

Tower Defense like it has to be!

With the old Version, Level 15 was challenging, but with last update, up to level 60, it is harder.

After 20 hours i’m happy that i’ve reached 54.

Yes it lags documentation but take it like another quest to figure out how all SIX towers work.

What it really lags is an undo. At least of the last move. Missclicking is really anoying.

Choose Dilemmas wisely, you only get 8:

3 void or panic

5 dread or doubt

7 heart or doom

9 magma or doubt

11 dread or mill

13 magma or doubt

Real player with 78.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Minimalist Singleplayer Games.

I love to come across strategy games which are presented minimalistically - in both in gameplay and UI. I see this game shining with unlimited potential in the future of the Tower Defence genre. I really like the pricing strategy of the dev too. Buy this one soon!


1. Properly minimal (if you like that). I mean, this game is pretty much the barebones essentials of a classic TD with a clever twist.

2. The Clever Twist: Mazing. There’s many strategies to win, and it helps if you can solve a maze by just looking at it.

Real player with 17.5 hrs in game

Eternower on Steam

Geometry Arena

Geometry Arena

I’ll break this game up into a few sections. Those sections will be gameplay, proggression, and then specifics like graphics and sound design.

First off, the gameplay is pretty good for this title. I’ve played dozens of roguelikes from Hades to Nova Drift, and this game is up there in the quality of its mechanical execution. It’s not groundbreaking, as Nova Drift is a more polished experience overall, but this game compensates with its higher overall variety. That’s because this game incorporates 3 different systems for shaking up the gameplay - colors, roles, and skills.

Real player with 196.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Minimalist Bullet Hell Games.

After playing a lot more, and after numerous updates, I’ve decided to update my review

Ight my playtime went from 3.3h to 62.9h so yeah….


☐ Amazing (+2)

☑ Beautiful (+1)

☐ Good (+0)

☐ Decent (-1)

☐ Bad (-2)

☐ Text (+0)


☐ Amazing (+2)

☑ Good (+1)

☐ Decent (+0)

☐ Meh (-1)

☐ Bad (-2)

☐ Tool (+0)


☐ Heavenly (+2)

☑ Very good (+1)

☐ Good (+0)

☐ Not too bad (-1)

☐ Bad (-2)

☐ Not noticeable (+0)


☑ Everyone

☐ Kids and up

Real player with 65.2 hrs in game

Geometry Arena on Steam

Karanos Solitaire

Karanos Solitaire

A relaxing solitaire game ideal for when you have a little bit of spare time. Satisfying sound fx and adjustable visuals (white on black hurts my eyes but the blue background is great). Recommended.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Minimalist Relaxing Games.

Fun single player card game. Only gripe is I wish some of the achievements weren’t so impossible. Game is priced perfectly and the pixel art looks great. Looking forward to see more games by the dev.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Karanos Solitaire on Steam

Core Defense

Core Defense

Very well-designed Tower Defense game that also incorporates active elements (abilities which you can “cast” after a cooldown) and a random reward mechanism (“choose 1 out of 3”) after each wave of enemies.

This means that all upgrades and additional abilities/towers are basically randomized but you get to choose one out of a random selection (which still allows for a lot of choice), and the randomness is also tailored to what you already have,

so there won’t ever be a completely useless upgrade up for selection.

Real player with 92.3 hrs in game

So adding a review after testing a bit of the new DLC.

The game is difficult, punishes small mistakes immediately and is addictive to a point. The amount of hours I have despite the lack of content beyond “now do it again but slightly harder” speaks to how quick it is to fire up a new game and carry on.

Prior to the DLC an update added a feature I’d been looking for to speed up to 5x so I could quickly go through waves where I don’t have to take an active part, but along with this patch the game has started to run very slowly. Not something I’d expect from something that looks like a decade old flash game.

Real player with 49.7 hrs in game

Core Defense on Steam



Its great. I mean, what can I say that hasn’t already been said about it in various reviews? It is a game that takes a wonderful mix of puzzle like planning and assessment of levels with the action packed and skill based movement of running games - especially at the later levels.

