My Strong Horse

My Strong Horse

Wonderful game,i always look at the big horse cock.very detailed and i want to suck it.maybe u can do horse sex DLC

Real player with 62.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medieval VR Games.

⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡠⣴⣶⣶⣶⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄it’s good

⠄⠄⠄⣴⣿⣿⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⢹⣟⣛⣛⣛⣃⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄Play it









Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

My Strong Horse on Steam



Really great game, I am having lots of fun with it, would highly recommend!

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medieval Choices Matter Games.

The game is absolutely terrible. The controls are sluggish and you will get your tail feathers handed to you about 99% of the time. There is no time to even try to aim your lance. Shield or Head I can’t see to aim for them. You just put your lance over the line and pray you either break your lance or do some serious damage to your opponent. The balance mini-game is an absolute joke. It is totally unresponsive. I hit right as soon as the dot appears, and it shoots straight to the left and throws me. The Rock Paper Scissors mechanic of Barding, Shield, Lance, and Armor need to be explained better than “Oh, just play around with it.” All these elements make for a frustrating and unpleasant experience. I do not mind a challenge. I do mind a skill-based game leaving it up to lady luck to make the final judgement. This game has so much potential but in its current state I do not recommend it.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Gallantry on Steam

Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

  • My younger brother learned how to read and write his 1st words with this game, before he ever went to school.

  • I learned english for the 1st time and developed my spanish with this game

  • It was the 1st game that i ever had the feeling that it was the perfect game for me when i was a kid.

  • it was the 1st online videogame that i used to play in a regular basis

  • This game was the 1st ever platform that served as a base to our great comunity called the 1stBdC. It’s the 1st big mount and blade community in our country and also the 1st in Portuguese comunitys rankings… since it’s the only one XD.

Real player with 2669.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medieval Multiplayer Games.

“It’s almost harvesting season!”

Truly a gem of a game. I’ve spend countless of hours in it without ever boring myself. The mods make this game very replayable.

Real player with 795.7 hrs in game

Mount & Blade: Warband on Steam



I really enjoyed this one. I wish it had a sandbox type scenario without the time constraint.

Want to play more but don’t really want to repeat the main campaign.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Theme park meets jousting!

It’s a good little sim game. There’s more complexity to the it that I thought it would have when I bought it - but it’s actually been quite fun for the last couple of days I’ve been dipping in and out. Well worth a punt.


  • Good feel to it, familiar tycoon game mechanics, building, hiring staff and all that jazz.

  • It looks nice, good art style and cute characters.

  • Music is pretty good.

  • It’s got some nice humour - you can see little thought bubbles from time to time with funny stuff people are thinking & the story is humor driven

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Tourney on Steam

The Vagabond Emperor

The Vagabond Emperor

For other game reviews, please [url]follow us at What The Game?[/url]

Do you know what it feels like to be beaten, broken and struggle just to later look back at the hard road that lead you to glory? Well that is the name of the game in The Vagabond Emperor. You begin as a lowly nobody and have to really use your wits to scrap for gold and experience. As time goes on you can build yourself up to afford armor, weapons and even companions to help as you make your way out into the world.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Information / Review English

The Vagabond Emperor is an indie strategy game developed by WigglingEyeBrows. The game is still in the early access phase.

Gameplay / Story

You start the game as a simple vagabond who is still so unknown in the world and has not yet made its way into the history books. The story takes place in a fictional medieval world, which is haunted by a spreading curse and has already cost many their lives. At some point you can build your own cities and buildings in them, which produce raw materials for you that you can trade with other cities and their rulers. they try to conquer your city and need your warfare to defend them. Of course, you can also use your diplomatic skills and negotiate with them. Opponents will try to sneak into your community and cause you problems. The more relationships you have with other characters, the more opportunities you have to put things right again. There is also equipment for you to make yourself stronger, such as special upgrades for your armor or clothing itself. Many different types of weapons have made it into the game, which fit into the era. After every battle won should not be unrewarded, of course, and unique spoils of war await you. A highlight is that you can also start a family and what is special about it is that when your main trafficker dies, the parents' abilities are passed on to your children. You are free to decide what your next step is and where you will go to achieve your goals.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

The Vagabond Emperor on Steam

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Before you all read my review I want you to know I’m basing this review purely on the multiplayer aspect of this game as that has been my main way of having fun on the amazing Mount&Blade franchise over the last 10 years.

Be it on Warband, With Fire and Sword, Napoleonic Wars dlc, or many of the mods we saw over the years, it’s always been the multiplayer that kept me interested and gave me so many great moments.

Look I know what most people are thinking…

“But Walja, you have over 1.000 hours played on Mount&Blade 2: Bannerlord and still you don’t recommend it !?”

Real player with 1112.7 hrs in game

Most of the negative reviews for this game are people who bought it early on and saw how little this game progressed through the passing of months, positive ones are the ones with few hours, because I indeed agree, it feels like a new game completely, which is good (as there was already plenty of content for Warband through great mods).

