Misericorde: Volume One

Misericorde: Volume One

The year is 1482.

The age of exploration and enlightenment is on the distant horizon and the Renaissance is in full swing across Europe; but in England, the War of the Roses is in its final throes. Change is coming, but in one little convent in the north of the kingdom, everyone has seemed blissfully unaware.

Everyone except Sister Catherine, a beloved nun and firebrand thinker who has just been murdered. In an isolated monastery with an already mysterious reputation, any one of the Sisters could be the killer—and Mother Superior is as stumped as anyone else. That’s where you come in.

As an Anchoress, you took an oath to never leave your cell; to devote yourself entirely to God and provide spiritual support to all who came to your door. But as the only Sister who couldn’t possibly have committed the crime, you have a new mission: solve the case, before the bishop shutters the convent and the killer goes unpunished.

The Superior hasn’t told everyone why you’ve suddenly joined the regular congregation, but something tells you most of these women know exactly what’s going on. Who can you trust? Who is being honest, and who has their guard up—and why? Is the convent really haunted? Who killed Sister Catherine? And worst of all… are you next?

Read More: Best Medieval 2D Games.

Misericorde: Volume One on Steam

Untale: King of Revinia

Untale: King of Revinia

I mean this is a probably one of the best visual novels ever made…like easily. I think the only visual novel that is better is Seeds of Chaos. If you are going to make a visual novel you have to dedicate considerable time to the story, art direction, and ability for the player to make choices that have an effect on the story. For some reason I don’t understand, almost no visual novels can meet that minimum standard. Untale doesn’t just meet those standards it exceeds them. The amount of different choices you have in this game is quite stunning and it’s clear a ton of work was put into making the outcomes of these choices make logical sense. Even the music here is great, I think they could use more music, but it’s probably the most robust visual novel soundtrack except for probably Lady Killer in a Bind’s amazing jazz score.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medieval Drama Games.

The art of the game is good, the story/plot is interessing and the characters are quite interessing.

Why I do not recommend it ? Because playing a “power less” guy that just do is best to survive is frustrating. And the save mechanism really help to keep the frustration very high.. ( please restart from the beginning and remember you choice… such a pain… ).

I also dont like the “combat” behavior ( being able to skip the minigame once done was a good idea… why keeping the combat ? ).

I’m sad because I really find the ambiance good but keeping trying to find the less bad ending is not where I take pleasure to play.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Untale: King of Revinia on Steam



Game is pretty good! It’s got a couple of bugs but that’s to be expected for early access. I am usually not very good at games like this, but as time went on I got more used to it. The puzzles are not obvious at all at first and remind me of Myst in terms of the complexity, but once you figure it out, then it ends up looking very obvious at that point forward.

Graphically, it’s very beautiful environment wise, and the character models are nice, although the facial expressions are a little odd, and some of the animations are a little flimsy but this is pretty minor in the grand scheme of things.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medieval Parkour Games.


AIDA: The Beginning of the Story

AIDA: The Beginning of the Story

Real short but really quite fun. A lot of it is a classic look for specific item in area rather than a puzzle, but regardless, I give it a thumbs up.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Had to refund the game because multiple puzzles are broken and do not work. The dev never replied to my discussion post. I really wanted to play this one too, but it’s impossible to move forward.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

AIDA: The Beginning of the Story on Steam

Bring Death

Bring Death

Revenge your loved ones - No matter what it takes, and no matter how much suffering you have to inflict!

  • Travel the lands, to gather units and resources

  • Build an army strong enough to defeat your enemies

  • Tactical turn-based strategy

Bring Death on Steam



Embark on an undercover mission in a medieval kingdom hovering on the brink of a civil war. Become part of a vile conspiracy or choose to act against your orders. Stand by your unlikely allies or ruin them for personal gain. The fate of the divided realm rests in your hands.

  • The captivating atmosphere of medieval decadence

  • Thrilling story heavily focused on characters and character development

  • Branching narrative shaped by the choices you make

  • A wide cast of morally grey allies and foes to interact with

  • Three slow-burn romantic routes with an impact on the story

  • Multiple ways to approach your mission: use your wits, sleight of hands, magic, or cold steel to achieve your goal

  • Immersive mini-games and puzzles, complementing the narrative

  • Pumpkin, a horse companion with her own outlook on your actions

Half a century has passed since the Kingdom of Tyrnia repelled the Imperial Invasion, but now the once victorious kingdom finds itself on the brink of a civil war.

The Queen rests with the Four now and the young King’s ascension to power is overshadowed by his suspicions towards his younger brother, Prince Bryden, who, as many think, could become a better king.

It is rumoured to be the sole reason for His Highness Prince Bryden to be entrusted with the administration of the most remote and decadent city in the kingdom.

