A Circle Among Squares

A Circle Among Squares

You’re a circle. You’re the good guy. But you’re surrounded by squares. Some are irrelevant. Others are useful and/or annoying. Then there are the black squares. They want to kill you. They are the bad guys. Be a good guy and pulverize those baddies, will you?

Survive and shoot all enemies in 200 levels (or make them shoot themselves). Each level cleared opens the next one permanently (autosave). Enemies come in a variety of types, speeds and action patterns, while other squares do a multitude of things, ranging from reflecting bullets to teleporting you. Enemies are killed with a single hit, and so do you. Failing a level has no consequences. While the first levels are easy and often, very quick, difficulty increases greatly in later levels.

Game Elements

This is you. You shoot in the same direction the arrow is facing.

This is the floor. Anyone can move freely above those squares.

This is the bullet you shoot.

This is an enemy. The rectangle indicates the direction it will shoot.

This is an enemy. It shoots in 4 directions simultaneously.

This is the bullet enemies shoot.

This is an enemy. Instead of shooting, it may kill you by touch.

This is a block. Nothing can pass or destroy it.

This a reflective block. Nothing can pass it and bullets are reflected.

This is a selective block. Only enemy bullets may pass it.

This is a selective block. Only bullets coming from the same direction the arrow is facing may pass it. Has 4 variations.

This is a reflective/deflective block. Depending on the direction of the bullet, it may turn 90º or be reflected. Has 4 variations.

This is a teleportation square. It always comes in a single pair and only you can step over it.

This is a hole. It blocks movement but not bullets.


  • 200 Levels

  • 3 Types of Enemies

  • Enemies' speed and shooting rate may vary between slow and very quick

  • Each type of enemy may be static, move in predetermined routes, follow or flee you or alternate movements

  • Block, reflection, deflection and teleport elements

  • Autosave

  • Minimalist design

  • Game Walkthrough inside game files - video

  • 100 Achievements

  • Xbox Controller Support

Keyboard Controls

There’s no mouse input.

  • Start/Confirm/Shoot: Space/Enter

  • Move: Up/Left/Down/Right, W/A/S/D, Numpad 8/4/2/6

  • Exit: Esc

  • Raise sound volume: M

  • Lower sound volume: L

Xbox Controller Controls

  • Start/Confirm/Shoot: A

  • Move: Arrow Buttons/Left Analog Stick

  • Exit: Select

  • Raise sound volume: RB

  • Lower sound volume: LB

Read More: Best Minimalist Singleplayer Games.

A Circle Among Squares on Steam

Brick BiuBiu

Brick BiuBiu

A simple and casual shooting elimination game. Eliminate the bricks and get a higher score! The player moves the actor to move left and right, send bullets, a line of bricks are filled, you can get scores. As the score increases, the speed of generating new bricks also increases. In hard mode, brick generation also moves left and right. When the brick hits the actor, game is over.

Read More: Best Minimalist Relaxing Games.

Brick BiuBiu on Steam

War Tank combat

War Tank combat

I really liked this game, the mechanics work very well, I recommend it.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Minimalist Tanks Games.

A good childhood memory, I loved to destroy my brothers in Tank games. multiplayer mode is missing

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

War Tank combat on Steam



The game is amazingly retro, block like, simple 2d shooter, amazingly constructed in a way that inspires the “WOW” in you as that first binatone console wow’d you in the 1970’s. This is gourgeous gaming at its best. But devilishly hard and mind numbingly addicting.

You start with a map of the area in which you battle, whcih is a cube 10x10, a 100 levels, with 8 bosses. You make you way across these by conquering each in series starting from the bottom left.

The game consists of a moving restricted area that you move your ship (square block) though. You can shoot, and direct your shot where you so desire. Your objective is to shoot the other blocks wandering around aimlessly, some of which disintegrate, others of which break into many blocks, which you have to destroy or quickly avoid. The movement is at such a pace, that you have to actively move, and select targets which will save you getting into contact with them and recieving damage. As you progress across the map beating each zone, the difficulty ramps up, the enemy changes characteristics. Some stages the blocks grow to become more of an obsctacle the more you shoot them, making you want to avoid shooting them at times. The you have blocks which shoot back.

