Damascus Gear Operation Tokyo HD

Damascus Gear Operation Tokyo HD

Its a mediocore port. It’s got locked resolution choices, low quality options, and subpar Keyboard + mouse interface.

Now that I’ve got that out of the way. It is a fairly enjoyable diablo-esque gameplay with ac style mech customization. Story and mission content is pretty good, especially with inclusion of all the dlcs, it gives you more scenarios and lore to followup your previous game

Gameplay wise its fairly simple, however I notice a lot of fps staggers throughout the game. Something the fps lock which unfortunately you can’t do anything to fix it without resorting to outside tampering. Also it suffers from having terrible ai partners and sometimes questionable mission objectives. Customibility isn’t as deep as say AC. But you got plenty of parts and weapons to experiment on and to figure out your preferred playstyle. Though you’re color selection and map layout is limited.

Real player with 59.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mechs Hack and Slash Games.

…well you tried.

But seriously this game is pretty much Armored Core meets Diablo with loot shooter elements, but the problem is its so stale and boring that it ceases to be fun about halfway through. The end game content is unsatisfying and getting S ranks on the missions is tedious instead of a challenge. The story puts you to sleep. The part selection and paint is bare minimum and the stats are never explained. All the bosses are basically giant versions of the normal mechs with cheap tactics and that’s only if they work properly. I had two of the final bosses glitch out on me quite a few times. It was hilarious but sad at the same time. Also the Hero Creation extension is basically playing the game all over again, with slightly different dialogue and 3 additional missions. I S ranked all the missions in this game just so I can get my money’s worth but jeez I only did it cause I was bored.

Real player with 48.6 hrs in game

Damascus Gear Operation Tokyo HD on Steam



Explosionade, reminds me of the games of the 90’s, simple, but nice and fun!

Considering the low price, and a must to buy with your eyes closed!


(Below is the Italian full review)

Pilota un gigantesco robot sperimentale, che spara granate e salta sugli alieni, distruggi le loro basi, salvandoti giorno dopo giorno!


Infitrati nelle fortezze sotterranee, e cattura le basi aliene.

Spara con la MegaNades una mitragliatrice che riesce a distruggere tutto

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mechs Anime Games.

If mommy has a selection of best games, it needs to get tried - and I’ve got to play the crazy platformer called Explosionade made by Mommy’s Best Games.

The visual style is not serious at all, it’s kind of silly sci-fi/alien environment where you are piloting a mech, killing aliens and getting to the exit. The controls felt really tight (played on Xbox 360 Controller) and I really liked it, considering more possible ways to deal with enemies - aggressive grenade rushes or defensive tactics with shield.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Explosionade on Steam

Strike Suit Infinity

Strike Suit Infinity

Strike Suit Infinity is a rare hybrid of two rather retro game formulas: the 90’s style space sim (of the likes of Wing Commander) and the arcade games that came before that, where the only thing that mattered was getting the highest score. There’s no story to speak of: you fend off wave after wave of increasingly difficult enemies until you lose.

The game is very much designed with replayability in mind, with any given round being completely different depending on your setup and choice of reinforcements. While you’ll always personally do the lion’s share of the work, having your own fighter and bomber wings and capital ships on the field makes each round feel like a spectacular space battle, particularly in the later levels where you might have small fleets facing off against each other.

Real player with 36.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mechs Space Games.

Strike Suit Zero, but as an arcade shooter.

I loved Strike Suit Zero; an awesome shooter with a competent plot and fantastic environments that were nothing more than an image on a background with space debris strewn about, yet still managed to look beautiful. One of the greatest things about Strike Suit was the variety in its missions and the power inherent in the Strike Suit that allowed you to overcome if done properly. You felt overwhelmed at times whilst having an overwhelmingly powerful machine that needed to be rationed in its use.

Real player with 24.5 hrs in game

Strike Suit Infinity on Steam

Regular Human Basketball

Regular Human Basketball


1. There is no single player mode

2. The community is practically dead, you’ll be lucky to find 2 to 4 people online to play with, if any

3. If you do manage to start a match the game play is unfortunately pretty slow and clunky


1. You can play local multiplayer

2. It’s almost interesting as a party game

In summary: Be sure you actually have people to play this with or you won’t even be able to play it at all.


While you are here, would you consider following my curator page?

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

This game is absolutely the best. Tiny bit of a learning curve, but I really have no complaints. Fun action, makes you and your friends laugh, runs smooth as butter. Not to mention you can have up to 14 people playing this at once. 14 people. 10 on controller and 4 on keyboard.

I really hope that somehow, someway, this game will get a playerbase so that online matches will exist. There simply isn’t enough people playing to jump into a random online match.

Either way I absolutely love this game. You should definitely buy this game provided you have friends to play them with. (also check out the other powerhoof games. they totally rock)

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Regular Human Basketball on Steam

Astebreed: Definitive Edition

Astebreed: Definitive Edition

First: ignore the “TOO EASY” reviews. They are jokes. None of them took note of score, 1CCed Hard mode or even COMPLETED it.

