Hard to be a King

Hard to be a King

Hard to be a King ( Realm Guardian ) is a voxel strategy game.

You will play a role in a fantasy world and become a lord, rule the land, and protect your people. Assign tasks to everyone. Gathering, hunting, farming, keep your people stay away from starving. Crafting, constructing, build a stronghold to resist the dead army.


The terrain of Realm Guardian is voxel based. One kind of cube correspond to one kind of resource. You can DIG a cube to collect its resource ( miner ), or consume resource to BUILD a new cube ( builder ).


Deer will eat plants when they are hungry. If there are no plants to eat, they will starve and die. So do wolves. As the bottom of the food chain, Plants will keep growing in a slow rate. Of course if men kill all the wolves and protect deer, all the plants would be ate, and deer finally die for starving. Besides, water is another problem. Wolves from different packs may fight for the only water source. ( Don’t worry, human beings won’t fell thirsty because the author didn’t finish this function :P ). Just like the true nature, sun raise up and fall down every day ( Seasons are in planning ). Deer are more active in daytime.

The King

The king won’t do most of works. All he has to do are rebalancing resources, assigning works ect. The King can talk to one to assign task for him. Of course it will break their current work ( The author feel unhappy when he worked in a game company, he interrupted by designers very often )


Flag banner to claim regin. Flag more banners to enlarge the realm. Most of works ( e.g. mining, building ) can only do in realm. Banners would also support population limit.


Peasants would sleep when they are sleepy ( If free bed exists ). Peasant who lack of sleep will get low work efficiency. Nighttime also bring bad influence ( So does author, he hate overtime work ).

When peasants in danger, they will run into the safe area the king designed.


  • Chamberlain could report to the king and auto assign tasks to civilians

  • Builder could build blueprints designed by the king

  • Chopper could cut down trees and carry logs into storage

  • Craftsman could craft items or stuffs

  • Forager could gather food or small items like cobblestone in from forest.

  • Hunter could hunt for animals, loot their body

  • Miner could dig redprints marked by the king

  • Smith could forge metal items

  • Tailor could make cotton into complex items

  • Chef could produce processed food

  • Farmer could farm the land and harvest crops.

  • Archer, ranged soldier

  • Infantry, melee soldier


In the early stage of a game, most food come from foraging. But in the middle stage, farming becomes more important. The meaning of chefs are procduce food which support more energy. Especially food would be rotten as time goes by, produce dried food is also a good choice

Read More: Best Medieval Voxel Games.

Hard to be a King on Steam

Enchanted Blacksmith

Enchanted Blacksmith

Enchanted Blacksmith is a casual blacksmith simulation game where you sell weapons made by your own hands.

Take on the role of a blacksmith in the world of the sword and magic. Use your workbench to craft/modify/repair weapons and sell them at your shop.

Craft Weapons

Crafting system allows for creating unique weapons. Customize them by choosing from a variety of Blades, Crossguards, Hilts and Runes. Make blades and other items from materials like copper, steel, etc.

Enchanted Weapons

Use runes with various elements such as fire, poison, lightning, etc. to enchant your weapon with magic.

Upgrades and Quests

Earn experience points and gold by completing quests and orders. Level up your character and workshop to unlock new tools, resources and recipes.

Craft legendary weapons to seek fortune and Forge Your Legend!

Read More: Best Medieval Relaxing Games.

Enchanted Blacksmith on Steam



Kingdomonium is an indie medieval procedurally generated side-scrolling real time strategy game. Build up and command your medieval kingdom to explore and conquer the land. The game at its roots is a real time strategy game with the unique mechanic of playing as a side-scrolling 2D platformer. You play within a procedurally generated sandboxed open world environment which allows activities such as foraging, chopping, digging, mining, building, fishing, sailing, exploring, strategic combat and many more!

So what’s so special about this game?

Most traditional real time strategy games play from a top-down perspective. Kingdomonium plays as a side-scrolling 2D platformer. This combined with the fact that the world you play in is procedurally generated with aspects of destructible terrain makes for some very intriguing and enjoyable gameplay!

What can I do in this game and what is the end goal?

The game allows you to take command of a medieval kingdom. You give orders to various constituent units (some of which are mentiond below) to perform tasks such as foraging, chopping, digging, mining, building, fishing, sailing, exploring and tactical combat. There are many goals in the game but the main overarching one is to expand your kingdom and take over as much land as possible. Other goals include exploration, finding rare items, overcoming various obstacles and enemies and many more.

What commandable characters or units are in the game?

Below are some of the basic units planned in the game. Of course this is only a small sample. There will be many others and advanced versions of these below in the final game!

