Sovereign’s Will

Sovereign’s Will

You are Konrad von Meinhart, the son of the Margrave of an imperial province. Your father has vanished under mysterious circumstances and has bequeathed to you the title and the family estate. Now the burden of power is on your shoulders.

_Trumpets are solemnly playing fanfare while you are ascending the pedestal. You receive the symbols of authority and swear fealty to the Sovereign – the immortal Emperor, who’s lived thousands of mortal lives and governs the known world.

But it’s difficult for you to search your heart. Are you happy? Proud? Or worried? There is a varied crowd of people in the hall – like a many-headed beast that you are meant to curb. Merchants and priests, war and feudal lords, minstrels and courtiers – there are both friends and mortal foes among them._


  • Nonlinear story in the vein of the old-school RPG

    Take on the mantle of a medieval ruler and face the dangers, challenges and contradictions that come with such a duty. Like a mosaic, this branching storyline is composed of hundreds of scenes and deeds of your own, making each playthrough unique. Not only significant story events are subject to change – links between them shift as well.

  • Governance of the domain at every level

    Take control of everything: from the minute details to long-term development of your domain. Distribute resources, rebuild the family estate, pardon and punish, maintain relations with neighbours, barbarians and metropoly. Your actions will determine the fate of your duchy - would it become a wealthy trade hub, a culture capital of the realm, or a formidable warmachine?

  • Political intrigues

    Navigate interests of influential fractions: feudal nobility, the church and the bourgeoisie. Resolve conflicts, carry out reforms, lobby for beneficial solutions – it is within your means to preserve the old ways… Or to crush feudal traditions and turn your duchy into a trade republic or even a theocratic autocracy.

  • Roleplay

    Start with a blank slate and write the personality of the young margrave through decisions of your own: His preferences, interests and even character traits. Devout traditionalist or enlightened enthusiast, warrior or magnate, recluse or gourmand or passionate hunter – a flexible system of characteristics allows you to get into character and act exactly the way you want.

  • Elaborate fictional world

    The game takes place in a universal empire that has united the whole of known world. It’s a bizarre fusion of achievements of Modern Era and ancient Roman militarism, permeated with oriental spirituality. Politics is intimately connected to the dogmas of the Church: the priests claim that the Sovereign’s soul is immortal, and that he has been reincarnating in new bodies since the very creation of the world. You are to find out whether there is truth in the holy books or not.

Read More: Best Medieval Multiple Endings Games.

Sovereign's Will on Steam

I’m a King

I’m a King

There is a very interesting enigma wrapped in a mystery going on here. I really want to get into the game more, but the translation is rough. I feel certain that after a conversation we could work out some smoother edges to the translations. Thank you! Love the game! Keep: Doing It!

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medieval Survival Games.

english translation need a hell of alot of work… very jarring…

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

I'm a King on Steam

Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

This game is an amazing sandbox with plenty of depth, but it lacks difficulty. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had such a good run with my first character that I don’t even want to play my second one. Unlike CK2 where you would spend so many hours to create an empire; CK3 feels like a speedrunning game some of the time, and doesn’t always live up to its predecessor. Most of the time I can create an empire with my first Ruler. I 100% find it harder to roleplay in this game compared to CK2. This can be decently fixed with the massive modding community for CK3. If you are looking for a more roleplay-sensitive experience I would recommend mods like Succession Expanded, Minor Titles, MND Balance, Medieval Arts, CoA Designer, Sinews of War, Additional start dates, and cultures, Ethnicities & Portraits Expanded, and Community Flavor Pack. Other than the difficulty. I love playing this game, I already have 545 hours in it.

Real player with 580.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medieval Grand Strategy Games.

I have no idea where to start this review 🙂

Did I like it oh yes, yes i did. Will I continue to play it after 210 hrs , yes, yes I will. After 210 hrs I have finally managed to playtrough a campaign twice.

All right with that said this is the only game from Paradox i have really played. Even if i have played a little bit of european universalis 4.

I really like all the options this game gives. In which nations to play as. In how you want to play it. Do you want to try to conquer alot of stuff. Or do you simply want to build your nations. Do you want to get more land by wars or do you want to try to get it more peacefully.

