**This is a very first prototype version! You may play it very soon and be invited to participate in development.
These are expected features.**
Attention: Prototype will be launched in june/2020. Your support will be welcome!
Choose who lives and who dies in a small peripheral hospital in a pandemic situation.
Live in the shoes of Keyla, a young doctor from the outskirts of São Paulo, in a pandemic situation.
2020. A small hospital on the outskirts of São Paulo lives the most bizarre story ever: a pandemic.
Many people cry out for service. Rich and poor. Women and men. Black and white. Children and old people. The hospital is getting full.
As a doctor, Keyla needs to examine. Examine and choose.
While choosing patients, Keyla also needs to have her personal choices.
Who will you save?
Play a 4-color pixel art game;
An adventure journey. Think carefully, act quickly;
Short gameplay rounds with replayability;
Choose through mini-games who lives and who dies;
Serve dozens of patients with based real-life stories;
Feel the sensation of being a doctor during the pandemic
The game design may get modifications.
Read More: Best Medical Sim Multiple Endings Games.
This is a pretty darn unique game, gotta start off by saying that. Syntherapy is an interactive narrative game where you take on the role of Dr. Park, a therapist who takes on the task of providing help to an AI named Willow who has seemingly gained sentience.
Amidst the therapy sessions, you also have to maintain a good relationship with several people (and things). Firstly there’s Tara, one of Willow’s creators and closest friends. Second we have Dr. Freeman, the head of the university that is currently funding the research that helped create Willow. Finally there is your own ethics, if you stray too far from what you call professionalism then that factor will suffer.
– Real player with 8.9 hrs in game
Read More: Best Medical Sim Multiple Endings Games.
As a self-proclaimed great psychotherapist (without any real training, experiences or studies), I would say this is a game test my theories of my options. At least, no humans were harm in the testing of my theories.
introduction to basic mental health issues
introduction to basic mental health therapy methods
Many Multiple endings
Requires deep thinking
I like some of quotes. one example is " :): It’s all in how you look at things"
! Able to sense the struggle between gaining trust, and how revealing personal relatable details might affect professionalism
– Real player with 6.8 hrs in game
Vital Signs: Emergency Department
First, great concept, and during current time frame or at least circumstance, this is a good way to keep up to date or at least keep other forms of injuries and illness near the forefront of one’s mind. Great for keeping the knowledge just within reach.
Unfortunately, even if you do everything set by your own facilities protocols and guidelines, it’s not enough to pass, specifically the young girls case, or the older gentleman’s case where not a whole lot is actually required to establish a TRUE ER Diagnosis or differential.
– Real player with 43.2 hrs in game
Read More: Best Medical Sim Tutorial Games.
A LOT of work needs to be done on this game. There are duplicate medications in different categories, and although meds and concentrations/admin routes are identical, choosing the wrong category will give a critical fail. I am finding that often, there are treatments that I know for a fact are protocol for certain conditions/presentations are coming back as neglect or unnecessary. Almost every time this happens, it’s something that I know could cost me my license if I failed to administer in the given scenario. Patients do not respond as they should to certain treatments. Treatments often lag/bug out and do not show up as administered until “hours” later - which, for some, MIGHT make sense in an ED, but it doesn’t take any physician 1.5 hours to perform any type of vagal maneuver, for example, nor does it take an hour to do an emergent EKG, or to administer Ativan to an actively seizing patient. The only way to assist ventilation is via intubation or bi-pap on this game, which leaves out several other options and will also cause a failed scenario. The “grading” system for this game is absolute garbage, and without explanation of WHY any treatment would count against you (especially for those of us who work in emergency medicine and know damn good and well that said treatment is standard protocol and indicated) it seems there is no winning. To top it off, the biggest gripe is that NO DOCTOR IS GOING TO PESTER ANOTHER DOCTOR TO CHIT CHAT ABOUT ADMISSIONS WHILE THE SECOND DOC IS IN THE MIDDLE OF ASSESSING ANOTHER PATIENT!!! That just doesn’t happen, and it’s crap that it counts against you when you’re attending what would be considered a legitimate emergency because you are forced to drop everything and spend 5 minutes “discussing differentials” with Dr. Google there. And the consults? A specialty consult should be giving hints about what to do, not blowing the player off. What a joke.
