This game has a lot of potential but it is overrun with bots and there is nothing being done about it. Bots have been an issue from the start of the game and all it would take is a few minutes of active attention on each server per day to identify them and ban them. Even if you dont get them all the first day the numbers will dwindle quickly. Normally you could just play around the bots but these bots are actually taking up the most valuable resource in the game. This resource can either be mined, received as a quest reward, or purchased. The resource is used in over 90% of all crafting, enchanting, upgrading your character in anyway, etc. The bots are able to teleport, and knock you off of the resource without actually damaging you. This wouldn’t even be ok if they did damge you so that you can kill them and get your resource back, because there are so many bots they are programed to have one knock you off and another take the resource that way you cant kill the one who got your resource. Even if you do kill them, they can resurrect and teleport back to the node in seconds where it should take them several minutes to get back on auto run. Another issue is that pvp is so heavily punished in this game that if you kill a bot that was there just to take your resource and not damage you, then you end up suffering more because you can no longer gain xp at full value. Thats right, the pvp penalty effects your growth as a player which is another thing the bots dont care about as they are just after the resource. Once you gain negative propensity because of killing a non hostile bot you are then freely targeted by other players while you try to get rid of the negative propensity. The penalty for killing one none hostile bot is -999 propensity which means you need to kill 400 monsters within 5 levels of you to get back to getting full xp again.

Real player with 2036.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG PvP Games.

Typical auto-quest game with tedious quests to repeat over. Traps to pay at level 30 - 40.

So many hackers ruining game-play across all servers.

I’m few days into the game and here’s my take on the above.

At level 30+, you will face the problems of having no slot to keep all the important items.

I think this is deliberately designed so people would have to pay some bucks to buy more slots to keep all the items. It becomes very annoying to progress if you don’t pay for extra slots.

At level 40, if you are free-to-pay, you will experience super slow down in quest completion as your starting gears (with free-to-pay upgrade along the way) and stats improvement started to hit the bottleneck. The time to complete each quest becomes 2x-3x and the story quest also become much harder. Yet another trap for you to either go back to auto farming materials for a long time to get a rare item or pay to buy “blue rare starting sets” at the cost of $29.99.

Real player with 990.0 hrs in game

MIR4 on Steam

Element Quest

Element Quest

Guide & Overview of state of the game:


Feel free to join our Discord server if you get lonely. We also test out other indie MMOs.

We’ve also got the majority of the player pop in there lol, the only way to group up and actually try the game out:



BIG update should be coming, solo content and open world, so soon cons list will be shortened. They’re also adding slots to the tavern, and 10 man raids.



Real player with 86.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Side Scroller Games.

For an Alpha content i see a lot of POTENTIAL in this game.

This shit is challenging as hell

The mechanics feel GOOD

Every class has its own unique shtick

Overall love what the devs did here with the progression and everything, looking forward for future updates.

Real player with 82.9 hrs in game

Element Quest on Steam



I have played this game back in 2006 and I had a blast, everything was new to me, the settings, the people running around and killing snails on maple island then slimes and mushrooms in henesys hunting ground. Took many years of breaks in between, back and forth, but when they revamped the game and released big bang is when they started to lose the vast majority of players (slowly).

I know that change is needed for games to progress, but so many changes killed the game.


  • if you’re a fan of mario style games or platformers and like to see big numbers when you hit monster, then try out this game

Real player with 928.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Loot Games.

I have around 400 hours on steam but I’ve spent more than 1k hours on the other version. I must say despite the amount of dedication I’ve put into this game, I cannot reccomend it to anyone. The servers are extremely inconsistent, they need maintenance at least every week and no new or interesting content get introduced for many MANY years. Even when they do (5th Job update and lucid), its very underwhelming and sad since I waited 4 years just to receive junk and the frustration of that is what caused me to put an end what was the most time I’ve spent on a game.

Real player with 485.5 hrs in game

MapleStory on Steam



Oh boy. This is weird to review. First off, this game is a niche Polish browser MMO. Lots of people on the original web Polish servers. Not so much here. As you can imagine, there’s not a lot of international players. Most people (who already played/still play the Polish version) are Polish. Not that it’s a bad thing, but the population is incredibly low.

For the game itself, it’s fun. It might be nostalgia speaking, as I played this game a lot when I was younger. Playing it now after so much time it’s still as it used to be, with some improvements in graphics and the UI.

