MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

As somebody who played Mechwarrior 2/2:GBL/2:Mercs, 3/3:PM, 4/4:BK/4:Mercs, Mechcommanders 1 and 2, and was involved in the Mechwarrior community for years back in the golden era…. This is an acceptable giant stompy combat game.

Take command of your own mercenary company in the 31st century. Choose where to go and which contracts to accept, while being careful who you offend or favor since your reputation has a big influence on your contract benefits. Prepare for each mission by outfitting yourself and up-to three team mates from your pool of owned mechs and customize their weapons and upgrades. During battle, choose the right weapon for the right target at the right range while managing your heat output and your remaining ammo. Stay moving to avoid taking focused return fire. Follow your waypoints and complete each simple objective (generally some variation on “kill or destroy this”… battlemechs are not subtle) until you’re given the go-ahead to leave the area. Between missions, weigh your contract pay and battlefield salvage against your repair costs, crew salaries and travel expenses. Shop for new gear. And try to make enough C-bills to retire on a quiet private world some day.

Real player with 300.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mechs FPS Games.

A long-overdue single-player game for the MechWarrior franchise, MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries shakes up the game’s usual format with predominantly randomly generated missions, although there are certain hand-crafted questlines here and there. After the tutorial quest chain (which you can skip if you have the DLC, but more on that later) you are sent off to look for a few choice contracts in the nearest warzone and strike it rich with the modest stable of mechs you have on hand. Or die trying. Wouldn’t be getting that much hazard pay for nothing, right?

Real player with 135.8 hrs in game

MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries on Steam

Mechsprofit: Mech Tycoon Simulator

Mechsprofit: Mech Tycoon Simulator

This game takes an interesting take on mechs. This game focuses on the civilian use of mechs. Normally mech games revolve around giant mechs fighting, but I’ve never enountered a game that featured civilian non-combat mechs before. In this way this game is unique. It’s been suggested in the forums that combat mechs be added, and the dev said he would consider it after the core mechanics are in place. But this game includes currently the ability to make mechs for racing, transportation, and general use.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mechs Robots Games.

Let me start by saying this game - in its current state - is not great. It is amazing, an actual gem.

Ok let me clarify that. The game, in and of itself is pretty basic - incredibly so - but its so so much fun to play. I find myself playing this game when I am frustrated with another game as this is just funny as hell to play. Wanna make a mech that looks like boobs on wheels/legs? GOOD here you are. Wanna make a mech that looks like your eyes will melt just by looking at it’s sheer monstrosity? GOOD here you are.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Mechsprofit: Mech Tycoon Simulator on Steam

Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri

Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri

Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri was an immeasurably revolutionary computer game released in 1996.

Terra Nova established the outdoor first person shooter genre with extreme render distances and advanced physics modelling including gravity simulation, water reflections, player movement systems, and weather conditions. Terra Nova also pioneered and perfected squad commanding in an fps environment, with competent, realistic bots. The squad members performed the player’s exact commands, ranging from movement options, tactics, engagement techniques, and special abilities. Terra Nova even pioneered exosuit simulators, inspiring the Tribe series of fps’s. It is a very technical simulation, with the missions requiring strategic planning, in outfitting the squad with weapons, suits, pilots, and, “alternative suit functions.” Alternate Suit Functions, or A.S.F.’s, permitted an operator to perform an ability, including deploying sentry turrets, additional suit shields, demolition explosives, power plants, repair modules, cloaking, and other abilities. On most missions, the player had to rely on the bots to perform tasks for the player, either defending a structure, destroying enemy fortifications, and scouting. The player managed all of these tasks via three multi-function displays, similarly to an aerospace fighter jet. The player had access to a powerful and immersive mapping program, drones, damage outputs, and A.S.F. controls. The player also had access to jump jets. Jump jets were integral to gameplay, allowing for mountains to be scaled with ease and impossible maneuvers to be performed.

Real player with 79.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mechs FMV Games.

