Aura Kingdom 2

Aura Kingdom 2

First off bugs everywhere. From players getting stuck and becoming invisible after exiting a dungeon. Or becoming an eidolon or a monster from a dungeon. Lost or reduced EP. Countless bugs since day 1 or its release and until now not yet fixed.

And then the RNG. Jesus Christ the RNG in here is fudging brutal. If you dont love RNG or gachas then this game aint for you. RNG Gods will brutally beat the shit out of you here. Oh you have a fusion blueprint that is 80% success rate? Nah lets throw that and make it fail. I think success meant to be fail. 80% Fail. Gacha boxes have a horrible rate also. Everything is by chance in here and if youre unlucky then this game aint for you. Skill are nothing here. Money and luck is all you need in this Game.

Real player with 28.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Sequel Games.

Buyer beware!!

No support of any kind, one click and the avatar plays the game without any interference of the player, auto-attack kicking in at unwanted moments, random removal of our account key making us lose our avatars and progress, no refunds possible, program-technical issues, i.e. downloading the game from scratch, each time we play it, gatcha system that doesn’t grant us any fun items. A quest localizing system that is broken; it only shows us the direction to the quests when we auto-track, so right when it is not relevant anymore to figure the direction out anymore.

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game

Aura Kingdom 2 on Steam

League of Angels-Heaven’s Fury

League of Angels-Heaven’s Fury

It’s an ok idler, the issue is that those who are friends with the GM’s get perks and will work to get any banned who they see as a threat. I can say Bullying, dossing etc allowed w/o reprocussions. Cuss a few times without cashing thousands and you will be banned or muted in the game. I stopped playing after having reported several incidents of bullying as well as anti-disabled words and intolerance towards health issues was clearly shown and nothing was done. This game is for rich, spiteful, intolerant people who just want to bully those who if they attempt to stand up for themselves chance being banned or serve wide muted.

Real player with 2527.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Medieval Games.

Guys, you are looking at the game the wrong way, I’ve read so many bad reviews about this game but that because they are judging this game under MMORPG standards, it’s not like that, this game is more like a CASINO, and like a casino the game is as simple as can be with a lot of sparkling lights and sounds of ringing bells where you need to spend money to keep wining and moving forward because the main objective is not to PvP other with your mad skills or extrem farming but to spend more than others to advance your growth, you compete against other to see who spends the most, that is how the game was meant to be.

Real player with 975.3 hrs in game

League of Angels-Heaven's Fury on Steam



Metin2… Old korean grinding MMO. Only name of this game and soundtrack in first location “enter the east” fill my heart with warm. Yeah, it’s all about nostalgia. I still love this game through many years. But now, let’s be honest and write about this game objectively without good feelings. This game, perhaps, one of the worst game in MMO genre. Literally, pay 2 play system which kills all, absolutely terrible grinding (you will waste months and years to get to the top without donation), game also as many others suffer from cheaters. I don’t recommend this game to anyone, except entirely clear people who never play MMO and want to try. This game is ♥♥♥♥, yeah, but really simple to learn and this is single advantage of this game.

Real player with 2018.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG PvE Games.

If you are looking at this game because you remember playing it a long time ago then let me save you the time. The game has barely changed since its peak days back in the mid to late 2000s. There is new items, the level cap is raised, Inflation hit this game economy hard, and there is a few new places but they are more like dt runs for higher level players… Nothing new worth coming back for….


Do you have a severe gambling addiction? No? Would you like to?

Real player with 886.3 hrs in game

Metin2 on Steam



This game has a lot of potential but it is overrun with bots and there is nothing being done about it. Bots have been an issue from the start of the game and all it would take is a few minutes of active attention on each server per day to identify them and ban them. Even if you dont get them all the first day the numbers will dwindle quickly. Normally you could just play around the bots but these bots are actually taking up the most valuable resource in the game. This resource can either be mined, received as a quest reward, or purchased. The resource is used in over 90% of all crafting, enchanting, upgrading your character in anyway, etc. The bots are able to teleport, and knock you off of the resource without actually damaging you. This wouldn’t even be ok if they did damge you so that you can kill them and get your resource back, because there are so many bots they are programed to have one knock you off and another take the resource that way you cant kill the one who got your resource. Even if you do kill them, they can resurrect and teleport back to the node in seconds where it should take them several minutes to get back on auto run. Another issue is that pvp is so heavily punished in this game that if you kill a bot that was there just to take your resource and not damage you, then you end up suffering more because you can no longer gain xp at full value. Thats right, the pvp penalty effects your growth as a player which is another thing the bots dont care about as they are just after the resource. Once you gain negative propensity because of killing a non hostile bot you are then freely targeted by other players while you try to get rid of the negative propensity. The penalty for killing one none hostile bot is -999 propensity which means you need to kill 400 monsters within 5 levels of you to get back to getting full xp again.

