Vital Signs: Emergency Department

Vital Signs: Emergency Department

First, great concept, and during current time frame or at least circumstance, this is a good way to keep up to date or at least keep other forms of injuries and illness near the forefront of one’s mind. Great for keeping the knowledge just within reach.

Unfortunately, even if you do everything set by your own facilities protocols and guidelines, it’s not enough to pass, specifically the young girls case, or the older gentleman’s case where not a whole lot is actually required to establish a TRUE ER Diagnosis or differential.

Real player with 43.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medical Sim Tutorial Games.

A LOT of work needs to be done on this game. There are duplicate medications in different categories, and although meds and concentrations/admin routes are identical, choosing the wrong category will give a critical fail. I am finding that often, there are treatments that I know for a fact are protocol for certain conditions/presentations are coming back as neglect or unnecessary. Almost every time this happens, it’s something that I know could cost me my license if I failed to administer in the given scenario. Patients do not respond as they should to certain treatments. Treatments often lag/bug out and do not show up as administered until “hours” later - which, for some, MIGHT make sense in an ED, but it doesn’t take any physician 1.5 hours to perform any type of vagal maneuver, for example, nor does it take an hour to do an emergent EKG, or to administer Ativan to an actively seizing patient. The only way to assist ventilation is via intubation or bi-pap on this game, which leaves out several other options and will also cause a failed scenario. The “grading” system for this game is absolute garbage, and without explanation of WHY any treatment would count against you (especially for those of us who work in emergency medicine and know damn good and well that said treatment is standard protocol and indicated) it seems there is no winning. To top it off, the biggest gripe is that NO DOCTOR IS GOING TO PESTER ANOTHER DOCTOR TO CHIT CHAT ABOUT ADMISSIONS WHILE THE SECOND DOC IS IN THE MIDDLE OF ASSESSING ANOTHER PATIENT!!! That just doesn’t happen, and it’s crap that it counts against you when you’re attending what would be considered a legitimate emergency because you are forced to drop everything and spend 5 minutes “discussing differentials” with Dr. Google there. And the consults? A specialty consult should be giving hints about what to do, not blowing the player off. What a joke.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Vital Signs: Emergency Department on Steam

Heart’s Medicine - Time to Heal

Heart’s Medicine - Time to Heal

I liked Delicious Emily: Message in a Bottle well enough to buy the gamehouse bundle. I was looking forward to more of the DE addictive gameplay and ludicrous storylines. This game disappointed me.

Instead of the insane sitcom plot of Delicious Emily, we get a semi-sane hospital-drama plot. A plus or a minus depending on how much you like helping your boyfriend / hospital director ditch his opioid habit via cutesy casual gameplay. Find all the pill bottles in time for a bonus!

More importantly - the gameplay is heavily loaded with minigames. Run the patient through the x-ray machine in under 5 seconds for a minor bonus! Set all the dislocated bones in 3 seconds, or the patient starts losing hearts!

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medical Sim Indie Games.

At the end of the day, faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don’t really expect it. It’s like one day you realize the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed of. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And it’s not so important that it’s happy ever after just that it’s happy right now. See, once in a while, once in a blue moon people will surprise you. And once and a while people may even take your breath away. — Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy

Heart’s Medicine is a spin-off of Game House’s Delicious casual game series, and this one, Time to Heal is actually the second season of the series. The first game was released on 2010, and it covers the start of Allison’s internship. If you are interested, the game can still be reached via Game House’s website.

Real player with 21.7 hrs in game

Heart's Medicine - Time to Heal on Steam

Pandemic Crisis

Pandemic Crisis

This game for the price is a fantastic pandemic simulator. I love how there is no winning or losing and the fact that this game encourages you to see he economic and human side to your decisions. Timing in this game is everything in the early stages, knowing when to invoke certain restrictions in certain countries is important, countries to some extent feel different to others, some feel very different and each country will have to be analysed to decide your best approach. However the game lacks (as far as I am aware) a save function. This needs to happen as obviously sometimes these pandemics can take a long time to end. I would recommend this game and hope that the developers improve some things slightly. Notably the save function being added, maybe a few more decisions and possibly some little visual upgrades. Nonetheless definitely recommended for the price.