– Real player with 9.8 hrs in game
Valley General Hospital: NiVR
When it comes to learning a life-saving skill or refreshing existing knowledge in a medical environment, no product exists like Valley General Hospital.
Valley General simulations are accurately representative of hospital environments. We present the truest to life training scenario from the audio environment to equipment interaction and lighting to accessories. Interactions are closely modelled on the real life-saving equipment for the most accurate and available learning.
Our VR approach to training exploits the capabilities of immersive technology to put the participant in the most convincing environment without using a single consumable or taking life-saving devices out of operation.
Experience a typical day in the ER from the perspective of an ER Physician during the corona virus outbreak. Covid19 is spreading around the world and your hospital is about to get hit hard, flooding with patients in need. Can you stay calm, under increasing pressure to save lives, and help flatten the curve or will the situation overwhelm you!
- Emergency Room Simulator Experience
This experience recreates the stress involved with making critical decisions under pressure while dealing with the emotional impact during unprecedented times of need. It’s about the world’s Doctors and Nurses who make sacrifices to contain the spread of the virus. Make your country proud by serving others and keeping the world safe.
- Interact with patients and get rated on performance
- Use a variety of tools such as Intubation tubes, Resuscitation Kits, Ventilators, Defibrillators and many more.
- Make life and death decisions. Choose who lives and dies.
PRESTIGE. Limit your mistakes, do your job quicker, save more lives and you will rewarded with prestige among the worlds leading physicians.
COLLECTIBLES AND ACHIEVEMENTS. Gain on the job training knowledge, work with pharmaceuticals companies, save lives and stay safe. You will be rewarded for your work
Food Decisions
The main gameplay is to compare the values and select the food needed for the task. Generally speaking, this game is boring, but it taught me a lot of common sense. Let me realize the importance of healthy diet. With that in mind, I decided to give a good review.
Manual achievement:
– Real player with 5.4 hrs in game
I’m not fat, but it helps
– Real player with 0.6 hrs in game
This is a really good game, the best game I ever bought on steam for less than 50 cents. The concept is awesome and executed very well with the atmosphere and the theme it all just sort of gets you into the mood of the game and collecting herbs to make and mix potions is just really fun and interesting and there is so many ways to go about how you play the game from saving everyone, killing everyone, killing rats and making bombs to destroy their nest healing your self with potions and eating shrooms to stave off the plague and death. Just all around a cool indie game that you can play on a potato pc or even a calculator and its so cheap and so affordable how can you not get this game? The steam achievements are easy to get and look cool to.
– Real player with 3.0 hrs in game
Pestis would be a decent high-score game if it had leaderboards and more maps. Right now it has 1 map and 6 relatively easy achievements, hardly any reason to play it for more than 30 minutes. I think the artwork and animation are decent for what it is. You play as a plague doctor that is trying to cure a small village, and the game certainly captures that sinister atmosphere. The gameplay incorporates the potion mixing mechanic, although the system is very basic. There is some potential for improving your resource management, but without leaderboards I don’t see the appeal. I think if the developer can add at least 2 more locations it would be serviceable (urban area and catacombs perhaps?). It has a partial support for controller despite not being listed on the store page. My F310 works fine, but you can’t rebind it from default state.
