Rapid Tap

Rapid Tap

Back in the 1860’s rapid tap was not a thing back then they had to tap stones, everyone dreamed of a game…. a game where you tapped a green tile, if you didnt tap it, you lost a life, but no one made such a game, no one could it was to powerful of a thing to make, everyone who tried died trying, it was a mess.

But then a god came from the skies, his name was Wolfborg he started coding and suddenly everyones dream came true, rapid tap… rapid tap was a GAME!!!!! you could download it on mobile and it became a hit game!!!! but then people were still like, this is not enough, i cant play it on steam, i want to play it on steam,

Real player with 185.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Memes Indie Games.


? You forget what reality is

? Beautiful

? Good

? Decent

? Bad

X Don‘t look too long at it

? Paint.exe


? Addictive like heroin

? Very good

? Good

X It‘s just gameplay

? Mehh

? Starring at walls is better

? Just don‘t


? Eargasm

? Very good

? Good

X Not too bad

? Bad

? Earrape


X Kids

X Teens

X Adults

—{PC Requirements}—

X Check if you can run paint

? Potato

? Decent

? Fast

? Rich boiiiiii

? Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Rapid Tap on Steam

Microtransaction Simulator

Microtransaction Simulator

A fun and short game that is pretty easy to win. It seems almost too generous with the amount of rare cards that you are given as it is almost impossible to go into debt (unless you try). It still has a couple of issues here and there, but nothing that would take away from the enjoyment of throwing my money at a computer screen.

Only thing I wish was an option (or if it is I missed it) is the ability to mute the game. Considering there isn’t much need for the sound I would have enjoyed listening to a video or stream without the cash shop and sparkly rare noises.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Hello. if your reading this you are a lucky chap. lucky indeed. for if you spend your time and ryme with this pleasent review, you may come anew and go into the willderness that is microtransactions. now before i start some background may be required. such as the fact that i myself have not completed this marvelous title.

The game itself starts you off in a dark, very atmospheric grey room that has many, many options for you to choose from such as the ability to stare at the screen OR click a nifty little button called OPEN that will OPEN your mind to new possibilities such as the four cards that now stare you in the face. CLICK THEM OR YOU WONT EAr…. anyway good chap. after you do all of the steps that are both outlined and not outlined above you wil start to enjoy this game, maybe.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Microtransaction Simulator on Steam

Bitardia Cards: Memes of 2ch

Bitardia Cards: Memes of 2ch

Would be a fun little game to pass time and play with friends in my opinion but right now there’s not much to the game and playing with friends isn’t easy to do. I think there needs to be more memes and variations of cards/abilities added to the game. It has potential though.

If you’re wondering if you should play this, I would download and keep an eye out of updates in the future. Right now it’s honestly entertaining for like 10-15 minutes.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Memes Strategy Games.

A long time ago, I was a hearthstone player. After not being able to beat any of the bots and unlock no heroes, i decided that it was time to try a new game. Then the heavens parted and Bitardia Cards: Memes of 2ch was revealed to me through steam. I immediately won my first game and was convinced that I would go pro. I am now part of the Bitardia Masters pro circuit and thoroughly reccomend it to any new player to the competitve card game scene.

10/10 would highly reccomend

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Bitardia Cards: Memes of 2ch on Steam

Pew Dew Redemption

Pew Dew Redemption

Life changing experience. Before i discovered pew dew redemption i was sad. But this game made me happy. Best game ever. Game of the year. Game of the decade. Game of the century. Game of the World. This game has everything. You can jump in this game. you can throw infinite chairs. You can turn purple to sprint at incredible speeds that make even sonic jealous. You can buy stuff, play incredible mini games. Collect stuff, drive a car! This game is truly the best game ever created. Nothing can beat it. Congratulations for creating such a fantastic masterpiece!

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game


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Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Pew Dew Redemption on Steam

Rock Paper Scissors Champion

Rock Paper Scissors Champion

So I have the belief that i’m a man of good taste when it comes down to vido gaymes And I can tell you right now that this game is a MASTER PEICE! 76 HOURS OF CLICKING 3 POORLY DRAWN ICONS IS THE EVOLUTION OF VIDEO GAMING I mean just look at WoW… The Innovation is Insane I have never nor has anyone else ever played or heard of rock paper scissors and to top it all off THREE EXTREMLEY LIKEABLE WELL DEVELOPED CHARACTERS SUCH AS Rocky, A man with big ambitions trains hard to win a very important boxing mat- Wait a moment. I think. No. Ahem Rocky is.. Rocky almost looks like a rock! If you just imagine it to a very certain degree and maybe even flip it 90 Degrees clockwise? Anyway the next character Ripley! She’s a c u n t. Who else, Hmm that’s it. You can trust me I have Over 70 hours in this game. Anyway 10/51 Reccomended that you wear a tinfoil hat and something that can protect your dignity and/or soul. Enjoy Hell~ Riley.

