Bad North: Jotunn Edition

Bad North: Jotunn Edition

I’ve heard some negative criticism and some positives about the game and I really want to voice my opinion on this game because I feel like the devs have something really REALLY special here, it’s absolutely worth your time even if you may not get a lot of mileage out of it.

Bad North is a deliberately paced game broken up in to two segments.

  • The action phase of the game takes place on the many procedurally generated islands in the game, you choose which commanders to bring (this usually boils down to the same 4 commanders you’ve sunk all your coins in to, unless you’re going for a specific achievement) and then ships with various viking troops slowly sail towards the shores. There’s a big rock/paper/scissors element going on here where shields counter archers, archers counter unshielded units, and pikes counter… well everything without a bow lol. It’s really fun trying to defend all the buildings on each island. It’s worth noting, your mission on each island is merely surviving the onslaught of enemy troops. Keeping the buildings in tact is optional, although, you should strive to keep every building standing if you hope to get enough coin to upgrade all your units enough for the late game.

Real player with 130.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Minimalist Cute Games.

A delightful roguelite real time tactics game.

What I enjoy about this game:

  • Cute graphics and sound effect.

  • Remarkable details. See this wonderful article from Rock Paper Shotgun for how the devs design their little soldiers in this game.

  • Very friendly to newbies in RTT games like me. It has only three unit classes and seven enemy types. How each unit class/enemy/trait/item/skill functions are mostly intuitive and easy to understand after seeing it once or twice in real action. Also, you deploy your units on a grid-based map and they plan the route and fight automatically. And the game even slows down time when you select a unit to give you more reflex time. You can almost play it as a turn-based strategy game.

Real player with 43.7 hrs in game

Bad North: Jotunn Edition on Steam

Fortification: tower defence

Fortification: tower defence

You have a main base, where your escape vehicle is. you protect it by creating turrets along the way to it.

where this game STANDS OUT is it has unlimited amounts of maps, as they are autogenerated from a random text. it has multiplayer. and you can alter the route on the maps by manipulating the ground up or down, this game is not just good, ITS GREAT! buy it. just do it, and try it, i bet you will not refund it. its THAT good.

Real player with 311.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Minimalist Building Games.

I really want to like this game. Unfortunately it’s quite rough around the edges and has some major issues with it.

A few of the bigger issues that ding this game quite hard are.

1. Neirodata isn’t always rewarded after launching your rocket. This is the biggest issue since Neirodata is your research points in the game. It stops advancement in the game and getting the upgrades to optimize your towers. I had a massive source of frustration with this after 5-6 runs in a row and not getting a single reward. Even after attempting to play the game more I only get rewarded every 2-3 runs at best. This kills most of the fun with the game being the entire progression system, since beyond that its bare-bones.

Real player with 23.0 hrs in game

Fortification: tower defence on Steam

Smart Fart

Smart Fart

Smart Fart is a silly strategy game about a warehouse worker who ate too many beans. Your resource is your main enemy, so spend it wisely !

The game features 30+ levels in which you have to deliver packages while making sure other workers don’t end up in your smelly gas. Blocking their path and timing your farts is key to win !

Read More: Best Minimalist Time Management Games.

Smart Fart on Steam



Edit: More bigger maps!

My first!

Just played the first handful of missions and a random battle and I am enjoying it immensely. The type of game I wish I could make if I had the time and the patience. The quick pickup and play gameplay is awesome, I am never one who enjoys the tedious aspect of resource management (I prefer Sudden Strike to Starcraft). At 7 bucks, give it a try to help encourage more of this in the future.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

A very cool neon rts game. I could only reccomend to brighten up the levels a bit, because it’s a bit hard to see what you’re doing.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Abstractanks on Steam



I recommend it to some players BUT it’s a very specific group of players.

I gotta start by saying the art design is great. Incredibly eye-catching with all the colors and angles. Premium style!

Anyway, Epitaph’s gameplay is kinda like the line battle system in Darkest Dungeon. And they really leaned into the mechanic. For example, one of the reapers can headbutt an enemy to knock it into a different spot. Another example, one of the characters can attack in front of or behind them. You’re stuck in the 2D but there’s still a lot of movement and options. Even with 13 characters, they’re all simple to learn. Epitaph has a low skill floor but a high skill ceiling.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Epitaph on Steam



Poor layout and buggy.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game


Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Safe on Steam

Strong towers

Strong towers

terribly clumsy game, no joy in playing it at all!


Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

A cool game where you need to collect your squad of Vikings and capture magic towers, defeat troll troops and much more, in other things an interesting strategy)

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Strong towers on Steam

Hold The Plates

Hold The Plates

A waitress dropped the plates now is up to you save her job. Catch some of them and bring to the bottom of the screen between the tables.


Bring the tray down between the tables.

About the game:

Plates weight will make the tray goes down.

The tray goes up automatically.


Arrows or ( A, D ) to control the tray left and right .

Space bar restart the level.

S mute music.

R restart the game.

Esc to exit the game.

Hold The Plates on Steam

Zombie Commander

Zombie Commander

I am not happy with this purchase. It is suddenly way to difficult to win with the winter weather and vaccine cure both should be option to turn off. NO activity in discussion at all and no advice nothing. Ruins the experience. Suggestion…slow the vaccine bar down a little ruins the game.

This is my first thumbs down on a game.

I will adjust this review down the road if they change things

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Not Bad, the game cool but it can use more users and time i can see this being a good game some day w a lot of funs and youtube videos..

i hope at last


Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Zombie Commander on Steam

Data Defense

Data Defense

This game is very entertaining, defenetly worth it’s price! I have over 90 hours right now and am still not tored of it. You can try out new strategies, play survival if you don’t want to think too much or play the campaign mode with it’s challenge servers, where you need to think and react to specific circumstances.

Graphics 10/10

Music 10/10

Gameplay 9/10

Fun 12/10 ;)

A very beautiful, simple and yet extraordinary indie game.

If you get stuck on a level or have questions about the gameplay, I wrote a guide about this game.

Real player with 141.8 hrs in game

Data Defense is a simple tower defense game that emphasizes interesting gameplay over glitzy graphics, and it does a pretty good job of doing so. You’ll see a lot of the staples of tower defense traditions at work here - predicted pathing that changes responsively, different sorts of enemies that fulfill different roles, etc - but the game also offers a quasi-RPG-esque quality in that you only get so many types of towers to work with, and they’re sub-slotted into various roles. This forces you to examine the map and the towers best suited for that battle; the wide-open map with the speed up/speed down zones (which affect both the enemy AND your towers) plays very differently than the tight path, for example.

Real player with 69.0 hrs in game

Data Defense on Steam