– Real player with 2.1 hrs in game
֍ My score ֍
→ 7/10
❤ Audience ❤
☐ Beginner
☑ Casual Gamer
☑ Normal Gamer
☐ Expert
☼ Graphics ☼
☐ Bad
☐ Alright
☐ Good
☑ Beautiful
☐ Fantastic
♬ Music ♬
☐ Bad
☐ Alright
☐ Good
☑ Beautiful
☐ Fantastic
☠ Difficulty ☠
☑ Easy
☐ Average
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Hard
☐ Unfair
§ Bugs §
☐ Bugs destroy the game
☐ Lots of bugs
☐ Few Bugs
☐ You can use them for speedrun
☑ Nothing encountered
☯ Story ☯
☐ There is none
☐ Bad
☐ Alright
☑ Good
☐ Fantastic
⚔ Gameplay ⚔
☐ Frustrating
☐ Sleepy
☑ Boring
– Real player with 10.0 hrs in game
Great idea with mediocre realization.
I usually do not buy games in early access, however, I decided to make an exclusion for this one because I really liked the concept and wanted to support the developers. The beta was nice, had a decent gameplay and diverse enough scenarios, so I was very exited for the release and very disappointed after checking it.
95% of the game was already in beta. They added only one new scenario in the full version and barely changed the previous ones. The whole game can be completed under two hours like it’s specifically made this way, so people definitely couldn’t refund it. Despite the description the game is very linear, scripted and the only real way to fail most of the missions is reaching time limit. You barely can make any mistakes like helping the wrong person or performing false actions. Moreover, you cannot even change the order of mandatory actions, like placing warning triangles while looking for a way to contact ambulance. Furthermore, the game tend to be very strange and unfair: most of the timd you need to look for the position in the car navigator, however, one particular time you have to do it with your mobile phone, which is in your inventory and you get not a single hint about it, plus, the game itself tells you that you should use road marks instead of GPS in real life. Was it so hard to make the game a bit more authentic and realistic, provided that it already has levels where you use road marks?! In another scenario you have to move a large log like you are some superman and not just a random driver, was it so hard to make a crawling camera or just remove that log completely? Or why our “protagonist” can carry a whole med aid kit in his inventory but cannot carry 2 warning triangles at the same time?
– Real player with 5.1 hrs in game
Rescue Operations Simulator
Become the leader of USAR (Urban Search and Rescue) squad that risks their lives to save others. In Rescue Operations Simulator you will re-visit real catastrophic events alongside your team and a loyal rescue dog. Be prepared to make difficult choices, plan emergency operations, use heavy equipment and lead your team in an ever-changing environment.
Prepare For Action!
Before every intervention, you will have to make some very important decisions. Choosing starting location of a rescue operation, as well as tools and heavy equipment that you will later use on site. Members of your team have different sets of skills, making certain challenges easier to overcome, but sometimes you won’t be able to take them all with you. This is a game where choices really matter!
Upgrade Your Base
As head of a rescue operations center, it is your duty to prepare it for future disasters. Funded by the governments, private donators, and multi-national organizations after every successful mission you will have all the necessary resources to improve your base, your team and your equipment.
Random Challenges
Every mission will feature at least three different locations, each with unique challenges. Every time you enter the mission area hazards, victims, and parts of the environment will randomly change, resulting in high replayability and more fun!
A Plethora of Tools at Your Disposal!
From classic shovels to crowbars, from drones to rescue robots, from heavy equipment to FINDER sensors - there’s a lot of tools to choose from. Use them however with caution as their supply often is limited!
Field Hospital: Dr. Taylor’s Story
Better than I thought!
I’m not a big fan of such kinds of games BUT this one hooked me for a few hours.
Nice stories.
Interesting to read while you’re playing.
Good atmosphere (too much sfx of machine guns in the background, imho, but it’s not a big deal - just make the music louder! :)).
Well done, guys!
Wonderful start!
Keep going and good luck with the next project!
Really would like to play your next game.
– Real player with 5.2 hrs in game
Great game play, narrative driven, choices are difficult to make considering everyone needs to be helped but I enjoyed playing the game very much and definetly would recommend it. The game play is short but overall I would give the game 4 stars!! Great job guys!! Look forward to playing it again!!
– Real player with 4.6 hrs in game