

Launch missiles!

  • Battle against the island in the distance

  • Be the first to start hurling nukes at the enemy

  • Upgrade your facilities to help with defenses

  • Research for huge perks

Master your strategy!

  • Balanced gameplay for numerous paths to victory

  • Observe your enemy from a distance

  • Learn different strategies

  • Different AI battle difficulties

Read More: Best Military Fast-Paced Games.

Launched! on Steam

Inbound UFO

Inbound UFO

This game is brilliant! Many cool new things that made me spend a lot of time ingame. I usually don’t write reviews but as a tower defense fan and not finding enough reviews on this one, I had to say that it really brings some novelty on the genre (I had to re-think all my strategies learned in other TDs).

I like how the enemy is fighting with me, they struggle to bring my towers down :D, very nice animations and there is something interesting and addictive with the AI that I can’t pinpoint exactly.

Real player with 63.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Military Bullet Hell Games.

Game sucks…..

Real player with 30.0 hrs in game

Inbound UFO on Steam



Worshipping its inspirations, yet being a unique game

What to expect?

If you are at the age of about 30+, »UnMetal« might have gotten your attention due to its graphical similarities with the top-down »Metal Gear« games (MSX2, NES, GameBoy), and »UnMetal« plays very much like those: While escaping from your prison cell, which you were thrown into for »a crime you didn’t commit«, you explore your surroundings and stumble upon files about an imminent terrorist action you then try to prevent. Sneak around your opponents, distract them, knock them out with your bare hands or even shoot them (but with a catch), use mine detectors and nightvision goggles, disable surveillance devices and so on. In contrast to the aforementioned »Metal Gear« games, »UnMetal« follows a rather humorous approach while referencing iconic scenes from its inspirations. To get a first impression, I recommend playing the free demo.

Real player with 24.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Military Indie Games.

I first heard about this game a couple months ago and was interested when I saw the retro NES Metal Gear style game play. I played the demo and loved the humor in it. I was excited to give it a go when the game came out and it did not disappoint. The gameplay is great. My only complaint about it is that at times, it’s hard to get right up behind somebody to punch them if you’re approaching them vertically without alerting them. It’s probably more to do with the 2D design than anything else but I had to knock a slight point off for that. Fortunately, after the first few chapters, you get chloroform which you can hold from a greatest distance so you won’t run into that issue again.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

UnMetal on Steam

Putin kills: Coronavirus

Putin kills: Coronavirus

this is one of the greatest games ever created by humans. I am yet to play games made by other organisms so I can’t conclusively say that it’s the greatest game ever created. I won’t spoil the story but it’s amazing and an emotional roller coaster. The gameplay is creative, fun and original, and the game has multiple endings depending on the choices you make throughout the game. It took me about 50 hours to finish the story and I don’t regret a single second of it. Overall I’d say this is a masterpiece that you must play before you die. I give it an 8/8.

Real player with 51.3 hrs in game

So, first of all. I know that this game is obviously a joke and not a professionally developed game. With that said, I have no clue what the point of my review is. Mouse movement doesn’t work, game mechanics are shit, you can’t actually do anything as there is no objective, every pixel in the game is made up of about 20 pixels on my monitor and you can’t turn. So yeah, the game is just a meme game to have in your game library. The developer said he would add trading cards to the game about a month ago. I have no fucking clue how you would earn them as the game is completely unplayable. Focus on the actual game and not on cosmetics which no one cares about, honestly. All people use trading cards for is levelling up their Steam account, so there is not actually a point in adding them as you NEED to play the game and complete objectives to earn them (there is NO objectives in the game). Don’t get this game. I was lucky enough to have received it as a joke gift. Thanks for reading my pointless rant :)

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Putin kills: Coronavirus on Steam

Starship Turd Nugget: Too Cool For Stool

Starship Turd Nugget: Too Cool For Stool

After playing this game for a moderate amount of time, I can say as a fact. I am now “Too Cool For Stool”.

This game is quick and easy and great for passing time.

