Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts


Kay, about to the review. 2 years after SGW3, CI Games come back with SGW Contracts. Seems like they know what they are doing this time around. No longer aiming for the AAA games market, scaling down back to AA game.

This review is after day 1 patch 1.02


-No more open world. The biggest mistake with SGW3 is open world. Now, in Contracts, you have 5 open-ended maps. This keep the core gameplay from SGW3 which you can play how you want without any restriction. No open world also means faster loading time.

Real player with 98.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Military Singleplayer Games.


I have to give SGWC a “yes” (maybe 3 out of 5 star rating) because I do keep playing it, but – ONLY if you can deal with as many little frustrations as there are fun things about a game. If you’re easily annoyed, you’re probably better off finding a different sniper/shooter.

The Bad

  • Terrain hangs you up when it should not.

= Requiring raising of stance

= Resulting in visibility to the enemy

= Saving grace: Enemies don’t recognize you until you’re seen for 1-2 seconds

Real player with 80.9 hrs in game

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts on Steam

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2

I would give this game something between a thumbs up and a thumbs down because I do like some aspects of the game. However, they force me to make a black & white choice and I choose “No Way”. The graphics are pretty good, the basic gameplay is OK but there are a lot of issues:

1. There are places on the maps you can get stuck and not be able to get out of AND you cannot kill yourself to continue playing the game! You have to leave the game altogether and rejoin (if you can).

2. There is no way to kick or ban a player on your own server DURING the game …you have to wait for the game to be over! This is the ONLY thing you can do to protect yourself and it isn’t even in-the-moment or real-time!

Real player with 265.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Military Multiplayer Games.

Alright, I’m here to answer some questions you may thinking to yourself.

Is it worth buying it?

Is this game fun?

Beaware of some of it might be spoiler alert.

Personally so far I think this is the best game CI Games have produced. As a sniper-enthusiast I look for pros and cons with this game. I have already in advance completed this game on the Xbox 360 a long time ago, and to be honest I felt more connected into the game, and more sort a say “Alive” on the PC version. Here are some reasons why.

Real player with 27.2 hrs in game

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 on Steam

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2

Friends, I really hate to post this as the game is bipolar to the nth degree. There is brilliance here, great fun and there is an odd idiocy so boring and compromised by bad reticles and basic misunderstanding on the “ones” of snipping that it makes the game truly unplayable. When it shines, those parts are not to be missed as they are beautifully rendered and as engaging as one would ever want, a new HIGH for the franchise. But, just as I had feared looking at the little we were shown, when it fails it is awful, unplayable and it stops you wanting to return to the game and as there is no going past one chapter until it is done, we will all have to stay put….on a platform….and pretend that this is fun. It is a bore folks, the scopes are simplistic, the marking unreadable (as are many of the distances on heads (read on green? ok….) and it is an awful ugly grind. As many have noted….

Real player with 168.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Military Stealth Games.


However, the core gameplay is still pretty much the same. If you like C1, you will like C2 a lot. If you don’t like C1, well there is a high chance you won’t like C2 either.

2 years after SGW3, CI Games came back with SGW Contracts. Another 2 years, they give us Contracts 2. It’s a much more polished game this time around.

The improvements:

-Extreme long range sniping, their trademark selling point in this game. Now along with normal, classic low-medium range maps, the game will have extreme long range map which targets will usually be 1000m+ away. You can only see the enemies through your scope or binocular. These areas are especially made for long range sniping that you can’t not get in there no matter what you do. And of course, sniping at those long distance is very satisfying. If you want to make it even more challenging, use rifles with low magnification scope.

Real player with 57.0 hrs in game

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 on Steam

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 tried too much to break out of the single path sniping origins, by cribbing elements from open world games. However, the result is a mixed bag and reminds one far too much of Far Cry 3.

As a special operative for the US government, you are sent into Republic of Georgia (former Soviet Union) to disrupt the separatists who, with help of criminal elements and outside support, terrorized the local government and military into leaving, and occupied the area in the midst of power vacuum. You are given objectives to accomplish, which usually means go into an area, kill a lot of bad guys, do your mission (whether it’s to kill someone, or to find/rescue/retrieve something) and get out safely. You are free to approach the mission any way you wish… Open world. Approach the target from any direction that is available to you. Occupy the hill across and shoot down, sneak in and knife the guards in the back, it’s all possible.

Real player with 82.5 hrs in game


The review section, oh dear. Definitely not the game of 2017, but this is far, FAR from the disaster people make it out to be. An extremely fun, challenging and rewarding game that I thoroughly enjoyed more than I should have.

Unlock, upgrade and customise your gear to set out and traverse extremely large expansive maps. Snipe enemies from afar, infiltrate secret bases, or use all out action to complete your objectives from any angle at any time.

If you aren’t swayed by public opinions plus enjoy flawed yet fun games, snap this one up. For COD fanboys and people who enjoy AAA chores, sorry this isn’t for you.

Real player with 53.4 hrs in game

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 on Steam

Operation Airsoft Beta

Operation Airsoft Beta

The owner, who is also the only developer can’t do anything by him self and over 60% of the game is just a FPS template he bought, everything he has added is broken or stolen assets that he didn’t create himself

the game is broken everywhere you look and all the owner dose is ask for money to “fix” it, the games hit box’s for players are so broken it’s indescribable and he doesn’t seem to care at all, there is no real ADS (just a dot on the screen) and the very clunky moment makes the game enjoyable and almost unplayable.

