Legends of IdleOn - Idle MMO

Legends of IdleOn - Idle MMO


EDIT 2: Okay so just a heads up. The Dev (LavaFlame2) is extremely extremely fragile and if you leave a bad review and finds out who you are he will ban you on everything he possibly can and all your friends. After i spoke to him on discord he then blocked me. Banned me from the discord and sub Reddit and then banned all of my guild members. He took this review very personally and now attacked me and my friends because i gave my honest thoughts about the game and how i feel about it in its current state. Dev has been late with every single update he has ever released is usually on holiday not actually working on developing the game unfortunately. Make sure not to spend money on the game as odds are he will be giving up developing this game very soon (just like his last games he has done the exact same thing with).

Real player with 1393.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Casual Games.

First, let me start off by saying that I am having fun in the game. I am. However, the game has a lot of issues which means people who traditionally enjoy Idle Games… probably aren’t going to have much fun.

An Idle game, traditionally, relies on a specific gameplay loop. If it gets this loop correct, players become hooked. Not a lot of idle games get this gameplay loop correct.

What is that loop?

1. Lots of easy levels in the early game.

2. Each new system introduced is a new avenue for gaining power and clearing gameplay.

Real player with 923.0 hrs in game

Legends of IdleOn - Idle MMO on Steam

Angel Legion

Angel Legion


All things considered, I would call this an above-average example of the Idle-RPG genre with everything being at least standard if not a step or two better and it has the bonus of being the rarer sci-fi flavor instead of the over-done generic fantasy setup.

First up, it’s a “Gacha” game ported from mobile, so you can expect the usual microtransactions and ‘gambling-like’ tricks. A lot of them are absurdly priced, but there are a few more like ‘battle-pass’ or monthly subscriptions with reasonable enough returns to tempt the more thrifty-minded, not to mention a lot of periodic events that give extra rewards for buying and using the premium currency.

Real player with 350.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Adventure Games.

As a casual gacha this is actually a great game. You can be done with your dailies in under an hour then check back one or twice to do map exploration and collect resources or update your production queues. It doesn’t control your time.

Graphics are also actually really good, the girls are pretty in a simple way, AND you can even customize their look with face sliders (for the higher tier ones) and fashion. Overall, it has a lot of great features on top of the usual gacha game features – one of the best I’ve played in look, feel, features, and story.

Real player with 149.2 hrs in game

Angel Legion on Steam

Streamer Dancefloor

Streamer Dancefloor

This is so cool and I still haven’t scratched the surface of fully utilizing it. I was lucky enough to be part of the beta and it’s been a staple part of my stream ever since. All of the avatars, dances, animations and effects for donations and bits gives a whole new incentive for interactivity for my viewers. Along with multiple saveable camera angles, the ability to green screen it and customizing your backgrounds with jpg or video keeps things from looking static. Diverse with customizable entrance/exit points, easily edit where people dance. The integration with Twitch and Streamlabs is quick and easy and I’ve yet to run into any issues. The support for this has been amazing as well with fast updates and patches withing hours of reporting an issue, few as theres needed to be.

Real player with 230.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Casual Games.

Absolute must for any DJ/Musical Artist doing a livestream! Saw this on Stickybuds' stream and immediately bought to implement into mine. Crazy fun and boosts stream engagement tenfold. Also has a super easy to use interface and the application itself is highly customizeable. The dev also has a bunch of video tutorials on their website which make setting it up a breeze. 10/10 would hiiiiighly recommend!

Real player with 105.5 hrs in game

Streamer Dancefloor on Steam






Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Mageo on Steam

Dead Event

Dead Event

after playing the game for about 35 hoursi decided to write a revieuw

The world kinda sucks u into it and its rather addictive game wich is created by a solo dev who actualy listens to the comunity balance wise and if u have some nice ideas the game keeps getting updated regulary whit balance fixxed and content being added tldr of what the game is like u are a monster on a alien world where u are trying to survive by killing other players / npc’s foor either loot or materials as there’s a equipment system wich is ever growing new stuff being added its rather a grind to find the perfect items u like for ur build as there’s alot of freedom in how u build ur monster stats wise but also gear wise its not straight forward as equip is all rng onwhat affixes it has wich makes every monster unique already but to top it off there is also a skill system wich add another layer to debt of ur monster and uniqueness

Real player with 73.8 hrs in game

HELLO n_n some ideas to make this game more fun

-Some enemies travel in group ( the queen spider can have 4 or 5 little or mid spider around for example )

-Add more efects to attacks only we can see bites and punches

-Put 1 river in the map or more water resources (i die many times because i couldnt find water TT_TT )

-The map is big, but you can make more bigger??

-Nest or spawn of creatures ( put some caves or ruins like dungeons can be GREAT )

-Random generated events ( like alien invasion or earthquakes can make holes in the ground and spawn creatures

Real player with 35.9 hrs in game

Dead Event on Steam

Mirage Online Classic

Mirage Online Classic

The game has one of highest toxic community I have ever seen, those people publicly admitted to using bugs to take advantage of the game instead of reporting them, the content is very short right now and there is a balance issue as well as it needs a lot of quality of life improvement.

The game in overall is based on action combat even thought there is a tab targetting that allows to use special class ability.

The leveling has absolutly no reward, only equipments matter, killing rats will give you more exp than doing dungeons.

Real player with 1542.9 hrs in game

The game is pretty fun, still lots of content being worked on at the moment that’s yet to come in the game and there isn’t much benefit in playing hours and hours per day to the point it starts feeling like a chore so you can take your time with the game and be patient, go at your own pace. The community and people in discord are friendly and helpful as well, don’t hesitate to ask for advice.

Some people have been writing reviews about Zeus saying he’s toxic, but after playing for over 300 hours and frequently with all of the other active players, this hasn’t been the case at all and he even changed my name for free with the exception I was new, which wasn’t an offered service. Both the devs are nice people and they have a discord you can join to talk with the community and make suggestions for the game which they are very open to.

Real player with 314.3 hrs in game

Mirage Online Classic on Steam

Flower Design

Flower Design

In the brief time since FLOWER DESIGN was first released, it has blossomed into something rare. It is obvious that this DEV has a love for beauty (as well as desire to share it), and that love is what motivated him to embark on this project. But he also created something of beauty that encompasses game concepts (and even achievements now!)

When FLOWER DESIGN first launches, few components of flower arraigning are available. The player has a single pot, and very few flowers and accessory plants. The player can select a background, and the related lighting and shadows. At first, I considered that this might be a detriment for appealing to the more impatient of today’s gamers. To actually REQUIRE numerous finished arrangements to be “sold” into the game, to collect game currency in order to access more pots and plants? Would players be willing to wait, and work, to produce more elaborate arrangements, after starting off with possibilities so simple and basic?

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

I play this game when I’m supposed to be going to bed but not ready to get off electronics yet. It’s very simple, you pick flowers for a pot and can change just about all the parameters for the flowers and pot, then sell your creation when you’re done; the more parameters you’ve edited, the more it sells for. This game works perfectly on a touch screen tablet, and is pretty relaxing, except for the fireworks sounds when you sell an arrangement.

My major complaint about this game is not being able to move plants around in the pot. There’s a “pose” button that will change their location and direction at random, but sometimes plants will just stay stubbornly clustered away from one corner of the pot. Add the ability to move plants instead of all the other edits the developer is making to this game, and get rid of the fireworks sound, and it would be perfect!

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Flower Design on Steam