Real player with 53.1 hrs in game

A nice way to kill time in 2 minute increments :-)

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Starship Turd Nugget: Too Cool For Stool on Steam

War of the Human Tanks - Limited Operations

War of the Human Tanks - Limited Operations

Warning: 1000+ word review from a guy that’s way too passionate about a trilogy that features chibi girls that shoot at each other and explode. Please read if you have spare time.

The first two War of the Human Tanks games are among my favorite PC-exclusive games I have played so far. So, I bought the third game on the same year it was released and… it wasn’t my cup of tea. What made the Human Tank games so special to me is the ability to break the game with overpowered tanks and pit those tanks against other overpowered extra stage enemies in a game of dark chess. This game takes that away and makes you play fair and square with the opponent in a normal strategy game.

Real player with 34.1 hrs in game

I’m going to write a lot of words about anime tanks because I really like this series and I don’t think anyone else knows it exists. The last game in the series, Limited Operations, has been out for around 9 months and has about a dozen reviews. Here’s a really long one and consider this a review for the series in general.

The War of the Human Tanks series is essentially anime Battleship. Fights are real time and pause when you click a unit to choose an action. There’s always a large fog of war and most units are of the one hit, one kill variety. Tanks are of the mass-produced style, outside of a couple of special NPC’s, and are permanently destroyed when killed in action. Tanks can also equip modules that you can create which do things like increase shooting range and area, increase movement and so on. Limited Operations changes the last few parts up, though.

Real player with 31.1 hrs in game

War of the Human Tanks - Limited Operations on Steam

War of the Human Tanks

War of the Human Tanks

Battleships and chess with lolis.

Fantastic fun, interesting story with many twists and several endings, engaging gameplay that demands strategic thinking and an incredible soundtrack throughout.

The game’s story is told through visual novel format, which sets the state of affairs and the stage for the battle to follow. Battles are fought in real-time, but with a sort of turn-based system that runs on ticks, for example after giving a unit orders to move you must then wait for it to radio in asking for new orders before it can be moved again. Battlefields are presented as a grid of octagons, and before the round commences you must first place your units as in Battleships. Each unit has it’s own special properties and characteristics similar to chess, for example some may move 2 spaces at a time whereas others may only move 1, or one unit might only be able to attack horizontally whereas others must attack at least 2 spaces ahead of itself. The aim of each battle is to eliminate the opponent’s ‘Command Tank’ before they destroy yours which, regardless of how many units they have remaining, wins you the battle. The battlefield is covered by a shroud as seen in most real-time strategies with sight range varying between your different units, so early game tactics may usually consist of Battleships-esque artillery strikes into the dark hoping you’ll hit something, as your units gradually advance closer to the enemy, thinning out their ranks until their command tank is within firing range.

Real player with 73.6 hrs in game

The first time I saw War of the Human Tanks, I was put off by how obviously low-budget it is; that was a huge mistake. Apparently, the art style just needed some getting used to, because once I got into it, I thought the graphics were actually pretty good. There’s full voice acting, fun animations and even some really catchy music that makes me itch to buy the soundtrack.

But what about the meat of the game? That, for me, comes in two packages (or perhaps Amasson boxes): the story and the gameplay. Let’s get this out of the way: The story is awesome. I loved it. This is definitely not a “skip-the-dialogue” kind of game; in fact, after a certain point, the story became the main appeal. It’s simultaneously lighthearted and grim, with a really interesting setting that ends up being much more detailed than you might suspect at first. There are four endings (two main paths, with two endings each) that all end up being pretty radically different and are all fantastic in their own way. I’m really in love with the setting, and all the little things you can learn about the rather disenfranchised battle-androids they call Human Tanks; the story really exceeded my expectations in every way. The translation is great, and the writing is clever, funny and serious when it needs to be; some of the big twists were huge gut-punchers. I’d definitely say the story was maybe the best part for me, and it’ll stick with me and inspire me for other personal projects for quite a while.