18-09-2016: Updated review after second playthrough: added some lines, fixed a few errors.

This review does not go into details of how the game works, nor does it mention everything. It only broadly explains what you can expect when playing it.

So, one would hear about this game, and would at first glance think: Well, this game looks interesting, let’s give it a try, right? It’s made by Looking Glass after all! (sounds a whole lot like me ;)

And then you play it. Holy crap, this game is amazing. Complexity unlike i’ve ever seen before, to the point that I have learned so much to fill a whole game at my second playthrough alone. one of the best soundtracks i’ve ever heard (albeit pretty biased), a story that starts very cheesy but then keeps punching you in the face with plot-twists and the gameplay is nothing short of excellent either.

Real player with 45.9 hrs in game

Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri on Steam

Dark Horizons: Mechanized Corps

Dark Horizons: Mechanized Corps

I have to say I want to love this game. I still play a lot. The best part about it is building and trying out the mechs. Some of the problem is that no one is playing so you have to play by yourself and the bots are not very smart, or maybe too smart they go hide in the ocean. Every once in a while you have a great game against the bots, but not on every board.

I would like to see a board where you have unlimited ammo.

The bots would not have to be strong but they need to attack and spawn more of them. I love shooting at them. Missiles are great but you don’t have enough of them need a way to reload on the spot. Long way back to the base to reload waste to much time.

Real player with 394.2 hrs in game

Campaign is coming along, the Faction wars stuff is cool too. New contract missions give something for players looking for Single Player missions to do.

Early Access so there’s obviously some bugs still. Considering that, this game is still pretty strong and well done. Especially at this early alpha phase. I’m a huge fan of the game so far and can’t wait to get into more battles. There are maps both big and small to allow quick brutal mech matches as well as more drawn out conflicts. I personally prefer the small maps.

Real player with 91.1 hrs in game

Dark Horizons: Mechanized Corps on Steam



Well, “DUAL GEAR” been in development for 4+ years and considering it’s a project from a small indie studio with VERY LIMITED budget - i’d say it’s a success.

If you’re interested in a bit of history, the original Indiegogo campaign for Dual Gear launched back in 2016, but failed to meet the goal, however, the devs launched a 2nd (better organized) campaign and it was a success. (not the big one, but still enough to continue development)

And now we are finally got the Early Access version, so, let’s check it out.

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

In 2011, Front Mission Evolved was released. It was the last time I’ve played a Front Mission game. Why mention Front Mission? Because this is a spritual successor to PS1/PS2 Front Mission games.

If you’ve never played Front Mission, I’m not completely surprised: I’m a goddamn boomer, and I remember it fondly. Front MIssion was a Tactical RPG with Mecha; think Final Fantasy Tactics, but Mecha. The draw of it wasn’t so much the Tactical RPG portion – though that was pretty great. For me, the draw was the numbers. Lots of numbers. Between leveling up pilots, replacing parts to give varying bonuses, balancing statistics, specializing units based upon weapon loadouts and experience with specific weapons. And the lore… good god the lore was amazing; somewhere between modern day dystopia and cyberpunk.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

DUAL GEAR on Steam

Mech Merc Company

Mech Merc Company

So this is a first for me i don’t normally do reviews, but today I am more than willing to write one for Mech Merc Company.

So to start thing off should you buy the game?. Well that’s something you have to ask yourself do you like mech’s do you like commanding a force of mechs?. Yes? well then you will love this game.

So you are probably wondering what is it like, well you start off with 1 mech and have to get more with ai pilots.

How do i get more mech’s? you can get a mech from a mission or from buying it the first one will be from a mission as they are not cheap.

Real player with 32.0 hrs in game

Even at its early alpha, this game is already extremely addictive and fun! Also, the dev is always paying attention to the suggestions, and bugs reported, and working hard on making the game better and better.

