Hard to be a King

Hard to be a King

Hard to be a King ( Realm Guardian ) is a voxel strategy game.

You will play a role in a fantasy world and become a lord, rule the land, and protect your people. Assign tasks to everyone. Gathering, hunting, farming, keep your people stay away from starving. Crafting, constructing, build a stronghold to resist the dead army.


The terrain of Realm Guardian is voxel based. One kind of cube correspond to one kind of resource. You can DIG a cube to collect its resource ( miner ), or consume resource to BUILD a new cube ( builder ).


Deer will eat plants when they are hungry. If there are no plants to eat, they will starve and die. So do wolves. As the bottom of the food chain, Plants will keep growing in a slow rate. Of course if men kill all the wolves and protect deer, all the plants would be ate, and deer finally die for starving. Besides, water is another problem. Wolves from different packs may fight for the only water source. ( Don’t worry, human beings won’t fell thirsty because the author didn’t finish this function :P ). Just like the true nature, sun raise up and fall down every day ( Seasons are in planning ). Deer are more active in daytime.

The King

The king won’t do most of works. All he has to do are rebalancing resources, assigning works ect. The King can talk to one to assign task for him. Of course it will break their current work ( The author feel unhappy when he worked in a game company, he interrupted by designers very often )


Flag banner to claim regin. Flag more banners to enlarge the realm. Most of works ( e.g. mining, building ) can only do in realm. Banners would also support population limit.


Peasants would sleep when they are sleepy ( If free bed exists ). Peasant who lack of sleep will get low work efficiency. Nighttime also bring bad influence ( So does author, he hate overtime work ).

When peasants in danger, they will run into the safe area the king designed.


  • Chamberlain could report to the king and auto assign tasks to civilians

  • Builder could build blueprints designed by the king

  • Chopper could cut down trees and carry logs into storage

  • Craftsman could craft items or stuffs

  • Forager could gather food or small items like cobblestone in from forest.

  • Hunter could hunt for animals, loot their body

  • Miner could dig redprints marked by the king

  • Smith could forge metal items

  • Tailor could make cotton into complex items

  • Chef could produce processed food

  • Farmer could farm the land and harvest crops.

  • Archer, ranged soldier

  • Infantry, melee soldier


In the early stage of a game, most food come from foraging. But in the middle stage, farming becomes more important. The meaning of chefs are procduce food which support more energy. Especially food would be rotten as time goes by, produce dried food is also a good choice

Read More: Best Medieval Building Games.

Hard to be a King on Steam

Siege Up!

Siege Up!

SiegeUp is a fast-paced cross-platform low-poly classical RTS.

Fantasy story-driven campaign, PvP/Co-op multiplayer and level editor.

  • Create local server or play on official servers

  • Play alone or with a team

  • Join game as a spectator

  • In-game team, private and global chats

  • Play created or downloaded levels even on official servers

  • Build own PvP, Solo or Co-op missions

  • Make new game modes with triggers and commands

  • Edit levels right inside the game

  • Enable synchronization between accounts

  • Copy objects and dialogs between levels

  • Share the levels with the community and play levels made by other players

Read More: Best Medieval Colorful Games.

Siege Up! on Steam

Our Dear Kingdom

Our Dear Kingdom

Raise Our Dear Kingdom from a small village to a big kingdom!

Our Dear Kingdom is a game about gathering resources, manage the population and politics.

Design, build and grow your dream medieval city.

Save your population and manage the relationship with every faction.

Your decisions will shape the future of Our Dear Kingdom!

Some features:

  • Sandbox mode

  • Politics and relationship with each faction

  • Procedurally generated maps

  • Gather resources

  • Manage the population

  • Design and grow the city

Read More: Best Medieval Indie Games.

