Dr Greenstuff

Dr Greenstuff

Tutorial for Act 4!

Weed - Add soil to pot and water, Then add seed to cotton and wet the cotton. Add the cotton to the pot and water x3 then wait to grow. Cut the plant and hang on line to dry. Take down plant and cut. Add buds to weighing scale to bag and then sell.

1 bag of 10g = $50

EasyLumb - Fill pan with water and add weed leaf, Then add sugar and put on stove to boil. Once boiled use spoon to take out leaf. Add filter to empty water bottle and and pan liquid to bottle. Bottle of EasyLumb = $400

Real player with 113.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medical Sim Indie Games.

Good game. Some bugs here and there and you will likely need to restart a few times, because of how the game is. It is about learning with the games recipe, then doing it once you have the hang of it. The scenarios/missions also are very good to follow. A lot of people just go right to Part 4, where you are in the city on your own, but it is best to start with Act 1.

Real player with 63.6 hrs in game

Dr Greenstuff on Steam

Ministry of Pandemic

Ministry of Pandemic

The game is pretty fun with little naive jokes. I especially loved the characters on the front page. I hope they all become available soon. It’s kind of addictive tho

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medical Sim Indie Games.

good game

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Ministry of Pandemic on Steam

Bio Inc. Redemption

Bio Inc. Redemption


( ) Replace your ears; they may be deceiving you

(X) Amazing

( ) Very good

( ) Meh

( ) Bad

( ) What’s good audio?

( ) No audio


( ) Monkeys

( ) Everyone

( ) Babies

( ) Kids

(X) Teens

(X) Adults


( ) Better than real life

( ) Looks like a painting

(X) Fabulous

( ) Pretty

( ) Good

( ) Decent

( ) Poor

( ) screen.resolution=1x1


( ) Only the developers can play it

( ) Very difficult

(X) Easy to learn; hard to master

( ) Normal

Real player with 63.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medical Sim Indie Games.

Bio Inc. Redemption - Spread your own disease!

From the DryGin Studios' mobile app “Bio Inc." , the Bio Inc. Redemption is, much like Plague Inc. Evolved, a Real-Time Strategy Simulator where you either save or kill a person!

Stunning visuals, the gameplay mechanics, the outcomes and variety of stages will definetly make you stay for awhile!

For the game that’s currently on Early Access, I’m genuinely impressed on how this game works currently.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Bio Inc. Redemption on Steam



֍ My score ֍

→ 7/10

❤ Audience ❤

☐ Beginner

☑ Casual Gamer

☑ Normal Gamer

☐ Expert

☼ Graphics ☼

☐ Bad

☐ Alright

☐ Good

☑ Beautiful

☐ Fantastic

♬ Music ♬

☐ Bad

☐ Alright

☐ Good

☑ Beautiful

☐ Fantastic

☠ Difficulty ☠

☑ Easy

☐ Average

☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master

☐ Hard

☐ Unfair

§ Bugs §

☐ Bugs destroy the game

☐ Lots of bugs

☐ Few Bugs

☐ You can use them for speedrun

☑ Nothing encountered

☯ Story ☯

☐ There is none

☐ Bad

☐ Alright

☑ Good

☐ Fantastic

⚔ Gameplay ⚔

☐ Frustrating

☐ Sleepy

☑ Boring

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Great idea with mediocre realization.

I usually do not buy games in early access, however, I decided to make an exclusion for this one because I really liked the concept and wanted to support the developers. The beta was nice, had a decent gameplay and diverse enough scenarios, so I was very exited for the release and very disappointed after checking it.

95% of the game was already in beta. They added only one new scenario in the full version and barely changed the previous ones. The whole game can be completed under two hours like it’s specifically made this way, so people definitely couldn’t refund it. Despite the description the game is very linear, scripted and the only real way to fail most of the missions is reaching time limit. You barely can make any mistakes like helping the wrong person or performing false actions. Moreover, you cannot even change the order of mandatory actions, like placing warning triangles while looking for a way to contact ambulance. Furthermore, the game tend to be very strange and unfair: most of the timd you need to look for the position in the car navigator, however, one particular time you have to do it with your mobile phone, which is in your inventory and you get not a single hint about it, plus, the game itself tells you that you should use road marks instead of GPS in real life. Was it so hard to make the game a bit more authentic and realistic, provided that it already has levels where you use road marks?! In another scenario you have to move a large log like you are some superman and not just a random driver, was it so hard to make a crawling camera or just remove that log completely? Or why our “protagonist” can carry a whole med aid kit in his inventory but cannot carry 2 warning triangles at the same time?

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Accident on Steam

marriedbook 💍

marriedbook 💍

About marriedbook:

Marriedbook is a digital book of memories, a self help interactive platform, community and marital content source for married, engaged or newly wedded couples. Marriedbook includes Self Help programs for married couples such as Love: Interactive Therapy and Love Boot Camp that can be launched from any web browser to access. Future interactive programs and games will be included at no additional cost.

Build your own private book filled with your memories and experiences. Utilize marriedbook’s self help therapy tools for couples to help in the areas of communication, relationship and love.

*All applications are browser based and can be launched from any web browser.

Access Includes:

Love Boot Camp (Coming Soon)

Features Include:

  • Interactive: Self Help Programs, Therapy and Games for married couples.

  • Love: Interactive Therapy and Love Boot Camp comes included.

  • Your Personal Profile Book: You can build your memories and special moments over time, post memories on your wall and timeline, upload photos, build albums, post videos and create a catalog of your special moments.

