

I use this regularly to stream tabletop stuff on Twitch and it works GREAT. If you want something more immersive than the prevalent 2D platforms, YAG really has a lot to offer. Your players can go First Person, Third Person, or even top down if they want. Flexibility and the already multiple updates are just two of the perks offered by using YAG.

It does take some additional prep on the front end from your GM building out your maps, but once they are built you can save them. The good news is you can make massive changes with the very easy to use terrain tools. I personally think it’s a fair trade off for the level of immersion.

Real player with 681.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medieval Indie Games.

Bloody amazing. Its a dream so far, needs work but yeah, this is the best map building starting point for dnd or any board game so far!

Keep it up with updates and i expect we will all have this soon!

Real player with 123.1 hrs in game

Yag on Steam



My favorite purchase all year.

If you’re wondering what I’ve been able to do with FlowScape that led to my review, you can take a look at all of my projects here .

I knew the moment I laid eyes on this, I would most likely love it. It exceeded my expectations as a casual design & illustration tool that just about anyone can use. I have spent many hours putting together village & macro background scenes. The Sculpting tool allow you to create mountains, hills, lakes, rivers, as I see fit. The Painting tool allows you to create walkways. I can construct anything from realistic waterfalls to lost ruins with the Transformation tool to manipulate just about any object.

Real player with 2803.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medieval Design & Illustration Games.

Wow, it’s difficult to say in words how impressive and relatively deep this instant gratification “game” is! Marketed as a game, but used by many as a 3D design tool. Oh, it’s not Maya, or Lightwave, or even Bryce or Blender, which is cool because we already have those. This is something different, and special, and FAST, and easy! And for all its limitations, what IS here is a lot deeper and impressive than you might imagine!

I’ve made a nice living from building scenes in 3D software for many decades, and I’ve spent countless hours working with wire-frames and pallets of textures and bump maps and lighting devices, and scratching my head over each new entries' exploration into the 3D modeling' procedures. It doesn’t replace those high-end spreads for many projects, but this WILL be replacing the high-rollers on a few projects and making my life so much easier!

Real player with 2204.8 hrs in game

FlowScape on Steam