#### Villager

Villagers are the heartbeat of the kingdom. They perform a multitude of tasks such as wood-cutting, mining, building and crafting. Without them the kingdom cannot function

#### Swordsman

The short swordsman is a staple infantry unit. Although basic they are a formidable force to be reckoned with when commanded in groups for close range melee battle

#### Archer

The archer is another staple infantry unit. They are very effective for planning strategic range attacks and defending the kingdom from higher vantage points and gaurd towers

#### Knight

The knight is a more capable, experienced and equipped infantry unit. They possess a great amount of armour and durability as well as quicker attack times and greater hit-point damage

#### Cavalry

The cavalry are highly durable and effecient combat units. They possess a great amount of stamina and hit-point damage against any opposition as well as having the ability to traverse vast distances quickly

#### Priest

Priests can heal wounded units as well as cast spells against the enemy during battle. In addition to these they also possess further mystical powers yet to be revealed

#### Catapult

The catapult is a basic artillery combat unit. Highly advantageous for launching ranged attacks with large splash damage. Especially useful for destroying buildings and other structures

#### Transport Ship

The transport ship is essential for moving troops, equipment and supplies across sea to neighboring lands

Read More: Best Medieval 2D Platformer Games.

Kingdomonium on Steam

Rising World

Rising World

**This review has been updated 3 times the bottom review is the most recent

i leave more previous reviews here as a diary of my experience.**


–——————————————– Original review ————

So After I bought the game I skipped singleplayer and went straight into multiplayer ( a no PVP server in survival mode )

as soon as I loaded in, i was AMAZED!

The graphics are better than what I had expected from looking at screenshots.

Real player with 9461.7 hrs in game

If you consider buying Rising World, you should inform yourself about it first. This is not different to other things - you wouldn´t buy a TV, car, etc. without first reading the Pro/Cons before, right?

Rising World is a game in development, in Alpha stadium. That means it is incomplete and every update can change the whole game experience.

The content of the game is currently “limited” to building. Why i set “limited” into paraphrases? Simply because the game is yet incomplete and still, in my opinion, the best building game out there.

Real player with 1714.2 hrs in game

Rising World on Steam



Oldowan is a casual survival sandbox game that is focused on very early humanity and how it developed. The crafting is all based on real practices, but the survival aspects are relaxed. Developing new tools, structures, foods, and materials will allow you to explore, progress, and thrive in an uncomfortable environment.

Features include:

  • Foraging

  • Crafting

  • Building

  • Mining

  • Fishing

  • Boating

  • Cave Painting

  • Gardening

  • Exploring

  • Hunting

Oldowan on Steam

Key To Heaven

Key To Heaven

Truly a terrific oldschool 2D MMORPG experience! I played a ton of Illutia, RuneScape, Ragnorak and Tibia growing up and if you enjoyed those then you will adore this!

The developer consistently updates the game, interacts with the community, and responds to feedback. The small but passionate community create a warm sense of nostalgia, always happy to offer assistance. I expected to play a few hours to satisfy a nostalgic itch but can’t get enough!

Building your character provides freedom as there are no class restrictions, I chose to build a tank support Wisdom Mage. There are a variety of quests and puzzles that will have you exploring this charming world for hours on end. With four large islands, a vast ocean and other locations to traverse and discover with more on the way. You can get access to more power through the ‘Seraph/Rebirth’ system that allows you to reset to level 1 with extra stats, as well as try out other classes with an advantage!

Real player with 1257.2 hrs in game

This is a game for those who like to grind out great gear with hrs, and i mean hrs of game play for that great set to show off to friends and foes. All in a easy to use and understand game that take little internet speed to play. It also has a great commujnity that is on top of it evn under pressure. THe discord chat has a vary open connunity with other players willing to do trades, pvp,pve and just hang out. The adventures that are set up are set to keep the player moving and looking fo rthat next secret( if i do say there are hidden things) The in game gems are a great extra for players to make the play uniqe and fresh : this dose not inhance play unless you get a global event. it is all for ur pleasure witch i htink is a graet way to show support and not to win. this games updates are keept posted and current to what they are doing in the game. that make for a nice watch as a game grows and becomes i bealive and hope the next great game to have on every pc, look and play for self if you dont think so… Off to grind.

Real player with 198.4 hrs in game

Key To Heaven on Steam

100 hidden gnomes

100 hidden gnomes

Worst in the series by far. Unless you are trying to teach a 2-3 year old how to use a mouse, simply pointless.

While others in the series have charming and sometimes quite clever artwork (100 birds still manages to hide the last few birds from me even after a few play throughs) this has neither.

