Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight

I once didn’t play this game because I felt the same way all the people who disliked it felt. Lost. I never knew what to do, the compass could only help me so much. It couldn’t make me better at platforming or combat, it could only get me so far. About a year and half went by and I decided to give Hollow Knight another try. That was the single best decision in my life.

This is without a doubt my favourite game. The hours I’ve spent in it traversing the world and being immersed by the lore is honestly quite shameful but I don’t intend to stop anytime soon. The environments are beyond just an aesthetic, you feel like you’re in them. Getting lost is part of the appeal of this game, you explore the world and just watch as it increases in size, sometimes for what seems like an indefinite amount of time.

Real player with 547.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Metroidvania Platformer Games.

It’s impossible to do the game justice in such a short review, but know that this is one of my all time favourite games and I think this is an absolute must play for anyone who considers themselves anything more than a casual gamer.

It’s a challenging experience that sees the player explore the world in a non linear fashion, making each players progression through the world unique. Through the way you’ll see beautifully drawn landscapes wherever you go, which along with the small cast of characters you will meet create an extremely memorable world. There are a total of 44 bosses (technically 47 according to the wiki) each of which is tailored to a particular part of the game. All bosses feel fair, especially once you truly understand the moveset, and in fact the game is so confident in this fact that they make hitless versions of the boss fights an optional challenge of the game. The player has a medium sized arsenal of moves, to attack enemies and dodge attacks, which they will come to master over time and realise how each is useful within their own rights depending on the encounter.

Real player with 168.4 hrs in game

Hollow Knight on Steam



Spiritual sequel to the DIRT games, Dust games, and all MUDs

Grime is… SUBLIME.

Just in case you need more (but why would you?), here we go…

Am I wild about 2D soulslike games? No. Blasphemous is the odd exception based on its presentation alone. Am I wild about labelling every other action role-playing game and metroidvania a soulslike? Yes.

Grime is distinctly ungrimy. As it admits itself, it’s more surreal, otherworldly, and unearthly. Stone and sand spring forth with anatomical features of faces, eyes, mouths, and hands. They make up the background, your platforms, and your enemies. In contrast, the protagonist has a black hole where their head should be. I can sympathise. That feels like my head most days.

Real player with 36.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Metroidvania Platformer Games.

Well, I guess everyone has to make their first “thumbs down” review after all. Never thought I’d see the day.

I’ll start with the positive first. Graphics are spectacular, even with the limitation of designing everything with a rock motif, levels are incredibly varied and beautiful. The game is filled with rocks, sand, debris, gemstones, then later architecture that mix in all sorts of ways that give flavor to every area in the game.

Background/skyboxes are also no slouch with all the equally gorgeous landscapes, often in open areas that add a sense of vastness and scale to this world.

Real player with 34.4 hrs in game

GRIME on Steam



Wandering what would it be if Dante’s Inferno (2010) became a metroidvania game? Now you have the answer, it’s Blasphemous! I’ll try to be as brief and honest as possible telling what I saw and experienced during my playthrough.

Before anything else my entire playthrough was during “V. 1.0.6” so, if there’s something missing the devs might have patched it. At this moment the game is on “V. 1.0.8” and according to the devs:


“You’ll also notice that this is Patch 1, which means more patches and content updates will be on their way - launching Blasphemous doesn’t mean we’re finished! - Wed, 25/09/2019”

Knowing that let’s get to move on to the review…

Real player with 86.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Metroidvania Pixel Graphics Games.

If someone reads this - Sorry for my English.

I really wanted to like this game. But it seems to me that the logic of exploring the map is fundamentally broken.

How does metroidvanias work? At the location, you find obstacles that you can not overcome. –- You explore the location, find the ability. — Overcome obstacles and feel progress. The game designer organizes the game levels in such a way that you can collect the necessary abilities for game progression and explore old locations to find secrets. And in portions, you get more and more freedom to move.

Real player with 39.2 hrs in game

Blasphemous on Steam

Salt and Sanctuary

Salt and Sanctuary

I like Dark Souls, I like souls-like games, I like dying, I like looting, I like smashing and slashing enemies, I like exploring, I like lore-ing, and I like rage smashing my keyboard.

Real player with 162.4 hrs in game

what time is it again?

thats what happens when you play this game because of house addicting this game is

Real player with 104.1 hrs in game

Salt and Sanctuary on Steam



#### Broken world

Homes are broken, kingdoms die, revived soldiers look for everything in the ruins - everything has changed.

King gilland in the Hymn - a monster wandering in the old battlefield;

Kind and brave blessing Knight - a human eating tree surrounded by mosquitoes and flies;

It is said that the brave mountain Warrior - the immortal skeleton crying.

#### Fighting wisdom

Observe the enemy, pay attention to their actions, catch their flaws, fight back accurately, be careful of their attacks, Be more careful when they go together!