Real player with 2036.5 hrs in game

Typical auto-quest game with tedious quests to repeat over. Traps to pay at level 30 - 40.

So many hackers ruining game-play across all servers.

I’m few days into the game and here’s my take on the above.

At level 30+, you will face the problems of having no slot to keep all the important items.

I think this is deliberately designed so people would have to pay some bucks to buy more slots to keep all the items. It becomes very annoying to progress if you don’t pay for extra slots.

At level 40, if you are free-to-pay, you will experience super slow down in quest completion as your starting gears (with free-to-pay upgrade along the way) and stats improvement started to hit the bottleneck. The time to complete each quest becomes 2x-3x and the story quest also become much harder. Yet another trap for you to either go back to auto farming materials for a long time to get a rare item or pay to buy “blue rare starting sets” at the cost of $29.99.

Real player with 990.0 hrs in game

MIR4 on Steam

Dead Event

Dead Event

after playing the game for about 35 hoursi decided to write a revieuw

The world kinda sucks u into it and its rather addictive game wich is created by a solo dev who actualy listens to the comunity balance wise and if u have some nice ideas the game keeps getting updated regulary whit balance fixxed and content being added tldr of what the game is like u are a monster on a alien world where u are trying to survive by killing other players / npc’s foor either loot or materials as there’s a equipment system wich is ever growing new stuff being added its rather a grind to find the perfect items u like for ur build as there’s alot of freedom in how u build ur monster stats wise but also gear wise its not straight forward as equip is all rng onwhat affixes it has wich makes every monster unique already but to top it off there is also a skill system wich add another layer to debt of ur monster and uniqueness

Real player with 73.8 hrs in game

HELLO n_n some ideas to make this game more fun

-Some enemies travel in group ( the queen spider can have 4 or 5 little or mid spider around for example )

-Add more efects to attacks only we can see bites and punches

-Put 1 river in the map or more water resources (i die many times because i couldnt find water TT_TT )

-The map is big, but you can make more bigger??

-Nest or spawn of creatures ( put some caves or ruins like dungeons can be GREAT )

-Random generated events ( like alien invasion or earthquakes can make holes in the ground and spawn creatures

Real player with 35.9 hrs in game

Dead Event on Steam



I have been playing this game on an off for about 8 years, before the new server even came out and have probably wasted more than 3000 hours of my life across several accounts and multiple different characters. I find the game itself quite fun although it can be repetitive at times with its mundane combat system and buggy naval combat, however, what plagues this game the most is the absence of options for free to play players to get gear or equipment that could be considered at least mediocre: before the elite dungeons update, free to play players could make a decent amount of money by grinding sea levels and gathering magic crystals (a valuable in game resource). However, after the update even that option got removed as magic crystals became way more common and the only viable way to get better gear became spending real money in the game.Overall the game is pretty good and can be fun if played with friends for the first time, but is an absolute pay to win nightmare.

Real player with 354.2 hrs in game

First of all, sorry for my poor english, its not my first language.

I’ve played this game for a long time before it came to steam, im very happy it still alive! This simple MMORPG taught me how to play with a keyboard, since it was the one of the firsts game i’ve ever played on a PC. This game have amazing songs, and the graphics are cute (at least before you leave the first island), but they work very well with the atmosphere. As you progress, you have to sail to another islands, and you can control you battleship on the ocean, listening to the greatests songs in the game.

Real player with 295.4 hrs in game

Florensia on Steam

Guild Wars® Trilogy

Guild Wars® Trilogy

Basically my entire childhood.

The game’s pretty much dead now though, unfortunately, and everyone’s gone over to GW2.

I got into Guild Wars through my friend (who has 1910.7 hours) when I was around ten years old. I was intrigued by the lore and always watched my friend play it while I was over at his house. Times were much simpler.

RIP childhood, you will always be missed.

(Unrelated, but an ant somehow got INSIDE of my LCD monitor while typing this. It’s on a different 2D plane as my actual screen, somewhat like a parallax effect. This is bothering me.)

