The community is all over the place but quick summerise Vikings and Samurais are both tryhard teams while knights are trying but they are also just having actual fun so imma switch to them when I feel like it.

All the characters are fun and look good but it’s up to perspective i can’t play Nobushi for the life of me but Kyoshin i can kick ass on, try a few and decide yourself, i would wish for rep 5 and under people would be allowed to just try any character because of how many characters there are now but doesn’t really matter.

Real player with 627.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medieval Multiplayer Games.

Even though I have a lot of time in this game its only because it is the only one of its kind. The community is so toxic and horrible (but that goes with most games especially ubisoft ones) but that is only part of the problem. People join games with high pings and dominate because for some reason a guy sitting at 300 ping is still good to play? They recently changed the game from a reaction based game to a reading based (meaning instead of reacting to what your opponent does you have to predict and punish what you think they will do since most of the attacks are unreactable). Queue times are around 3-4 minutes for the most popular playlist (dominion) and even though you get in, your team is filled with people who don’t care to play the obj but just go for kills despite game modes (1v1, 2v2, deathmatch, etc) being designed specifically for that but people don’t platy those modes. Often times you will get teams full of the meta character or some 4man stack teams who no life the game to the point that they can take you 100-0 in a matter of seconds without giving you a chance to fight back or get revenge (which doesn’t work half the time) with the help of heavy stagger and pinning attacks. You get almost no reward for playtime (the in game currency ranges from 20-50 a game with the challenges offering 250 max per although most often they are 150 for things like “playing 12 games as a vanguard character”) with items costeing 7k for a finisher or emote and upt to 10k for other cosmetic items. It is a fun game sometimes but most of the times it is a sweat fest where you cannot chill on.

Real player with 475.5 hrs in game

FOR HONOR™ on Steam

Demons of Asteborg

Demons of Asteborg

Demons of Asteborg promised to be a “Metroidvania” kind of game and it delivers. While it still is pretty linear there’s some exploration in all stages. Also I love how you have to use your new abilities to beat each stage and bosses, giving it new mechanics on all of them. There’s a ton of variety here. This was originally a Mega Drive/Genesis game and this looks and sounds AMAZING, can say without doubt it is one of the best games ever made for the console and glad all people can play it in the og hardware and digital too.

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medieval Physics Games.

Ok so, I really did like this game, it was really fun hacking your way through demons advancing levels, getting stronger as you go and the overall journey is great….but that ending….that ending was so abrupt, I got to the final level I didn’t even know I was at the final level, and when things just started to get really good, I was fighting the final boss, mind you again, I had no idea I was fighting the final boss…..this guy was a joke it only took me 3 tries to beat this guy, I had a much much much tougher time fighting the previous bosses, and when I finally finished him…..small dialogue and ROLL CREDITS….really? I mean really? (spoiler) you couldn’t put in a few more levels now that I achieved my demon form? come on such wasted potential….

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

Demons of Asteborg on Steam



“Await eagerly your end at my hand”


🔹Griefhelm takes its cue from some renowned niches in gaming like Nidhogg, Mordhau, For Honor, and the Souls-likes. It emphasizes on a methodical action as there’s a fine line between death and glory in this game. You are in the boots of a medieval knight who fights his way through a branching campaign You traverse from node to node through a set of stages, each challenging you with a leader battle at the end before progressing to the next location. Despite its flaws, The game is an amazing effort for a project made by a single person.

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medieval Local Multiplayer Games.

Griefhelm is a fun little action game in a pseudo-medieval setting, which I discovered recently and fell in love with. It offers lots of cosutmization and weapons, a singleplayer campaign, singleplayer and multiplayer costum fights called “encounters” which you can design the way you want by chosing your equipment, the enemy’s equipment, different rule sets, the stage/level/map and the exact gamemode: skirmish=duel, battle=capture waypoints, tug-of-war=push the enemy back by killing him and running towards the end of the stage/level and more! (In-depth review below)