Real player with 147.9 hrs in game

Plusses and minuses in equal measure I think. But for me personally more on the minus.

Some of the plusses:

  • Simple and neat graphics.

  • Sandbox nature of the map is evident, and this gives a positive ‘adventuresque’ feel, which I like

Some of the negatives:

  • Text too small. Waaay too small.

  • Every other thing you want to do in the open world requires you to pop over to the Premium Store and burn a hole in your wallet. Don’t tag it as ‘FREE’ when it clearly isn’t - there is definitely a ‘FREEMIUM’ tag available I’m sure.

Real player with 145.1 hrs in game

Margonem on Steam

DarkStory Online

DarkStory Online

I may like this game and keep grinding, if i am not a mage.

When it says on wiki mage deal massive damage in close range. close range is true, but massive damage? its unbelieveable painful for mage to fight bosses, even a knignt

invested in end stat can do better damage than mage.

And when this question have been bought, answer is mage have nice aoe abilities. But which classed dont have aoe abilities? And as a penalty, mage have very low defense and health

even, the so call “magic defense”, while 95% mobs in game are dealing physical damage. Mage already have the worest lv20 buff that the sole purpose is to turn magic defense into

Real player with 86.5 hrs in game

UPDATE The developer already got back to me on Discord and helped me find a workaround (clicking the NPCs with broken quests instead of spacebar) so my quests are completed and the Dev said he will fix the spacebar issue on the next emergency update ^_^!

I do like this game and review positive, HOWEVER, I will be reevaluating this review due to a very concerning fact. Apparently some (recent?) update has caused glitches with newbie quests making them completely undoable if you complete the task prior to getting the quest. I really hope I don’t have to start grinding over on a new character to enjoy this game, sure i’ve only played 2 days but Id rather quit and play something else if that ends up being the case. I did submit the problem in their discord so we will see what happens. Will update later.

Real player with 82.3 hrs in game

DarkStory Online on Steam



Edited from original post where I said I loved this mmo.. it pains me that I have to change my review for this mmo but the devs are quieter than a mute and don’t answer nothing in forums and NO communication WHAT SO EVER!

SO! I now HATE this mmo, it’s awful… so much wrong with it, shyte jumping controls, auto AI response is a joke, dying in dungeons and being forced right back to the beginning where you have to collect all door keys again is a TROLLING JOKE! Bosses are so OP you cant even beat them with maxed out gear cos they ALL can one-shot death you, Fighting the boss.. get 1 or 2 adds on you and you might as well give up cos it’s a SURE death, which happens 90% of the time cos boss rooms are flooded with monsters along with the boss. Stats on gear don’t seem to do frak all, at lvl 30 with top end gear I was still only hitting into double digits, around 50-70 odd and criting for around 100-120 as a sword and shield user. SO glad I didnt sink money into this game at this stage, if things improve then I might return but as of now i’m not even gonna bother continuing.. shame really.

Real player with 98.9 hrs in game

This game is adorable and excels at being fun. It is a little confusing at first. There seems to be a rock/paper/scissors element to combat. Which isn’t terrible, but might take some getting use to for some people. I don’t think a lot of people will end up enjoying this game (or play it in general). But it really grows on you as you play it.

I like the oddball nature of the Alice and Wonderland theme too. It is just a quirky element you don’t see too often. In a way it is a cozy game…just in a strange way.

Real player with 70.0 hrs in game

Ecila on Steam



Metin2… Old korean grinding MMO. Only name of this game and soundtrack in first location “enter the east” fill my heart with warm. Yeah, it’s all about nostalgia. I still love this game through many years. But now, let’s be honest and write about this game objectively without good feelings. This game, perhaps, one of the worst game in MMO genre. Literally, pay 2 play system which kills all, absolutely terrible grinding (you will waste months and years to get to the top without donation), game also as many others suffer from cheaters. I don’t recommend this game to anyone, except entirely clear people who never play MMO and want to try. This game is ♥♥♥♥, yeah, but really simple to learn and this is single advantage of this game.

Real player with 2018.8 hrs in game

If you are looking at this game because you remember playing it a long time ago then let me save you the time. The game has barely changed since its peak days back in the mid to late 2000s. There is new items, the level cap is raised, Inflation hit this game economy hard, and there is a few new places but they are more like dt runs for higher level players… Nothing new worth coming back for….