Real player with 95.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Medical Sim Outbreak Sim Games.

Interesting and a realy good game or/and a pandemic simulator!

You can play it over and over again with different strategies and try too

handle the virus better.

Realy good price for a superb game/simulator!

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Pandemic Crisis on Steam

Heart’s Medicine - Hospital Heat

Heart’s Medicine - Hospital Heat

I definitely recommend Hospital Heat, for those who are new to time-management games, and those who aren’t, it’s a fun way to pass the time, and the story and cut scenes are a new welcome to the form!

The story, this time, seems much more light-hearted than the previous installment, which is funny, since I was expecting to have my heart broken this time around, whereas in Time to Heal, I was completely blind-sided by the feelings the game made me feel. There’s plenty to do, with fun minigames, sixty levels, thirty bonus levels, two hidden minigames, and a chance to refurbish your apartment, and the story manages to be witty and engaging as well.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

Straightforward time management gameplay with absolutely engaging storyline filled with drama.

Heart’s Medicine - Hospital Heat has the most dramatic beginning of any time management game. As the opening cutscene begins, the hospital is on fire. As in, literally burning to the ground. Rescue workers rush to the scene to quell the blaze, but so far to no avail. Only a few people have escaped the hospital alive. That’s when Doctor Allison Heart is dropped in via helicopter to save the day. As she attempts to enter the rooftop door, though, she slips and falls into the fiery abyss…

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Heart's Medicine - Hospital Heat on Steam

Big Pharma

Big Pharma

I was worried that Big Pharma could turn out to be either too “casual” (like many cheap “tycoon” clickers), or too messy (like games that pretend to be serious, but just throw a bunch of random events at you at increasing pace - Theme Hospital, I’m looking at you). Luckily, that’s not the case.

There’s far enough depth to raise the game well over the “casual” category. At the same time, its elements are completely transparent, so it doesn’t overwhelm you with complexity. It could rather overwhelm you with opportunities. If you enjoy putting your brain to some work, this is a game a doctor would prescribe.

Real player with 243.9 hrs in game

I would be wary of reviewers that invest 5 hours or less into this game. The Advanced Mode’s machines, along with the Centrifuge from Intermediate, radically increase the ways in which you can manipulate ingredients. It’s also much harder to make and maintain a large profit, especially since competitors play a much greater role in the Advanced Mode. You’ll need to start utilizing some hidden optimization tricks involving things like the packer or crossing belts with machines that have a cycle time greater than 1. So while dead-simple machine placement will get you through the Beginner and some of the Intermediate Scenarios, reaching Master in the Advanced Scenarios requires a lot more thought.

Real player with 69.2 hrs in game

Big Pharma on Steam



This is a really good game, the best game I ever bought on steam for less than 50 cents. The concept is awesome and executed very well with the atmosphere and the theme it all just sort of gets you into the mood of the game and collecting herbs to make and mix potions is just really fun and interesting and there is so many ways to go about how you play the game from saving everyone, killing everyone, killing rats and making bombs to destroy their nest healing your self with potions and eating shrooms to stave off the plague and death. Just all around a cool indie game that you can play on a potato pc or even a calculator and its so cheap and so affordable how can you not get this game? The steam achievements are easy to get and look cool to.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Pestis would be a decent high-score game if it had leaderboards and more maps. Right now it has 1 map and 6 relatively easy achievements, hardly any reason to play it for more than 30 minutes. I think the artwork and animation are decent for what it is. You play as a plague doctor that is trying to cure a small village, and the game certainly captures that sinister atmosphere. The gameplay incorporates the potion mixing mechanic, although the system is very basic. There is some potential for improving your resource management, but without leaderboards I don’t see the appeal. I think if the developer can add at least 2 more locations it would be serviceable (urban area and catacombs perhaps?). It has a partial support for controller despite not being listed on the store page. My F310 works fine, but you can’t rebind it from default state.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Pestis on Steam



