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☐ Potato

☐ Really bad

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☐ OK

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☐ Beautiful

☐ Masterpiece

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☐ Full price 100% worth it

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☐ Even a 90’s PC can run it

☑ Minimum

☐ Medium

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Memes Funny Games.

Mr. President! is a fun, but short video game. Beating the entire game probably takes about 5-8 hours. You play as a body guard for a U.S. presidential candidate Ronald Rump and the gameplay is centered around protecting Rump from bullets, bombs, tacos, burning crosses, and other deadly hazards. This game contains a ton of political satire in it, so if you’re offended by political satire i wouldn’t reccomend this game, but if you dont mind political satire then you should have quite a bit of fun with this game. This game is pretty good for being developed only by one person. There are a few glitches, but they’re not really game breaking and rarely happen.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Mr.President! on Steam

My Friend Stalin

My Friend Stalin

conducting the Politburo in my room has been a pleasure.


send in the tanks

Real player with 29.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Memes Political Sim Games.

This is by far, the most amazing game i have ever gotten i got it for all of my friends, orgasamed in seconds.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

My Friend Stalin on Steam

Calm Down, Stalin

Calm Down, Stalin

Lazy Review at the bottom


The goal in this game is to survive until the time limit. Your stress gradually rises, but is furthered by factors like flies, lamp flickers, and phone ringing. As your stress builds, your hands shake worse, thus making you more vulnerable to push the button. This progressively gets harder as the game continues

The button

The goal of the game is to survive, right? You automatically lose the game if you push the big red button on your desk, or let the clock reach 12. The clock quickly ticks towards 12, unless you hold your hand right above the button. This threat of war makes the clock go back to the 1.

Real player with 207.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Memes Indie Games.

in endless mode you should have it so you pick what things you want at the time and pick how frequent it is. ex:you pick how many times you can use vodka or how often phone rings. but make it that if you want the score on the leaderboard you cant edit anything.i know this is is a very (VERY) new game but please consider this request.And to anyone who thinks they want to buy the game i completely reccomend it, its fun and challenging.One of the best games ive seen this year(srry this is so long)

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Calm Down, Stalin on Steam

Election 2020: Battle for the Throne

Election 2020: Battle for the Throne

it’s a pretty fun game to play

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Election 2020: Battle for the Throne on Steam

Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency

Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency

Started the game, made a cup of coffee and got a call to go pick up my kid who was sick at school, forgot I left it on, went to to pick the kiddo up.

When I got back, the debt was totally gone, ISIS was eliminated, the game was already won, and I had every achievement.

No one was home while I was gone.

Trump won the game all by himself. Even changed my PC’s name to TRUMP.

Also for your information:


Real player with 312.8 hrs in game

Despite the constant negative press covfefe

Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency is probably all what you’d expect; and I hope I don’t step on any trump sympathizers during this review.

It has violence, trading and “investing” and fucking up the world while still getting away with it.

Trumps thumbs up

A fun little game based on humour and satire.

Great use of voice quotes.

Trading cards which currently (dec 2017) sells for 0.20-0.25 the worth the money for a base cost of 3£ at a half price discount atm. BoosterPack at 0.88.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency on Steam



This game used to be able to to launched and played without VR and then one day it got updated to only be usable through VR….. cant get past the menues since i have never owned a VR, and before i could use it.. ya its a meme game but at one time i could meme in it without VR and now you cannot proceed past the start screen without VR….. even though i purchased the game which launched withought VR and worked… i have owned several EA EARLY ACCESS games, and NONE OF THEM have stopped me from using it as i purchased it without VR….. the devs made it a VR only game for a VR money grab…

Real player with 158.0 hrs in game

This is barely passable. I can assault Trump with a baseball bat for a dollar. That’s good enough, but I would have loved more than a dozen short Trump phrases. The update with the time trial mode was cool. The wall was scary. Trump is scary. The only that that matters to him is self adulation and attention, and that is now the driving force of our politics, and of our government. We live in the universe of his own self-perception. God bless the high-level, and sophisticated leaks that are already happening.