However, what surprises me the most is that they say this game will be released June next year? (sourcing themselves: . How come? Game is far from finished and absolute snail’s pace of development will for granted not finish it in a few months, when this game has been going on for years and since they launched it on steam on early access prepurchase, they have mostly been doing minor fixes and balancing. No new features, quests or dialogues since I last played to this day

Real player with 316.0 hrs in game

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord on Steam

Rustler (Grand Theft Horse)

Rustler (Grand Theft Horse)

one of those game thats basically 7/10. its very decent

Played on the hard difficulty, i belive the time i beat the game (all quest, all side mission, some unlockables ) i was abt 80%

theres some massive jank bugs that probably already adressed after i beat it, but one of the jank are the horse mission. it is a massive bitch when i played it. to the point i had to email the dev on what im saying.

Story humour probably could get better if theres some form of actual talking instead of just Sims blabbering.

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

I am having a lot of fun with this game. It is relaxing at times and not frustrating at all. It is obvious where it is inspired from.

The graphics reminds me of shadow tactics. It is very pleasant to look at.

The sound in this game is relaxing. The birds and the nature ahhh. The music of the barde is very funny.

The combat is good but needs more work besides the bug fixing. I would like to see more fighting techniques, not just hit and block. I am enjoying it so far.

The humor in this game is spot on. I had moments when I laughed out loud.

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

Rustler (Grand Theft Horse) on Steam

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

it’s a review so i have to say that this game is MAGIC (no magic involved in the actual game). If you’re a geek who loves medieval history, then just buy it already! it’s just 10$ on sale right now which feels criminally cheap for what you’re getting. you’re going to get tons of hours and an incredible amount of options to choose from in terms of skills, combat and play style which ultimately allows your Henry be exactly who you want him to be. The combat is challenging, and even though my coordination and rhythm is poor in life and all video games i’ve played, there are ways around this (in most cases), as you have many ways to resolve issues. I play a charismatic yet weaselly man who can talk or run his way out of anything. i can handle a sword if it comes to it, but i’d rather not. what i’m getting at is that you shouldn’t be intimidated by some reviews that rightfully point out how challenging some scenarios can be. get creative! the game allows for that.

Real player with 169.6 hrs in game

As a game, it’s very difficult in the early parts. Food and money are really hard to come by, though there are some “public food pots” if there’s no choice. You are weak and getting ambushed is hell, especially when you haven’t saved recently. Speaking of saving, you have to CRAFT a potion to save, or find a comfy bed. Fighting more than 2 enemies is an automatic fail, more so if they are armored. Though to be fair, anyone would struggle to fight 2 people in real life.

Yet, once you have top level armor and weapons, this game is one of the best “knight simulators” of all time imo. Get some potions that fortify your defense and raise your warfare/strength skill and you’re a killing machine. Then there’s also the fact that money and food become pointless because you’ll be filthy rich (even without ‘that’ DLC) and you’ll get hungry a lot slower. I absolutely love the combat system. Even if many people aren’t fond of it, i don’t think there are other games that can capture the essence of medieval fencing. This game got me interested in HEMA. Anyone who says the combat is “trash”, is actually trash at understanding the combat mechanics themselves.

Real player with 162.7 hrs in game

Kingdom Come: Deliverance on Steam

Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword

Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword

This game is fantastic. I’ve put hundreds of hours into it, and I’ll likely put hundreds of house more into it. Takes place in the real world in mid-17th century Eastern Europe. There’s 5 factions; Muscovite Tsardom (Russia), Sweden, Poland, Crimean Khanate (Crimea, which is a location in the game), and the Cossacks. You’ll meet people from these areas as well as Spaniards, Frenchmen, Germans, and even Scotsmen. There are muskets, and because of the time period, they come in a variety of flavours. Home made, matchlock, wheel lock, and Miquelet (flintlock) are the main ones, in order of quality. Accuracy is in short supply of course, but I do believe there are some rifled muskets in the game, however they are VERY expensive, and not something you can give normal soldiers. Only your own character, and heroes.

Real player with 485.8 hrs in game

With Fire and Sword, a Winged Hussar’s wet dream (at first glance).

The cover of the game might wow you with it’s fancy looking armor and “updated” gameplay, but once you have it, it gets boring quick and the lack of options is a huge disappointment.

Unlike Warband, this game doesn’t have a troop/progression tree. Instead this game just has you upgrade troops to “veteran”, and while that might not be that bad, the lack of variety can get really old, really quick.

There is no diplomacy, at all, ever.

Real player with 244.2 hrs in game

Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword on Steam




  • love the weather cycle

  • great attention to small details

  • better than average graphics

  • great foundation to build on with improvements

  • bandits/native american interaction is a nice aspect


-terrible economic system at all levels (easy medium hard)

at hard you pretty much can only build one way or you will fail

at medium you can waiver a little but not much

at easy not much different from medium

if you want to build only a logging town and never advance your populations status then you have no worries

Real player with 165.4 hrs in game

Bottom Line Up Front: This game will be amazing when it’s finished.


  1. It’s a very cool concept of starting a town in the wild west.

  2. The Devs. have come up with a great backbone for the buildings and resources you will need to be successful.

  3. Replay-ability once complete will be a GINORMOUS 10/10.

  4. It’s not an easy game to master in the beginning. You really need to think a few steps ahead before building anything. This makes it so much more fun when you are successful in your choices.

Real player with 43.1 hrs in game

Depraved on Steam