2 minutes and 1 pan through the scenery and it’s done. (I had to leave it running and go cook some breakfast just to be able to write this review.)

TLDR: TSDB. (Too Short, Don’t Buy.)

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Alas, I, your humble scribe of this here review, find myself unable and unwilling to give this game either laurels, or medals.

“Why?” asks thou, most saucily.

“Because,” respond I, tired of the fake Shakespeare talk, “it blows like a hurricane and sucks like a vacuum cleaner.”

Nothing is hidden in this hidden object game …and that sort of defeats the purpose of the danged thing.

! Unless the goal was a quick cash grab, in which case- kudos!

Previous efforts by the devs were not brain twisting by any means, but at least provided a well priced, mild and fun challenge with small images well integrated in the black and white line art.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

100 hidden gnomes on Steam

Survival RPG: The Lost Treasure

Survival RPG: The Lost Treasure

This is a nice simplistic adventure and survival game. I enjoyed it very much. It is rough or simple, but I like it very much. Actually I have played the two sequels, too. I hope for more in the future!

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Quite good crafting adventure. Lots of crafting materials to gather and plenty of secrets to find. The game doesn’t look like much from the screenshots but it’s pretty good. Fighting mechanics could have been a bit better but it’s not bad. It is not a farming sim like stardew valley. It’s a crafting RPG. You pretty much get all the crafting materials instantly .. just lying around and respawning quickly. You kill enemies by swinging your sword. You can craft better weapons and armor as you get deeper into the game. Does not have hunger or similar mechanics for survival so the game allows you to take your time exploring. Looks like a mobile game ported to PC but keyboard or even controller should work ok with something like Joy2Key. Not bad for it’s price. I’m looking forward to the other games in this series that the developers have lined up for 2021.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Survival RPG: The Lost Treasure on Steam

9th Dawn III

9th Dawn III

9th Dawn III is a great hack-and-slash dungeon crawler/RPG with a lot of content. The game has a semi-open world concept with limited access to areas related to the main story. There is a predefined path to progress in the game, but the number of optional dungeons gives a lot of freedom. I enjoyed the storyline, even if it is a clichéd “save the world from evil” scenario.

You can definitely tell that the developers put a lot of attention to detail in this game. There is a huge amount of items, skills, monsters and general things you can do in the game. You can go fishing and make a meal out of your catch, or you can go mining and forge a new weapon etc.

Real player with 183.8 hrs in game

9th Dawn III is a 2D pixel take on a huge open world filled with smithing, jewelcrafting, alchemy, cooking, taming monsters, a card game along with the usual dungeon crawling and loot that are familiar for everyone. The animation and art for this game are it’s weakest points, which as an artist I hate saying. On the plus side, everything else is so damned good that you will get past the look of it pretty damned quickly. It is singularly my only “complaint” about this game, and even there the dark dreary textures that seem to blend into each other are vastly outweighed by amazingly implemented gameplay mechanics, a fun little story that doesn’t take itself too seriously, and a plethora of crafting minigames and card minigames that will keep you entertained for hours.

Real player with 93.7 hrs in game

9th Dawn III on Steam



I stumbled across this recently, and have been enjoying working through the campaign. I give this a thumbs up primarily because of the enthusiastic and helpful developer responses to questions I had, and I feel I got my moneys worth of entertainment value. These guys deserve some more attention for their efforts. It is a game that I “like” but don’t “love”.

Malmyr offers some quite different mechanics to what you would normally expect, though not all of those are necessarily positive things (it is very mouse clicky) and can take some getting used to. Kind of revealing is the lack of a lets play series out there - people tend to bounce off it after a few hours I think. Fundamentally the game is more of a puzzler than a true building game - space is limited and the randomly generated tiles can require some planning before you commit to building. I am hoping to finish the campaign, I am always a sucker for trying to “finish” a game. I haven’t tried the sandbox mode though I may give that a quick shot once I knock off the last two missions, we shall see. I just have too many other games that are begging for my time and this just doesn’t have that magic X factor or depth of strategy tp keep coming back to.

Real player with 77.2 hrs in game

Malmyr is THE game you’ve been waiting for a long time! What a pleasant surprise!

Malmyr is the perfect mix of real-time strategy and puzzle game. Because in Malmyr building your city is not made as easy as in other building games. Instead, you have to ensure an always sufficient flow of raw materials through increasingly complex road systems. but malmyr always remains clear, fair and, above all, relaxing. Relaxation is the perfect word to describe malmyr. You have no time pressure, you can correct mistakes at any time without losing your progress.

Real player with 23.8 hrs in game

Malmyr on Steam