

Leafling itself is a interesting game to say the least. The concept of it is great, really well thought out and over all a great game. The people who run the game are a COMPLETELY different story. The fact that they can ban you for simply asking for ETA (82 days waiting on 3 items.) on custom items that you have paid for is beyond me. They give you timelines of when you should be expecting them and fall back on those promises. They continue to “forget” to give people items that they have paid for(when they have the items apparently finished) and then blame the customer for “back charging”. It is clear to me why people who have purchased those items back charge as you simply just do not get what you paid for. Would love to support the game and see it grow but with developers such as Aesthetic make the game so unplayable due to her toxic mindset is just disgusting. It really pains me to have to leave such a negative review but the things that happened regarding Aesthetic just make the whole experience a dumpster fire.

Real player with 591.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Fantasy Games.


▢ My 90 year old grandma could play it

▢ Easy


▢ Hard

▢ Impossible

It gets harder while you get better gear and level up, so perfect combination.


▢ What is this?

▢ Meh

▢ Good

✅ Great

▢ Beautiful

▢ Masterpiece

▢It was a game?

The graphics are really good for a 2d game it’s not crowded and nothing seems out of place, there are also night and day cycles, something that is really nice. And sun rays to shine down on you gives a calm vibe.


▢ Bad

Real player with 336.3 hrs in game

Leafling on Steam



Many of us old Phobos players have been involved in this game for 10+ years. If you want a game that can make you feel nervous about adventuring into the next dark chamber, then this is the MMO for you. Its beautiful landscapes and mysteries that lie within the deep will you keep you active for years. If you enjoy a game with a history and story then Phobos will bring you that warm feeling that many MMOs have forgotten about. The progress for your character requires vigilance and time to fully wield a mage or warrior in the world of Phobos. The PVP is balanced and ferocious. During PVP, team work is everything. This game will see Wars and challenges to come with its release. Phobos is a light in a world of so many confusing MMO’s. Be sure to check out there discord, and be sure to get to know the community. Join to be apart of something old and new.

Real player with 916.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Adventure Games.

It’s a good game. Don’t knock it until you try it. Phobos has been out for a bit over a decade now, and has finally released to Steam. Some parts of the game can seem a little clunky and unintuitive when you’re first getting familiarized, but there is a guide manual, as well as an awesome community of players in the Phobos Online Discord. Much can be said about the Myth Entertainment team as well; They have been passionately working on this project for years, making changes, tweaks, design changes to make this an unforgettable experience that will leave you coming back for more! Meet friends, explore, hunt creatures, laugh, drink, be merry! Phobos most certainly holds an excellent adventure for anyone daring enough to brave the wilds of the world of Erasen!

Real player with 536.9 hrs in game

Phobos on Steam

Element Quest

Element Quest

Guide & Overview of state of the game:


Feel free to join our Discord server if you get lonely. We also test out other indie MMOs.

We’ve also got the majority of the player pop in there lol, the only way to group up and actually try the game out:



BIG update should be coming, solo content and open world, so soon cons list will be shortened. They’re also adding slots to the tavern, and 10 man raids.



Real player with 86.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Side Scroller Games.

For an Alpha content i see a lot of POTENTIAL in this game.

This shit is challenging as hell

The mechanics feel GOOD

Every class has its own unique shtick

Overall love what the devs did here with the progression and everything, looking forward for future updates.

Real player with 82.9 hrs in game

Element Quest on Steam

DarkStory Online

DarkStory Online

I may like this game and keep grinding, if i am not a mage.

When it says on wiki mage deal massive damage in close range. close range is true, but massive damage? its unbelieveable painful for mage to fight bosses, even a knignt

invested in end stat can do better damage than mage.

And when this question have been bought, answer is mage have nice aoe abilities. But which classed dont have aoe abilities? And as a penalty, mage have very low defense and health

even, the so call “magic defense”, while 95% mobs in game are dealing physical damage. Mage already have the worest lv20 buff that the sole purpose is to turn magic defense into

Real player with 86.5 hrs in game

UPDATE The developer already got back to me on Discord and helped me find a workaround (clicking the NPCs with broken quests instead of spacebar) so my quests are completed and the Dev said he will fix the spacebar issue on the next emergency update ^_^!

I do like this game and review positive, HOWEVER, I will be reevaluating this review due to a very concerning fact. Apparently some (recent?) update has caused glitches with newbie quests making them completely undoable if you complete the task prior to getting the quest. I really hope I don’t have to start grinding over on a new character to enjoy this game, sure i’ve only played 2 days but Id rather quit and play something else if that ends up being the case. I did submit the problem in their discord so we will see what happens. Will update later.