#### Warrior instinct

As the best soldier, you have natural proficiency in weapons, such as big sword, heavy axe, long gun and Boxer. You are familiar with each kind of weapon, activate your favorite inscriptions, pick up weapons and challenge strong enemies.

#### Death and rebirth

Order has never been so fragile. Under the attack of chaos, time and space have been distorted.

Death has never been so cheap. Since the balance was broken, the fire of life could not dissipate.

Fighting, fighting has never been so difficult. It’s a long journey for one to challenge the world.

Again and again


Frauki’s Adventure!

Frauki’s Adventure!

Have you been craving a 2D Soulslike?


If you want to see gameplay and watch my first impressions as they happened, click my video. You are Frauki, tasked with defeating alien robots and finding prism crystals. Why don’t all of the alien robots fight you? Who are all of these garden gnomes? How did you obtain your awesome electrical sword? Ponder these questions and more as you die. A lot.

Frauki’s Adventure is a straightforward melee action game with platforming elements, but it’s the Soulslike nature that sets it apart. Your attacks are slow, and you need to be deliberate despite the rapid pace of combat. Normal enemies are simple enough to deal with, but the frequent boss encounters will end you. Fortunately the game’s map is designed to get you back to where you were soon enough, so progress is frequent and rarely lost.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Surprisingly good! A compact but charming world, not many enemy types but that’s good to practice patterns, not many abilities but well-tuned timings to make every fight challenging. The pixel art felt a bit raw at first, but it blends well with the soundtrack and overall tone of the game. The animations are smooth, the hit-boxes are ok, I faced only few frustrating situations (1. the tanks, with their fast punch animation and recovery times, and 2. ghosting through doors and locking myself outside). I see potential for challenge runs.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Frauki's Adventure! on Steam

Heart Lock: A Cozy Intro To Spellcraft

Heart Lock: A Cozy Intro To Spellcraft

Very well made game for just coming out. I like the idea and hoping to see future content and I’ve also gotten my friend to play it also!

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

nice, fun, little indy game

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Heart Lock: A Cozy Intro To Spellcraft on Steam

Sunrise Tragedy

Sunrise Tragedy


After the onset of the Goliaths, humans and vampires take refuge inside an old, abandoned cathedral, where they attempt to live in harmony. The cathedral, once used as a monastery by a long-dead civilization, is not quite as safe as foolishly dreamt.


Sunrise Tragedy is an Action-RPG featuring fast-paced, stamina-based combat. Explore a vast cathedral with interconnected areas full of terrifying monsters. Unlock new abilities, called Vampiric Powers, which can aid you in combat and in exploration.

Engage in brutal combat with powerful foes. Dodge the enemy’s attacks with invincibility frames and make your own attacks when the timing is right. Use different moves depending on the situation to either stun the enemy by depleting their stamina, or go in for the kill by depleting their health.

Level up your stats in whichever way you desire. Use a wide variety of weapons, costumes, accessories, and spells to customize your own way of playing.

Interact with various NPCs to gain upgrades and buy from their shops. Form bonds with them to gain items and hear their philosophies amid the impending apocalypse.

This game also features an elaborate alchemy system, allowing you to brew potions that fit your build. You get a set amount of potions per spawn, and you decide the effects of the potion by choosing the ingredients. For example, a magic build may want to trade some health regeneration for MP regeneration, or in some areas you may want to include a cure for poison.

Sunrise Tragedy on Steam

The Guise

The Guise


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


Is this game a masterpiece? The Guise is a new Metroidvania from Russia with a little boy who is stuck in the body of a monster as the main character. The whole thing is presented in a visual design that reminds me of kindergarten drawings. Or drawings of inmates from the madhouse. Somehow creepy. Could be interesting.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

The game freezes a lot. I do not know if this game was rushed in order for this to be released. I am forced to exit the game when it freezes. and one of the quest is on an endless loop wherein you will need to kill all the mice on room in and endless loop. In order for me to recommend this game, I ask for the developer to release a patch to fix all the issues.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

The Guise on Steam

Tower of Samsara - Hidden Treasures

Tower of Samsara - Hidden Treasures

WARNING: The demo is actually a work in progress in many ways. So if you are willing to give it a try, be mindful that we are still working out some quircks in the gameplay.

Saṃsāra is the repeating cycle of birth, life, death, and reincarnation. During the course of each life, the quality of the actions (karma) performed determine the future of each person. There is no beginning to this cycle but that it can be ended through perceiving reality which is nirvana (liberation).

After incalculable aeons, all civilizations possible have rise and fall on all the planets of our Solar System. Tower of Samsara tells the story of our Sun and its struggle to survive. From this urge, the sun creates itself in the form of our hero, the hermetic champion, to save the solar system from the cold void and to allow the sun to shine back on the ruin of all civilizations and rebuild everything.

Tower of Samsara: Hidden Treasures is the first of a series of games where you are born as the Hermetic Champion to defeat your enemies, learn new abilities and control the elements in both, the physical and the astral plane.

Tower of Samsara - Hidden Treasures on Steam