Mecha Knights: Nightmare

Mecha Knights: Nightmare

As someone who loves the mecha genre, I was excited for Mecha Knights: Nightmare’s release, and I was not disappointed. There is a lot of customization within the game, allowing for many different builds - though explosives are the current meta. The randomized drops foster experimentation with new equipment and weapons, often leading to discoveries you would not have found by relying on stats alone. The many types of weapons having a distinct feel and varying use making your choices feel like they actually matter, which is something often lacking in games, where every weapon has a very similar feel.

Real player with 82.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mechs Robots Games.

tl;dr: I really like this game. For $15 it isn’t bad at all.

I have some issues with it, related almost entirely to the story, not the game itself. I’ll grade it in a normal SPAG (Story, Performance, Aesthetics, Gameplay) method. It will be mostly my thoughts on the story element (IMO) issues, though.

=== Story ===

So the story in this game is bad, but in a manner that is so inoffensive I cannot tell if it wants to set itself up in the next game as being satire or serious. I’m assuming there will be a next game, if only to introduce swords and such.

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

Mecha Knights: Nightmare on Steam



For less than 10 bucks at the time of purchase, this game gets at the heart of addictive upgradability very cleanly and quickly. It is (obviously) not a high-budget effort but the music is pleasant, new mechs/tech are fun to see and use, and I have no problem setting this one along-side Into the Breach and Battletech as a worthwhile giant robot tactics game that borrows a little bit from a lot of good places while managing to achieve its own unique feel.

If I had to place it in a one-liner I’d say it’s maybe a boiled down combo of Front Mission 3 and FTL’s random maps. It doesn’t have the depth of either but it has enough of its own thing on top of that to be a worthwhile experience. I look forward to watching both this game and its creators evolve over time.

Real player with 92.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mechs Turn-Based Tactics Games.

First of all I have to say that I do have lots of respect for a person who develops such a game nearly on his own.

The game is very well balanced and it´s fun to play. I recommend it for everyone who is into turn-based strategy games. With that price, it´s defenitely worth it. I like the Mechdesign. They look cool but kind of cute too, hovering over the battlefield. Of course it makes no sence trying to compare it with a Battletech game, where hundrets of people are involved. For such a one-man-show, it´s great.

Real player with 35.5 hrs in game

MechCorp on Steam

Brigador: Up-Armored Edition

Brigador: Up-Armored Edition

There’s a reason I’ve logged 200+ hours in this game in under 2 months. It’s fun as hell and offers incredible amounts of replay value and gameplay depth. There is an absolutely enormous amount of content, and everything is packed with detail.

The basic idea of the game is to pick a vehicle, a primary and secondary weapon, and then a special defensive weapon/feature, and go to town. You’re getting paid based on how much destruction you dish out by a cold, calculating megacorp, the SNC, that has only one goal: conquest of Solo Nobre, a massive walled city where the game takes place. You must secure the city district-by-district via whatever means necessary, even if that means completely leveling the entire map (which is totally doable, and even encouraged!).

Real player with 754.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mechs Soundtrack Games.

Brigador is, on the surface, an isometric twin stick shooter where you choose a difficulty, vehicle, two weapons, a special ability, and a pack of levels to fight through. But what makes it so much more than just that is the flavortext. No, that’s not a joke. Every single map, Pilot, weapon, lore concept, and vehicle, including the non playable ones have a full paragraph or more written about its special quirks, how it came into service, crew oppinion, and other such things.

The setting is a genuinely interesting one. Yes the 80s synthwave meme is a bit overplayed these days, but it works out in a way that doesn’t feel forced in brigador. Cassette tapes and CRT moniters work along side crainial jacks in this dystopian North Korea meets Rio Brazil in an An-Cap universe and it just kinda works.

Real player with 138.3 hrs in game

Brigador: Up-Armored Edition on Steam

Command Line Pilot

Command Line Pilot

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A fusion of card-based programming, 2D puzzle and roguelikes. Turn-Based Combat

The game is not as simple as it looks at first glance. To win the last levels, you will have to keep in mind many combinations of moves and think over your strategy many steps forward. This is a kind of chess, only with robots on planets in space.

Real player with 124.1 hrs in game

Here’s my video review - - but quite a bit more content has been added since then.

It’s a great little puzzle programming card game! You control your mech by drawing and playing cards such as “Move”, “Rotate”, and “Attack”, each upgraded if you play the same colour. Every mission has it’s own unique goal, not always a combat, but sometimes destroying a certain amount of crystals, defending an area, etc. for a certain amount of turns, and you’re rewarded cogs based on how well you do.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Command Line Pilot on Steam

Front Mission Evolved

Front Mission Evolved

Another game with a big name behind it.

Time for yet another dual-viewpoint review.

TL;DR: Only go for it for the multiplayer. Only go multiplayer if you already know someone that wants to play it. ( )

FME as part of Front Mission series

I’ve played Front Mission on SNES, including Front Mission: Gun Hazard (that it’s NOT a strategy game either, it’s a platformer), and Front Mission 3 on PS1.

They decided to make a TPS out of a game series that are mostly Turn Based Strategy.

Real player with 32.9 hrs in game

After writing a review for this when I was 14, I have read the original and felt it was nothing more than cringe material. SO, I will be reviewing this game AGAIN.

To start off with, the story isn’t connected to any of the previous Front Mission games on Playstation. Instead, we are given a completely “NEW” story with “NEW” characters. These characters are pretty much as bland as a slice of bread, and only act as a means to introduce you to game mechanics or shit out exposition when nothing is shooting at you.