Real player with 44.0 hrs in game

I like the idea of the project. I want it to do well, but in it’s current state… there isn’t much to do. I messed around with it a bit but single player is the only real thing you can do at the moment without getting an organized group to play. I feel like this should gotten more development time before it was released. I can see the passion about this project, but there isn’t much to show for it at the moment in my own opinion. I say play for it bit just to mess around, but I say come back later when there is more content and it is fully developed.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Operation Airsoft Beta on Steam

Sniper: Ghost Warrior

Sniper: Ghost Warrior

I don’t usually hate games, but man, I tried REALLY HARD to like this game, but the game just manages to piss me off in a lot of ways.

I know this is an old game, but it’s so full of clunkiness and jank, even for the time of its release. Thankfully the sequels are much better and they learned their lessons from this game.


[+] The sniping feels pretty good actually. The bullet cam somehow looks better than Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2, and to a very limited extent, better than Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3.

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

One of the few sniper-biz-themed FP-shooters up to the moment. At least, conceptually. In reality, it’s just the same as the most of other mediocre shooters of the time, with somewhat good visuals, stupid and way-too-pathetic story, ill-calculated scripts and AI. And way too much “spray-and-pray” for the sniper game. Even the levels where you start in stealth, do some (few) precise shots and supposed to get away quickly… there always be some “twist”, leaving you with .50 cal machinegun or AK/M4 in your hands.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Sniper: Ghost Warrior on Steam

Geometric Sniper - Blood in Paris

Geometric Sniper - Blood in Paris

The game isn’t bad but the features are rough. Hiding lasts like 2 seconds - the game fails to tell that you need to time the hiding with the enemy shot.

Also, the game keeps crashing after 20 minutes of gameplay. This is very annoying,

Good idea poor execution.

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

I recommend it because I like the geometric sniper concept from the first game and the game is an improvment on that.

But, message to the devs: your game is crashing a lot. At least on my PC.

I had probably 10 crashes in 5 hours.

That’s not really a deal breaker because this game does not require more than 5 minutes of your time but still … it crashes a lot.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Geometric Sniper - Blood in Paris on Steam

Masked Shooters

Masked Shooters

Plays and looks like a mobile game. The AI is bad, the graphics are ugly, the gameplay would’ve been understandable had the game been free. Makes up for it all by cute grills w guns in that character selection shit, even though you never play as them lol supergay.


  • Bad game, would be ok if it was free

  • Makes up for it with character selection lolxd

If you have severe AD-HD, autism or any other edgy-joke disorder, this might be the game for you.

Real player with 70.0 hrs in game


Ok, I picked this up with a Steam coupon. I thought “75% off, how could I go wrong?” …… I have since then actually purchased this game AT FULL PRICE to share with my friends, cause WOW…. what a trip down memory lane!!!!

Back in the 1990’s we used to hold LAN parties on Friday nights at my place. I owned a nice little mobile home in town, and so 8 of us would network our computers in various rooms around my house…. I ran Cat5 cable through every single heating duct throughout the house… and we would do Quake or Doom or Dark Forces all-nighters.

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

Masked Shooters on Steam

Operation Osama Bin Laden

Operation Osama Bin Laden

(Hi Osama)

Hello Mustafa

(Wanna go for a ride?)

Okay, my friend

(Jump in!)

I am Bin Ladin

I will always win

For you it’s tragic;

For me fantastic

You can brush my beard

Undress me everywhere

Imagination, bombing every nation!

(Hey Osama, kill Obama)

I am Bin Ladin

Going for Berlin

With my fellows

Don’t be jealous

On the motorbike, going for a strike

Imagination bombing every nation!

I’m a black terrorist

Killing every racist

With my hat and big nose

I’m Afghani

Number one, in the world

Killing wen with my sword

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Cool game

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Operation Osama Bin Laden on Steam

Geometric Sniper

Geometric Sniper

Find the Object, Hidden Object Sniper game.

Intriguing and Simple Pencil line Artwork.

Repeat and Replay till you memorize the timing of target’s appearance, route and where to shoot to higher score.

Some frustration over rinse, repeat and waiting.


' Accuracy ' on target aiming and breathe taking while taking shots,

headshot and chestshot are blind,

the game insisted shooting the nose and cheek for near maximal score.

Calculation of leaderboard highscores as the top ladders somehow seems to exceed the 12 mission limits of 2K each, yet dozens of the top are above 24k ~ 25 K,

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

I was surprised when I first played Geometric Sniper. I wasn’t expecting a super interesting story but it’s much more than an indie 2D game with a cute art style. I love a good story when I play games and in this one, it even had plot twists and cliffhangers. I loved it! It also goes really deep with themes like depression and philosophical questions.

The gameplay is also TIGHT, it’s addicting and after finishing the campaign I went straight for the other game modes. The need of thinking twice before pulling the trigger it’s the icing on the cake because it really makes you feel like a sniper. You need to be sure that the person on your aim is your target because if it’s not then you will lose points for killing an innocent person. The game is about patience and agility, your targets are never standing still and you need to find them fast before something bad happens.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Geometric Sniper on Steam