Scary Maze

Scary Maze

I love bad games. Especially bad horror games.

You know, the ones that are so bad, that they’re funny, good or just silly.

But this one? Oh boy

You’re in the maze, with no exit.

Two kinds of zombies, four in game models (pentagram, skulls, weird table and not lit torches), one texture around you.

How to finish this game? You can’t.

I was stupid, curious and for my own sake i tried everything

I was feeling like some kind of easter egg hunter - i shot every skull, killed every enemy, checked every corner of this damned maze.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Memes Sexual Content Games.

a true diamond in the rough. this gem is for the hardcore horror fans only though, its just too spooky for the average consumer. This game is so enjoyable as it draws back to older horror games while still improving on the genre. i wouldn’t be shocked if it wins GOTY.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Scary Maze on Steam

Gulman 4: Still alive

Gulman 4: Still alive

Imagine if the cool edgy main character who was kicking ass, like B.J Blazkowicz, Serious Sam Stone, DOOMGUY, Master Chief, or Duke Nukem was hit by some wizard out of nowhere and transformed into a horrible gay looking russian guy called Gulman who crashes on a jungle for no shit reason and whose mission was to get some stupid ass magic orbs which surprisingly you are in the right area to find them and to defeat some edgy antagonist throughout the whole game.

Why do I own this game, well here is the story how it all started……

Real player with 128.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Memes Story Rich Games.

Gulman 5 is 100x times better than this, this feels waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long. Most of the levels look the same and it’s just like you’re spending countless hours in a very low quality and no budget russian eurojank purgatory, with the same background ambience sounds from beginning to end with no music.

It was NOT cool to not tell the player that he needs to shoot the glowy pillars to stop the big demon boss from regaining all his health (I spent ages killing him over and over until I realised those pillars even existed) and it was NOT cool to have a lava maze with eight statue slots but you actually just need seven statues to continue and you have to leave a certain spot free (I spent ages searching for the non existant 8th statue)

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Gulman 4: Still alive on Steam



Fun! I really enjoyed the first game and this one as well. I recommend playing the first game so that you can get a bit of backstory.

In Momo.exe 2, you complete tasks set before you by Momo. Completing them quickly is the best way to survive to the end.

There are some new things added which add a bit more challenge and I laughed at a lot of the silly jokes. Good ending is best ending! I look forward to seeing more projects from this Development Team.


Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Memes Adventure Games.

Mostly a good game. Just one level is dogshiit. It’s way too hard, also jumping is bugged in this game which makes the level even harder.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

MOMO.EXE 2 on Steam



This was a short game but I really enjoyed it. I had never heard of Momo until a friend told me a little about the urban legend and the really piqued my curiosity. It was fun to follow instructions from a ghost through text messages.

I got stuck on the part where you need a code but managed to get through. I’ll probably play it a couple more times to try and get all the achievements.

My only complaint was that I got a bit motion sick, but that’s just me. Everything makes me woozy. :P

Thanks for the fun game. I’ll be sure to check out future developments. :)

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Scary jump scare. momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo momo & momo ;)

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

MOMO.EXE on Steam



Story(8/10): Simply put, you are a spaghetti lover and you i’m assuming either were kiddnapped or break into a house with a bowl of spaghet on the table and wish to touch the spaghet. The residents of this nice house realized you’re after their spaghet and wish to prevent you from touching it. Gud Story line.

Gameplay(9/11): Very addicting slapping.

Immersion(?): Where has the player’s hands been? His hands are too hot for the spaghet. Pls Fix

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

This is probably the best indie game I’ve played yet and it’s literally under $2. It’s actually a very engaging game that pressures you to reach your best time and compete with everyone else on the leaderboard. The game gets progressively more difficult the longer you endure, with the time interval decreasing between the appearances of the meme monsters. To add to the challenge, the vision meter does not reset and the number of LR mouse click combos increase, making it increasingly more difficult to keep your spaghet warm. I can see this game improving by adding more levels with added mechanics, adding 1 or more click combos and even funnier sound effects. All in all gg 10/10.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

SPAGHET on Steam



To be honest, through all my playtime of this game I noticed how inferior the actual GTAV was to this masterpiece. Firstly, this game is extremely cheap compared to the still expensive GTAV. I can even buy copies of this game for all my friends and it would only cost a fraction of the actual GTAV. Secondly, this game is extremely accessible to all computers unlike GTAV with its high PC standards to not have your eyes burn. Thirdly and lastly, NotGTAV shares all other aspects of GTAV such as the nudity, gore, police chases, story, etc. In the end, I realized that I wasted money on the actual GTAV when I could have got this game for far much cheaper and with more playablility. Thank you NotGames for bringing all this enjoyment!

