EVE Online

EVE Online

I can no longer in good faith recommend this game to anyone. It boasts of being a sandbox with ‘player-driven economy’ yet the devs keep putting their thumb on the scale with their artificial ‘resource shortages’ and contrived ‘loss mechanics’. I joined in 2015 during Citadel. They went from ‘we want you to own structures’ to ‘we want you to lose structures’ to ‘we want you to lose everything you own and be happy about it.’

EVE had been on my ‘to do’ list for years but I’d never gotten around to it before being busy with other games. I tried it, played the tutorial missions and, having done crafting for guildmates in previous mmos, almost immediately fell in love with industry. I’d dabble in pvp and missions from time to time but mining and building gave me the greatest enjoyment. I used to love building ships for friends. I’d GIVE friends ships. I started getting into reactions but stopped when every base I tried moving to kept getting blown up.

Real player with 11351.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Sci-fi Games.

Just recently uninstalled, and boy was it tough to do. Like many people have already said, this game is not for everyone. I feel this game could’ve been for me, (And boy did I love it while it lasted…) but the devs and I just have different ideas… Which is what leads me to give the negative vote on this.

Here’s what’s been going on these past few updates:

If you’re not aware already, ganking is the art of attacking and killing unsuspecting people. So, EVE’s developers really like gankers. I don’t think they have ever made an official statement about it. Still, their updates and practices appear to reflect the theory. (Someone, please correct me if I’m wrong btw)

Real player with 2705.5 hrs in game

EVE Online on Steam

Ascent - The Space Game

Ascent - The Space Game

After over 5000 hours playing, here is my review. I am in no way associated with the company that provides Ascent. I am just a long time player.

What Ascent Is and Is Not

Ascent came on line mid 2013. Since then, there has been many changes and additions. With all those changes, there are still some things at the core of the game that can be highlighted.

Ascent is:

A sandbox. Similar to Lego, it gives the player pieces to create what each person imagines within the boundaries of the game environment. We are given set pieces and are allowed to put them together as we want.

Real player with 6092.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Sci-fi Games.

I started playing this game late in 2013. I registered in the beginning of 2014, and my adventure started from there. This game has been unique to me in so many aspects, I really don’t have the room in a review to talk about them all. The sandbox aspects, the fact it’s an indie game by basically a one-man-team, or the fact it’s the most expansive space-sim I’ve played to date, bringing back nostalgia of Freelancer.

One thing that has kept me going is the continuous rise of the community. Slowly, we had less than five active players for weeks on end. Then a few dozen in the next months. Eventually, the game expanded and more players joined, and I really felt the small part of the mysterious galaxy we were all in come alive. Industry was a boon, mining operations became a thing, and eventually the galactic market was properly being utilized which was surprising to many of us so early on.

Real player with 2029.7 hrs in game

Ascent - The Space Game on Steam

CSC | Space MMO

CSC | Space MMO

EDIT: 3/20/20 Since the time of this review, missions have been added, refineries have been added, crafting has been added with the ability to make modules and ships, and more. This is a ton of development in less than 6 months! There are tons of new things to do, and development is moving fast, both great signs. This is a game that takes patience and time, if you enjoy the factory/production type aspect of games, and if you like economics and space stuff, you will like this game. It is not for everyone but it is a gem for those who enjoy this type of game. A player economy on this scale is something special that really sets this apart from other games.

Real player with 1757.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Sci-fi Games.

UPDATE After 1500 hours played…

There now “gate campers” playing the game. These scumbags sit there and wait for players to travel through gates and then kill them when the come out the other side. Wouldn’t be such a big deal if the game developers didn’t purposely leave the players ship completely vulnerable to attack for about 10 seconds after coming out of a gate. Can’t equip shields, or counter attack. If you have hundreds of $$ worth of mods on your ship, you are shit out of luck, and you loose it all. Not only that, but you have to rebuy insurance for your ship, which can range from $5-$15 depending on your ship.

Real player with 1560.4 hrs in game

CSC | Space MMO on Steam



Give this game a chance.

For those who don’t like to read long reviews, skip quickly to the TL;DR below.

This game is quickly underappreciated by many players who came in, gave it a first impression, then left.

Some game reviews given by other players are pretty shallow, to be honest. All they say is what they don’t like about the game, and that’s it.