Our Dear Kingdom on Steam



edit: managed to finish the game with some outside help (see the guides section), so added more info about the second half.

magicolors is a fun voxel-based puzzler (think lego or minecraft). playing as a newbie wizard, you have to collect energy by shooting spells through 3 crystals at a time and only of the same color. with enough energy new spells can be unlocked, one in each location for a total of 5 spells, since you start with the basic one.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

A fun and not too hard puzzle game. Nice idea and not something I’ve seen before so quite original. It is probably a bit too easy at times even to get 3 stars but that isn’t always bad. I’d like to have seen one more world that was actually a real challenge but as it is it is still a great game and well worth the low price.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Magicolors on Steam

Dwarven Forge

Dwarven Forge

This game shows a lot of promise and i’ll be keeping a very close eye on it.

I’m recommending this game as a show of support for a game I wish to see finished however It isn’t exactly in a playable state currently due to bugs and possible balance issue (that or i just suck not sure yet lol).

The depth of the crafting with all the different qualities and material types really is something i’m looking forward to seeing when the game is more complete.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Dwarven Forge on Steam

Shadows of the Sengoku

Shadows of the Sengoku

The year is 1467. The Sengoku period has just begun. Every Daimyo will be out for blood, trying to bring glory to their clan and be unifier of Japan. More than might and riches, cunning is required.

Enter the Shadows.

Shadows of Sengoku is a Grand Strategy game that mixes Turn-Based Tactical Combat into the formula, and puts the player in control of the Shadows; a group of elite units that serve one of the Daimyos of Japan, executing missions and expanding the clan’s influence in order to achieve its ultimate destiny: The Unification of Japan.

Conquer Your Way!

Shadows of Sengoku features over 30 possible clans that the player can choose to play as. Help the Ashikaga retain the Shogunate; Aid the Hosokawa in keeping their regional superiority; spearhead the warlike Uesugi’s offensive in the Tokaido; grow the Ainu into a formidable opponent; or fight for supremacy in the Kyushu as the Shimazu.

Each clan will be ruled by a Daimyo with their own goals and aspirations for the clan. Some may seek greatness through war, others may desire for peaceful relations and diplomacy, yet others may want to isolate themselves from the rest in a road to self-reliance. But Daimyos don’t live forever; a change in the leadership of a clan may severely alter the course of a game!

Train Your Squad!

Units can be recruited and will have their starting abilities based off of the province they hail from, with each of the game’s 80 provinces bringing different bonuses. But they all start at low level, and will need to gain experience be it in the form of open combat or using the Shadows' training grounds. Being efficient in battle will not only allow your units to improve quicker; they’ll also gain combat ranks which will unlock a whole new host of gameplay options.

There are no classes in Shadows of the Sengoku; instead a system of proficiencies will categorize your unit based on its weaknesses and strengths. An innovative skill system allows you to train your units in whatever way you desire, specializing them into one or more combat roles as you see fit. But use caution; losing a very important unit in combat can have drastic consequences to morale!

High-Stakes Tactical Combat!

Going back to the roots of tactical turn-based combat, Shadows of the Sengoku gives the players complete control over their units action. Based on a time unit system, players can more accurately coordinate and develop their strategy during combat. Each time unit will count, with units being granted a better chance of defending themselves if they have time units to spare after taking their turns.

Combat is also extremely deadly; badly positioning your soldiers can lead to a quick and untimely death at the hands of the enemy! A blend of melee, ranged, and explosive attacks will be useful in turning the tide of a battle. 8 different enemy archetypes with multiple variations within will expand the possibilities in battle and make each encounter formidable. Expect the unexpected!

Build And Research!

Improve your weapons, armor and items via a dynamic research system that does away with traditional tech trees in favor of a more procedural approach; each piece will have their own tech progression, which can first be unlocked by researching an existing item. This way players can focus research on items that more favor their playstyle; become an assassin with ranged weapons, focus on impenetrable armor and so on. But beware; the enemy is smart and paying attention to what you do, and they may just focus on tactics to counter you!