! The sooner the intelligentsia and power elite can oust this buffoon, the better.

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

TrumPiñata on Steam

Polandball: Can into Space!

Polandball: Can into Space!

This game is… pretty good! As a fan of the comic series, I have to admit this game was very well-made. So, let’s go.


  • Very well made for being based on such an obscure comic series

  • Jokes and stereotypes are funny

  • Controls are easy to get used to

  • Upgrade and Part system is well-priced

  • Worth the money

  • Achievements are not too hard to get


  • Belgium’s AI

  • Ending should have had an ironic twist (involving Russia/USSRball)

  • Repetitive soundtrack (easily solveable by muting music)

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

A fun, comical, charming game of skill, prediction and chance.

Guide Polandball to space, avoid other hassling countries and try not to be held back by the gravity of larger nations such as Russia, China and Canada.

Collect fuel to reach your dreams in the sky, eat burgers to keep your health up, and collect money so you can stop using kitchenware as a rocket.

Its not all struggle though, occationally netherland ball or sometimes a jamaica ball will help you get higher… in various ways.

For $3 or less its pretty well worth it. You will get more satisfaction out of this than you will the bag of chips you would otherwise buy.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Polandball: Can into Space! on Steam



I can’t believe I have put more than 10 hours into this game. Oh my god. This game is a fucking wild ride and I 100% recommend it more than I ever thought I would. I’ve put so many hours into this game and I’ve had a ton of fun with it. While the translations are very rushed, it does give it a little extra challenge and also some fun unexpected moments. Please buy this game. For Pucifer.

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

I bought this game looking at the price and thinking “Well, i guess it will be one hour or two of gameplay.” I was wrong. The game is fun and engaging and at the same time a valuable effort in political satire, even though the English translation is a bit Google-Translatorish (which, while not essential, makes some puzzles borderline impossible to solve without guessing).

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

PUT ANNA on Steam

Trump Simulator VR

Trump Simulator VR

I believe I am the President, so we must leave European Union. I am democratic, I am democracy, I am determined and I am proud of myself. So there is no need for how we governed, we just need to put aside American people, to make the big decisions. I fought Communism, I held nothing back, I am clear about my differences. But I am Mr.President, so there can be no doubt why we leave the European Union, across people around the world, I must be respected. I want to thank everyone who becomes a SU citizen, what I think and thought, is absolutely spirited. Thanks to every Soviets who voted for me, so I can be Mr.President. Japan, Korea, Iraq, North Polar, Moon are whole my new island. You shall ask me why, because I am democratic, I am democracy, I am determined and I am proud of myself. This is why we must leave the European Union.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

Like a mini-game experience reminiscent of Job Simulator. There is a check-list of tasks you, as Trump, must complete. Worth it for the price alone but even more so because the proceeds go to helping refugees. Cleverly done. Trump might threaten to sue.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Trump Simulator VR on Steam

Make America Great Again

Make America Great Again

Old school platform jumper with Trump going though mid-east to kill ISIS personally.

Well. This certainlly have the worst possible music for crappy platformer that i have ever seen.

Super bad control with bad jumping mechanic. Trump stay in air for quite long during jump but most jump in game push that distance to a limit.

Not the worst platformer jumper but certainly high up on the list.

Boring levels and enemy have tiny tiny bullets that hard to avoid and dodge.

All death is instant death in this game so it takes near infinite amount of retry to proceed though everything.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game


10/10 would get decked by camel again (IGN)



  • Clean and family friendly

  • Beautiful graphics

  • Adorable sprite work

  • Does not bash or stereotype Trump

  • Amazing backgrounds

  • Soothing, nostalgic-esque music

  • Kebab removal

  • Fast-paced

  • Addictive

  • Extremely challenging for people with poor motor skills (like me due to autism)

  • Your worst enemy is a spastic camel, or three, or ten, CLYDE GET AWAY FROM ME THIS INSTANCE


  • Controls are unwieldy and lack options to change what keys do what

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Make America Great Again on Steam