Real player with 82.3 hrs in game

DarkStory Online on Steam

Bit Heroes

Bit Heroes

I believe I played this game for enough time to make this review. Add another 2000+ hours I played on phone/Kongregate before Steam version was even a thing. Let’s begin.

First of all, let’s start from pros:

-Pretty regular game updates, big game update every 6~ months.

-Some folks in the community are pretty good people

Sadly, that’s all I can came up with after playing this for 3+ years.

Now the cons:

-Even though updates are pretty frequent, nothing really changes. New gear, depending on what you want to build into you just get it or uptier your previous gear. Any of this requires a lot of grind and money.

Real player with 2138.1 hrs in game

My Review After 8 Months of Bit Heroes


Bit Heroes is a cross-platform free to play grindfest game. If you don’t like game that require you to do the same task over and over again, this game is not for you. If you are the type to get upset because RNG isn’t in your favor, again, this game is not for you. This game is energy based rpg where you can log into the same account across different devices to pick up where you left off before leaving for work in the morning. There are updates at least every Friday, sometimes we get spoiled with a suprise update mid week. In this game, you venture through quests. These quests have floors where you must complete without the help of friends, but with your own famailiars. Every monster you fight in-game has a potential to “think you’re cool” and you have a choice to bribe them with gems, or persuade them with coins. Don’t get too caught up on gems though because you get enough through normal gameplay in order to unlock shop-exclusive items such as special pets and accessories. There are also dungeons on the quest map, these are harder than floors if just using your familiars, but you’re actually allowed to bring any of your friend’s characters into the dungeon with you and control them for yourself. You’ll see what I mean if you download the game.

Real player with 1646.8 hrs in game

Bit Heroes on Steam

God’s Domain

God’s Domain

God’s Domain is a massively multiplayer virtual reality open world game made to give people a separate reality to escape their lives to.The game is full of fantasy elements and it is a great place to go have fun with your friends and family while you level up your character, obtain new skills, discover new races and classes and explore the virtual world.


-Online PvP & Co-op gameplay-

Defeat other players for rewards or work together to slay enemies and bosses.

God's Domain on Steam

The Lands of Eldyn

The Lands of Eldyn

Nice game, needs more players

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Too bad I refuse to put my steam login info into their in-game browser so I can buy coins. Not looking to have my account hijacked, sorry.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

The Lands of Eldyn on Steam

Zero-based World-从零开始

Zero-based World-从零开始

first of all try to ignore most of the negative chinese reviews, nearly all of them didn´t even play longer than an hour

i mean it´s an “survival” game where you can tame monsters and stuff, how are you supposed to review something complex when you haven´t even walked 5 meter

no damn survival game is fun in the begining, the fun starts after you figured out how to use your brain

So i started to play again after few months have passed and since we are still are anticipating the english release.

Real player with 162.4 hrs in game

love the game wish it was in english so i can understand some to the quest

Real player with 56.2 hrs in game

Zero-based World-从零开始 on Steam

Dragon Nest

Dragon Nest

[Note: this review was so long, it had to be continued in comments - see first reply by me for part 2. Also note that this is not your traditional dot point pro/con 5 second review. This is an editorial piece telling the story of how I fell in love with this amazing game.]

Although I like to consider myself a true gamer-girl through and through, I have to admit that there was one single genre I’d never tried - an MMO. The whole “pay to play” thing was a huge hurdle for me when I was a child, and so despite my fascination with the idea of such a large, virtual community, everquest and the like were always out of reach.

Real player with 4099.9 hrs in game

For some clarification: I have played this game since Open Beta around September 2011, long before it was released on Steam so I’d average around maybe 5,000 hours give or take a thousand.

This game used to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. The combat is phenomenol, still kind of is. The story is gripping although a little trope-y. Most if not all of the classes are unique in their own way, each having their own playstyle. Now why would I not recommend this game despite all the good things, it’s only because the cons heavily outweigh the pros.

Real player with 1911.0 hrs in game

Dragon Nest on Steam

Fasaria World: Ancients of Moons + Server

Fasaria World: Ancients of Moons + Server

This game is an awesome old school mmo. Highly recomended. I love it.

Real player with 23.4 hrs in game

Game is not worth the $20. it reminds me of phantasy star online a little that was one of the reasons I wanted to get it. upon playing I had to make changes to how the character would walk to w,a,s,d. upon wanting to run my own server which is cool that we can do that for this mmorpg but the player base is really small or not even there. I wanted to run my own server with custom configs for exp, drop rate and other things but there is not really any guides that would tell you how. asking in the forums how to make changes to exp, drop rate and so on won’t get you anywhere.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Fasaria World: Ancients of Moons + Server on Steam