the colonists all that was left behind. They would drift into cryosleep for a seeming eternity only to wake up as if no time had passed. There would be weeping as some cryopods had failed during the long journey, leaving only crusty bones and ashes where a living human should have been.

Three of the 12 Houses, House Jodon, Reubo and Ephrati, would colonise planets in 3 nearby solar systems in a distant sector of the galaxy. The fates of the other 9 Houses are unknown.


Three of the 12 Houses, House Jodon, Reubo and Ephrati, would colonise planets in 3 nearby solar systems in a distant sector of the galaxy. The fates of the other 9 Houses are unknown.


House Jodon landed on and colonised Lionis. This volcanic planet has 1 side perpetually facing its sun, making only a thin band around the planet habitable. Nevertheless, rich and fertile soil along that thin band would ensure their survival.

House Reubo landed on and colonised Aquarion. This planet is over 97% covered by water. Adapting to their new environment would require innovative solutions for land use and infrastructure. Unsurprisingly, science and innovation are highly valued by the Reubos who pride themselves on being rational and practical.

House Ephrati landed on and colonised Verdis. This lush and green planet is inhabited by many predatory animals and dangerous foliage.


Several years ago a strange and indecipherable signal was received. It was clearly created by intelligent life and was traced back to a planet orbiting a nearby brown dwarf star. Speculation was rampant. What or who created it? What did it mean? What did it say?

Each House prepared small scouting missions to investigate. This was no mean feat as resources for interstellar travel were highly scarce. Expectations were similarly high.


Initial reports from the missions were impressive. The planet was rich in natural resources beyond their most hopeful expectations. Mining operations would be wildly profitable and would alleviate strict resource rationing back home on Lionis, Aquarion and Verdis.

It was the Ephrati who first discovered an ancient tower, presumably built by the same intelligent life that sent the signal. The tower stood high, disappearing into the clouds above.

Venturing into the tower on foot, the Ephrati expedition team marveled at the architecture and strange symbols and pictures carved into the walls, floors and ceilings. But it was one in particular that caught their attention. It was written in an old Earth language. “Taurion.” Who could the beings that built this be? And why would an old Earth tongue be written in here? Speculation, conjecture, and wild conspiracy theories were rampant on the net.

Other ancient buildings would also be found scattered around the planet.


Back home each House prepared to send people to Taurion. Excitement was high and people eagerly began training for the challenges that would await them on Taurion.

Read More: Best MMORPG Tactical RPG Games.

Taurion on Steam

Atlantica Europe

Atlantica Europe

P2Win, overrun with Botters and Cheaters, No support

How not to run an MMO and bank on Nostalgia

Real player with 2177.1 hrs in game

Old game from long time a go. But still can spend a lot time :))))

Real player with 1461.5 hrs in game

Atlantica Europe on Steam


This is the father of all naval games, yes it may be grindy but that’s all MMOs.


FANTASTIC ship customization(no custom paints or skins but you can fully customize your weapon load, ammo, etc)

Friendly graphics that are still appeasing but easy on low end PCs

Great sounds/music

Sim-cade gameplay (combines realistic and arcady style of play) You can choose if you want to set your gun angles by ourself instead of the auto aim function, along with things like belt armour, deck armour, etc.

Huge selection of ships in which some can be remodeled into more powerful or different ships of it’s class (ex: The Admiral Hipper CA can be remodeled to Prinz Eugen)

Real player with 217.7 hrs in game

Do i enjoy the game? YES!

Old vet since start of the game and played nfeu later on. Now back thanks to steam.


  • arcade style battles (quick)

  • low demands on pc requirements (to low for todays standards)

  • diverse community

  • games 24/7 cause people from the whole world are in 1 server (does have lag when chinese play )

  • for old players its mostly the nostalgic value that counts.


  • The game is so old that you cant run fullscreen unless you force it through your monitor

  • alot of crashing (not for me personally)

Real player with 110.4 hrs in game


Kingdoms Of Marazia: Classic

Kingdoms Of Marazia: Classic

This game is a lot like ironfell, with hex based combat and building in one open world. Right now, there’s not too much to the game, but the develepor is active, communicates with the community, and puts out a lot of updates. If you liked Ironfell at all you should buy this game and try it out for yourself.

Real player with 242.4 hrs in game

Worth checking out for sure, as I have yet to find anything quite like it.

The game features a persistant world where players battle it out for resources and eventual victory over the course of days/weeks. It uses basic rts elements and expands upon the strategy through time, space, and player interaction.

It is also being constantly updated, and upgraded and there is a good chance if you think a feature is missing it will be added soon.

Highly recommend checking it out for some slower paced and social rts gaming, similar to a more drawn out risk experience in a lot of ways. If you decide to give it a try, join the discord and start plotting your rise to power.

Real player with 152.4 hrs in game

Kingdoms Of Marazia: Classic on Steam

CasinoLife Poker - #1 Free Texas Holdem 3D

CasinoLife Poker - #1 Free Texas Holdem 3D

This game allows people to cheat , multiple accounts by certain players. I have seen a player have 2 if not 3 avatars at the table at once , and they keep getting away with it . People passing chips and getting paid on face book for it for instance, people selling 500 billion for like 100 dollars , but in game purchase you get 11 billion for 100 , people using in game hacks etc….. on and on . Do not waste your time or money on this scum bag Doo Doo game.

Real player with 83.1 hrs in game

It’s an online poker game. If you like poker, then give it a shot.

Customizeable avatars, weekly events, career rankings, poker tour challenges, and a couple other features that other poker games don’t have.

Purchasing chips is optional, you can make due if you play safe, and you can get free chip gifts from friends, hourly from the main menu, and by completing different challenges.

Real player with 39.2 hrs in game

CasinoLife Poker - #1 Free Texas Holdem 3D on Steam