  • Award Progress: Gain experience points, level up your progress and gain award badges as you add content to your book and/or community.

  • Public Pages: Create pages for particular or specific memories, events or occasions.

  • marriedbook magazine: Articles including Married Tips and Helpful Content.

  • Community: Fun Activities, Community Groups and Polls.

  • Privacy Settings: Make settings on your Profile Book private, public or for friends to view only. You can also engage the community anonymously by selecting the “anonymous” option if you would like to remain private.

marriedbook 💍 on Steam

Gym Tycoon

Gym Tycoon

Crashin in each 5 minutes after update.

The game is si light, enjoyful and easy. And i like this sphere - gym is my second home, but:

Autosave and save by F5;

Bags with selecting of objects;

I can’t just start the game in one profile and make a few saves by it. I should rename each of this and try to find save what i need.

Your game is pretty nice, but u need to fix it immediately

Best Wishes


Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

This is a fun game about weight lifting, cardio, buying equipment, and running a business. Only downside is the very poor optimization for the gpu. I have a high tier pc and when i pull up the task manager it shows my gpu is maxed out, fully 100% usage! Why? The graphics are minimal, and even when the game is paused or nothing is happening on the screen the gpu is @ 100% max. and shows consistently Very High power usage. The game is currently in early access so I hope this gets addressed. Overall it is an enjoyable game that i will be able to get many hours of playtime in.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Gym Tycoon on Steam



OK this one deserves my 1% of reviewing a game. Mostly because this is better than the Guild, there’s potential if the developer won’t abandon it in the future. I always start as a beggar, grab a couple of abandoned ones and make my money through searching all arround the forest for hiden treasures wich I find enough to repair and start working on my own. It takes 2-5 years maximum to have a decent status and go for the real money - over 20K. Problems start after that - I always and I mean always have a building on fire during winter especially one somewhere in the forest wich cannot have either a watchdog or a well, this totally sucks, I mean I have 20 fckn K why am I NOT able to hire a guard for my building - dev are you listening? It becomes SO boring starting over repairing a building wich I have had over 10 K in material in there - and I’ve lost it burned - waiting to be produced into goods and make my fckn million!!! Game is a lot about gambling cause except of the fish stuff all other business have competition and if you loose your hardly earned products you are in deep shhhiiittt M8s, again dev do something and save my bucks. Game is enjoyable but we need to have some pace in there things get on really slow can’t say it’s boring but IT IS rather slow. More to do especially with our caravans that are naive in gameplay matters (reminds me games back from the ’90s in that area) would be welcome, and hell yeah I may adopt but why can’t I have a mistress with all that money I make? - kidding. Waiting for a future patch I wanna see more to do and more safety for my ingame products and money - it is silly having more than 100K property and not being able to protect it - maybe a castle or whatelse to build or buy with your own private army, stores, moneysafe etch, that people use to have back in 900 AD, can always spend 200 - 300 daily to have 2-3 soldiers of your own as castle guards. Anyway just saying what I think is missing, up to the developer the do or donot thing. Even a DLC would be welcome if it does improve the ingame world and gameplay. I give the game a 7/10 and that’s only cause it has one of the worse save/load system I ever met in a PC game, loading times reminded me Total War Rome II turns before it’s 1st patch - you can have a shower prepare dinner, watch a movie and your save will keep on loading, if it wasn’t that issue a 9/10 for my taste, worth the money and worth the support give this game a try!

Real player with 227.5 hrs in game

The only other game series I have experience of with a similar storyline/player driven intention is The Guild series, and yet, rather than sink my money into the third (failing) installment of that, I’ve decided to back the solo developer this time.

After having a good dig around in the game for the past few days, I’m really feeling it…the ambience, the gentle pace of daily life, the joy of having made enough money to upgrade something, spending lots of time surrounded by the peacful clucking chickens…er…yes, when you start off as a beggar, you spend a lot of time foraging the eggs at the coops. But, it’s all a means to an end, right? It must have been resonating with me because when I discovered that I couldn’t progress with buying my third building because of my social standing, I felt utterly gutted. (This only because the game has not been developed further than the third social class, being ‘Geneat’, but, I guess we’ll get there in time.)

Real player with 205.8 hrs in game

SAELIG on Steam

Prison Tycoon: Under New Management

Prison Tycoon: Under New Management

Good thinks first:

  • 2 point hospital style is great for this, UI and control is great

  • Actually difficult eco, it is not easy to balance thinks…

Thinks which must be updated:

  • Nobody cares about building cells. Allow copy/paste of buildings (just like 2PH have room classes across games. This is must have). To build one, two is fine, to build 40 is just a waste of time.

  • Cleaning of the rooms is broken. Sometimes items in the room cannot be cleaned for what ever reason (fckng toilet seat cannot be cleaned) and the maintenance guy looses all his stamina on one item. Then he goes to the rest and another one comes in and spend his stamina on the same item. I have to manually move the item - then it is fine. This could be “fixed” using magic trick - maintenance cleans the room as a whole, not per item.

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

I love these kind of games but there could be improvements such as:

1. It would be good to have workshops that prisoners can learn new skills that will help them get a job after they leave prison. There are therapies available that treat their disorders but Workshops are different and is there so they can learn new things in order to adjust to the society once they go back. Such as cooking classes, learning a new musical instrument, learning foundations of business and finance 101.

Then you will be able to hire professional chefs, musicians, lecturers to come and teach.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

Prison Tycoon: Under New Management on Steam