Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality

Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality

It’s fun, but if you get the black screen what you need to do is either take off the headset and look at your monitor or use the desktop button on the steam overlay (bottom left corner, icon looks like a browser window), then navigate your hand to the clipboard and choose options. From there you go to advanced, and turn off bloom. Then you should be able to see in your headset. This only fixes the game up until the tooth transplant, so before you get to there you need to make sure bloom is off, anti aliasing is off, and color correction is off. Turn on everything else and set shadows to high. Then you should be able to see in all of the surgeries and reception, but if you fail you will get the black screen again. Just repeat what you did initially to change the graphics settings (taking off headset or using desktop view in the headset), only this time you just need to choose “menu options” on the side of the fail clipboard, then choose “restart” or “exit”. Keep in mind that by using the desktop view in VR will require you to pre-position your hands where you think the button is, open desktop view, then go back in game to move your hands because, obviously when you open the steam overlay you can’t control your in-game hands. I’ve also heard that you still get a black screen when you pause, but i couldn’t test it myself because I don’t have a pause button, only an overlay button (because I play on the Quest 2 with ALVR, so I have an oculus overlay button and a steam overlay button). I read this in a steam guide and thought it would be helpful to make it into a review so more people could see it, because i know not everyone goes to the steam guide page for a game, specially before they buy it. If you found this helpful, then go to the steam guides page and support the post there too, I just wanted to add a few more details and put it in a more viewed place. Anyways, the game is fun, but keep in mind that the black screen glitch almost definately wont be fixed ever by the devs, and i don’t think anyone wants to mod in a patch for it cus let’s be real, this game is pretty dead, but i still have a lot of fun with it. I got it on sale from humble bundle, and i’d say if you can also get it for $8 it’s worth it.

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medical Sim VR Games.

It’s rare a leave a review on a game, but I would highly recommend NOT purchasing this to my friends. As many other people have pointed out, you load up the game and are just greeted with a black screen. You can work around it by taking off your headset and navigating via your computer monitor and toggling “Bloom”. However, failing an operation and opening the menu black-screens it, and once you get to the Tooth Operation, the black screen is inverted, appearing in-game and disappearing in the pause menu, and toggling “Bloom” does NOT fix this, making it impossible to continue without essentially playing outside of VR. The game has been out for almost 4 years (at the time of writing this) and it has not been fixed. It is inexcusable.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality on Steam