

Wall of text - TL;DR at the bottom

I would strongly recommend Deepworld to anyone who is a fan of the sandbox genre, and to anyone who likes steampunk, and to anyone in general. It’s quirky artstyle and unique gameplay make it one of a kind in the sandbox genre

Whilst it may not have some of the features that other sandboxes have, Deepworld has its own unique gameplay, and has come a huge distance since I first started playing in early 2013. The game is still evolving, and its development heavily influenced by player suggestions.

Real player with 290.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer 2D Games.

116 Hours played, but returned to this a few times to see what was happening.

116 of wonderful hours of nostalgia and building. I was ecstatic when I first played this on the Ipad, but then disappointed when Android didn’t get it later. Even after all this time I still loved this game, maybe in a more bitter sweet sense.

Overall Gameplay:

It runs like this, you first start out in the tutorial learning the mechanics: mining, flying, crafting, leveling items, etc. You are then opened into the server worlds with varying level designs that come with their own unique characteristics and items. Certain islands required you to prep certain gear like the desert needing you to have water on you. Your main goal in the beginning is to mainly grind exp from the mobs so you can level up your crafting skills. The more crafting skills you have the more you can use the resources you’ve acquired to actually build something worthwhile.

Real player with 116.1 hrs in game

Deepworld on Steam

Guns of Icarus Online

Guns of Icarus Online

My rating of this game speaks for itself when you look at my credentials and see that I have laid down 3000+ hours in to this title. That said though there is a lot this game has to offer if you are considering obtaining this title. Bearing this review in mind I have since become apart of the development team as an intern at the time of writing this, I speak first and foremost as a player with personal opinions about this particular title.

All that said, this game is a steampunk style game, and with it teamwork and strategy is the biggest names of the game here. Communication and coordination with crews as well as allied ships on how each team engages one another is paramount to victory or defeat. Most matches usually run for about a good 15 minutes and are packed with the anticipation of engagements, counter-engagements and various methods for obtaining each map’s goals.

Real player with 6070.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Tactical Games.

TLDR at bottom.

-Do you enjoy intricate team based gameplay, where you need to trust in the skill of your allies?

-Do you enjoy relatively easy mechanics that are tough to master?

-Do you fancy yourself a leader, that likes to communicate and see his orders carried out by real people?

-Do you love a game with a close tight community, where people follow the rules and everyone is willing to teach you?

If you said yes to any of these Guns of Icarus has a place for you.

-Do you not like having non transparent game mechanics? ( engines below 50% im looking at you )

Real player with 1877.3 hrs in game

Guns of Icarus Online on Steam