Real player with 478.9 hrs in game

One of the greatest original MMOs in my opinion. Competing with EQ and WoW when it originally was released. Though it’s nowhere near the content of WoW or other newer MMOs, it is still a great play, finding myself playing it every once in a while.

The game is primarily PvP based. Monetized tournaments and PvP based guilds are abundant and ArenaNet, in my opinion, really understood what players were looking for in PvP, and even more so in Guild Wars 2. No longer is gear a factor in PvP.

Even the storyline was rather fun to play and follow. If you enjoy game lore then you will sure get a lot of lore out of Guild Wars. Small in-game content and books cover most of the lore of the Guild Wars universe.

Real player with 66.0 hrs in game

Guild Wars® Trilogy on Steam

The Lands of Eldyn

The Lands of Eldyn

Nice game, needs more players

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Too bad I refuse to put my steam login info into their in-game browser so I can buy coins. Not looking to have my account hijacked, sorry.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

The Lands of Eldyn on Steam



EDIT: Only a bit more than a week after i posted this review and i can tell you to STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS GAME.

It’s clear now that the ones running the game are the same old korean Kakao that don’t give two fucks about the games longevity, just this week we’ve had a feature that was highly requested, a second mana tree page added in to the game, but guess what? It’s paywalled on the ruby shop! A second mana tree gives a big advantage for people who have both a mana tree for PvE and PvP, but that’s not all!

Real player with 778.2 hrs in game

Despite having over 350 hours on the game and having even spent a bit of money on the game, I still have to say this game is terrible for players that are trying to progress but cannot due to “RNG” literally gating players from getting any farther than those who are just lucky to “one tap” everything and progress in a couple of hours. There are two types of gear you can equip which are normal and Breakthrough. Normal gear on failure depending on stone can either downgrade 1 or 2 enhancements or just stay the same as before the enhancement but consuming an enhancement slot. Meanwhile Breakthrough gear upon failure is just bye bye to the piece you’re enhancing. I have definitely tried to enhance about 30+ break through gear pieces in the time span I have been playing and I want to try to love this game as it does have some nice things about it, but this one thing is literally preventing me from doing so. It doesn’t help that a break through off hand piece is required to have an extra skill slot which gives those who have it an advantage over those who don’t ( like me). There isn’t even a pity system for a guaranteed like +8 after like 50 failures or anything so you’re literally just screwed or have to go about living without breakthrough gear which is stupid. This game will continue to lose their player-base and die as time goes by unless this gets addressed, but it won’t knowing how the company works. But let’s be real, no one here wants to spend a month or more of their time to only be gated by “RNG” and never progress compared to those who can spend like 10 hours, do the same enhancing as you and literally surpass you in gear. After about almost a month, I am only 495 Item level meanwhile I know a friend of mine and other randoms who will one tap two or three pieces and are all around 520-550+ item level in way less time (about 1-2 weeks and less for the randoms). This is the only thing I will say that truly ruins this game that could be an amazing piece out there despite being a game that runs on UE3 and looks older or whatever. It has variety of things to do but if you can’t even progress past the early end game point cause of “RNG” then why even bother playing this game. In it’s current state I cannot recommend it to anyone at all unless you’re prepared to face disappointment with countless hours being poured into the game and only to realize your efforts were in vain as you watch it all disappear upon failures. Also doesn’t help that you don’t have many options to get purple breakthrough pieces so makes it even worse.

Real player with 682.1 hrs in game

ELYON on Steam

Knight Online

Knight Online

For everyone out there, who used to play “old” KO is nice to have this game here at Steam.

Seeing there is some GM activity is quite refreshing, tho cheating is still part of this game, sadly.

Game is lag free for me, so no problem there aswell.

Even tho iam giving my “recommend” to this game, there are some huge let-downs.

First of all, this game is hardly F2P, its obviously Pay2Win,¨at higher lvls playing without premmy aint making any sense at all.

And this leads me to main problem of Steam Knight Online - and thats the prices of premium playing. Currenty you need to pay 40 euro/usd per 30 days, just for get one Exp premium, which is notning less than disgusting. Developers seems to be fine, to offer here more than 15 year old game for this kind of money. Greed take over of Steam KO.

Real player with 7828.4 hrs in game

If you’ve been recommended this game by a friend or just came across it and you’re thinking of playing it for the first time in your life: DO NOT DO IT. It’s not free to play, it’s not noob friendly, it’s not friendly at all. To do anything in this game you either have to pay a shit ton of cash or play 24/7.

Real player with 973.1 hrs in game

Knight Online on Steam