A simple indie game with a very touching story and a good soundtrack.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

drug dealer simulator. I recommend trying this game, not in reality.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Cladmen on Steam



֍ My score ֍

→ 2/10

❤ Audience ❤

☑ Beginner

☐ Casual Gamer

☐ Normal Gamer

☐ Expert

☼ Graphics ☼

☑ Bad

☐ Alright

☐ Good

☐ Beautiful

☐ Fantastic

♬ Music ♬

☐ Bad

☑ Alright

☐ Good

☐ Beautiful

☐ Fantastic

☠ Difficulty ☠

☑ Easy

☐ Average

☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master

☐ Hard

☐ Unfair

§ Bugs §

☐ Bugs destroy the game

☐ Lots of bugs

☑ Few Bugs

☐ You can use them for speedrun

☐ Nothing encountered

☯ Story ☯

☐ There is none

☑ Bad

☐ Alright

☐ Good

☐ Fantastic

⚔ Gameplay ⚔

☐ Frustrating

☑ Sleepy

☑ Boring

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

At best, it’s a funny hair game about a middle-eastern man trying to avoid being security checked at the airport. At worst, it’s a game with little-to-no depth that constantly ends with you failing. I don’t know what I expected from this, but it definitely did not match what I wished.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Pre-Shave on Steam

Project Hospital

Project Hospital


Project Hospital is a management simulation in real time with a far more serious twist than Theme Hospital (and it’s spiritual successor Two Point Hospital) where instead of focusing on trying to click on annoying rats and keeping tabs on worn-out machinery that renders irreplaceable rooms unusable while trying to treat people with over-inflated heads and psychiatric patients dressed like Elvis, Project Hospital instead features diagnosing patients with a variety of old fashioned Doctor’s examinations, taking samples for lab analysis, and fancy-schmancy medical examination machines too numerous to list until there’s only one possible (real life) malady that a patient may have. Once diagnosed, a patient can be given treatment for their condition. (Life-threatening conditions requiring emergency care, blood transfusions, and/or antihemorrhagics should be applied before making adiagnosis.) Patients who cannot be treated can be sent to another hospital or lost by waiting too long and giving up. Successful treatment obviously results in money, and expansion ranges from hiring staff for the night watch to expanding the building externally, which means more rooms to use for handling more patients, more staff, and more (as well as a larger variety of) diagnostic and treatment equipment.

Real player with 1078.9 hrs in game

Project Hospital is a great game, particularly for players that love deep management and medical genre titles. It holds up even to classic Hospital games like Theme Hospital and the recent revival of that 90s favourite in Two Point Hospital. It’s quite important to say though, that Project Hospital is drastically different in so many ways from any such medical sim game out there. It’s primary focus being immersion, realism and efficiency that offers you a lot more control over the whole process of building, staffing, managing patients.

Real player with 559.5 hrs in game

Project Hospital on Steam



This is a pretty darn unique game, gotta start off by saying that. Syntherapy is an interactive narrative game where you take on the role of Dr. Park, a therapist who takes on the task of providing help to an AI named Willow who has seemingly gained sentience.

Amidst the therapy sessions, you also have to maintain a good relationship with several people (and things). Firstly there’s Tara, one of Willow’s creators and closest friends. Second we have Dr. Freeman, the head of the university that is currently funding the research that helped create Willow. Finally there is your own ethics, if you stray too far from what you call professionalism then that factor will suffer.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game


As a self-proclaimed great psychotherapist (without any real training, experiences or studies), I would say this is a game test my theories of my options. At least, no humans were harm in the testing of my theories.


  • introduction to basic mental health issues

  • introduction to basic mental health therapy methods

  • Many Multiple endings

  • Requires deep thinking

  • I like some of quotes. one example is " :): It’s all in how you look at things"

! Able to sense the struggle between gaining trust, and how revealing personal relatable details might affect professionalism

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Syntherapy on Steam