Forklift Load

Forklift Load

As you can probably tell by my hours played, I like this game. It’s a nice way to sit back and chill out. I just did my first speedrun of it, clocking in at around an hour and a half. I plan on getting faster. Overall, it’s the perfect speedrunning game with lots to discover, some nice music, and a world that’s kind of nice behind all the jankiness of the physics.

Except the jump upgrade mission, that one can burn.

Real player with 16.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mechs Story Rich Games.

I 100% it in one 6 hour extended playthrough. So it’s not exactly a long game, though not easy ether. Especially a certain rooftop mission.., anyway it’s impressive for a project that I think was made by one dude though overall it is very rough around the edges. Like on a technical level there are a lot of glitches and bugs. That said the word that comes to mind when trying to describe this game is artful.

There is something about the whole experience that was simply enchanting to me. It may be flawed but it most certainly is a work of art (and a fun game with decent challenge to boot). I haven’t played anything quite like it.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Forklift Load on Steam



I genuinely like this game. My standards are not your standards. All I ask is you do your research. This game does not reveal itself in your first pass. 6000+ hours and I am still learning.


Perpetuum is an indie, sci-fi, sandbox mmo, with target-to-shoot combat with cover/Line-of-sight obstacles, 3rd person WASD piloting (with auto-pilot outside of combat). Player-driven market, player-run organizations (corps), open and closed pvp zones to accommodate all play styles, hardcore/casual. No griefing, no crime/punishment system.

Real player with 27299.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mechs Massively Multiplayer Games.

Perpetuum has always been something of a lesser known & underrated game. Even though the old official server is no longer running, the Open-Perpetuum community project has done well to keep perpetuum online and replace and improve on features, mechanics, balancing & other things from the old server & keep perpetuum kickin in general.

The game itself graphics wise is dated but gets the job done. The game has one of the most satisfying and enjoyable combat systems for PvP in its genre with the use of terrain & this applies to all combat in the game.

Real player with 7443.6 hrs in game

Perpetuum on Steam

Raider Bots

Raider Bots

The Raiders are a lawless space fleet consisting of a handful of battle hardened operatives. In their quest for riches, they have scouted a planet that is home to an abundance of valuable resources. Unfortunately, it is already occupied by multiple factions, battling for control. Your mission is to conquer the planet and place it under Raiders control. Combined with a powerful Battle MECH, you will raise an army of Battle BOTs in order to take on the thriving native factions.

Key Features:

  • Two Main Modes, World Mode and Battle Mode - Plan your moves in the World Mode, then jump into Battle Mode to experience battles in real time.

  • Mechs - Dominate the battlefield with your very own Mech, with a plethora of unlockable weaponry.

  • Collect BOTs - Take control of a variety of Battle BOTs, each with their own unique characteristics.

  • Specialize BOTs - Specialize BOT effectiveness on the battlefield with a variety of collectible upgrade modules.

  • Conquest - Take control of Strongholds dotted across the planet. Strongholds will help fund multiple large scale armies necessary for total conquest.

  • Commander Drone - Command your BOTs and activate special abilities with the Commander Drone; which affords a top down view of the battle where you can issue orders, classic RTS style.

Read More: Best Mechs Robots Games.

Raider Bots on Steam

Sky Break

Sky Break

Sky Break by Farsky Interactive is a farcry from an openworld survival game. I have to admit, I loved the artwork, and the idea behind it. Man against machine. against nature; now that would have been a survial game! Unfortunately what was seen in early development was completely scraped for the sake of simplicity. I understand the K.I.S.S. motto; however Farsky oversimplified so much that they lost their driving theme. This was supposed to be a hostile world, where the storms raged, the oxygen was thin, and every mecha was out for blood. Before launch you had to fight the gatherer mecha for precious resources to upgrade your sky base. All of that natural conflict, and personal customization gone! Now it’s more like a romp in the wilderness to pick flowers with your wee woodland friends.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Sky Break does so many things right, it’s easy to be tricked into thinking there’s depth to the game. The graphics are great, the story sounds interesting, there’s shooting and pets and crafting and skills to level up and exploration and a sky fortress… but none of these things really extend beyond their superficial appearance.

To elaborate on each of those points:

  • Story: There’s 8 journals, 2 screenshot & text-based cutscenes, and a few lines of monologue from the character. That’s approximately 20 paragraphs of story total.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Sky Break on Steam

Generation Zero®

Generation Zero®

Rating: 4/10

Generation Zero has a really cool concept, but sadly gets very repetitive after a while.

All the enemy machines are creative and pretty cool, only very few of them. They do however have some variations each which gives different weapons etc.

The map is gorgeous and really looks like Sweden, but after a while you will have looted the same few houses scattered over the map hundreds of times.

Three or four times my GF and I have started this game over, but we have never been able to finish it before it gets too boring and repetitive.

