Medieval Engineers

Medieval Engineers

… a shame it was abandoned…

but don’t be fooled. I consider this game still the top game in my whole steam library.

Why? you might wonder….

this game is living on vividly in the mod community.

Theres hardly a hundred players still running it regularly but its state is better than ever before.

The online community is superb. All very passionate people who invest real time and skill in this wonder of a game.

credit where credit is due: big thanks to Deepflame, Peaceman, and modders like Equinox, Xaerthus , Onca, JohnBeere and many , many others, who are taking this game to unseen levels.

Real player with 2907.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medieval Physics Games.

(New Edit, 2/17/2019)

I hadn’t played ME for months, after the last update broke the game into unplayability and I left in disgust, after having written the review below. But I had heard about the rail and water mods and so a few weeks ago I fired it back up to check it out.

Like my initial Steam review (below), the modders have done an amazing job. The new rail mod is intuitive, fun, immersive, and solves the main issue of planet, which is it’s unruly size.

The new water mod finally added what everyone has been asking for since the games inception, and which KEEN assured us they would never provide. Water. Like, you know, the prerequisite for life itself.

Real player with 2182.5 hrs in game

Medieval Engineers on Steam



Enjoyed the updates and game play. I normally don’t play this style game and I bought it for my son who shares this sit with me. He is autistic and just loves this game, he would get excited with every update. He really likes the direction the game is going with people connecting in the game.

Real player with 34.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medieval Survival Games.

Went inside the capital, fell through the world into the endless abyss of the ocean, until I fell down the heavens to the earth. Only to fall through the world again to the depths of hell just to teleport to the tallest peek of the mountain, 4000m away from my settlement. I got a nice view though.

8/10 game. Would recommend.

Real player with 22.7 hrs in game


Medieval Farmer Simulator

Medieval Farmer Simulator

Medieval Farmer is a real-time simulator that will prove to you that the life of a farmer in medieval Europe was not at all boring and without challenges! Face the ruthless forces of nature, vermin infestations and the trivialities of everyday life. Turn chores into fun and then pass your farm on to the next generation thanks to an advanced inheritance system!

Choose the right specialisation for you and start the farm of your dreams. Create an enclosure for the animal species you want to breed, using a variety of tools and an extensive crafting system. You are only limited by your own imagination.

Prepare the land by using medieval ways to fertilise the soil and give your plants the best growing conditions. Medieval Farmer takes full advantage of real life farming methods used centuries ago.

Repair old farming equipment. For example fix a wheel to a wheelbarrow with a metal screw. You don’t have to buy new tools every time. All it takes is a little imagination and a flair for the handiwork, and you can repair them yourself and save on priceless coins.

Keep an eye on your buildings and do your own renovations when the time comes. After all, no farmer wants his hard-earned wheat to get wet through a neglected hole in the roof, right? Not to mention the thieves who, in the Middle Ages, were just waiting for the right opportunity to rob every richer farm. So keep an eye on your farm and try to keep it in the best possible condition!

It’s up to you to decide what plants or crops will grow on your farm. Harvest them at the right time of the year and trade with your fellow villagers to reinvest the money back into your farm.

Read More: Best Medieval Survival Games.

Medieval Farmer Simulator on Steam

Castle Flipper

Castle Flipper

i had 9 games on my wish list for the last 6 months and finally one of them came out—Castle Flipper. I love House Flippers and have about 400 hours on it. My first thought was this would be similar, but after reading the numerous negative comments, I realized it wasn’t. There were also complaints that the quests were completed in 10-12 hours and that was also a turn off. However, the Devs responded and explained the concept of building a castle after the quests.

The game was listed for about $5 (i live in a lower priced Country) and after some thought, I decided to give it a try. After all, everyone has different tastes. Boy was I glad. The setting and music are beautiful. I started by completing a couple of tasks and then was told to build my house. It only required a 4X4 floor plan and took no time to build. Then there were 2 new tasks, one of them was to clean up a ship. While that sounded cool, I realized that was the problem those negative reviewers had. They rushed, rushed, rushed. For example, one player I won’t name gave it a bad review saying there was little to do except the quests that took just a few hours. Yet, this player took the time to make a You Tube video of him playing the game. I watched it to pick up some tips. He rushed, rushed, rushed to complete the quests. This isn’t real life where we live in the fast lane. Slow down. Take a breath and enjoy the game. There is no prize for finishing the game quickly. He even commented that it only cost $10 so not worth the time to ask for a refund. What? Not worth the time. It takes less than a minute to ask for a refund on Steam (I know, I’ve refunded over half my games because they were too difficult.) If someone’s one minute of time is worth more than 10 bucks, then I’m in the wrong business.

