Blessed Surface

Blessed Surface

I sincerely believe this to be a great game, and both it and the developer show a lot of potential. From the pleasant music that I can happily have in the background for hours at a time, to the wonderful pixel art of the characters, creatures and environments, to the sublime atmosphere that they all culminate in, I enjoy it all to an extent that I really did not expect. This is an absolute gem among similar Steam games, and the diligence of the developer is admirable.

With the Exchange update, the game is in better shape than it’s ever been; each update from the Overhaul until now has been better than the last, continually enhancing the game and polishing it as much as possible. Combat is fast, smooth, and responsive (just turn directional attacks on,) and due to the unique weapons compiled with the corpse and heart systems, has a level of depth that is simply staggering.

Real player with 123.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Metroidvania Souls-like Games.


When you first open this game up it will appear clunky and dislikable. A feeling of powerlesness will come upon you as you’re not even capable of getting past the first tutorial step.

Then slowly but surely you begin to understand movement, controls, physics, mechanics, weapons, armors, abilities, everything. The learning curve is slightly steep but very very rewarding.

Real player with 74.5 hrs in game

Blessed Surface on Steam

pear potion🍐

pear potion🍐

This game is awesome and cute, and I would definitely recommend getting it! The mechanics are solid, there’s a good amount of secrets to discover, a lot of cute NPC’s to talk to, and it’s an overall fun experience. How long it takes to beat the game depends on how much of the world you decide to explore. My first run, where I tried to explore as much as I could (Though I don’t think I got everything!) took over 1.5 hours before I beat it, though I eventually managed to beat the game in under 7 minutes for the achievement (I looked at a speedrun to figure out how). The different wands are pretty cool, even if I mostly just used the pink one (And one other wand later on).

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Metroidvania Cute Games.

Do not let the cuteness fool you! In this game you can die very easily! I am not good at Bullet hell games but I was able to complete this one unlike a few others. I do feel I will never get all of the achievements because I lack the talent and focus bullet hells require and I have chosen to accept it. It still did not stop me from purchasing and enjoying this game on a whole. Maybe one day I will try to get another achievement but as for now I am content with the experience and what i paid for it.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

pear potion🍐 on Steam

Neon Blight

Neon Blight

Neon Blight is a 2D cyberpunk metroidvania/gun store management game. Collect and sell guns, customize and manage your own gun store, fight your way through dangerous levels and get closer to the ultimate weapon.

● Hand-crafted levels to explore and fight in.

● Unique boss fights.

● Hundreds of upgradeable guns.

● Fun and diverse range of stat affecting items

● Manage and customize a gun shop.

● Interesting Characters with branching dialog and quests.

● Rich and detailed city to explore.


Eden is your new home, hidden in the underbelly of the megacity this place is filled with unique characters and buildings to discover.


Explore a dangerous place with plenty of different areas and enemies to encounter. Hidden secrets and puzzles that can lead you to more powerful items and weapons. Defeat bosses and get closer to the ultimate weapon.


Manage your own gun store, customize and sell your weapons to earn profit.

Read More: Best Metroidvania Management Games.

Neon Blight on Steam

Touhou Luna Nights

Touhou Luna Nights

You’re a knife throwing maid who can stop time and slow time and it’s awesome. Slowing time constantly and weaving through Patchouli’s almost unavoidable attack patterns just now was seriously some of the most fun I’ve had in a game since I was a kid. I haven’t even beaten it yet, but my feeling is this game is a solid 10/10. Boss fights are really quite fun. Marissa’s was great too. Regular enemies range from super easy to somewhat difficult and sometimes enemies or traps will be immune to time shenanigans. There are some neat time puzzles involving fluid dynamics too, but I think where the game really shines is the boss fights and the time mechanic. You can also heal a little bit by getting very close to enemies or their projectiles, so it encourages a high risk play style that feels great when you pull it off. The art style and music are good too. Great game.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

A beautiful Metroidvania game. The music is incredible, the scenery is gorgeous, and the gameplay is fast paced. Even if you’re not a metroidvania fan, I feel that you could play this and enjoy it nevertheless.

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

Touhou Luna Nights on Steam



the bosses suck. who ever designed them is mentally retarded.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Overall I liked it a lot but it does have a few (very) rough edges. Shmup combined with metroidvania should be self-explanatory but what drew me to the game was tactical combat where you get slower while attacking, there are timed dodges and there are abilities that use the same resource bar as dodges. That makes it a solid foundation for some good bullet hell. Most of the bosses are very well designed and you get rewarded for exploration handsomely, with equippable accessories that modify your ship in various ways. Unfortunately there are a few issues I’ve had with it:

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game




Revised on Feb 10, 2019.


Do you like rabbits? Fairies? Characters with animal ears? Cutesy art style? Lighthearted and a little bit silly story on the outside with darker themes on the inside? A variety of different personalities?