Real player with 222.4 hrs in game

This is gonna be a long review…

The Positive:

So this game like many others released in 2019 was plagued with bugs at the start, some of them game breaking. The developers have worked REALLY hard making the game better and adding more content. I only see a minor bug roughly every 12 hours of play now a days and they can usually be ignored.

The gun play feels good and breaking of the different parts/armor of robots is almost therapeutic, especially when you learn all the parts and know how to disable specific functions to make a fight easier. The story while simple feels realistic and gives you a lot of freedom to do what you want and explore where you want. The game is beautiful! It looks better than most games released this year and the atmosphere is amazing! There is a really good balance in difficulty that makes every engagement feel dangerous (at least when playing solo) and even the most crazy fights don’t feel impossible with proper planning, prep work, and knowledge.

Real player with 180.2 hrs in game

Generation Zero® on Steam



I’d like to say that I love the game, but I can only say I really like the game. I can only recommend it conditionally – get it on sale, otherwise, pass it up. You’ll get frustrated with some of the problems.

I haven’t played the other two Lost Planet games in the series, so I have nothing for comparison (which is what lots of the negative reviews seems to be about.) As a stand alone game, it has a solid linear story line in single player (and single player is what I play for) RPG with really good narrative cinamagraphic cut away scenes, plus the occassional cut-in videos of communications between the character you play and the wife back on Earth which adds to the character background. Everything experienced is in the past - a retelling of events as a sort of confessional story.

Real player with 71.5 hrs in game

Average ending to an average trilogy.

Lost Planet 3 is a third-person shooter action-adventure video game developed by Spark Unlimited and published by Capcom.


Lost Planet 3 is a prequel to previous two titles. Thanks to that weird decision, you don’t have to play previous titles to understand the story.

Game tells a story of Jim Peyton, who joins the expedition funded by NEVEC to mine the resources of E.D.N. III, allowing him to support his family on Earth. As he gets used to harsh planet conditions and wildlife, he discovers multiple secrets lying deep in the planet.

Real player with 46.5 hrs in game

LOST PLANET® 3 on Steam



The game is easy to learn, you gather resources, build your base and then build crafting and utility stations. The game looks good and once you have built your first mech (scout mech) the pace of the game move a lot faster. But the game is still in early access so there are still some bugs in the game. Multiplayer still need some optimization since it has to reset a bit too often. In single-player mode, the android faction (ennemy) is not fully operational and the end game is not implemented yet. Also, if you want to play multiplayer there are not a lot of people playing the game right now (and they are mostly playing on the staging server (test server), which you can join if you want) because of the problem mention above but once the game is released out of early access people will come back and new players will play the game. Also, the developers are now working on the game part-time so it can be a while before the game is released out of early access. So, buy it if you want to support the development of the game and don’t mind waiting for the finish game or put the game on your wish list to buy it on the next sale or when it is fully released.

Real player with 277.5 hrs in game

honeymoon period is over

I can’t recommend at this point. Communication is super bad on steam. Last patch 10 days ago and no word whats going on. It feels like a pre-alpha launch and the first patch caused more troubles than it solved. Overpriced EA. Overall the projectmanagement - especially communication - feels super amateurish. Servers are already empty and i suggest to only come back if they actually pull smth out of their hat.


Patch is out. Your base doesn’t seem to diasappear - as long you don’t build around reboot time. But most of the issues are still there like empty corpses and getting stuck or the market exploits. Now and then also server crashes. With a couple hours runtime, servers are almost unplayable. Especially when lots of ppl are on which is a sign that not all mem leaks are fixed. Also fellow faction members are able to glitch through doors and steal your stuff since everybody can loot your containers.

Real player with 136.4 hrs in game

Pantropy on Steam



OK so why would i recommend this well, although left alive is full of issues and by no means is a good game is worth trying.

so lets start by stating what may be obvious to anyone reading the extensive, extensive….extensive amount of negative reviews.

As a stealth survivor game it is quite terrible, the lack of options for stealth kills shows it makes it impossible to complete even one part of a mission without being detected.

It also suffers from having a very limited selection of weapons. don’t expect to be surprise. The AI is terrible as well.

Real player with 36.4 hrs in game

tl;dr Front Mission’s final nail in the coffin. Less so Front Mission, and more so a downgrade of MGSV/MGSurive to PS2 bootleg standards.

The game has barely any Front Mission identity. Sure you get various countries and other terms dropped here and there but outside of that this game is a MGS ripoff, trying as hard as possible to rip off various stealth concepts and survival-crafting concepts from MGSV and MGSurvive. The game’s story too tries hard to lecture you about war in some attempt to be MGS.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

LEFT ALIVE™ on Steam



Craftica: Building Your Wonderland

Craftica is a creative sandbox game with ultra high degrees of freedom for building. It supports deformable voxels and subvoxels at multiple scales so that smooth objects can be built in realistic scales, and makes it possible to build very elegant architectures.