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Griefhelm on Steam



Literally the most annoying game I have ever played… I enjoy the experience of medieval combat, which is why I played this game for so long… but given any other alternative, like I now have option to play Chivalry 2, I truly wish I never played a single hour of this nonsense. Trolls, petulant brats throwing entire matches and sabotaging their team just to flirt around… who needs parenting when you have video games like Mordhau? The most insanely immature community imaginable given the serious nature of the theme of the game… the negative reviews are right, take my word for it… this game is simply a bad meme and provides no chance of immersion given the repetitive nature of the objectives, and considering that the outcome of each match is determined largely by how many trolls or griefers are on 1 team, and how many cowardly pathetic high level players are intentionally stacking the other… the most mindless waste of time I have ever experienced… even if I was stoned and drunk, this game would still frustrating and annoying.. cowards abound, repetitive weapon exploits, and team stacking every match… What else is there to say? Don’t play it, get Chivalry 2..

Real player with 935.8 hrs in game

Ever since patch 20 this games combat hasnt felt the same. Theres so many redparries that you cant go a single fight without wondering “wtf am i palying”. The most recent dumb addition, spawn beacons, just goes to prove that the devs are trying to turn this game into battlefield, which they just cant due to the much smaller dev team. Its just sad that they would ruin such a great game, the core mechanics are so good, but they are ruined by unreadable swing manipulation, nonfunctional combat mechanics and so on. At this point you cannot play this game if youre not already very experienced at it. Its very unforgiving towards new players. Unless they revert the last 3 patches, fix the combat system and start actually working on updates actively you should consider buying it. But at its current state it just isnt worth it.

Real player with 800.3 hrs in game

MORDHAU on Steam

Boreal Blade

Boreal Blade

easily the best melee “fighting”/slasher style pvp game in the vein of jedi knight 2/JA (inc. with mods like MB and OJP/JKE), in my opinion, of all time. whatever genre you want to call it, it’s a coming together of classics like the Jedi Knight series, Die By The Sword, Chivary, Mordhau and to games like Absolver as well to a degree.

To me this game is a beautiful marriage of the elements that made me love “melee slashers” and it’s plagued by none of the issues of other titles.The movement, animation, attacks, attack feedback, abilities and customization are all done beautifully and you can tell what’s going on regardless of how new you are to the game. The controls take a short amount of getting used to, after that it’s incredibly intuitive. It’s an incredible amount of fun to play, shockingly easy to learn and just the right level of hard to master. I haven’t enjoyed being owned by far better opponents or enjoyed owning less skilled players this much possibly ever. It all comes down to the aesthetic, combat feedback and combat design that is IMHO unparalleled by any other game on the market. Name a game with combat that’s more intense, well-thought out and encourages the least anger towards the game than this. You can’t. These developers deserve all the support anyone can give.

Real player with 57.4 hrs in game


Edit: I wrote that because I kept trying to post my review, but I thought maybe it was too long or something so if I would just type something short it would post then I could edit it later, but then it didn’t work, but I guess it did.

Oh my oh my oh my. The beta was already super promising. Sure I didn’t get to play much in the beta since they weren’t many games running, but it was a blast. And I was expecting to pay $20, and then it’s $4, but then on sale for 10% because why not, and, and less than one 5th of the price, and, and… Oh yeah I have to talk about the game.

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

Boreal Blade on Steam

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Chivalry…where do I start?

When I first heard about the game in late 2012, I knew I’d be hooked. Unfortunately, my computer couldn’t run it at the time. Flash forward to when I had a new computer come May/June of 2013, and I was having the time of my life! Foolhardy, yet visceral combat, amazing voiceovers, and the most in-depth melee combat I had ever seen at the time…it was remarkable. The combat was very in-depth, yet nobody was quite above anyone else at the time. Timing and footing was everything. My goal as a player at the time was to reach level twenty, and unlock all veteran helmets for each of the four classes. (Keep in mind that there was zero customization at this point in time, apart from switching from default to veteran helmets, which didn’t work half of the time)

Real player with 1222.1 hrs in game

After all these years, reaching level 54, I cannot recommend the game. I have 500+ hours on this, and all I can think of is remembering the good times. I hate this game so much because I used to love it to the point it became my most played game for almost one year. I’m gonna tell you why you should avoid this game that has become deteriorated over time (and has become less valuable than it was at release):

The good times, that was when this game didn’t have regular crashes (it had none in fact). Now it crashes EVERY FIRST TIME you join the game, you Alt+F4 and then you have to again load the game. THEN it’s very likely the server you wanted to join is full. You have to wait. Then it’s possible that it crashes at the character screen etc… It’s also possible to simply crash mid-game. I once had over 16 crashes while waiting for the server list to load. This never happened at the start.

