No One’s Earth

No One’s Earth

No One’s Earth is a 2.5D action/adventure Metroidvania set in a post-post-apocalyptic Earth, which had been dominated by two alien races and are now at war.

Play as Harlie Jamoor, a member of the team responsible for evaluate the habitability conditions of the Earth, coming from the space colony that shelters the human refugees from the climatic catastrophes that occurred on Earth. Harlie must rescue team members who have entered the Earth and mysteriously lost contact with the ship.

  • Explore the abandoned CCTA (Climatic Control Testing Area), looking for the plants to complete the mission to help the Nularis so they can help to rescue your

  • Watch closely and shoot anything that looks suspicious, dangerous enemies, or secret places.

  • With just a visual reference and a brief description, venture through all of CCTA’s natural and artificial alien environments to find the plants almost hidden across the map that can save the Nularis from extinction.

  • Acquire new abilities that need to be well managed by the consumption of the two types of energy that circulate through your suit, which can be expanded and also affect map progression.

  • Survive the dangerous animals and security systems, which will try to stop you at all costs to prevent you from causing damage to the valuable species preserved in CCTA.

  • Be careful with the movement of the Ceresti, responsible for creating the virus that puts the existence of Nularis at risk. Avoid getting their attention, run away, or fight them if you are capable.

Read More: Best Metroidvania 2.5D Games.

No One's Earth on Steam



psycron is one of the best games i’ve played this year (alongside the obvious metroid dread!) i love the movement, combat, music, there’s alot to love! i for sure plan on getting all the achievements, only 5 left, most timed ones since i really took my time with the game and trying to find everything there is to find. i followed the game for a few months before release, and it was what i was primarily playing day of release and the day or two following. it’s not the longest game, especially if 100% isn’t a think you like about these sorts of games, however the gameplay is a blast. it’s pretty simple, however has a whole lotta polish. the boss fights are a blast, and the soundtrack slaps (even the bonus cut track) and i find myself listening to it quite often. i’ve really never found myself super into any indie games in the past, however theres a first for everything i suppose. overall, i’d highly recommend psycron, especially if you’re into the metroid series as i am. even if you’ve never played those, it’s still a great game, well worth the price.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Metroidvania 2D Platformer Games.

I think that PSYCRON is an incredibly valuable little lesson in scope. Is it a massive, sprawling world, with area after area, enemy after enemy, and ability after ability? No, but the world it does have is incredibly charming, and the more concise levels allow for significantly more thought to be put into what is[/] there. Is it a beautifully rendered 3d masterpiece, or a stylized, hand drawn 2d wonderland? Neither, really, but the simple, blocky pixel art reminds me of the flash games I would spend hours and hours on as a kid, and I’d be lying if that didn’t make me love it. Is the combat some sort of revolutionary new system, or an incredible refinement of one that we’ve all come to love? As you’re probably expecting, not really, no, but I found myself skipping enemies less often than I do in other metroidvanias, for whatever that’s worth.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

PSYCRON on Steam

Outpost Delta

Outpost Delta

Enjoyable classic style metroidvania vibes. Great sprite work and sound design, really enjoy the sound track. Science fiction story and setting work well.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Metroidvania Action Games.

Outpost Delta:

The AI Joule which is monitoring the abandoned space station, Outpost Delta, has activated its internal defence mechanisms. The Alien species, The Klaath, have managed to enter the station and the only hope to save it is to turn on the Delta protocol, which at one stage was a number of fighting robots. But only one robot managed to get back online, and it’s you! Get ready for the fight in Outpost Delta!

*– [Real player with 2.9 hrs in game](*


![Headlander]( "")

## Headlander

Headlander is a 70s style sci-fi Metroidvania game from “Double Fine Games” and published by Adult Swim.

During the current indie renaissance we are currently seeing a decent amount of Metroidvania games none of which from Castlevania or Metroid but that’s a conversation for another time.

A few videos ago we looked at the rather excellent Ghost 1.0 and actually Headlander is in many ways very similar so is it worth jumping in for some more Metroidvania loveliness yet again?