Real player with 53.0 hrs in game

War of the Human Tanks on Steam

Watch Tower

Watch Tower

“Casual arcade with clicker elements! Defend the Kingdom from invasion!”

Well, this 5€/$ game starts with too much enthusiasm maybe.. let’s see =P

Starting from the very first screens, it’s clear that this is a mobile phone game. Cheesy and colorful graphics, little to no text (no settings basically), few things to click or, well, to touch..

And just a few upgrades and boosts: double arrows, poison and freeze arrows; more soldiers, our wall stronger and little else.

The game offers no tutorial at all, even if it’s quite simple - you’ll play as some soldiers in a watch tower on the left side of the screen with the enemies coming in waves from the right side.

Real player with 89.1 hrs in game


Another game I bought during the sales, and the first thing I want to make sure is that it’s not worth your money! I was hoping for this to be one of those old-school tower defense games, but it’s not.

This game has 30 levels, which all look the same.

It’s a very active game, where you need to spam your mouse buttons all the time. The defending of your tower/castle only happens by you, spamming those buttons. There are a couple of things you can upgrade, but they actually don’t help you that much. Unfortunatly this game lacks variation, which makes you want to quit it after probably 5-10 levels.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Watch Tower on Steam

The Last Hope: Trump vs Mafia - North Korea

The Last Hope: Trump vs Mafia - North Korea

I played “The Last Hope: Trump vs Mafia” for a while, and now I’m wishing I didn’t.

A story about Donald Trump fighting the Mafia sounds like it could be interesting.

However, as it turns out, the game is about “President John Trump” (not Donald) being hunted by terrorists and the Mafia, although your enemies are all wearing military/security uniforms - but I’ve never seen Mafia guys wearing uniforms (unless the uniforms made for prison inmates count).

So, it’s neither about Donald Trump nor the Mafia.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Best yo mama so fat jokes

Yo mama’s so fat, when she fell I didn’t laugh, but the sidewalk cracked up.

Yo mama’s so fat, when she skips a meal, the stock market drops.

Yo mama’s so fat, it took me two buses and a train to get to her good side.

Yo mama’s so fat, when she goes camping, the bears hide their food.

Yo mama’s so fat, if she buys a fur coat, a whole species will become extinct.

Yo mama’s so fat, she stepped on a scale and it said: “To be continued.”

Yo mama’s so fat, I swerved to miss her in my car and ran out of gas.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

The Last Hope: Trump vs Mafia - North Korea on Steam

War of the Human Tanks - ALTeR

War of the Human Tanks - ALTeR

Welp, this certainly was a pleasent surprise. who would have thought that having a cute army of tank girls would be so interesting. The music is also interesting and I never tire of the battle/death cries of my, and my enemies, troops.

In the story there are acouple minutes of dialouge then a skirmish. For the battles, you must deploy a tank that acts like a king in chess, if she dies you lose (you can even have multiple). then you can make other units (if it is within the maps unit cap) like artillary (slow but long/wide range) shock tanks (fast/cheap/suicide explosion), assault tanks (medium speed, medium attack range) and much more. There is a fog of war, so you must proceed with care to find the enemy through scouting and prediction based on where you see them fire. You must build and upgrade your units by using supplies from winning or losing battles, so you may have to grind in the caverns or in free battles if you cannot preserve your troops.

Real player with 70.0 hrs in game

This game… this goddarn game.

I’m not exactly sure where to start, so first off: this game is absolutely fantastic! I haven’t played EVERYTHING yet (still need to get Glitch-Heshiko and play the 2 or 3 optional Floor 90+ Battles), but still. The combination of Visual Novel and (Semi-)turn based Strategy game is beautiful and really well balanced, most if not almost all the tanks have their use and encourage players to figure out their favorite strategies and the Modules and combination of them just add to the fun (I still have fun giving my Peko-Peko a Tank Life ensurance and just making her explode, achieving absolutely nothing… I’m an Idiot.).

Real player with 69.3 hrs in game

War of the Human Tanks - ALTeR on Steam