Versus: Battle of the Gladiator

Versus: Battle of the Gladiator

Versus: Battle of the Gladiator


My rating 9/10


pvp and a few solo missions: help get started with armor and weapons.

+modifiable weapons and armor.. you can enhance your weapons to swing faster. hit harder. and a few other things you can also enhance your armor depending on the roll. it has. so you can have more hp. more stamina to swing your weapons endure more attacks. before breaking. and yes your armor breaks in combat. but is put back to normal after death.

+Custom Combos & Finishers: yes this game has custom combos. so you can edit your normal attacks and create your own combos. and hybrid them with your strong attacks.

Real player with 170.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mature Indie Games.

Edit 19/9/16: This game WAS fun. Now theres only ever 4 types of people on. 1) People who have been playing this game for awhile and are friendly(ish). 2) People who have been playing this game for awhile and are human garbage. 3) People who have been playing this game for awhile, enjoy it A LOT, but know it’s a sinking ship. 4) People who want to try to get into this game but the lack of players and amount of garbage players around make that decision waiver.

An intresting game with a fun fighting mechanic and satfisfying action. Getting it for less the $10 was a steal for myself, and I believe I have gotten my moneys worth.

Real player with 77.0 hrs in game

Versus: Battle of the Gladiator on Steam

Dota Underlords

Dota Underlords

It is with a heavy heart that I write this review, because at 217 hours of game-play at the time of writing, I have invested a lot of my time into this game. I’ve played since the first publicly available build, so feel I have enough experience to critique this and its development as time has gone on. And for anyone wondering I capped out at Lieutenant IV, hardly a rank to sniff at.

I enjoy this game, I really do, when the game goes right it hits that sweet spot so well and you come away with a shiny new rank knowing you were the best of the best in that game.

Real player with 278.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mature Casual Games.

I wish I could recommend this game. I really wish I could. But I feel like Valve took an idea they didn’t create, and without properly knowing what was good about that idea took it in their own direction, which ended up ruining what I enjoyed about the game. I played entirely too much of this when it was in beta, and I enjoyed every minute of it, even when things weren’t entirely balanced. The polish Valve put on the game with the interface and coding was just miles above the competition. Perhaps its better now, but TFT wasn’t even a game when Riot released it. I feel Valve had a great head-start on the competition, but I feel they’re ruined it, and while I don’t have access to player numbers, I get the feeling those would back up my claim.

Real player with 240.9 hrs in game

Dota Underlords on Steam

Immortal Soul: Black Survival

Immortal Soul: Black Survival

Update in March: This game personifies you thinking you are good and then getting beaten by someone better. But through this process you are still getting better. It’s addictingly frustrating and yet also so god damned good at giving you that pulse of adrenaline and panic and life when the fights get close. In that sense this game is stupidly good at achieving that idea every now and then while making you feel like you’re getting tossed overboard by players that are just constantly better than you - but the same people that may outpace you on your 140th hour won’t be the same as your 100th, 50th, 10th… hats off. I understand why the devs believed in their games enough to port it to PC - when I first downloaded this game when the game had been released for a couple weeks on Steam, I wasn’t expecting anything. I was expecting something pretty bad I would uninstall, and want to forget I ever played for the rest of my life. It surpassed my expectations immensely. Since I started playing the game, two characters have been released - a third is on its way - the mastery system has been reworked, area drop rates have been modified also; character balancing occurs habitually, I’ve paid money for cosmetics in this game…

Real player with 1153.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mature Survival Games.

Hi I’ve played this game maybe over a hundred hours by now on other platforms and although I am reccomending the game, please understand that my reccomendation is under the assumption of this game being an Early Access game, AND because the game is quite fun no matter which platform you play on IMO.

Anyway if I had to describe this game it’s like PUBG or other types of Battle Royale games out there, but with a RPG spin on the whole thing as opposed to being FPS like most of it’s counter parts.

Real player with 470.4 hrs in game

Immortal Soul: Black Survival on Steam