Comined with the Roguetech mod its Battletech Tabletop at its best.

Vehicles, LAM Mechs, all (?) equipment thinkable.

The Vanilla Game is nothing compared to this mod.

Real player with 1632.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mechs Tactical Games.

Great game. The vanilla game is too easy for multiple playthroughs but there are several great mods to expand and better balance the game.

I prefer Battletech Advanced 3062 but there is also Roguetech (which is a bit too complicated for my tastes).

Real player with 352.8 hrs in game




This is a game whose enjoyment comes with several caveats: Do you like gundam (or other giant robot shows)? Do you enjoy oldschool turn based strategy? Can you overlook some rough bits of rough presentation for an otherwise pretty enough experience?

This is a very niche game for fans of the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise. I say that, but it’s geared more towards those who have watched the more modern shows (and shows that the west have more experience with). No Universal Century (barring one special machine); this focuses on Gundam’s Wing, SEED, 00, and Iron Blooded Orphans. Your enjoyment of this game is tired very closely to how much you enjoyed those series.

Real player with 491.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mechs Cinematic Games.

Super Deformed Gundam

SD Gundam G Generation is a series of strategy-RPG games that focus on the Gundam. Developed by TOM CREATE and Released by Bandai. It’s long time series since late 90s and still continue to this day. However SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays is special than other because it’s the first in this series that is officially localized outside of Japan and got released worldwide in major platform.

The game is actually very popular much like Super Robot Wars counterpart in Japan, as it’s only game that allow wide customization and ability to use many Gundam in the way beyond imagine. Countless of animations and copious eye candy fanservices, each mobile suit can have unique animations for themselves for each moveset, animation for dodging, animation for making entrance and exit and much more. The story that catches on the glimpse of beauty presented in the series are what make the them great despite the subjective Super Deformed fashion and somewhat straightforward gameplay.

Real player with 444.3 hrs in game


Command Line Pilot

Command Line Pilot

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A fusion of card-based programming, 2D puzzle and roguelikes. Turn-Based Combat

The game is not as simple as it looks at first glance. To win the last levels, you will have to keep in mind many combinations of moves and think over your strategy many steps forward. This is a kind of chess, only with robots on planets in space.

Real player with 124.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mechs Singleplayer Games.

Here’s my video review - - but quite a bit more content has been added since then.

It’s a great little puzzle programming card game! You control your mech by drawing and playing cards such as “Move”, “Rotate”, and “Attack”, each upgraded if you play the same colour. Every mission has it’s own unique goal, not always a combat, but sometimes destroying a certain amount of crystals, defending an area, etc. for a certain amount of turns, and you’re rewarded cogs based on how well you do.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Command Line Pilot on Steam

Ignited Steel: Mecha TBT

Ignited Steel: Mecha TBT

Aiming to fulfill its expansion instinct, humanity created an A.I. which controls and manages all necessary resources to expand the human race throughout the galaxy. Soon, a fatal flaw in the A.I. “PharOS” code was discovered: it could not and would not stop expanding.

With the hope to halt PharOS’ expansion, the human race depends on “The Ignited Steel” program, a plan reliant on outdated technology which PharOS cannot control.

Old Mechs from past wars are now humanity’s only hope.

Attacking and moving mechs requires energy and can overheat the mech. If overheated, mechs output more damage while being more vulnerable to enemy attacks.

A key element to gameplay is finding the perfect balance between damage and vulnerability.

Pilots from every corner of the universe volunteer to the Ignited Steel program, each bringing their unique personalities and tactics.

As the Ignited Steel program regains control of the galaxy, new pilots will join the cause against PharaOS.

There’re 3 types of mechs: Juggernaut, Stalker and Javelin, each with their own advantages and counterplay.

Mechs are built using unique modules each with their own purpose. As the Ignited Steel program liberates the galaxy, they will earn and purchase new modules with unique traits.

The galaxy is full of contrasting planets and stories to be told. By jumping from node to node the ignited steel program will discover the galaxy’s stories, and add new modules and pilots to the crew. New planets, pilots, modules, events and missions in every playthrough!

Ignited Steel: Mecha TBT on Steam

Lone King

Lone King

a pve game about killin robots the skills look amasing and every mech is diffrent

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡠⣴⣶⣶⣶⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄it’s good

⠄⠄⠄⣴⣿⣿⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⢹⣟⣛⣛⣛⣃⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄Play it









Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Lone King on Steam

Mech Armada

Mech Armada

I’ll probably come back and make this review a bit more in-depth (for me :p) at some later point in the game’s EA, but for now I can say it’s already a promising thing to get on the ground floor of. The dev’s got a good philosophy going and is receptive to feedback, and the parts of the game indies most often get wrong are already really crisp - the responsiveness of the UI and ability to quickly queue up moves/attacks is better than many AA games.

The bread and butter of the game is one you’ve seen before in a lot of roguelike-something games: you get offered random stuff, and try to build a synergy out of it. However, you also have an added layer of pretty high stakes tactical combat, with enemies having clearly marked threat areas and both killing and dying to your own mechs quickly. So there’s a lot of jockeying for positions, trying to make sure the only mechs that get attacked can take it, while looking to get into a position where all your synergies click and a huge chain of missile swarms annihilates all of the enemies.

Real player with 37.5 hrs in game

Mech Armada, A Review.

So, I will give two title that might describe this game the best. Front Mission and Xcom.

Concept wise, its really like Front Mission Series. You got mechs to control in a grid, against enemy across the map. You can mix and match leg part, body part, and weapons for the mechs in your party. You could make a tank with a shield in the front and the class cannon at behind, or spamming drones and cheap mech to overwhelm your opposition. Its fun play round with the combinations.