Real player with 296.4 hrs in game

Crusader Kings III on Steam

PRINCIPIA: Master of Science

PRINCIPIA: Master of Science


A rather simple game with a huge potential. Overall, it is great now, but if the devs are able to improve on the concept by introducing more scientists, fields of science, and perhaps more locations/academies, it can become truly amazing.

What works

1. You can pick one of about a dozen scientists from the era of enlightenment, and guide him throughout his career. You choose what to concentrate on, you can study, attend lectures, conduct experiments, compose scientific papers and much more.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

You can’t tell this is a outstanding game, but it is amazing. BGM, graphic, system especially this theme is rather KOEI than Paradox. It reminds me about my PSP and the mighty Daikoukai Jidai IV.

I really want to see dlc for this game like more scientists, more theory, more universities. I think there still be a lot of system improvement and details can be developed. Such as more countries can have different budgets to invite scientist or build better universities and labs; a interdisciplinary research systems; relationship between professors and students etc.

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

PRINCIPIA: Master of Science on Steam

King’s Orders

King’s Orders


In King’s Orders, you play as a medieval ruler. Your goal is to manage armies and cities on a map of Europe. Give orders by sending letters to your generals and make decisions based on the reports you receive. Re-enact historical events and see how you can change the course of history. Create a dominating empire that shall last for centuries!


From the frozen Scandinavia to the deserts of Africa - claim new territories, expand influences and replay unique scenarios. Each of those will challenge you with the most important battles of the middle ages, however, the outcome depends on your actions. Hundred Years' War, Battle of Grunwald, Wars of the Roses - each can be a setting for your plan to achieve total victory. Are you able to create an ultimate strategy that will fulfill your ambitions no matter what?


King’s Orders is a game for players who seek a more immersive experience than in most real-time strategies. Communicate with your troops by sending messengers with your letters. Send orders and wait for results. Remember it takes time for your runner to deliver the message and the route is full of dangers. Realism is magnified by the lack of battle preview in real-time. You gain all knowledge of those events from received reports, so that’s all you have to picture the battle and make further decisions.


Conquer the cities and control key trade routes. Gained gold gives you various opportunities, so spend it wisely. Will you train more troops or focus on fortifying? You decide what kind of ruler you are and how you’re about to manage the economy. Everything comes with consequences. Some unpopular decisions may even end up with a rebellion against you. Take care of your generals’ loyalty and morale, so they will help you to control the people.

King's Orders on Steam

Our Dear Kingdom

Our Dear Kingdom

Raise Our Dear Kingdom from a small village to a big kingdom!

Our Dear Kingdom is a game about gathering resources, manage the population and politics.

Design, build and grow your dream medieval city.

Save your population and manage the relationship with every faction.

Your decisions will shape the future of Our Dear Kingdom!

Some features:

  • Sandbox mode

  • Politics and relationship with each faction

  • Procedurally generated maps

  • Gather resources

  • Manage the population

  • Design and grow the city

Our Dear Kingdom on Steam

Palais de Reine

Palais de Reine

Played a bit more, and decided to add some new and fresh feelings. I definitely recommend this game, like 99 out of 100. Though lots of texts, even the opening took me like more than an hour (I’m a slow reader, though).

Highlight of the game, I think, is the way of building characters. Each character have distinct personalities and personal stories, for like 30-40 characters? It also built a pretty complete world, with reasonable explanation for all things I can think of.

This is a mixture of romance and strategy, like half-half. Yet I guess a reason why this game is not very popular is that neither is out-standing. I mean, both are great, but if compare each element to famous games like Civilization (famous strategy game) or 蝶の毒 華の鎖 (famous romance game), neither part stands out. I don’t play strategy games, so I only can speak romance-wise. The number of characters is both the tame’s highlight and weakness. With so many characters, it is just impossible to make everyone’s story equally impressive. Personally, only one character’s route made me feel like in love. All other romance route makes me feel average-good but not impressive (or maybe I’m too harsh). Though most non-romance routes are beautiful.

Real player with 85.6 hrs in game

Highly recommended.

-Romance parts are optional and not required to finish or to enjoy the game!!!

