Egg of Empire

Egg of Empire

when i first saw this game on steam i was with my friends and we thought the name was so funny we had to buy it we saw it would be coming out in 2 days so we had a sleepover waiting for the game to be released and we were not disappointed. this game is every thing i want in a indie game its funny has good game play and its fun to learn. when you get into to game it does not tell you how to play so it is trial and error and it feels rewarding like you did this. the only problems i had were i wish the select was not a on screen button and instead assigned to a key or mouse button, as well as the hit boxes might glitch out were every thing is no clip only happened once to me tho and with a quick restart it was back and since you can save it wasn’t a problem. but i only played for about a hour so idk how often or if it is a recurring thing at all over all 8/10 aslo if you dont want to do the trial and error type learning the creator made a Tutorial which i will link here:

Real player with 31.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medieval Wargame Games.

Egg of Empire on Steam

Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

  • My younger brother learned how to read and write his 1st words with this game, before he ever went to school.

  • I learned english for the 1st time and developed my spanish with this game

  • It was the 1st game that i ever had the feeling that it was the perfect game for me when i was a kid.

  • it was the 1st online videogame that i used to play in a regular basis

  • This game was the 1st ever platform that served as a base to our great comunity called the 1stBdC. It’s the 1st big mount and blade community in our country and also the 1st in Portuguese comunitys rankings… since it’s the only one XD.

Real player with 2669.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medieval Multiplayer Games.

“It’s almost harvesting season!”

Truly a gem of a game. I’ve spend countless of hours in it without ever boring myself. The mods make this game very replayable.

Real player with 795.7 hrs in game

Mount & Blade: Warband on Steam



Frequently crashes, couldn’t make it past the first raid.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medieval Building Games.

Longphort on Steam

Kingdom Wars: The Plague

Kingdom Wars: The Plague

It seriously needed a extra month or more just making tool tips and basic placements on maps right before EA ,and bear in mind it’s used a massive chunk of a previous game just to start with so it’s not a normal EA from the ground up

The devs say different but it’s pretty similar in play to MKW atm, so if you enjoyed that you’ll like this

Had a full game 30hrs+ and tbh I couldn’t face a replay

the repetition is just too much same units /same maps/ same annoying pre build for resources every single little battle despite the fact the actual battle will only last minutes

Real player with 67.1 hrs in game

The Plague: Kingdom Wars is a very fun game that feels like someone took Medieval 2 TW and Stronghold and smashed them together. It is still early access and in Alpha stage but the potential this game has is staggering.

Gameplay is split between a strategic overworld map similar to TW where you move your armies around, conduct diplomacy and upgrade your various cities and hamlets. Battles switch you to an RTS like system similar again to TW but with the addition of being able to build units, buildings and defences to try and give yourself an edge or tip the balance against your opponent.

Real player with 31.7 hrs in game

Kingdom Wars: The Plague on Steam

Total War: MEDIEVAL II – Definitive Edition

Total War: MEDIEVAL II – Definitive Edition

This game is the best Total War game in existence. This is by far my favourite. Not only are the vanilla and expansion campaigns a lot of fun, but the almost infinite fantastic mods adds the replayability of this game a thousand fold.


  • Campaign experience is awesome. Lots of depth. Plenty to do. Complex enough that its not difficult to learn, but not easy to master either. It’s so easy to get immersed into your kingdom and care about your subjucts. History is your oyster. You become what you want. You can be a benevolent king who’s people adore, or a bloodthirsty tyrant that rules with an iron fist, a bumbling general that doesn’t inspire his men at all, or the greatest commander alive who even peasants will fight to their death on his command.

Real player with 1377.6 hrs in game

Despite it’s old age, it’s a masterpiece.

Medieval II: Total War is one of the best strategy games I’ve played. It’s both enjoyable in a strategical and personal sense.

Lets just straight get into why.


  • The game manages to be detailed with their strategy, forcing you to actually flank and position your troops. It doesn’t just account to how large your force is or whose troops are more disciplined, though, those two are factors to consider as well. In multiplayer, you might even be able to factor in Psychological Warfare! It gets pretty in-depth. And I love that.

