Do you know de way

Do you know de way

Being completely honest, this is one of the best games I have ever played in my life. The competitive nature and grind that it takes to play this game is finominal. To add to that fact, this is a game that allows you to get 100% completion very easily, which is very useful. I will continue to play this game until my death, I would HEAVILY recommend that you buy this game (and the gameplay + OST is less than the actual game right now). A solid 10/10 for me, 11/10 would be imperfect, so it remains a 100% 10/10 rating. among us

Real player with 666.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Memes Indie Games.

this is a great game, the graphics are abesoloutely stunning and the soundtrack is one of the best i have ever had the pleasure of hearing, on top of all this it comes with a narrative which is unparalelled in its quality as you make you way throught this beautiful maze full of dubauchery and iniquity it truly brings a tear to my eye that such a perfect game can be aquired for such a low price it even makes me wonder what the triple A industry is doing when a developer like this can compeletly blow any game they have made out of the water and what this developer could do with their budget, i rate this gorgeous work of art 10/10

Real player with 127.1 hrs in game

Do you know de way on Steam

Revolution 60

Revolution 60

If you have synesthesia, get some sunglasses before you play this game, and play it with care. It’s been about two hours since I stopped playing it and I still feel dizzy, disoriented, and nauseous.

I really like this game, but the colors, the lighting, the bloom, the motion blur– all these things put together make me feel as though I’ve been playing the game while sitting inside of a spinning dryer.

EDIT: Just completed it on Girlfriend mode.

Where to start. The Internet really wants you to make things seem worse than they are, but I refuse. Revolution 60 is a game where all the pieces are in place (nearly): there’s music, sound effects, graphics (though the anatomy, esp. the characters' heads, prevents anyone from really taking the drama seriously), and a control scheme, a movement scheme, a battle system, but all the parts are so disparate that they do not work well at all together.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Memes Villain Protagonist Games.

This game is a port of the original IOS release, and, generally-speaking, an improvement over the original game. The controls are more responsive and the framerate is extremely stable. Though the game has issues with certain GPUs according to some users, it is generally more functional and more competent than the original game, with a clear attempt made at addressing the laundry-list of technical problems the original game had. The framerate is fixed, the audio mixing woes are fixed, the synchronization errors are fixed, the model tearing is gone. The game looks smoother and moves better than ever before, and I’ll give Giant Spacekat Studio its props for getting this much done. New content was added, including new responses for Holiday, new animations, and new skins for all the characters. By all accounts, this is an outstanding achievement on Giant Spacekat’s part at fixing the game’s various outstanding issues, and it deserves respect for doing so.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Revolution 60 on Steam

The Mystery of the Druids

The Mystery of the Druids

I received Mystery of the Druids as a gift from my dad years ago when it first came out, before Steam existed. Back then, I didn’t have any trouble running the game and I honestly loved it. When this came out on Steam, I had to buy it. I had lost my disks several years ago. I wish I could say I wholeheartedly believe this is a great game. But the reality is, unless you are playing this on an older OS or tweaking the crap out of your current computer, this game is practically unplayable. Constant errors and crash to desktop for people who are running OSs like Windows 7, 8, and 10. There are some workarounds and patches, but overall, this game is still buggy and unplayable to most people. The company that made them doesn’t exist anymore and when we do get updates for this game, it’s rare and sparse.

Real player with 34.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Memes Singleplayer Games.

An okay game with retro graphics and game play. Basic point and click. Reasonably interesting storyline.

Downsides were puzzles that I found to be illogical and puzzles you couldn’t solve without backtracking a long way and playing hunt the pixel after finding out (from a walkthrough) that you failed to pick up something critical several scenes ago (I’m looking at you - piece of wire!).

A bit too much ‘hunt the pixel’ for my liking and with the game providing no hints, too many of the puzzles were just too abstract (try combining everything with everything else regardless of how bizarre, then with every clickable object in every scene, some of which are incredibly difficult to find, and each time have an annoying and unhelpful audio that you can’t click to skip). I ended up needing a walkthrough to get through a number of areas and I hate that (a few once you become really stuck is okay, this was way too many and involved heaps of backtracking).

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

The Mystery of the Druids on Steam

Adventures Of Pipi

Adventures Of Pipi

This thing probably wanted to be some kind of platformer (asset flip, shovelware, I don’t know those names I’m getting old sorry guys xD) dealing with some memes like fidget spinners and Pepe or whatever that is.

Basically, it’s a platformer with the same asset of tons of other ones that are similar under every aspect, levels included, with crappy controls, random hitboxes, random jumps, no purpose and nothing funny/entertaining/difficult at all.

So I’m gonna go through the game without spending too many words, I’m not into that meme world (I’m a normie? XD) or at least nothing here made me laugh.

Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

The spikes will sometimes kill you whether you touch them or not, and the deaths in general feel cheap and maddening due to what comes off as lazy programming.

The levels are also really unbalanced imo, where you go from “are you kidding me?” to “that’s it?”

That being said, I still wanted to keep trying until I got all the achievements.

As an achievement hunter, some of this developer’s games, are so utterly pointless and insulting, that actually having a desire to play the game, and having a sense of reward for doing so, is to be recognized.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Adventures Of Pipi on Steam

Angry Troll Simulator

Angry Troll Simulator

Okay, first I want to say I am pleased with the changes that have been made to the game, i wish enemies did have health bars but otherwise I love the changes that have been made to sword swinging, also I wish it would be easier to find the places you need like NPCs such as horseman so maybe like a mini map or just a map at spawn would be nice. The change to the menu was amazing, almost too amazing before i just had to press space but now i can use my mouse, the jumping is better now which is nice. I do have more suggestions but those are just some of the main one’s but I’m glad this game has an update.