They never gave it a chance to give them what they want: A well built spaceship that plays the way they want to play, and use it to slay opponents with.

Real player with 730.2 hrs in game

The game had a lot going for it, aside being a suspiciously similar game to world of warships (so much so that direct comparisons from mechanics to UI could fill a thesis). had in the past tense; it hasn’t materially changed in over 3 years, but somehow manages to stay up. i keep coming back to this game because of what could have been, not because of what it is. that said, here’s why not to get this game now:

1. no players

the pool of players is limited. there’s nothing to draw people into playing a game with this degree of uphill grinding once you hit mid-game. more on that later. critically, if you want to progress in the game or do anything, you can wait out the pvp queue, or wait up to a minute for pve, which has since been altered to bias the player numbers to 6 vs 8, and has always had the bots respawn in up/downtiered ships depending on the team score. for pve, playing solo to progress is nigh impossible to tolerate right now, when in order to win under these conditions you have to pull a score of 2000 or greater against what is essentially a decked out enemy vs the minimum allowed into the tier on your team (as far as the bots go).

Real player with 255.0 hrs in game

Dreadnought on Steam



(Since I wrote this, the ship balancing has been fixed) In my opinion one of the best games to ever launch. I have a lot of hours on record. This game is worth the money, but if you are not willing to spend 10 dollars you can play it on the website starblast.io. This game came around when the .io games were a big thing, but as soon as I played it I could tell it was different. I knew this game would be succesful. There are minor bugs in the game, but the gameplay is so good that you can usually see through them. One thing about the game is ship balancing. When the game came out the ships were fairly balanced and then the website started to take balancing request. When they started to take balancing requests the ships started to get worse and worse. Level 3 ships soon started to be able to take out level 5 ships. The addition of drones and pods didn’t help this, but it was a fun concept added into the game. The game isn’t broken, but it will be soon be if the balancing problems aren’t fixed. From previous versionsit seemed to work best when the level 3 ships were fast, but did not do a lot of damage, and the rest were slow, but could destroy them if they try to attack them. The game modes in this game are fun, and in my opinion they don’t need to be changed. I’m glad they got rid of the radiation to be honest. The ships are unblanced, but coming from someone whos played this game since it’s release, I think the Y-Defender should be majorly nerfed. I think the developers did such a good job on this game, and this game will be be around for a long time.

Real player with 530.4 hrs in game

You can play for free at starblast.io to give it a try, and if you become addicted like me, purchase the steam version for all the flashy benefits and goodies.

Starblast began as a simple ‘.io’ webgame, but surging popularity and regular attention from its developers have allowed it to mature into a vastly more complex and competitive game than your typical ‘io’ game. I mean, only one year after genesis, the game has already expanded onto multiple platforms (hello Steam!).

My impression/what I love about starblast:

Real player with 416.8 hrs in game

Starblast on Steam

Cannons Lasers Rockets

Cannons Lasers Rockets

This game has never worked for Steam for well over a year. It gives you a failed log in response and its been like that pretty much from day dot for hordes of people. For those lucky to get it to work, will probably grow old and start to see their grandchildren grow up as they tediously wait for people to join in, at the waiting for players screen. You see, to play a battle game you need four people to join and alas after 2 months where most just leave their game running in the background on the slim hope others will join, they eventually just give up with the notion that this was just not meant to be. However miracles do happen and once every blue moon a match begins. For these people thats when the true magic of Cannons lasers Rockets begin. 4 people who have absolutely no idea what they are doing because the tutorial only teaches you how to wasd move. Most people will blow up their own team not even realising it is their own team. Others will be pitted against people who have spent $15.00 on this game and so have everything at their disposal.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Personally, I hesitated playing Cannons Lasers Rockets when I saw the tag “Massively Multiplayer”…namely because I don’t want to get too involved in that sort of things. But when I saw that there were only 6 achievements, I thought I’d knock it out. Unfortunately, simply booting up this game is a mistake in itself.

Playing this particular title grants you access to a single song, a tutorial, and a single multiplayer map. Gameplay involves playing as 3-dimensional spaceships on a 2-dimensional plane (Yeah…2D in Space) and engage in a spaceship battle with the main goal of destroying the enemy base. Most likely nothing you haven’t already seen before. (The trailer on the store page does look interesting, but as you play, you’ll have a very dissatisfying experience.)