One of the best, most underrated indie games out there, made doubly impressive by the development company’s obscurity & status as part-time devs. Despite classic arcade-like design principles, it’s not a “nostalgia game”; it can hardly be described as “X meets Y”. Maybe Sin & Punishment’s cinematic on-rails presentation + a shmup’s bullet dodging + Alien Soldier’s sheer variety of stuff to do… but that wouldn’t really do it justice.

Real player with 48.1 hrs in game

This review will be primarily focused on the Definitive Edition release and it’s new features. Owners of the original version will automatically receive the Definitive Edition update for free.

SCORE: 8/10

Pros: Extremely fast-paced action with varying degrees of difficulty, absolutely stunning visuals (further enhanced particles and blur for the Definitive Edition), extremely memorable soundtrack (new tracks have been added), high replayability even for a considerably short game. Extensive (and even slighty interactive) gallery provides fans of the game a more in-depth look at virtually everything involved with the lore. Further enhanced optimization options (including higher resolution support).

Real player with 43.1 hrs in game

Astebreed: Definitive Edition on Steam

War Robots

War Robots


The developer, Pixonic, has completely gone off the rails in their cash-grabbing scheme. This game is not a PTW game, it is a Pay2Play game at this point. The Steam/Facebook Gameroom clients are practically abandoned, as they are not being considered for the possible merging of the Android and iOS servers. Player count continues to plummet, and it is harder and harder for anyone to compete against the wallet warriors/hackers.

With the update introducing pilots, Pixonic has lost ALL integrity and proves to only care about those who are paying money. This game is now near impossible to play for free players once they reach Diamond League. You need to pay for gold, you need to pay for silver, and this game keeps getting kicked in its coffin by Pixonic. They lost all grip on reality, and are quite clearly riding this cash cow into the dirt.

Real player with 1332.9 hrs in game

Disgusting the amount of money and advertising of “sales” thrown in your face!

Its a good game but the pay to win is ridiculous. $99.99 “sale” for a gun and bot components??? not even A gun or A bot, no no no, components to build one when you get 10,000. I wish this wasnt sucha greed based game because it would be amazing. Its still one of my go to games but I refuse to spend $100 to buy parts so I lose a lot but I guess it helps with strategy? If I find a similar game that isnt so money grubbing Im bailing on war robots, until then, it passes the time until you get frustrated with a super meched out $1000 bot kills your 4 bots.

Real player with 697.6 hrs in game

War Robots on Steam



Normally, I don’t go out of my way to do these kinds of things (and I mean that literally as this is my first ever review), but, because of a very very VERY recent small update known as Patch 1.41, I felt I HAD to get this off my chest and hope that the developers see this.

Before this one update, I loved the customization on the game but nothing I tried could really help me to improve my capacity to steer correctly in game. I was a literal mess and a half that felt like he was skating on ice with sponges for the most part. That was, however, before 1.41 hit. The patch added a few fixes as well as a new Side Booster part, but side boosting’s always been a difficult thing to understand; let alone use optimally, but unbeknownst to anyone who hadn’t already noticed, the turning in the game actually improved.

Real player with 256.1 hrs in game

The Good:

  • Mech customization allows for a large amount of variety

  • UI in Garage mode is very easy to work with

  • Pletny of options to customize mecha to focus on various strengths

  • Low Price

The Bad:

  • Weapons are rather weak compared to most mech games, I was expecting grenades, rockets, missles but you mainly get laser based weapons that barely feel any different from each other and things like a machine gun feels like a slow rifle from Armored Core

  • Homing weapons defeats the point of going lightweight as you lose the main advanatge of being nimble

Real player with 61.1 hrs in game


Hell Blasters

Hell Blasters

I’m fairly new to playing shoot em ups (shmups) to actually be good at them rather than just credit feed my way through an arcade game. I wanted to get into ‘bullet hell’ shmups but the games are really intimidating. This game was recommended because the designer is an accomplished bullet hell player who made the gameplay the top priority - and made it so you can use the story mode to actually learn to play a bullet hell.

It’s been an absolute blast and the story mode really delivers bite sized chunks of training and the arcade so you can practice them and learn how to deal with the enemies.

Real player with 24.4 hrs in game

This is the Bluesmobile of shmups. It may not look like much on the outside, but it’s got the cop motor, cop tires, and probably even the cig lighter. Great level design & bullet patterns, a ton of modes, leader board & replays, great shmup tunes, it’s all there. Great work, devs!

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Hell Blasters on Steam

ExZeus™: The Complete Collection

ExZeus™: The Complete Collection

Pure arcade bliss. Don’t sleep on it.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Awsome arcade classics, on rails shooters. Had the first one on mobile and glad they are both on steam now,but just a bit of a shame they have not been updated with better graphics or remastered.

But if you like arcade games and on rails shooters, then you should love this.

Oh, and the soundtrack is cool to. 😊

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

ExZeus™: The Complete Collection on Steam

Miasma: Citizens of Free Thought

Miasma: Citizens of Free Thought

A great classic strategy game…

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

I’m really enjoying my time with this game!

It’s hard to believe it came out so many years ago and yet holds up so well today!

I’m still making my way through but can’t wait to see where the story goes!

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Miasma: Citizens of Free Thought on Steam