The city of Kastra, or the Widow, was once the capital of Tyrnia. Now she is a pale shadow of her former self. Abandoned and almost of no interest to the Crown, she has fallen into the hands of local criminals who call themselves the Thieves Underground. Under their leadership, the corrupt city guards and the mysterious Church of Anar-Nehit, pilgrims from the far-southern deserts, control nearly every aspect of the city life.

Yet, even if the war has been over for half a century now, the patient and vile Ontorian Empire, just like a serpent that it bears on its banners, has prepared an even more cunning plan to seize neighbouring lands.

Under the guise of a relative of a local impoverished nobleman, Eiren, one of the Imperial spies sent to Tyrnia, will become part of a dastardly conspiracy to take over the unaware kingdom.

In order to successfully execute her orders, Agent Eiren joins the Prince’s people and will have to play her part in the liberation of the city. Together with Gieden, a crafty captain of Bryden’s forces, she begins the investigation of a daring crime that has shaken an already fragile balance in Kastra.

Eiren must act behind the backs of her unlikely allies, maintain their trust, and protect her true identity and motives at all costs.

But, perhaps, the hardest challenge for her to face will lie in the battle with her conscience and in the necessity for coming to terms with her own tragic past.

Dissension on Steam

The Medieval Psychologist

The Medieval Psychologist


Bernard is a stranger who has just arrived in Lostworth. Its purpose is to help people spiritually. He can solve the problems of his patients, sometimes by talking, sometimes by preparing medicine or magic, and sometimes by lying. He is not a priest or a sorcerer. He is just a researcher who knows a lot about the spiritual structure of man. The source of this information is his books.

While focusing on patients' personal stories and solving their problems, Bernard finds himself in the strange events in the city. Bernard will face the truth about himself as he uncovers the secrets of the city.

The Medieval Psychologist on Steam

Night Rogue

Night Rogue

This was a pretty unique and interesting short game. I have to say that I don’t really like stealth games, but there is something about this game… I liked it so very much. So you sneak around as a Thief/Rogue and break into places and steal loot. You gotta think as a thief too, as at times the front door is locked. The music is perfect for night stealth activities!

So the game isn’t overly challenging (phew!), but it is satisfying. You also don’t have to kill anyone too. I like the idea of a peaceful thief. There is also an older man, a Fence and their relationship works out, showing the truth of how it actually is supposed to be. Oh and Thomas looks pretty good too, so kudos. I like the sprite design. :D

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Night Rogue on Steam

Demons of Asteborg

Demons of Asteborg

Demons of Asteborg promised to be a “Metroidvania” kind of game and it delivers. While it still is pretty linear there’s some exploration in all stages. Also I love how you have to use your new abilities to beat each stage and bosses, giving it new mechanics on all of them. There’s a ton of variety here. This was originally a Mega Drive/Genesis game and this looks and sounds AMAZING, can say without doubt it is one of the best games ever made for the console and glad all people can play it in the og hardware and digital too.

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Ok so, I really did like this game, it was really fun hacking your way through demons advancing levels, getting stronger as you go and the overall journey is great….but that ending….that ending was so abrupt, I got to the final level I didn’t even know I was at the final level, and when things just started to get really good, I was fighting the final boss, mind you again, I had no idea I was fighting the final boss…..this guy was a joke it only took me 3 tries to beat this guy, I had a much much much tougher time fighting the previous bosses, and when I finally finished him…..small dialogue and ROLL CREDITS….really? I mean really? (spoiler) you couldn’t put in a few more levels now that I achieved my demon form? come on such wasted potential….

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

Demons of Asteborg on Steam

King’s Heir: Rise to the Throne

King’s Heir: Rise to the Throne

Somewhat better than average Artifex Mundi HOPA. This game is worth adding to your HOPA library, but my take is that it somehow doesn’t quite live up to its potential. Smooth play, decent voice acting, reasonable length, variety of HO scenes. A likeable and generous-hearted protagonist. And yet.

To sum up, this game is nicely put together, but the story and characters are stereotypical to the point of mild annoyance (at least for me). However, if you enjoy medieval style intrigue and scenery (I do), it’s worth it. Also, there aren’t many HOPA games with a male protagonist, and this one is smart and courageous.

Real player with 17.7 hrs in game

A beautifully made game with a nice tale. Kingmaker Rise to the Throne is about two royal knights brothers, Edmund and Randall Ulmer who were falsely accused of killing the king. Randall was captured for various reasons and a hidden secret Edmund will find out later as he is trying to sneak around in the town and hide from the guard’s eyes. He will do everything to save his brother and retake the throne. You’ll learn the backstory about the king and what he did to his son years ago. I’m not going to spoil the story further because it is more fun to play it than read it in a review. Playing as a male protagonist is rare in this genre, I commend the developers for changing what people been used to.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

King's Heir: Rise to the Throne on Steam