Do you have a severe gambling addiction? No? Would you like to?

Real player with 886.3 hrs in game

Metin2 on Steam



Played enough to write an honest unbiased review. The game is p2w and heavily pay for convenience. Let me tell you why. Current max level in this game is 30, you get 3 bag SLOTS upon finishing all 3 quests, 1 per quest. If you take up crafting which is a must for endgame because you have to craft your gear to progress to the hardest dungeons - there goes damn near all your space right there from crafting materials. They force all these “extra” things that take up space down your throat in an attempt to force you to buy space. You may say, “well, what’s the harm in that? they have to make money somehow!?”

Real player with 167.1 hrs in game

This is a pixel survival crafting RPG. It has quests, weapons, armour crafting, boss fights and zones with leveling segments.

I’ve played this game for just about two weeks now and I found the game to be endlessly frustrating. This game is quite boring. It has a never ending loop of the same music that plays on and on forever, only ever changing for boss fights and caves.

Most of the people in the game are quite friendly but unless you are max level, nobody will want to group up with you to do any of the mid-tier boss fights and dungeons. I found this to be quite annoying because certain quests cannot be turned in without completing them at least once.

Real player with 50.5 hrs in game

stein.world on Steam

AdventureQuest 3D

AdventureQuest 3D

You’ll probably only like this game if you enjoyed AQW.

The EXP curve is terrible, even if it’s supposed to compensate for the low level cap. You’ll get to the point where if you want to level up, you’ll have to grind certain dungeons a bunch of times, not to mention that they give far less EXP than story missions (which you probably can’t do if you are grinding the dungeons for EXP in the first place).

The graphics are nice, with it being capped at 60 fps. Everything has good brightness (loving me that bloom). I’m also glad that there’s actually sound effects in this game. That spawn-in sound effect is kind of annoying, though.

Real player with 178.4 hrs in game

Play it if:

-you’re bored

-you have played other AE games,

-you dont mind a grind

-you can keep in mind its early access, and not a polished product.

Dont play it if:

-you dont like grinds

-you need a story to get behind (ashfall might change this I guess, we will see)

-you are looking for the best looking game out there… (you can however use Reshade -https://reshade.me/-, and tone down the saturation, add in some better FXAA, add better bloom, and add some sharpening.)

Compared to other AE games, this one seems promising, but will need some good content to really convince me its a game worth sticking with. as of now, it has seemed pretty one dimensional, however that is expected, as the devs work through making their first 3D game. promising concept guys, just follow through :D

Real player with 150.5 hrs in game

AdventureQuest 3D on Steam

Key To Heaven

Key To Heaven

Truly a terrific oldschool 2D MMORPG experience! I played a ton of Illutia, RuneScape, Ragnorak and Tibia growing up and if you enjoyed those then you will adore this!

The developer consistently updates the game, interacts with the community, and responds to feedback. The small but passionate community create a warm sense of nostalgia, always happy to offer assistance. I expected to play a few hours to satisfy a nostalgic itch but can’t get enough!

Building your character provides freedom as there are no class restrictions, I chose to build a tank support Wisdom Mage. There are a variety of quests and puzzles that will have you exploring this charming world for hours on end. With four large islands, a vast ocean and other locations to traverse and discover with more on the way. You can get access to more power through the ‘Seraph/Rebirth’ system that allows you to reset to level 1 with extra stats, as well as try out other classes with an advantage!

Real player with 1257.2 hrs in game

This is a game for those who like to grind out great gear with hrs, and i mean hrs of game play for that great set to show off to friends and foes. All in a easy to use and understand game that take little internet speed to play. It also has a great commujnity that is on top of it evn under pressure. THe discord chat has a vary open connunity with other players willing to do trades, pvp,pve and just hang out. The adventures that are set up are set to keep the player moving and looking fo rthat next secret( if i do say there are hidden things) The in game gems are a great extra for players to make the play uniqe and fresh : this dose not inhance play unless you get a global event. it is all for ur pleasure witch i htink is a graet way to show support and not to win. this games updates are keept posted and current to what they are doing in the game. that make for a nice watch as a game grows and becomes i bealive and hope the next great game to have on every pc, look and play for self if you dont think so… Off to grind.

Real player with 198.4 hrs in game

Key To Heaven on Steam