Headlander sees you in a futuristic Dystopia where mankind have replaced their bodies with robotic ones. The main premise of the game is you are the last human awoken from cryogenic storage and thus only your head has survived. So you find yourself as a floating head in a jar which can float around and attach yourself to other robots. The setting of the game is vaguely reminiscent of something like Logan’s Run in terms of style.

*– [Real player with 53.5 hrs in game](*

Headlander is a game made in 2D Metroidvania style and reminds me of a game I played in the past titled Apotheon. They’re both in 2D and look like low budget games. However, the similarities end there. Apotheon is set in ancient Greece whereas Headlander is set in a sci-fi 1970s world with both a retro and futuristic look. Headlander represents retrofuturism. The music has a groovy beat and sounds like 1970s disco.

You begin the game choosing a male or female Headlander. You are just a disembodied head inside a spacesuit helmet. You have no torso or larynx. Therefore, you have no voice. There is a jet thruster in the place where your larynx should be. You are the only human in the game and are guided by an AI named Earl, a male voice with an American southern accent.

*– [Real player with 30.5 hrs in game](*


![Lightyears from Home]( "")

## Lightyears from Home

Set in a solar system far from Earth, “Lightyears from Home” is a sci-fi game that puts the player in the shoes of an engineer following clues to an unknown galaxy in search of someone who had long gone missing. The story begins with the player exploring Glacier IV, a geothermal ice planet that was formerly explored by a major mining company before being abandoned due to unexplained casualties.

While a story-based metroidvania game at heart, “Lightyears from Home” will incorporate mechanics from various game genres, including survival, crafting, and RPG, to create a uniquely player-driven experience. The player faces not only the planet's wildlife but also the environment itself, providing a constant challenge to the exploration of the game world.


![Moadra]( "")

## Moadra


An interstellar alien race, the Neera, has deployed an expedition to the long-lost planet Protea VI, hoping to discover their lost heritage. Eventually, the sand-swept planet turns out to be far more surprising than meets the eye, and suddenly the expedition goes quiet.

Your mission is to play as alien soldier Moadra and investigate the incidents on the planet. Upon discovering the expedition’s fate, Moadra becomes separated from the rest of the squad and is forced to delve deeper into the perilous depths of Protea VI.

From barren wastes and freezing ridges to lush caverns and decayed ruins, Moadra must traverse a sprawling world, face the unknown and unveil the secrets of their ancestors through non-linear exploration, offering a truly immersive and challenging gaming experience.




Traverse a massive interconnected world non-linearly and unveil the grim mysteries of Protea VI at your own pace. Endure the challenging combat and evolve Moadra's abilities, solve light puzzles, and reveal countless hidden paths and secrets throughout your mission.


Strive through the desolate surface of Protea VI and ascend the deadly, freezing summits. Examine the infested research facility, kindle the crashed spacecraft, and explore the remains of an alien civilization that once inhabited Protea VI.



Experience Moadra's agility by jumping over chasms and pools of acid. Roll and dodge enemies and crawl through narrow tunnels. Dive into deep lakes and reach immense heights using wall-jumps. Eventually, run with blazing speed and fly to unknown altitudes.



Confront the enormous variety of hostile creatures and malicious species inhabiting Protea VI. Fight against them with an arsenal of weapons and special abilities, and survive their onslaught by swift reflexes and cunning tactics.



Be prepared to encounter the ultimate challenge of Protea VI. Fight against gargantuan monsters in cruel and multi-phased battles that will push the limits of your skills like nothing else in the game.



Blow up unfriendly creatures and organisms to absorb their Protoplasm, lumps of energy-packed biomass. Consume it inside organic chambers to apply metamorphosis, and evolve your abilities and weapons to new levels.



Activate your scanner bot and use the X-Ray vision to examine the creatures and surroundings more closely. Reveal hidden paths and secret areas invisible to the naked eye, and map out the places you explored.



Untangle the tragedy of the Neera expedition, save yourself and the lone survivors. Uncover the lost secrets of your ancestors who once inhabited Protea VI, and conclude the events leading to their extinction 20 000 years ago.