If that didn’t spark your interest then perhaps you are more interested in things like a great soundtrack, platforming and map exploration or bullet hell style boss battles? Those things I just listed are only a few reasons why I like this game.


Real player with 498.3 hrs in game

An essential addition for anyone who enjoys 2D action games and gets a thrill from persevering against insanely difficult bosses for hours on end, Rabi-Ribi is at its best when it’s testing you to dodge a swarm of bullets (with gravity, no less) in its over 30 boss fights, but is also an enjoyable platforming and exploration game that offers tons of replayablity due to its extremely non-linear design.

First thing’s first: This game is fanservice-y, but that’s not the focus of the game. It’s aware enough of this to lampshade Ribbon’s skimpy outfit at times. Don’t be turned off by the Steam store page description about a bunny-girl costume, because I would not have sunk 200 hours into this game if I just wanted to look at ecchi. You’ll see some humorous dialogue teasing at yuri themes as well, but overall, the story of the game is an actual story about Erina, Rabi-Rabi Island, and some of its inhabitants, though it doesn’t truly begin to unfold until halfway through the game. The initial premise is that Erina, formerly a pet rabbit of Rumi but turned human by unknown means, is tasked with trying to track down Rumi’s sister Miru, who has been magicked away by a stone tablet, and Erina needs the help of other magic-users on the island to power this tablet and follow Miru. But there’s a much more interesting story that you’ll uncover about the island’s origins and a figure from its past as you progress–though it remains bunny-themed to the end.

Real player with 430.0 hrs in game

Rabi-Ribi on Steam

Raygun Gadabout

Raygun Gadabout


  • Use your trusty ship to explore the vast reaches of space to discover new planets to beam down to and explore.

  • Battle with space pirates and Imperial Dreadnoughts.

  • Investigate strange galactic phenomena and uncover the secrets of the universe.


  • Beam down and explore strange planets and derelict ships, exploration is key to uncovering new powers and abilities.

  • Battle enemies using your unique abilities, use your shield to reflect enemy projectiles back at them.

  • Fight up close or from a distance, different enemies require you to switch up your tactics.


  • Take on greater foes with your plasma sword and laser blaster.

  • Walk upside down with Gravity Boots, opening up a whole new avenues of exploration.

  • Equip badges that augment your abilities with unique twists to cater to your style of play.


  • Improve your combat ability with upgrades**, use your shield to reflect the barrage of enemy fire, mount extra cannons to blast your foes.**

  • Use your warp drive to travel to distance solar systems more quickly and explore uncharted regions of space.

  • Improve your ships hull to resist radiation and explore inside a black hole.

Raygun Gadabout on Steam



Loved every minute of it. I had sat for two days playing it straight! I might even stream it just to have fun with the possible voice acting here! Though I say the game is tough at points but hey! No pain no game!

Real player with 38.5 hrs in game

Bought the game on itch first about half a year ago, and it gave me a steam key now. Game’s fun.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Roseblight on Steam

Trash Quest

Trash Quest

A very good metroidvania about a raccoon getting to the trash on a spaceship! The movement takes a moment to get used to, but it’s really fun after a bit! I love how the upgrades open up new shortcuts to get back to, and the side challenges for optional upgrades were a nice change of pace! The level design was laid out very well, and the map made sure you always knew where to check when you get a new powerup!

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

This game is really fun! Super short and sweet. A nice challenge for both platforming and boss fights. I’ve beaten the game 3 times now, trying to get all the achievements, and I can honestly say that due to the short nature of the game, the replayability is quite high, which is good since the final 3 achievements are extremely hard.

EDIT: The below issue has since been fixed with an update. The dev has been super responsive to feedback and that’s a huge positive in my book. With these issues fixed, I have nothing negative to say about the game. If you like metroidvanias, and you’re interested in a bite-sized streamlined take on the genre then this is definitely the game for you!

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Trash Quest on Steam



This game is a breath of fresh air to me mainly because of its controls. It’s been a long time since I’ve played something similar and while flying around needed a little time for me to get used to, it was fun to learn and after I got used to it, became second nature.

At first you only have a traditional fast-firing but low-damage weapon, but trust me, it’s worth progressing - you’ll have a whole arsenal of weapons to choose from before you know it, and prioritize according to your situation and preferences. When you master it, you can even figure out some tricky combos that are satisfying to pull off, such as when using the boost jump and the rocket in quick succession, it’ll fly quicker than the minigun pellets. Deciding on which upgrades to spend your currencies on is a fun way to customize your things.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

Surprisingly entertaining.

I play with keyboard and it is a little clunky but the fights are very enjoyable even without controller.

The story-bits do not make too much sense, the thrill of toip-down-asteroid/souls-likey fights and traps, the great music and the stylish/functional graphics make this game a worthy one.

Should be a great purchase eveb with the full price tag.

(I got 25% off)

I had 2 minor issues with the game, a tiny bug of missing text and a clear way to see which part of my ship is forward.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Carebotz on Steam