Overall, the game I think succeeds because of its general simplicity of design and concept, but in a way that makes complexity able to be built into the level design itself. It may take an hour just working on one level, coming up with one strategy and testing it over and over until you find its a deadend and you need a new route and having to work back with a new strategy, and once you find that working path you want to take, it can take many of attempts before you finally get that strategy down and finish it out.

Real player with 29.2 hrs in game

Tiles, for me, is a perfect example of a love/hate relationship. When I first started playing this title, it infuriated me and I was so close to abandoning ship all together. However, with perseverance and a lot of finger cramp, I completed the entire game with most of the achievements (apart from the impossible achievement which is perfectly named). I think if any player gives this game enough of their time, they will learn to love it and revel in its difficulty. There are issues however like the fact that there is only one music track on a loop for the entire game, or the issue that there is no leaderboard for levels on the custom maps. That being said, the level editor is wonderfully designed with only a few additions which I would like to add; and add to the game all together:

Real player with 28.9 hrs in game

Tiles on Steam




(longer version below)

Simple and somewhat repetitive game demanding some practice before you can reach higher waves. Does not offer much else afterwards. Overall not too bad, but nothing new or great.

| Achievements: | Cloud Saving: | Trading Cards: | Workshop: |

| YES | NO | NO | NO |

Click here to see my other Reviews or follow my Curator Page for more recommendations.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

[Free-to-Play] At the time of writing, this is a Free-to-play tower defense game, similar to plant vs zombies style where you place your defenders in a horizontal row and enemy will approach your castle. If they bypass your defenses, they will steal a crown; After 16 crowns have been stolen, it is game over

You will need blood (the in-game currency) to summon more defenders or to buy more rows and once a monster has been defeated, it will drop a heart; the heart is the currency and you have to click it fast or it will disappear

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

1BIT CASTLE on Steam



[FR] Par ou commencer ? Ce jeu… Une petite pépite. Je ne savais pas trop à quoi m’attendre quand j’ai commencé à y jouer, et j’ai adoré découvrir ce platformer assez atypique, avec un gameplay que je n’avais jamais expérimenté avant. Un jeu qui teste les réflexes (on m’avait pourtant prévenu !), mais qui a une capacité à transmettre des émotions assez incroyables. Des personnages intrigants et attachants (coucou Chester), une BO à tomber par terre qui crée une ambiance incroyable, une DA magnifique… Juste trop bien. Et puis le mieux, c’est que ce jeu nous pousse à nous dépasser toujours plus, toujours plus loin, et c’est très difficile de s’arrêter. Et même quand on pense que c’est fini… Ça ne l’est pas ! C’est un jeu qui est fait pour être fait plusieurs fois, afin de faire des choix différents, pour découvrir de nouveaux personnages, des morceaux de l’histoire, et surtout, les 28 fins différentes ! Petit plus pour les stats avec le compteur de morts, qui s’élève à 1 019 pour ma première run… Mais 6 758 sauts ! Impressionnant pour 8 ou 9h de jeu, non ?

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Don’t be late in this race against time runner-plateformer game ! You can make your own choices and write your own story. The game got pretty intense and deep rather quickly and without noticing it you will be drown in the storyline. I would say the storytelling is clearly inspired by the cryptic Dark souls games so I would suggest you to be prepared to explore this world if you want to piece the whole story together and finally have the full picture. I can assure you it totally worths it !

Concerning the gameplay, I can only say one thing : Prepare yourself to split your brain into two parts, you will need it ! Sometimes you will feel like you want to rage and give up because you cannot get through a level, but the amazing soundtracks just won’t let you. When you will finally succeed, HELL YEAH it is so satisfying !