Craftica provides a large number of electronic and mechanical as well as other related device items, allowing players to build sophisticated circuits and circuit-controlled electronic and mechanical devices. Players can even build vehicles, aircrafts, robots and computers etc. high-tech objects from items as basic as logical gates.

Deformable Voxel and Subvoxels

In Craftica the basic voxel is a full cube and the subvoxels are partial cubes with one or more corner chopped off.

The voxels and subvoxels are deformable, and can be made more round or less round by hammer tools.

The support of deformable voxels and subvoxels in Craftica makes it possible to create much smoother objects in this game than in other voxel-based sandbox games.

Also the voxel and subvoxels in Craftica are supported at multiple size levels, so that fine structures can be represented at a scale comparable to the real world.

As an example, Craftica has very good support for East Asian architectures, and includes a large number of standard structures with East Asian architecture styles.

In Craftica, subvoxels are also used to smooth the procedurally generated terrain. And terrain and objects imported from Minecraft Schematic files are also smoothed using subvoxels.

Smart Placement of Blocks and Items

Craftica is designed to allow intuitive construction of objects using subvoxels, and supports consistent operations for placing basic blocks (voxels and subvoxels) and items.

Craftica also supports rule-based placement. When an object item is being placed near another object, if there is a predefined rule to determine a proper placement for the object in relative the other, the rule will be used to calculate the proper placement location and orientation.

In-Scene Crafting

Item crafting in Craftica can be done in the scene, using formulas that are structural and intuitive.

Device Items

Craftica provides a number of standard mechanical and electronic device items that can be used to build complex circuit as well as machines that can be controlled by circuits.

Circuits in this game emulates those in the real world with great simplifications. Like circuits in the real world, Craftica uses physical connection between components to construct functional circuits. These circuits are mainly powered by electric energy and driven by data exchanges.

(See the documentation included in the game for more information)


In Craftica worlds, some places are generated with villages. Each village is generated with a few houses and at least one workshop and one defensive fort or tower, and spawns with at least one warrior to defend the village.

The relationship between a village and a player is characterized by affinity. Affinity can be zero, positive or negative, indicating a neutral, friendly or hostile relationship.

The affinities between villages and player(s) are initialized randomly. Normally, there will be more neutral villages than friendly and hostile ones, and more friendly ones than hostile ones. Their actual percentages may vary according to game modes and difficulty levels.


When a positive affinity reaches certain levels, the player will have free access to some village structures and storages (different structures and storages may have different affinity thresholds). And when a negative affinity reaches a certain level, the village warrior will actively attack the player.

Trading with villagers or defending the village against hostile mobs will improve the affinity between the player and the village. On the other hand, attacking villagers will deteriorate the affinity.


In survival mode, barbarians and other hostile mobs will be generated. They will attack the player and villages. The only way to survive is to fight back or run!

Model Importing

In addition to the creative and survival modes, Craftica supports an experimental development mode. In this mode, the player can import external models into the game worlds.

The player can either choose a Minecraft Schematic file (currently only .schematic file is supported, .schem file will be supported the upcoming updates) to import when creating a new game in the development mode:

Or import .obj 3D model files (importing Schematic files within a game will also be supported in the future) within a game in the development mode:

Craftica on Steam



OK, so how do I start this…

Back when I first started, this game was alright, community was thriving during late 2017 and was quite newbie friendly at that time, I think.

I was quite fairly new when it comes to building stuff but my talent for sculpting crafts with combinations of boxes, capsules and couplers was very well received by people, more time has passed and I feel like I’ve reached what I am capable of when it comes to creating the most detailed I’ve ever done, a poseable craft based on STLF with a heavy military taste coupled with bundle of guns I’ve shared for people with STLF to use.

Real player with 8458.9 hrs in game

This game is awesome. You can build anything from a little bot with 3-4 blocks to a highly detailed and functional AF Answerer. The only limit is your imagination.

Yes it takes a bit to get used to the building mechanics but, there are samples examples which show the thing that can be done.

Like in Space Engineers, Starmade, etc. the way you learn is by trial and error so just remember to stay calmned and take your time as you experiment with ways to make your build better. It is basically the best way to learn and enjoy the game rather then just booting up the game and the next just quit because you don’t understand how to make your build to work the way you wanted it to.

! I’m looking at you people with 0.1 hrs played that just say “bad” without taking your time and actually playing around with the mechanics of the game a bit more (o_o ) . If you have trouble with your build or you don’t understand how something works then don’t be afraid to ask people from the community. They can give you tips on how to solve it.

Real player with 4298.6 hrs in game

MachineCraft on Steam