Real player with 42.9 hrs in game

First off all, I love these kinds of games. Building and maintaining your own settlement is something I can spend many hours on. Saying that you would think I would recommend this game seeing the endgame is based all around that. But sadly I cannot. The idea is there, build your own castle and collect rent. But the way this has been implemented simply isn’t satisfying. The world feels empty and barren, nothing happens beside the occasional ‘clutter everywhere incidents’ that makes you run around all the houses n clean stuff up. The visuals are great but without life within the game you quickly lose the drive to do anything.

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

Castle Flipper on Steam

Chinese Frontiers

Chinese Frontiers

Chinese Frontiers is a life simulator in a Chinese settlement established during the construction of the Great Wall. As one of the inhabitants, find out if you have what it takes to build the world’s largest defensive fortification and face other daily challenges.

Work solidly. The wall will not build itself, certainly not the Great Wall! Follow all instructions carefully - it will certainly pay off in the future. And this is not just about a job promotion!

Get food. At first, rice will be your bread and butter. Well, that and possibly fish. It is also worth taking the risk and going hunting with your buddies. Hunting will allow you to eat something decent and give you more strength to work.

Be creative. Enhance your skills and create many valuable items that you can sell or use. It will significantly increase your comfort of life, but you have to take care of it yourself.

Chinese Frontiers on Steam

Medieval Dynasty

Medieval Dynasty

Overall this is a good game, I enjoyed playing in for nearly 300 hours. However it does have it’s flaws some of which are the reason I stopped playing before clocking up 300+ hours of play time.

Firstly some of the skill and tech progression needs optimising, I still had a long way to go in many of them and very little means by which get there. most noticeably Taverns and anything in the diplomacy tree. Horses are too late in the game to of any use, there is half a tech tree dedicated to their use but they are not needed by the time you can use them.

Real player with 284.9 hrs in game

This game is a black hole. It’s the type of game you sit down to mess around on for 20 minutes, and then 5 hours have passed, you’ve pissed yourself, and your mouth is drier than a pharoh’s sock.

The phyiscs can be very clunky, and at it’s base settings the Villager’s needs were laughably easy to fulfil. These are fairly minor complaints, as the base mechanics and the feeling of constantly working towards the next ‘thing’ carry this game into the limelight.


Following what is, for the most part, the Main Quest in the form of Uniegost’s Story is a trial of tedium. I can best liken it to Racimer being a camera for an ongoing drama, with some very slight choices by the player, that really don’t amount to much. For example, there is a quest near the conclusion of the line, which I’ll keep as vague as possible, you have to travel to the very far east corner of the map to speak to someone who has critical information. The game hypes this moment up. You get there, for me at the time it was getting dark and raining quite heavily which really helped the atmosphere, and the Guy first dallies for no particularly good reason, directly calling out that ‘you need this information in a time critical manner,’ before the guy asks you to collect… His groceries. Yep. 20 Beetroot. 20 Onions. 20 Cabbage. 20 Carrots. For the most part, the rest of the quests are running back and forth across the map, occasionally getting items, talking to various NPCs spout exposition about your Uncle.

Real player with 111.7 hrs in game

Medieval Dynasty on Steam



Played it a little… Pretty fun.

Real player with 2231.6 hrs in game

A physics building puzzle game with a lot of levels and with mods creativity and your pc is the only limit

Real player with 559.4 hrs in game

Besiege on Steam

Tavern Master

Tavern Master

Great casual game for £10 pounds. Does not take long to complete everything though, but the developer is going to add more stuff. Lets hope we get more floors and a larger surface area to work with.

Tip: You do not need to leave a walkway for staff or guest to move around tables and chairs, there is room within the grids.

Tip: If you want more Waitresses just add some more Kitchen Counters (If you have unlocked everything).

Tip: Hotel Bed Rooms, To get a 5 star room, you have to have certain things in it, but you can add up to 5 beds which will give you the extra money for each. You need two windows for a 5 star room, but the windows can be anywhere in the room and do not need to be on a outside wall. You also do not need to have any corridors, just have a doorway through the room, guests will walk through rooms to get to the room they want.