Real player with 26.5 hrs in game

Mech Armada on Steam



For less than 10 bucks at the time of purchase, this game gets at the heart of addictive upgradability very cleanly and quickly. It is (obviously) not a high-budget effort but the music is pleasant, new mechs/tech are fun to see and use, and I have no problem setting this one along-side Into the Breach and Battletech as a worthwhile giant robot tactics game that borrows a little bit from a lot of good places while managing to achieve its own unique feel.

If I had to place it in a one-liner I’d say it’s maybe a boiled down combo of Front Mission 3 and FTL’s random maps. It doesn’t have the depth of either but it has enough of its own thing on top of that to be a worthwhile experience. I look forward to watching both this game and its creators evolve over time.

Real player with 92.8 hrs in game

First of all I have to say that I do have lots of respect for a person who develops such a game nearly on his own.

The game is very well balanced and it´s fun to play. I recommend it for everyone who is into turn-based strategy games. With that price, it´s defenitely worth it. I like the Mechdesign. They look cool but kind of cute too, hovering over the battlefield. Of course it makes no sence trying to compare it with a Battletech game, where hundrets of people are involved. For such a one-man-show, it´s great.

Real player with 35.5 hrs in game

MechCorp on Steam

Phantom Brigade

Phantom Brigade

Phantom Brigade is a hybrid real-time and turn-based tactical RPG, focusing on in-depth customization and player-driven stories. As the last surviving squad of mech pilots, you must capture enemy equipment and facilities to level the playing field. Outnumbered and out-gunned, lead The Brigade through a desperate campaign to retake their war-torn homeland.


  • Cinematic spin on the turn-based genre • Predict enemy movements, orchestrate precisely timed countermeasures and watch the action unfold.

  • Strategy • Make high-level tactical decisions on the world map, manage your base, and decide how to apply your limited resources.

  • Tactical combat • Take command of your squad in varied missions ranging from sabotage of enemy equipment and infiltration of high tech facilities to convoy ambushes and challenging outpost onslaughts.

  • Customization • Featuring a rich customization system, the game enables you to fine-tune performance of your mechs, install a wide selection of equipment and access a wealth of cosmetic options. Make your ready to face any challenge - in style.

  • Destructible environments • It’s not a proper game about walking tanks without some falling buildings. The game allows every square meter of every scene to be destroyed. Blow up any cover and collapse buildings over your enemies.


Phantom Brigade on Steam

Chaos Galaxy

Chaos Galaxy

Instantly the game reminded me the old SNES game, Raiden? But that game uses hex cells instead.

Simple in operation, a lot of units, honestly i loved it. Definitely gonna try all the factions.

Tho i wish the bullets during the animation can fly in unison or salvo manner rather than sequential fire, which took a lot of time. Just like the SNES game I’ve mentioned.

With box cells, the game operates just like the Super Robot War series.

There are two major unit category, mechs or warships. Or maybe Gundams or those Carriers, Space Cruisers whatever. Mechs usually could steer inside asteroid clusters and they gained evasion bonus for that. They hit 100% all the time but suffer with lower total HP pool. Also a team divided by 3 units, losing 1 of them losing 1 weapon to fight with. Tho if the enemy weapon could fire once, they benefited by no matter powerful it was, it will only took one unit with it. If it connects.

Real player with 235.7 hrs in game

For full disclosure, I volunteered to review and correct the English text for this game. I’m listed in the credits for my assistance. I received a free copy of the game in advance of the release in order to have time to do this review. I also received some additional free keys. I also did a similar review for the previous game in the series, Chaos Sector. I purchased that game, but I did receive some free keys for the help I provided. Having contributed to the game’s content, I’m probably a bit emotionally invested into it.

Real player with 123.8 hrs in game

Chaos Galaxy on Steam

Chaos Sector 混沌宙域

Chaos Sector 混沌宙域

Good job. 难得有一个游戏让我能想起同时玩大航海时代和超级机器人大战的感觉。内政系统让我想起圣魔大战和lost technology。最有趣的是捕获系统,同时用海盗的导弹巡洋舰和北天的光束扁海盗不要太爽。同时也很期待Chaos Galaxy正式版的上市,希望开发者健健康康,开发顺利。

下面是几个针对新的Chaos Galaxy的建议:

1. 目前试玩版里,每个行星有五个slot可以建造要塞。不知道可不可以增加别的建筑,比如提升商业/工业/防御度上限的建筑?防御建筑当行星被占领时自动被拆除,其他建筑保留。

2. 是否有可能增加行星驻守舰队?满额的5个要塞在战力5000以上的舰队(旗舰+1-2巡洋舰+补给船+1机甲)面前仍然很脆弱,而能组建舰队的将领数貌似非常低(初始=3),所以领地稍大一点貌似就会被周边势力偷家。同1,是否可以通过建筑/科技增加仅仅驻守在行星本地的1艘巡洋舰+2机甲?


Real player with 41.8 hrs in game

Very nice, litlle one-man indie turn based strategy with retro touch.

Simple, but efficient strategy layer plus series of small scale tactical combats (at most 20 units on board, usually ca 8 turns) makes for fast paced game and prevent drag. Choices are minimalistic, but well implemented.

I found game reasonably simple (with beginning a bit more challenging) and needed 21 hours to reach all endings.

For negatives, there is little replayability. Game is somewhat unbalanced (submarines” are underwhelming), AI is passable, and plays by the rules (which is nice feat for such a small game), tlhough very predictable in tactical phase. RNG sometimes can be a bit annoying (but never ruined the battle for me). For the price I can really racommend game.

Real player with 22.3 hrs in game

Chaos Sector 混沌宙域 on Steam