To be honest, I’m not fond of Western Mechs. (Battletech and Mechwarrior style) The famous “tank with legs”. I do love Japanese Mechas (Like Gundam). So I wasn’t expecting to enjoy this game so much, but I really liked its idea: Having your own Mech Company, managing your Mechs and Pilots. Commanding them into battle, and battling by their side. It’s amazing. Except the Mech Style part… That’s what I thought…

Real player with 27.1 hrs in game

Mech Merc Company on Steam

Parkan: Iron Strategy

Parkan: Iron Strategy

Build your own Russian Metal Gears!

I’ve played this game years ago and it’s still good! I’m still not sure about the ending, though.

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

First review aimed for English players.

Parkan Iron Strategy is one of the four games in the Parkan series, three of which you can buy on Steam. The fourth one is an “expansion” to Iron Strategy named Part 2. The reason for it’s abcense is it’s Russian only localization, that’s why you are limited to a Youtube walkthrough of it, if you can find one.

One things for sure, it’s hard.

I’ve played and finished this game a LONG time ago. Replaying it now just shows that nothing has changed. Got nearly stomped by an easy AI at the beginning of a singleplayer map, but managed later on.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Parkan: Iron Strategy on Steam

Shattered Steel

Shattered Steel

I haven’t played this game since 1996, but now that its on steam if its possible it could use alot of updating, because there is some problems that I am having.

Real player with 49.4 hrs in game

Excelent DOS Game, If you was born in 90’s You know what I saying

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Shattered Steel on Steam

Vox Machinae

Vox Machinae

Vox has become my most played game of all time. I’ve invested nearly 500 hours in mastering the piloting skills in this game, and I’m still learning. The game is incredibly accessible and easy to enjoy right out the gate, but there’s also tremendous depth to be had in learning to pilot. You should buy the game immediately, and start blasting mechs in VR. But if playing the best, stompy mech VR game out there isn’t enough for you, I’m going to try and cover all the concerns you may have.

Don’t have VR!?:

Real player with 1000.8 hrs in game

–– 120+ hour update at bottom —–

This game is absolutely amazing. It’s extremely hard to pilot the GDRs (mechs) well, but once you learn the ropes, it’s incredible.

If you really want a good experience, join the Discord. It’s full of veterans who are willing to help you learn the basics. For a Mech-based brawler game, it’s got A LOT hidden under the hood.

This game continues to surprise me. Everything changed the day I learned I could rotate my torso in my Catalyst to “slam punch” a Goldrush (glorified dozer) charging in for a ram. I jousted my main cannon into their cockpit, instant death.

Real player with 206.8 hrs in game

Vox Machinae on Steam

Archangel™: Hellfire - Enlist FREE

Archangel™: Hellfire - Enlist FREE

I got a couple of matches in the free demo, enjoyed it and bought it to get more features options.

Movement is good, there are three mech classes, light, medium and heavy with different weapons and abilities.

Havnt explored multiplayer to its full potencial yet but i feel there is a lot of fun to be had there.

So i decided id try the single player campaign.

During the intro when one first gets into the mech i was really excited, you have more precise control over the hands and arms, moving your hands inside the cockpit causes the mechs arms to mimic the motions, you can punch things (missing from the multiplayer i think) and one feels really powerful, i got the VR giggles which i havnt got in a long time.

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

Archangels Hellfire DLC is finally here. With it comes PvP skins, 1-4 player coop arena and most importantly… the PvP gameplay is not free to play for all!

Ok, lets get the ugly stuff out of the way. The 1-4 player coop is basically just a coop wave shooter. It seems to be balanced for 4 players so if you make a private group with 2… Good luck. Video on that coming later.

PvP skins seem fairly simple atm. White vs Black. I would like more customization and more options in general for making my mech my own but skins are a good start. Selecting which skin you use could also use some love as each new skin appears to show up as an entirely new mech. Instead of picking a mech, then picking a skin you scroll through the light, medium and heavy of skin 1, then move on to the light, medium and heavy of skin 2. It’s extremely minor but would be a nice QoL adjustment

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Archangel™: Hellfire - Enlist FREE on Steam