Real player with 586.4 hrs in game

Total War: MEDIEVAL II – Definitive Edition on Steam



I really wanted to be able to recommend this game as I did enjoy it, it’s fairly well built in it’s core.

The main issue is lacking content. There is only basic skirmish mode, not story, no setups, no challenges, nothing at all. There is absolutely nothing to work towards. It’s fun to unlock all the technologies but it gets boring quickly as that doesnt take long.

I also had a tremendous amount of trouble trying to get archers positioned on my walls. Constantly getting stuck in annoying ways and not completing the commands. I realize it’s an alpha so thats not that big of a deal.

Real player with 75.0 hrs in game

This is the game I always wanted. And it lives up to that wish for about 2 hours. When is the polish and refinement coming?

Real player with 25.4 hrs in game

Becastled on Steam



An accurate rebuild of scandinavian game. With lovely music, character models and multiplayer!

Looking forward for addons and new features

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Daldos on Steam

Evolution of War

Evolution of War

Very short and stupid game with no progression what so ever. Good for playing one match maybe.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Evolution of War on Steam



Good in concept, failure by over-extension in practice.

Units disobey orders.

AI archers are master snipers while your own units couldn’t hit the broadside of an ocean from the edge of the shore, player-controlled archery has something that doesn’t even make logical sense, as it’s not a thing in actual archery unless you are exceptionally new to it, or don’t have the proper training, being sway, which, unless somehow each historical army had conscripts for all of their archers, or minimal training quality, which Persia in particular wouldn’t, would not occur in EVERY archer on the field, regardless of level, or lack of movement.

Real player with 49.6 hrs in game

This game has so much potential, but right now it is almost unplayable. Watch a few YouTube videos before you buy. Here are a few easy changes that would make it bearable to play again in case the dev stumbles upon this. Please feel free to add to this comment any issues you are experiencing.

Here is a haphazard OL of the many problems with this game:

1. Lack of updates:

-The creator of this game is seemingly busy working on another title (haven’t played it, but i’ve seen gameplay… looks like essentially the same game, but the graphics seem less appealing to me). If your new game works even a little better than Formata, you should consider giving access to players who purchased this one thinking you would finish it. Or at least consider making a few changes to either game. Many of your players likely bought this in good faith, thinking you would make improvements over time. Players that bought Formata also aren’t likely to spend the money on such a similar game anyways, so I would wager it would go a long way for promoting your new game and enlarging your player base. I’m not just trying to hound you for a copy too. Even after seeing gameplay of the other game I still prefer Formata in it’s broken state to the new one merely due to the feel of the game.

Real player with 31.8 hrs in game

Formata on Steam

King’s Orders

King’s Orders


In King’s Orders, you play as a medieval ruler. Your goal is to manage armies and cities on a map of Europe. Give orders by sending letters to your generals and make decisions based on the reports you receive. Re-enact historical events and see how you can change the course of history. Create a dominating empire that shall last for centuries!


From the frozen Scandinavia to the deserts of Africa - claim new territories, expand influences and replay unique scenarios. Each of those will challenge you with the most important battles of the middle ages, however, the outcome depends on your actions. Hundred Years' War, Battle of Grunwald, Wars of the Roses - each can be a setting for your plan to achieve total victory. Are you able to create an ultimate strategy that will fulfill your ambitions no matter what?


King’s Orders is a game for players who seek a more immersive experience than in most real-time strategies. Communicate with your troops by sending messengers with your letters. Send orders and wait for results. Remember it takes time for your runner to deliver the message and the route is full of dangers. Realism is magnified by the lack of battle preview in real-time. You gain all knowledge of those events from received reports, so that’s all you have to picture the battle and make further decisions.


Conquer the cities and control key trade routes. Gained gold gives you various opportunities, so spend it wisely. Will you train more troops or focus on fortifying? You decide what kind of ruler you are and how you’re about to manage the economy. Everything comes with consequences. Some unpopular decisions may even end up with a rebellion against you. Take care of your generals’ loyalty and morale, so they will help you to control the people.

King's Orders on Steam