

Your sister has vanished and rumors swirl that Gaoh has been resurrected with an evil army at his command. Explore for cybernetic upgrades until you are powerful enough to defeat the diabolic Gaoh and his cybergentic army once and for all in this futuristic, action platformer!


  • 7 levels to explore plus a prologue area!

  • Survive epic boss fights to unlock new traversal and combat abilities!

  • Unique “crowd control” combat system gives the player powerful options for dispatching hordes of foes!

Read More: Best Metroidvania Action-Adventure Games.

Bushiden on Steam

Devoul- Curse of the Soulless

Devoul- Curse of the Soulless

Good story

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Metroidvania 2D Platformer Games.

A game to congratulate. The main character pulls you into the game either by the playability or with the story. The scenarios are diverse and wake up your attention - the music also. You can “play” with the time of the game and stay by the small games and quests inside of it. It’s fun. I love it.

I miss the times when games were made to leave something to the player. I miss games like this.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Devoul- Curse of the Soulless on Steam

Escape Zolstar

Escape Zolstar

I finished this in just over 3 hours. At least an hour of that I was running around trying to figure out where to go at one particular point, mostly my own fault, but partly because of a somewhat sadistic jump you are expected to make in between laser beams. After many tries, I assumed I needed a dash or some other power-up to make the jump and quit trying.

The game has several places where there is a very long and tedious gauntlet between save points. At least two of them had me on the verge of giving up. I have no idea why I keep paying money to put myself through this.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Metroidvania 2D Platformer Games.

Escape Zolstar on Steam



An interstellar alien race, the Neera, has deployed an expedition to the long-lost planet Protea VI, hoping to discover their lost heritage. Eventually, the sand-swept planet turns out to be far more surprising than meets the eye, and suddenly the expedition goes quiet.

Your mission is to play as alien soldier Moadra and investigate the incidents on the planet. Upon discovering the expedition’s fate, Moadra becomes separated from the rest of the squad and is forced to delve deeper into the perilous depths of Protea VI.

From barren wastes and freezing ridges to lush caverns and decayed ruins, Moadra must traverse a sprawling world, face the unknown and unveil the secrets of their ancestors through non-linear exploration, offering a truly immersive and challenging gaming experience.

Traverse a massive interconnected world non-linearly and unveil the grim mysteries of Protea VI at your own pace. Endure the challenging combat and evolve Moadra’s abilities, solve light puzzles, and reveal countless hidden paths and secrets throughout your mission.

Strive through the desolate surface of Protea VI and ascend the deadly, freezing summits. Examine the infested research facility, kindle the crashed spacecraft, and explore the remains of an alien civilization that once inhabited Protea VI.

Experience Moadra’s agility by jumping over chasms and pools of acid. Roll and dodge enemies and crawl through narrow tunnels. Dive into deep lakes and reach immense heights using wall-jumps. Eventually, run with blazing speed and fly to unknown altitudes.

Confront the enormous variety of hostile creatures and malicious species inhabiting Protea VI. Fight against them with an arsenal of weapons and special abilities, and survive their onslaught by swift reflexes and cunning tactics.

Be prepared to encounter the ultimate challenge of Protea VI. Fight against gargantuan monsters in cruel and multi-phased battles that will push the limits of your skills like nothing else in the game.

Blow up unfriendly creatures and organisms to absorb their Protoplasm, lumps of energy-packed biomass. Consume it inside organic chambers to apply metamorphosis, and evolve your abilities and weapons to new levels.

Activate your scanner bot and use the X-Ray vision to examine the creatures and surroundings more closely. Reveal hidden paths and secret areas invisible to the naked eye, and map out the places you explored.

Untangle the tragedy of the Neera expedition, save yourself and the lone survivors. Uncover the lost secrets of your ancestors who once inhabited Protea VI, and conclude the events leading to their extinction 20 000 years ago.

Moadra on Steam



The Metroidvania Review

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How Metroidvania is it?

High Fit – Mage is short but it checks all of the Metroidvania boxes.

Want to hear a different opinion, or want to share your own review? Check out our Forum here.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Short and easy metroidvania that’s surprisingly good!