-It has two difficulty settings, normal and difficult.

-You can’t just click your way through the game. If you fail the strategy part then that means game over.

-Has partial voice acting. The 7 “poster boy” knights are all voiced, while the 20 kights are not voiced. Some of the Lords are

voiced, as well as the Princess’ two aides.

-Don’t focus too much on voiced characters. The rest of the cast all have their own stories and the majority of the characters can

Real player with 48.5 hrs in game

Palais de Reine on Steam

Yes, Your Grace

Yes, Your Grace

Yes, Your Grace! is a (Decision Making Simulator) which fallows a Polish Game of Thrones themed plot. The game is set in Medieval time period, sprinkled with sorcery and magical tales. It’s quite clear that the developer has taken inspiration from the Witcher & GoT, instead of creating an original story.

Yes, Your Grace. Is portraying itself to have this overarching storyline with different branching plots, that somehow are woven together to form these consequential decision-making moments by the player.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

There is an argument going on among YYG players, as to whether or not your choices in this game actually matter or not. One side says, “Your choices do not matter, it’s the same game no matter what you do”, while the other side says, “Of course your choices matter, they will determine the life and death fate of nearly every character in the game”.

Here’s the thing: they’re both right… but explaining how that is, without relying on spoilers, is kinda hard. If you are asked to make a decision, and you get a different dialogue response depending on which choice you make, but then all of the gameplay from that point forward is the same… does that count? If you say “no”, then you are going to hate this game.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Yes, Your Grace on Steam

Crown Land

Crown Land

What if medieval Europe and precolonial America were swapped? Crown Land is an epic fantasy visual novel set on an alternate Earth. Meet kings in Texas, lords in California, knights in New York, Cherokees in France, and many more! Crown Land features a cast of over THIRTY fully drawn characters, medieval twists on locations from all over North America (Texas, California, New York, Canada, and more), and a dark, gripping plotline. Wishlist Crown Land now!

Hunt down the horrendous Horned Face and avenge the death of his betrothed. That was the mission, and obsession, that Ethan Primrose had walked away from. Now, he lives his life peacefully and rules the State of California as the heir of both House Primrose and the Western region of the Fifty States. There he lives with his guilt-ridden squire, Olivia, and his wide-eyed sister, Novah. But everything changes when an old friend, one also with an insatiable obsession for finding the Horned Face, vanishes under mysterious circumstances.

To the north of the Fifty States, Premier Nyanna of the Province of Ontario has tried her best to keep the Republic out of a war with its southern neighbor. But when she learns about her brother’s unnatural circumstances, she commits herself to find the truth about her brother. Just as determined as she are her remaining brothers Sawyer and Hayes Maple— the first an arch-priest pushing for controversial reformations, the second the new and unprepared heir of House Maple.

Although separated by thousands of miles and vast landscapes, the actions of each character are concretely and profoundly felt by each and everyone else. With the entire Continent tenaciously teetering on the edge of a full-scale war, each character must understand that their actions and desires impact not just themselves, but the fate of the entire Continent.

Crown Land features a massive cast of over THIRTY drawn, original characters. The following is merely a small sample of them all.

Crown Land on Steam

Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

If you care about the amount of gameplay you get for your money at all, this game probably rates higher than any other game. (Last I read, the average player had over 500 hours on this game.)

Crusader Kings II is a strategic game where you spend most of your time looking at a big map of Europe cut into little counties, but it is drastically different from a game like Medieval II: Total War. Whereas in those games, every nation had rigid boundaries and an entire nation was a distinct, unified entity, Crusader Kings II focuses upon the feudal system of governance, and especially its hereditary system of succession.

Real player with 2025.1 hrs in game

Crusader Kings II is one of the most deep, fascinating and replayable strategy games I have ever played. In brief, you play as a family in the middle ages, anywhere between Mali and Mongolia, or from Bengal to Britain. You try to secure advantageous alliances and strategic marriages, and build up a small realm, either as a vassal of a greater power or striking out independently. There is no real win condition, though I love taking people who lost out historically, and helping push them to greatness.

Real player with 1862.2 hrs in game

Crusader Kings II on Steam