Players will also be able to build up the infrastructure for their headquarters, constructing new buildings and improving old ones as they see fit in order to gain bonuses and gain combat advantages. But these expansions must be planned carefully; there is always the possibility of an enemy attack on your hq, which could be very difficult to defend if you were haphazard with your planning!

And More!

Shadows of the Sengoku also features:

  • Comprehensive mission tree system to direct the actions of your clan

  • Wide variety of procedurally generated missions to keep the gameplay always fresh

  • Intricate diplomatic system that allows you to form alliances, start wars, and betray your friends

  • Unique Daimyo personality that will shape the way each individual clan acts

  • An AI learning system that learns and adjusts to your tactics on the battlefield

  • Annex provinces via diplomacy or conquest

  • Non-combat missions that may drastically affect the world and provide you with benefits

  • The ever-present threat of retaliation by the Emperor should your clan grow too powerful, be it politically or militarily

Shadows of the Sengoku on Steam

Legendary Knight - 傳奇騎士

Legendary Knight - 傳奇騎士

Very Nice. Support from CUHK ENG alumni. Suggestions:

1. Manual Save on top of Auto-Save.

2. Online mode could be attractive but costly as a server is needed (e.g. AWS).

3. Fire-guns / arrows would be interesting.

For those who cannot read English, please be patient.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Good action game! Need to think carefully on how to spend the money and skill points in order to survive.

Support both English and Chinese version

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Legendary Knight - 傳奇騎士 on Steam

Medieval Engineers

Medieval Engineers

… a shame it was abandoned…

but don’t be fooled. I consider this game still the top game in my whole steam library.

Why? you might wonder….

this game is living on vividly in the mod community.

Theres hardly a hundred players still running it regularly but its state is better than ever before.

The online community is superb. All very passionate people who invest real time and skill in this wonder of a game.

credit where credit is due: big thanks to Deepflame, Peaceman, and modders like Equinox, Xaerthus , Onca, JohnBeere and many , many others, who are taking this game to unseen levels.

Real player with 2907.4 hrs in game

(New Edit, 2/17/2019)

I hadn’t played ME for months, after the last update broke the game into unplayability and I left in disgust, after having written the review below. But I had heard about the rail and water mods and so a few weeks ago I fired it back up to check it out.

Like my initial Steam review (below), the modders have done an amazing job. The new rail mod is intuitive, fun, immersive, and solves the main issue of planet, which is it’s unruly size.

The new water mod finally added what everyone has been asking for since the games inception, and which KEEN assured us they would never provide. Water. Like, you know, the prerequisite for life itself.

Real player with 2182.5 hrs in game

Medieval Engineers on Steam

Rising World

Rising World

**This review has been updated 3 times the bottom review is the most recent

i leave more previous reviews here as a diary of my experience.**


–——————————————– Original review ————

So After I bought the game I skipped singleplayer and went straight into multiplayer ( a no PVP server in survival mode )

as soon as I loaded in, i was AMAZED!

The graphics are better than what I had expected from looking at screenshots.

Real player with 9461.7 hrs in game

If you consider buying Rising World, you should inform yourself about it first. This is not different to other things - you wouldn´t buy a TV, car, etc. without first reading the Pro/Cons before, right?

Rising World is a game in development, in Alpha stadium. That means it is incomplete and every update can change the whole game experience.

The content of the game is currently “limited” to building. Why i set “limited” into paraphrases? Simply because the game is yet incomplete and still, in my opinion, the best building game out there.

Real player with 1714.2 hrs in game

Rising World on Steam

Pix Tower

Pix Tower

When you have a couple of minutes to spare (obviously I haven’t got too far yet!) this is a pleasant diversion.

Well worth the dollar I paid, as I keep coming back to beat that high score.

P.S. It took me a while to realise that some units are firing back (couldn’t work out why I was dying - thought some units obscured by the side trees must have been sneaking through)

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

I actually like this game. Your a tower trying to kill enemies that wont stop! Though its totally designed for a cell phone.



Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Pix Tower on Steam