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Mage on Steam

Paradox Vector

Paradox Vector

The most exciting and admirable aspect of Paradox Vector is unquestionably the art design, which is not only unique, but a true joy to look at. All the colors and shapes build up a very stylized, but beautiful environment which is exciting to explore to the last detail.

Apart from that, many other aspects of the game may or may not cause… 𝘮𝘪𝘹𝘦𝘥 feelings in certain players - depending on their gaming taste or temperament - like the enemy AI, the layout of the levels, the sometimes unbalanced difficulty, the sharp contrast between the first and second half of the game, etc. But even with the hit and miss parts, I think Paradox Vector is still worth to play. Recalls many great and interesting aspects of old (FPS) games combining with a truly unique aesthetic.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

I’m not too far into Paradox Vector but I’m very much enjoying the old school vibe of the game. Think 80s Tron combined with a prison-labyrinth setting. The game has proved quite challenging due to HP restores being limited, however the dev has noted this and adding some extra nodes to make the game a bit less daunting at the start. (Even though I died a lot, I actually enjoyed how punishing it felt, reminded me of the good old days)

There’s no real soundtrack to the game from what I’ve encountered, but the creepy ambience adds to the atmosphere. It actually surprised me with how many jump scares it’s given me. Prepare for plenty of brain-bending areas that will play tricks on your mind as you try to navigate your surroundings.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Paradox Vector on Steam

Warp Soldier

Warp Soldier

In a retro, monochrome fantasy landscape, the white sage Jericho has employed you to stop the local warlock from reviving an ancient evil. Is it up to you, the Warp Soldier, to put an end to his dark ritual. With your vast movepool, unadulterated ferocity, a few movement gimmicks, and tiny peglegs, do you have what it takes to end the warlock’s army before they put an end to you?


While the land lacks in color, the world the Warp Soldier must trek features several ecosystems, all authentically scored with the chippiest of tunes. Backtracking is rewarded but seldom feels like a chore with the powers the player will come across.


Not only is the cast of cannon fodder charming and varied, but many of the bigger baddies you come across will have character arcs of their own. Whether the warlock’s headliner henchmen become your bitter rivals or eventual allies will depend on how you express yourself during combat. If tasteful violence versus fierce foes isn’t your forte, there are some NPCs scattered about who may be able to help you with a sidequest or two.


While your sword and swift kicks are already devastating on their own, your ability to teleport next to foes you’ve tagged with warp-strikes lets you extend your melee combos and air-juggles like only an anime protagonist can!

Warp Soldier on Steam

Insect Adventure

Insect Adventure

Insect Adventure 8/10 Stars (Steam Only ATM)

This is a Metroid-style MV, even though at first glance, I assumed it would be closer to an HK-style MV considering the bug theme (which they poke fun at in the game). Most of the familiar themes from Super Metroid are all here, although the Dev does have a few tricks up his sleeve. In fact, once I started playing it, I thought this was going to practically be a straight-up reskin like an AM2R type game with bug skin. Luckily I was wrong.

We get the usual mobility upgrades (Relics), consumables (which can be purchased or mined), and upgrades for our health & strength. Plus, some stuff not found in Super Metroid.

Real player with 15.5 hrs in game

Pretty good little Metroidvania, took me about 4-5 hours for the first ~75% run. It’s indy af, hitboxes are jank, you can stuck in the floor, it borrows a lot of ideas from more polished and popular games, but it feels like it’s own thing and really fun to play. There is a lot of power ups, options for travel and secrets, exploring the world really feels rewarding.

And there is also a second character and 4 difficulty modes.

Give this game a chance, it’s a must for MV fans.

Real player with 15.5 hrs in game

Insect Adventure on Steam



Necrowave is a game about the emotional life of a zombie stuck in a microwave. It’s a 2D platformer with critical based combat where each different enemy feels like a puzzle to solve instead of relying on brute hack & slash tactics. Almost everything in the game dies in one hit, including you. So caution and critical thinking is highly incentivized.

-Discover a dark & beautiful hand crafted world filled with secrets and mysteries.

-Enjoy a world filled with fully traditionally animated characters and enemies.

Necrowave on Steam

Drilly Willis

Drilly Willis

Thoroughly enjoyable and has a great soundtrack

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Weird, fun, creative platformer with unique characters and oddly charming. would recommend

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Drilly Willis on Steam