Real player with 129.4 hrs in game

  • Quirky, endearing soundtrack; good for keeping a goofy smile on the player’s face as they play through the abstract experience

  • Audio design, both sounds and voiceovers, is infectiously charming and funny

  • Hand-drawn visuals fit the rest of the game like a glove; adds immesurably to the droll atmosphere

  • Gameplay boils down to obstacle avoidance, timing, and tail management; mechanics are simple, but the difficulty increases gradually, just enough to keep one on one’s toes

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

NotTheNameWeWanted on Steam

One Night Two Crazies

One Night Two Crazies

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we still thirst

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Starting off, this game has changed my life, ive never played such a masterpiece in my life, the fact that not many people know this game exists baffles, the real immersion begins on the second night where the horror goes from 1 to 100, Im gonna recomend this game to everyone i know, this game is art the graphics are stunning ive never played such a well made game in my life, fnaf has nothing on these realistic jump scares, by the 6th night i was petrified and mortified, the sheer horror and thrill was enough to make beat this game, final thoughts? 10/10 master piece!!!

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

One Night Two Crazies on Steam

Rock Paper Scissors Champion

Rock Paper Scissors Champion

So I have the belief that i’m a man of good taste when it comes down to vido gaymes And I can tell you right now that this game is a MASTER PEICE! 76 HOURS OF CLICKING 3 POORLY DRAWN ICONS IS THE EVOLUTION OF VIDEO GAMING I mean just look at WoW… The Innovation is Insane I have never nor has anyone else ever played or heard of rock paper scissors and to top it all off THREE EXTREMLEY LIKEABLE WELL DEVELOPED CHARACTERS SUCH AS Rocky, A man with big ambitions trains hard to win a very important boxing mat- Wait a moment. I think. No. Ahem Rocky is.. Rocky almost looks like a rock! If you just imagine it to a very certain degree and maybe even flip it 90 Degrees clockwise? Anyway the next character Ripley! She’s a c u n t. Who else, Hmm that’s it. You can trust me I have Over 70 hours in this game. Anyway 10/51 Reccomended that you wear a tinfoil hat and something that can protect your dignity and/or soul. Enjoy Hell~ Riley.

Real player with 76.4 hrs in game

I usually don’t write reviews, but this game was such a hunk of sh*t that I just had to…

I got it for the achievements, and it became a rage-inducing, random waste of time. The “battles” are completely random and for some reason, you usually lose. On multiple occasions I’ve been about to win and then lose 5-6 in a row to lose the match. The game is short, thankfully, but the fact that you have to beat it twice is honestly stupid. The randomness is dumb and there should be at least some sort of algorithm so you don’t waste too much time. Moving on past that, the “combos” are pointless and don’t help at all - plus there’s no tutorial to show how to properly utilize the combos. Then on top of the gameplay you have to deal with the cancerous, 2001 Microsoft Paint looking graphics which is just… bad.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Rock Paper Scissors Champion on Steam

Bear Haven Nights

Bear Haven Nights

Oh, I love this game. Many people will say it is a FNAF clone, and they are right, to some extent.

You got the creepy bears, a survival based point and click, Jumpscares, and it even has a fan… well it’s a ceiling fan but, still a fan.

The largest difference between Bear Haven Nights and FNAF is the game play. In FNAF you a stuck in one location and just have to do the right things to keep those creepy buggers from getting to you.

In Bear Haven Nights, you can move about. As the game goes on you find that there is really no safe place. When I first got locked out of the main office, I was so freaked. You instead have to hide in different rooms each night. However, each of the rooms have different rules that must be kept in order to survive in them. Some of these include phones that ring at certain times and lights that need to be turned off.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

This was an interesting game. I definitely felt like a fnaf clone though. Sometimes the game seems impossible due to where the bears will spawn but once you kind of figure out their trick it becomes a lot easier. The jump scares only really scare you if you are absolutely non expecting them otherwise they just get annoying ove time. I’d still recommend the game if you like strategy games though. For those iffy on the game feel free to check out the playthrough for nights 1 and 2 that I made

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Bear Haven Nights on Steam

Chair F*cking Simulator

Chair F*cking Simulator

Erotic. Sublime. A wonderful experience with which to pass the time.

Chair Fcking Simulator, henceforth known as CFS offers a unique outlook into the lifestyle of sxually uninhibited, potato shaped being. Browsing through profiles on postcards, Potato-Like Man picks one perfect and sexy piece of furniture with which to do the deed.

Friends, let me tell you that I’d been quivering with anticipation up to this point but when the actual act began, ohhh, what art. Potato-man slams his vegetable groin into a variety of sultry seats. Thus far, my most beloved memory was Potato grinding his shapely buttocks (You can do that too in case you don’t feel especially thrusty) into a spitting image of Ol' Sparky complete with blue electric light.

Real player with 357.7 hrs in game

Absolutely my favorite experience that I have ever had with any f**king sim.


The graphics are pretty stellar for a game about chair… buffing. Your character really gives off the vibes that they are the last thing alive in the immersive world, but we’ll get to setting in a moment. Overall, 7/10 in graphics. Great, but I don’t necessarily feel like I’m buffing a chair.


The story is barebones, if there at all, but you can grasp the rough points:

*You are the last living thing that isn’t a chair

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Chair F*cking Simulator on Steam