Real player with 29.7 hrs in game

Front Mission Evolved on Steam

Gun Metal

Gun Metal

I’ve played Gun Metal as a 12 year old kid and absolutely loved it - I mean, the game lets you control a transformable mech with badass firepower and nice looks, how cool is that?! Also, back in a day it featured some really decent graphics, so I loved it even more, as I was able to play it on my new PC without any problems. Well, the times have changed and so did my way of perceiving games. Gun Metal is just as adorably oldschool and dynamic as it is monotonous and frustrating. The difficulty is high, the missions are terribly repetetive, the story basically doesn’t exist (ok we are under attack by somebody, here take this cool transforming mech while we remain absolutely fucking useless, lol I know, we were able to build this damn thing but we cant fight for shit, so yeah, you are our only hope, please shoot all the bad guys), and the game (or at least the Steam version, I don’t recall such difficulties… well, shit, 12 years ago) is pretty damn bugged. During the loading screen for the 6th mission the game crashed to desktop and after restarting it showed my savegame as “damaged”, thus unable to load. That sucked. Other than that, the game is still fun, mostly thanks to its dynamicity and the sense of power it gives (lots of weapons, explosions and the coolness of a transforming bot). I bought it on Indie Gala for $1,40 because my nostalgia told me to do so. If you are reading this and want to put your hands on a cheap digital copy of this notsobad game, I advice checking .

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

this game is worth a dollar, without a doubt. $10? maybe, depends on what you like.

At first glance, this game is a very cool pacific rim/transformers type mech game where you can transform back and forth between a jet plane and a mech with guns. However, in later levels you end up barely using the mech at all because it’s just too slow and you get ganged up on by all the enemies, meaning you have to spend more time in jet mode taking out all the enemies just to land as mech and not do as much damage

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Gun Metal on Steam

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition

Probably a bit late to be reviewing this because it’s so old and Capcom has shelved the series but whatever.

An excellent third person shooter set on an alien snow planet where you pilot huge awesome mechs and destroy hordes of giant alien bugs, mechs and snow pirate soldiers.

The graphics are still really nice considering it’s a 9 year old game and the combat has a really fun arcade feel to it and there’s a satisfying weight to your character’s movements with some quality animation too. The story is decent enough and the protagonist is played by famous South Korean actor Lee Byung-hun from the movies A bittersweet Life and The Magificent seven.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Once you get past the incredible hurdle, nigh insurmountable as it is, there is something incredibly fun about this game.

Edit: passed mission 6

This is marvelous fun. no hand-holding, just pure gameplay and a good challenge that is not so unbeatable as to be off-putting. tip of the cap to any who make it through any single mission without dying once, but honestly, the number of resets you might encounter only strengthen your understanding of how to best go about the level - and the pacing and excitement are perfect to make you just have to play until you get that darn level right.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition on Steam



Comined with the Roguetech mod its Battletech Tabletop at its best.

Vehicles, LAM Mechs, all (?) equipment thinkable.

The Vanilla Game is nothing compared to this mod.

Real player with 1632.7 hrs in game

Great game. The vanilla game is too easy for multiple playthroughs but there are several great mods to expand and better balance the game.

I prefer Battletech Advanced 3062 but there is also Roguetech (which is a bit too complicated for my tastes).

Real player with 352.8 hrs in game


Metal Wolf Chaos XD

Metal Wolf Chaos XD

tl;dr: Arcade Armored Core. Fast, furious mech action with a ton of customization, lots of hidden depth, and a focus on old school arcade-style high score chasing and replayability.

Yeah, yeah, President of the United States in a giant robot, blow up America for great justice. If you’re looking at this store page, you already know the bonkers pitch, and you probably know that the tone of the game really is as ridiculous as it sounds. But how does it play?

You control an ultra-agile mech running, jumping, boosting and flying around to complete objectives that are all fundamentally “blow up something or other.” Early levels may have you blow up all the enemy encampments in an area, but later levels can involve racing through a timed sequence to blow up a reactor, or playing hide and seek with a giant spider mech to blow up its power station (and then blow up the mech itself), or fighting against a group of enemy mechs in order to blow them up. Though all this might seem repetitive, the level designs and subtle differences in how you’re expected to blow things up really do give each level a distinct feel, and the sheer act of blowing things up never stops feeling great.

Real player with 39.8 hrs in game

A bare-bones re-release and remaster of the game with a few issues (including a locked frame-rate due to its console origins) but aside from that, it should run on a toaster and is perhaps one of the craziest, most nonsensical and downright ridiculous mecha games around, done by From Software nonetheless. The story is pure unadulterated insanity or how Japan views or thinks the US works. Dialogue here is above the proverbial “so bad it’s good”: this is voiced, people SPOKE those lines. You just don’t get this level of madness anymore and I applaud them for it.

Real player with 36.7 hrs in game

Metal Wolf Chaos XD on Steam

Project AETHER: First Contact

Project AETHER: First Contact

This game is a modern take on the classic bullet hell genre, that’s also easier for new players to jump into. The gameplay is challenging, fluid and I very much like the soundtrack. The game feels quite polished, with an in-game model viewer, soundtrack player, and more. I would say to check this out if you like these types of games. You wont regret it

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Project Aether: First Contact:

As the quest for space exploration become a reality, we humans become enthusiastic to the idea of discovering and walking on new planets, as well as coming across new types of living organisms. This euphoria dies down rather sharply when one of our chief scientists mentioned that we might encounter unknown and hostile civilizations during our space endeavours. Unanimously, we decide to build a mech that can be deployed quickly on planet orbits or surfaces. Just in time, our first prototype is ready for testing as we lose all radio contact with the rest of our planets. Ready to launch. . . Project Aether – First Contact!

*– [Real player with 7.2 hrs in game](*