Real player with 76.4 hrs in game

I usually don’t write reviews, but this game was such a hunk of sh*t that I just had to…

I got it for the achievements, and it became a rage-inducing, random waste of time. The “battles” are completely random and for some reason, you usually lose. On multiple occasions I’ve been about to win and then lose 5-6 in a row to lose the match. The game is short, thankfully, but the fact that you have to beat it twice is honestly stupid. The randomness is dumb and there should be at least some sort of algorithm so you don’t waste too much time. Moving on past that, the “combos” are pointless and don’t help at all - plus there’s no tutorial to show how to properly utilize the combos. Then on top of the gameplay you have to deal with the cancerous, 2001 Microsoft Paint looking graphics which is just… bad.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Rock Paper Scissors Champion on Steam

Super POTUS Trump

Super POTUS Trump

I find the negative comments to this almost as amusing as the game itself. It’s a dollar, dude. The game is essentially a high-quality meme you can play for two hours when you’re bored. You buy it a) because you like Trump, or b) because you don’t care one way or the other and you want a good giggle. If you play the first level and think, “I would enjoy just having this glorious meme in my possession”, then put up the lower-than-a-pack-of-gum price and buy it.

You don’t come to this game for high-quality or high-quantity g-a-m-e–p-l-a-y.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game


Steam needs more light-hearted and fun games out there like this one instead of people drowning their brains in online shooters for thousands of hours which do nothing but make them combative and want to fight anyone around them.

Super POTUS Trump has great art style and humor (love the voiceovers from Trump and the “system is rigged” difficulty setting!). A lot of time, thought and creativity went into it, and it’s obvious that the developer was very passionate about his creation.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Super POTUS Trump on Steam

They Can’t Stop All Of Us

They Can’t Stop All Of Us

I realy like the concept of this game! It is very funny to fight against the incoming waves of people and to survive. I know I have only 3.5 hrs played until now but I had this time spent with friends in a nice made game..

Unfortunately i noticed some mistakes in programming. The biggest issue is probably the server management. When ingame it happens very often my friends disconnect and the whole progress is ruined (please fix as quick as possible). It would be nice to keep working on a well working first person mode and fix issues that (for example) sometimes the attackers run over obstackles or walls.

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

i cant lie… i love this game so much. i have always wanted a TD type game like this and well here it is in glorious meme form. i have enjoyed my first day of playing and i plan to play it some more. of course since it in early access, bugs and glitches are to be expected. For ex… there is one where the game will just freeze randomly and some other minor ones. my only issue with this game is the insane unfairness of the entirety of this game. the attacker seriously needs to be nerfed because some times you cant even play past 10 mins because of people who eco farm and rush. I advise that you nerf all of the troops as well as make them more costly to make it balanced. i also have some recommendations for some extra quality for the game, 1 make it so when you hover over the quit button it turns a lighter color so its not as confusing, 2 add guides to see where your troops are going (you can toggle this) 3 make it so when you place a turret it shows what its range is and maybe make it so you can upgrade each tower, 4 each character should have upgrades specific to their class AND please add sprint (limited and recharge) 5 more modes like 1v1v1v1v1 with auto spawning waves, mode with longer time (20,30,40 mins), and a co-op with auto spawning waves. another mode could be to see how long you can survive auto waves for a leader board. 6 my last suggestion is a leveling system that rewards cosmetics for characters and their guns as well as each defense. i hope this game goes far because it has such great potential. good luck