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Intemporel on Steam

Pixel Galaxy

Pixel Galaxy

This game is ridiculously fun and bursting with creativity. I’ve never even played a bullet hell game before this one and I love it! The local co-op is also really fun to play and it lets you laugh at your ridiculous deaths with your friends! It’s got a bit of a difficulty spike but there are many modes to play and I still think it’s fun even when I do suck at it. It’s a great game whether you’re playing casually or seriously. The soundtrack is amazing, the graphics are sleek and colorful, and the gameplay is interesting, simple to learn, and challenging without being too frustrating. The ton of achievements also add a lot of humor and replay value to this game.

Real player with 35.6 hrs in game

Tags: Shootemup & Bullet Hell

Additional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from Library

TLDR: One-screen endless wave survival bullet hell in which you collect pixels and evade others. Hard to tell which is which aas they are not consistently color coded. Game balance is iffy.

The problem with Pixel Galaxy is that it only does one thing and it does not do that one thing all that well. Collecting power ups makes your ship larger and thus easier to hit since your hitbox grows so large and the pixel patterns can be too tight together to avoid.

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

Pixel Galaxy on Steam



Very challenging, but fun! Minimal in its conception with use of color to contribute interest. Unique use of cubes in ways to motivate one to seek the solution, but forgiving in its offerings of undo the previous move or restart the puzzle. Refreshingly creative!!

Real player with 50.0 hrs in game

Beyondthosehills, one indie games development studio which comes from Greece, it have two works-Reky and The Minims(This review only according to Reky). As a puzzle game, it accomplished the mission which the ability of solving conundrums from players is leveling up with the difficulty of it.

The diversity of gameplay make more possibility

From the most simplest way that only need to move one cube on the specified site to create a path through the shift and the cooperation of two types of colors, then the changing of cubes which have many colors, the difficulty of it is increasing slowly, from one to ten. No obvious up and down display on the difficulty, the whole difficulty carve is a little uneven, but the tendency is steady. The design of levels includes many ways, such as going to the end with rising and downing cubes or crossing many black portals to escape. Not only can get fun with exploring the right path by myself step by step, but also can experience the double difficulty from the adjustment of colors and blocks under by the same frame.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

reky on Steam

Super Jigsaw Puzzle: Generations

Super Jigsaw Puzzle: Generations

I’ve tried other jigsaw games here on Steam, and Super Jigsaw Puzzle Generations is hands down my favorite. If you’re a puzzle-lover, you won’t be disappointed. I like the selection of free puzzles and how you can get every achievement on just the free, but I’ve also purchased 3 dlc sets (at the time of this writing: Fruits, Kittens, and Sunsets) and looking to purchase more in the future. I like how I can select the number of pieces it takes to fully assemble each and every puzzle (60, 200, 400, or 800), which allows me to play according to however I feel at the time. The UI is nice and clean, and recently a number of really good quality of life features have been added, one of which completely negates the one thing I might have complained about… I.e. you can opt to one-click drag a piece instead of click-holding to drag a piece – at one point I was playing this game for such long periods that my carpal tunnel was beginning to act up, and it’s nice not having to worry that will ever be an issue. And… is it weird that I really love how the mouse cursor disappears when holding a piece? I get really annoyed in the other jigsaw games where the cursor obscures a piece that I’m trying to match to other pieces. Trust me, if you’re doing an 800-pc, you’ll like being able to examine every bit of it. In short, get this game. Purchase the DLC sets. Support the devs and your jigsaw habit.

Real player with 546.2 hrs in game

I wish there were a “meh” review option. This is a functional jigsaw puzzle game. I have played worse. I have played better. The snapping of the pieces is fine, above average even as it allows you to change the distance to when it will snap. The ease of moving pieces is ok, really just exactly average. The side box/extra space is ok, if a bit small, and slightly cumbersome as you can’t see them all laid out at the same time.

There is a major flaw in the game imo. The rendering of the pieces happens before they are rotated and scattered, this causes two issues. You can see the shine on the sides of the pieces and know instantly which way the piece should be orientated. And it is basically useless to zoom in as the image just pixelates; it straight up just gets bigger, not clearer.

Real player with 113.7 hrs in game

Super Jigsaw Puzzle: Generations on Steam