Real player with 48.0 hrs in game

At this time i played the game for roughly 20 hours in an earlier version.

My only gripe was that it was a little lacking in depth back then, but that changed for the release version in every aspect of the game.

What hooked me at first glance was the atmosphere and the weird kind of nostalgica the game gave me.

It felt like a game i would have loved to play 30 years ago (i am old) but didn’t had the technic for.

We got a pretty Tavern Builder with fantastic lightning, music and atmosphere that gives you alot of freedom to build things the way you like it.

Real player with 34.7 hrs in game

Tavern Master on Steam

Altwaldheim: Town in Turmoil

Altwaldheim: Town in Turmoil

Simple game. Yet rng, 5 factions, random events, riddles make it complex with deep strategy element.

I love city builders and making units in general. Game is very challenging I’ve played 17.5 hours a few days into purchasing and even though made it to final boss twice i still have not beat the game yet. Addictive game play and replay value is high.

Key to starting is focus on 1. gold 2. food 3. wood. i do not make any units until i’m attacked at the start. when i am attacked I focus on making a few units ie 20 archers maybe 10 thugs 10 militia then attack the small camps ie peasant militia and archer camps. make iron and stone mine and the remaining buidings. pick one faction to focus on and maybe have a subfaction as 2nd ary. for me i choose military and later capitalists. but there are relion freethinkers and nature ie guardians.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Ok folks,

I’ve been playing games from a very young age. This game will work for you if you like a chill relaxed management game that will challenge you.

Graphics are minimalist but it doesn’t matter.

I recommend the game because the developers did a really really good job in pulling this together in a way that it will keep you entertained while really focusing on you management and decision skills.

Well done, it’s a buy.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Altwaldheim: Town in Turmoil on Steam

Hard to be a King

Hard to be a King

Hard to be a King ( Realm Guardian ) is a voxel strategy game.

You will play a role in a fantasy world and become a lord, rule the land, and protect your people. Assign tasks to everyone. Gathering, hunting, farming, keep your people stay away from starving. Crafting, constructing, build a stronghold to resist the dead army.


The terrain of Realm Guardian is voxel based. One kind of cube correspond to one kind of resource. You can DIG a cube to collect its resource ( miner ), or consume resource to BUILD a new cube ( builder ).


Deer will eat plants when they are hungry. If there are no plants to eat, they will starve and die. So do wolves. As the bottom of the food chain, Plants will keep growing in a slow rate. Of course if men kill all the wolves and protect deer, all the plants would be ate, and deer finally die for starving. Besides, water is another problem. Wolves from different packs may fight for the only water source. ( Don’t worry, human beings won’t fell thirsty because the author didn’t finish this function :P ). Just like the true nature, sun raise up and fall down every day ( Seasons are in planning ). Deer are more active in daytime.

The King

The king won’t do most of works. All he has to do are rebalancing resources, assigning works ect. The King can talk to one to assign task for him. Of course it will break their current work ( The author feel unhappy when he worked in a game company, he interrupted by designers very often )


Flag banner to claim regin. Flag more banners to enlarge the realm. Most of works ( e.g. mining, building ) can only do in realm. Banners would also support population limit.


Peasants would sleep when they are sleepy ( If free bed exists ). Peasant who lack of sleep will get low work efficiency. Nighttime also bring bad influence ( So does author, he hate overtime work ).

When peasants in danger, they will run into the safe area the king designed.


  • Chamberlain could report to the king and auto assign tasks to civilians

  • Builder could build blueprints designed by the king

  • Chopper could cut down trees and carry logs into storage

  • Craftsman could craft items or stuffs

  • Forager could gather food or small items like cobblestone in from forest.

  • Hunter could hunt for animals, loot their body

  • Miner could dig redprints marked by the king

  • Smith could forge metal items

  • Tailor could make cotton into complex items

  • Chef could produce processed food

  • Farmer could farm the land and harvest crops.

  • Archer, ranged soldier

  • Infantry, melee soldier


In the early stage of a game, most food come from foraging. But in the middle stage, farming becomes more important. The meaning of chefs are procduce food which support more energy. Especially food would be rotten as time goes by, produce dried food is also a good choice

Hard to be a King on Steam