Real player with 26.6 hrs in game

This is what happens when the shooter games like Raiden and Asteroids get togeter at a MineCraft orgy. Great game, smooth character movement, sound track works great with this game. This game makes me keep playing becuse you feel like you can clear the level on the next try. Epic boss battles. Love the power ups for the weaps and sheild. I like the non linear level map, great to explore new levels or jump around if you get stuck. Very addictive.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Disastr_Blastr on Steam



good idea i,m waiting for updates,i appreciate your work

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Graphics problem fixed!

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Ordeal on Steam

The Un-BEATable Game

The Un-BEATable Game

Dear (hopeful) Future Player,

This is The Un-BEATable game, a pretty challenging game that I dare you to try to beat.

In this bullet hell done right, you are not meant to only dodge the bullets ad Infinitum, rather you are meant to grab the bullets, or in this case notes, that are being shot at you, to then absorb to shoot back onto the enemies. will be tasked to grab the notes shot by the enemies and grab them to shoot them back at your enemies. And did I mention that the notes shot at you are the actual notes of the music playing in the background? Forget about enemies throwing a screen full of notes for no apparent reason!

The Un-BEATable Game on Steam

The Wizard Game

The Wizard Game

This game is great!! Different abilities make the game play a bit more strategic, adding another aspect of the game. Would highly recommend.

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

Game of the year right here

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

The Wizard Game on Steam

100 vacas

100 vacas

This game totally worth every penny.

It’s minimalist at all its sections: graphics, colors, ost, mechanics and duration.

But its playability is awesome, I really enjoyed it and has a well though-out level design. Nice ost too.

And when you finish it you want to improve and keep playing it.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

I love this game to pieces. Old retro style story, fun and hard gameplay, you should definitely give it a try!

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

100 vacas on Steam



Please buy this game its so cheap and regularly goes on sale, its a great value and the Dev is super helpful on steam and twitter.

Fun game. I’m so glad it came to Steam I loved it when it was on Xbox Indie Arcade back in the day. Has a lot of replayability.

The price is great.

The game play is great.

The sound design is great.

Cannot go wrong with this game. If I were rich I would gift this game to everyone on my friends list.

EDIT: After this review they added a bunch of online Leaderboards so it got even better!

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Remember Geometry Wars? It’s similar to that but with Music at its core instead of bright explosions. I kept my 360 solely for this game, thats how great it is. Years ago, I’d get home around twenty after four from work and fire this game up. It was easily one of my favorite ways to chill and wind down after a long day. The game isn’t deep, but it has a lot of depth. 3 basic modes, the last 2 being locked until you beat the first mode.


The game takes place in a 2d box. Your a little spaceship(that always reminded me of The Last Starfighter) and every enemy is a musical instrument. Some enemies only need 1 shot to kill(or trigger their instrument) while others, aka The Romulan looking ship (the rapper) requires numerous hits to kill. There’s numerous waves which are all different. Each wave presents more difficulties than the last. There’s changes in your weapons, rate of fire, enemy population and variety, and a lot more. Later in the game, some pretty crazy things happen, which are pretty exciting to encounter and play through. You only get 3 lives. Theres no restart from checkpoint. So getting to the end is an amazing feeling. Its very reminiscent experience to playing old games at the arcade. Theres definitely a lot of strategy and you’ll learn through your play though how to attack each wave. However, I always called them Shells(guitar), can and will ruin your day. They can go out of the play zone, and come back in. They only take one shot, but when youve been backed into a corner or running a wall and your trying to get out, having a shell sneak in behind you is frustrating. Especially when you seconds to the next wave.. It is very easy to get swarmed and overwhelmed so here’s a couple of beginner’s tips.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Groov on Steam



The game is good, if you want to have some quick fun and you like bullet hell’s I would recommend this game. I think there are a few draw backs though, there is not a big variety of enemies to fight at least not at the beginning of the game, the enemies very between size which can get annoying because you have to run into one of the enemies and take damage to kill it if you don’t upgrade your range. There is only one song that plays at the start of the game that plays and that’s the song in the video up above. That is pretty much what I had to say about this game, I would like a “damage” or “health” stat but I guess you get stronger and your hp resets when you beat a level, which brings me to my next point. I do like how you can choose to go to the level you died on and try and beat it again but I think that also kinda takes some of the fun away from the game.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Haos on Steam