![Transmute]( "")

## Transmute

#### A Modern Metroidvania

Moon Mikono crash lands on Terra 6, a dilapidated research planet and her mother’s last known location. Now on a mission to **descend to the heart of the planet** and find her mother, Moon must deal with the sentient robot life and hostile creatures that call the planet home.

In this **modern metroidvania** you’ll embark on a deadly journey through an abandoned outpost on an alien planet. Each sector of the outpost will offer up its own stunning visuals, difficult challenges, colorful characters, epic bosses, and vibrant score.

#### Features

*   Encounter over **80 unique enemies** and over **10 formidable bosses**! From mutated worms and electrified beasts, to rogue AI's and gigantic bugs. All offering different and exciting challenges and interactions.

*   Discover **game-changing abilities** hidden throughout the outpost. Spin Bash, Wall Jump, and Void Dash your way across an interconnected network of tunnels, caverns, and research laboratories!

*   Augment your playstyle with **24 optional upgrades** that can drastically change how you play the game. Fight alongside a reprogrammed drone, twist your attacks into spiraling laser blasts, or even summon tentacles to block projectiles!

*   Make use of a versatile mapping system to help track your progress. Use custom markers, track your completion percentage, and find hidden terminals to uncover unexplored areas.

*   Experience a **personal and heartfelt story**. As Moon searches for her mother she’ll also encounter various robot life, all with their own stories, personalities, and quests.

*   A **hand-painted pixel art** aesthetic lends each and every character, enemy, and sector a personal touch. From vibrant greens in the Overgrowth, to the fluorescent pinks of the Coral Fissure, to the blue crystals on the Surface.

*   An immersive and atmospheric score, crafted to perfectly match every moment, from bombastic fights to solemn exploration.


![Alpha Particle]( "")

## Alpha Particle

Alpha Particle is one of the most innovative, creative games I've played in a while, a really fresh take on the genre. If you're curious and up for a challenge, give it a go. Be prepared to explore and experiment. Check it out!

Like a top-down shooter but you can't shoot so you have to get creative. A fast-paced thinking man's game with highly polished graphics and sleek gameplay. Loads of variety. Unique, challenging, fun

For more niche curation, follow me at:

*– [Real player with 3.2 hrs in game](*

What is Alpha Particle?

Your going to have to find out and you're going to have an awesome time doing so.

Excellent level design,imaginative enemies,rewarding progression all wrapped in an amazing digital blanket sound track.

Rock solid game.

Play it now!

*– [Real player with 2.3 hrs in game](*


![Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet]( "")

## Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet

We've been waiting for this game since it came out exclusively XBLA to arrive on PC and now we've been waiting even longter for it to finally remove GFWL. Now we got that, too!

ITSP is a Metroidvania-type game where you control a flying saucer through an… well, an insanely twisted shadow planet! You gain new abilities and have to backtrack to other locations where your new ability will come in handy. The visual aesthetics are comical yet not ridiculous, the sound design is quite intense. The game's cutscenes feature music by Dimmu Borgir, whereas the background music is more atmospheric yet not less fitting.

*– [Real player with 27.1 hrs in game](*

Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet is a quite old indie game: it came out more than 9 years ago, when indie games were still a new concept to many people and Xbox Live Arcade was the biggest online shop that promoted them. Its old age can be inferred not only from its publisher, but also by the game itself.

At the time, indie games weren't as established as today, so, to stand out, they had to provide interesting ideas that could't be found in mainstream titles. On a superficial level, ITSP's most standout feature is its art design: similarly to contemporary games like World of Goo and Limbo, the most used color is black, with other colors used for the background or to highlight important elements like interactables and enemies; this use of colors is what attracted a lot of people and it's clearly the most important aspect of the game, as the title itself can attest.

*– [Real player with 25.4 hrs in game](*


![Occultus Command]( "")

## Occultus Command

A great game that keeps getting better and better.

*– [Real player with 3.4 hrs in game](*