Real player with 843.2 hrs in game

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare on Steam

Gladiator of sparta

Gladiator of sparta

Tank controls are bad.

Do not have tank controls in your 1st of 3rd person fighting game.

This is AWFUL to play.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Gladiator of sparta on Steam

Heidelberg 1693

Heidelberg 1693

I’m going to preface this with a disclaimer: while I am giving the game a negative review, I do not DISLIKE the game. In fact I like it quite a bit, and think it has a lot of good things going for it. However, at the end of the day, I feel the flaws significantly interfere with my making an honest recommendation for the game to others. With that said, to go into detail:

This game styles itself off the old-school, pre-Symphony of the Night Castlevanias, specifically Super Castlevania 4. The creators have said so as much. Both in terms of gameplay and aesthetic, this is a game about tight platforming, difficult enemy encounters and a gothic horror locale. Or at least, it tries to be. Aesthetics wise I’ll voice no complaint, save perhaps for the fact the music is pretty forgettable droning synth stuff, but visually the game is a gorgeous pixel art display of grotesque horrors set in the European Enlightenment.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

I’m only a few minutes in, but I’m pretty in love with this game already. Works pretty well with Microsoft Surface Go 2. Plays well with 3rd party keyboard and mouse. Using graphics settings to “simple.” I’ve seen a couple reviews here that says the controls feel a little slightly off, mainly referring to using the double jump. At times it does feel a bit of a gamble on how exactly a double jump will be performed, It’s really kind of about finding the rhythm, i’ll use a technical term here; Janky. If you can forgive the jankiness of the double jump and not being able to aim the gun higher than a 45 degree angle…It works. Seriously though, if you like old school, Castlevania, Ghosts’n’Goblins, (I’d even say) Contra NES, goth/horror theme, side scroll, GET THIS GAME NOW. It’s on sale. If i’m comparing apples to oranges, I’m having more fun playing this than I did playing Little Nightmares.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Heidelberg 1693 on Steam



sadly, there are too many issues with this game to recommend it.

the concept is alright, though i do think the weapons shattering while you’re blocking kinda defeats the entire point of blocking with a weapon

and even then, you’ll have some good games, you’ll meet a knight who swings properly, and damn near cuts you in half with his projectiles, a duelist who deftly parries and thrusts, a crusader who is close unpredictable with his master over the ball and chain, or a reaper like me, who blocks and seeks openings in your guard, forcing you to adapt quickly.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

Ironlights is actually a pretty awesome game. For those who have looked up the steamcharts and fear the game is dead. Most of the players are on oculus and there’s crossplay. So those numbers can be misleading.

The game is probably the closest I’ve gotten to actual fencing in a vr game (It’s not super close, but it’s better than the other sword games I’ve tried). The game prevents the wiggle wand style of sword fighting which is awesome. The singleplayer ai is fairly competent as well, so there’s a lot of fun in that. There’s also a seemingly great community here as well.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Ironlights on Steam



The history of all hitherto existing society(2) is the history of class struggles.

Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master(3) and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.

In the earlier epochs of history, we find almost everywhere a complicated arrangement of society into various orders, a manifold gradation of social rank. In ancient Rome we have patricians, knights, plebeians, slaves; in the Middle Ages, feudal lords, vassals, guild-masters, journeymen, apprentices, serfs; in almost all of these classes, again, subordinate gradations.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

The gameplay is incredibly wonky.

The swords swing weirdly and the enemies seem to have very little AI.

The graphics are nice but that is just Unreal.

The text on each of the houses is super weird.

Just not really worth your time.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

KSTG on Steam