Real player with 847.7 hrs in game


Real player with 420.7 hrs in game

Angry Troll Simulator on Steam

Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back

Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back

Earlier this year, when I learned Bubsy was coming back in a new game after more than two decades, I, like many others, was stunned to learn about this. After that package of disaster known as Bubsy 3D got the franchise stuffed away and locked up in the attic, I never, I repeat, NEVER, in a million years, would think there’d be another official Bubsy game. We were all taken completely by surprise. Had my jaw dropped any further down, it would’ve detached from my face and fallen to the ground. At the same time, however, after thinking about why they’d bring back the Bubsy franchise, I was rather more optimistic about said franchise’s revival than I was pessimistic. The game looked good in the trailer. If Accolade were to ever bring Bubsy back, it couldn’t be that they were trying to make another bad Bubsy game. It sure as the Devil wouldn’t be too hard to make this better than Bubsy 3D! Accolade might’ve asked themselves, “What could possibly go wrong?”, but we, the gamers, would be the ones finding out once the game got released.

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

Target Audience: No one. That’s right. No one.


Look, normally I put a video review together with this after I’ve taken the time to write a script and all that jazz. I mean, that’s the whole Youtube reviewer thing. But I can’t wait for that process at this point. I have to warn people about this game. Bubsy is not back. Bubsy was never back. Bubsy needs to have a bullet put in its head if this is how he’s going to come back. I’m speechless as a game that is normally 30 bucks has the gall to present what it did here and expect that Bubsy is going to come back in another form.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back on Steam

Countryballs: Over The World

Countryballs: Over The World

Would I recommend this game to anyone? Probably not

Do I care enough to leave a good review? Probably.

Do not buy unless you have spare change, this game will just be a waste of money otherwise, I only decided to give this a good review because it’s decent for the price (may or may not be worth full price)

There is very small replayability and the controls are slow and annoying. The game is filled to the brim with bugs, and the two bonus gamemodes have very little to offer, you’d be better off with a flash game or Scratch game lol

Real player with 17.7 hrs in game

As much as I love countryballs - I think I follow at least 400 countryball pages on Facebook - this game is really something.. crappy.

The game uses only the basics of the Poland/Countryball meme world implemented into a stupid platformer which has unbelievable poor controls and overall offers nothing more than few levels.

Graphic-wise, it’s something really awful. Countryballs are of course drawn in MS Paint, but the whole game seems created in the ’90s on a floppy disk when we were 10 years old and used to mess around in Windows 95.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Countryballs: Over The World on Steam

I accidentally restarted the USSR

I accidentally restarted the USSR

My English is very bad. I don’t read books by people who have betrayed the Motherland.

Few people understand the magnitude of the catastrophe that happened late in the 1980s when the Communist Party had failed to modernize the Soviet Union.

Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain.

It is necessary to suppress any extremist actions, on all sides, regardless of their origin.

I am not prejudiced in any way.

In some of the states in the U.S., homosexuality remains a felony.

Real player with 88.2 hrs in game

In a wolrd full of poopy tripple A titles, bad ubisoft servers, and pay to win EA Games, a smal vladinov or whatever his name was, and his loyale Lada take on the basic human phillosphical question of how putin meme is funny,

conclusion putin meme is gut,

i accidentelyu start usr game very fun,


Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

I accidentally restarted the USSR on Steam

Lily’s Day Off

Lily’s Day Off

This’s a really short game, less than 2 hours of content, but it still managed to be quite entertaining. One of the more impressive features was the music with 16 tracks that helped to really give each path its own unique feel. The story was quite enjoyable as well, always keeping me interested in seeing what the next ending would bring. The art was alright, a bit above average for your typical small indie VN. It fit the game fairly well and you can see most of it in the preview images above to decide if it’s for you or not. There was also an interesting animation demo included where Lily would move her head around to follow a target you could move with your cursor that was rather well done, though it’s just a shame they didn’t manage to find some interesting way to incorporate it into the game somehow, maybe with cut scenes for the endings.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

LilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLily 10-10 IGN best game of 2017!!!

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Lily's Day Off on Steam

Nyan Cat: Lost In Space

Nyan Cat: Lost In Space

Games are often judged under 3 categories: Story, Visual Graphics, and Soundtrack.

Nyan Cat takes all the cake, the table and the entire buffet.

The story involves around the creature, nyan cat, in search for what has been lost by travelling through different dimensions and facing danger. On the journey, nyan cat gets access to different magical artifacts that help nyan cat on the journey while collecting lactose and fighting off against the evil.

The visual graphics are just fantastic. Most modern games today such as CoD, Halo, etc, all have the same problem: THere is too much going on the screen that it makes it hard on what to focus, to finish the objective, etc. And the biggest problem of modern games: motion blur. It just makes a beautiful game in this muddy madness, it’s like your character or what not is always drunk and it’s about to collapse. Now take a look at nyan cat. The graphics are minimalistic, and nyan cat just contrasts against the background, making it very easy to see, and not just nyan cat, also the items and enemy, they are contrasted against the background. The HUD is also very simple and straight to the point.

Real player with 223.4 hrs in game

Nyan Cat: Lost in Space is a casual game inspired by the Nyan Cat meme. In it, you play as the eponymous cat as he flies through space, collecting milk, cake, donuts and such. If I had to describe the gameplay, I’d say it’s an autoscrolling platformer; you can’t really make Nyan Cat go back, he always moves forward; your control is limited to jumps, though there’s two powerups that allow for a more directional control over the Y-axis. Your goal is simply to get as far as you can, and get as high a score as possible, while avoiding falling to the bottom of the screen, or hitting TNT, both of which end your game. There’s also a few hazards in the form of enemies like a dog, Tac Nayn (evil Nyan Cat) and UFOs.

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

Nyan Cat: Lost In Space on Steam