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

They Can't Stop All Of Us on Steam



Alright my home dogs, I got say this game, This game is the game of all games it’s without a doubt the best game in the universe, I say this having 2k hours in tabletop and I quit that to play this. Honestly you need to get in this game as fast and possible. The Devs treat you like a actual human, I say this meeting and personaly talking and hanging with them. I send nights just chilling with devs 1 on 1 or with others, There the best I have only meet VRPILL,Mechlaid,Kirito,Gunther, Somewhat Violet. There the best I got to say I’m telling you once you play this you won’t ever need to play another game. Honestly I’m not plainning on playing anymore games or buying anyothers. Endless its series I play before that are coming out with new games cause memorys. I do have to say I’m only on desktop as of now, But even if I am I’m having loads of fun talking etc. A few things to note there updating the game constintly adding new things, Avatar Creation and World Creation very tricky and complcated I don’t recommend you try to make one right away if you never dealt with, Unity,Belnder,Maya,Cinmea4D cause you will be very confused. Though there are videos online that can put your mind set in the right direction taking you someone step by step. But you could always ask staff,devs etc for help even people with avatars already, But keep in mind even if they have avatars they may or may not know hwo to help you. Its still pretty difficult to make one. But what really put this game on the top is its open source anything within the games rules is allowed I say ask the devs what your planning before doing so. The hub consintly being checked on , Also this is a E for everyone game so keep in mind its for kids also. So in the hub you got watch what your saying my first day in the game someone got banned for loads of not okay words to say if you get my drift. Scripting is not allowed yet but that will be soon there working on it as I write this all in all 100/100 as of now.Do you recommend this game? 100% Yes

Real player with 9359.3 hrs in game

This is the best application for virtual reality, hands down. I have been a member of VRchat for over two years, and the community is what makes this place so special. Each “room” in VRchat is a direct upload of a scene in Unity (software used to create most VR experiences). This makes it very easy for community members to upload new rooms and content. The developers of VRchat are also making the games they have (Capture the Flag, Battle Discs, etc) available in the SDK. This means over the next few months anyone can adapt these games and create new versions of them!

Real player with 504.0 hrs in game

VRChat on Steam

Bouncing DVD : The Game

Bouncing DVD : The Game

very good 1000000000000000000000/10 would recommend, i’m pretty sure it cures cancer,autism,aids,chicken pox,black plague,small pox , and probably all other known diseases. proven to make you happier, i gave this to my depressed friend with down syndrome and then they turned into a happy person with down syndrome. i think it is also the solution to all problems. if you get this game you will become a god more powerful than thanos and fortnite combined yeah. This is the epitome of games.

Real player with 3300.7 hrs in game

Extremely Creative and Fun!

Features: Extremely good and catchy music which is created by the devs.

Don’t get fooled by the trailer and the screenshots, the game looks Wayyyyy better than that, it actually has mesmerizing graphics (I even forgot I’m staring at a screen, I thought it’s real life)

Addicting gameplay containing: Tons of quests, Cosmetics, Free roam in an extremely large world, Tons of vehicles, Clever AI

Hours of gameplay? 1000-2000 depends on the difficulty (there are 3 difficulties: Easy, Medium, Hard, Very Hard and Dark souls)

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

Bouncing DVD : The Game on Steam

Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy

Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy

My 3rd cousin used to be atheist, in hopes to get him to see the other side I showed him the game, Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy, which is this game. At first he didn’t want to play, refusing the offer. I eventually coaxed him to go into a closet with a laptop with only a steam account, with no money and only a copy of Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy with no internet connection. The closet was wet, dark, with nothing else except the laptop, that was charged by being attached to the wall, the outside of the closet soundproofed, 6 cans of Spaghettios, 12 Caprison Packets of limeaid flavour, 1 packet of unbranded candy, a copy of the holy bibel, and a framed picture of obama that was held onto the wall by tunsten nails. after he went inside the closet, I quickly confiscated his phone and electronics and locked the closet door. After that I went to the local Gamestone and bought myself a copy of Shrek’s Carnival Craze Party Games and some Windex Cleaner Solution. I went back home and played some games. 3 Months later I went back to check on my cousin to see that my cousin had converted to Hinduism.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game


This is a fully functioning RPG with 3 games: you can play as Baby Jesus, Adult Jesus, or Jesus after the rising. I’ve only tried playing as Baby Jesus so far and have found the experience surprisingly fun - way more than I expected it to be! The game is very easy to understand and grasp - you’ll get the hang of how things work after some trial and error, even if RPGs aren’t your thing.

Playing the Baby Jesus game

  • You get to control Mary and Joseph first, and lead them through to the birth of Christ. After Jesus is born, the game then switches you over to the 3 wise men, which you control. You must lead them from their kingdom through the desert and other locations until you reach Christ in Bethlehem. After visiting Christ and giving him their gifts, you then switch back to playing Mary, Joseph and now Baby Jesus as well.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy on Steam