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Cannons Lasers Rockets on Steam

Hades' Star

Hades' Star

I’ve played Hades’ Star since Oct 2017 when it was mobile only and it’s been a great ride. I’m currently level 177 and running Red Star 8s, for reference. The most important thing I can suggest to someone just starting is to join the official discord and chat with the community. The link can be found in the news section in-game.

Hades’ Star currently has three game modes, other than your home system (Yellow Star):

  1. Red Stars – This is a max 4-player co-op mode where you need to kill AI ships in order to obtain artifacts that you then research for higher ships’ module levels. These can be done solo, but it’s a lot easier with others.

Real player with 2780.8 hrs in game

This game is starting really slow, and the first moment I started to play, I knew it would be endless grind, I got what I expeced.

The Corporations are a really fun idea, and I enjoy most of the game mechanics - it is a really good game.

The high volatility of ressources make it an interesting long term project for me.

Come join it, give your waste time a meaning.

Join a Corporation and collect seemingly endless ressources for your Empire.

But the game has also negative sides.

  1. You cannot destroy any building

Real player with 1245.8 hrs in game

Hades' Star on Steam

Infinite Lagrange

Infinite Lagrange

As someone who plays this a lot, no, not right now. Waaay too many things need to be fixed.

Things the game needs:

A way for unions to mark other unions as friend or foe

Something to do with cities

Rally fleets should be one big fleet.

The RNG for ships needs to be increased to make it easier to get ships.

Pathfinding of fleets. Seriously.


The art style is really good. Very homeworld like and something work going for.

The battles, while simple, are fun to watch


Damn near everything else.

Real player with 529.5 hrs in game

Pay to win? Yes.

Fun to play as a walle? Yes -If you are in a Union.

Fun to play as a Free to Play? Yes -If you are in a Union.

Simple as that. You can have almost everything if you pay, but without an Union you will be bored in no time. And if you are a Free to Play player joining an Union will do to you the same fun that the walle will have. Game is totally based in Unions (clans) and when you’re in one have or not all types of ships doens’t make a big diference… Just try, it’s free; but if you will play alone i’ll say again, you get bored very fast, paying or not.

Real player with 465.5 hrs in game

Infinite Lagrange on Steam

VEGA Conflict

VEGA Conflict

Great game ruined as a money grab. This game has so much potential, but it falls short due to greed. The game is beautifully rendered, fun to play, strategic and challenging, but not too difficult. Unfortunately the negatives way out weigh the positives. The negatives, and there are two only, are: 1. this game is pay to win to the nth degree, and 2. there is a ton of down time waiting for ships to build or repair. To put this into perspective, building a single mid-level ship would take 4 days to build, or you can do it instantly for $20. Yes, build one ship for $20. You have seven fleets of 6 ships each, for a total of 42 ships. Let’s do the math here. If you want to pay to fill up your fleets with these mid-range ships it would cost you $840!!! That is nuts! Well, if you want to build them without paying it would take you 168 days!!! This also leads to a ton of down time. After you reach level 40+ (mid range), there isn’t much to do other than grind. Many of the events are above your level, and all of the quests are done. So you can grind. And wait. And wait some more. And wait even longer.

Real player with 4328.6 hrs in game

this game IS DIEING only Coiners play mostly, go find another game. This game was actualy fun to play but now with new stuff coming out every month thoese that spend 100$ a day or so have all the good/strong stuff. its also manily pvp. this game has gotten better but the above still holds true if you brand new you will have a hard time playing the game but if you can find a good clan that will help you you will fly through.

so any new person that joins now after they play for a bit. they get the ability to lvl straight up to lvl 60 which is a good lvl but you will spend about a month refiting you our base with the tech you got in 8 mins of playing the booster.

Real player with 2618.4 hrs in game

VEGA Conflict on Steam

Warrecs 2

Warrecs 2

Lucky me gets to write the first English language review for Warrecs 2, which is a dead game that can’t be played.

It was supposed to be some kind of multiplayer PvP game where your blob can eat other smaller blobs, which is either a simulation of modern politics or what goes on at the all you can eat buffets in Florida.

As you can see from the screenshots, little effort went into the graphics here. The game is “free”, but not really, as it requires you to surrender your email address. That’s of course completely unnecessary for this kind of game considering SteamWorks can handle all that, so this comes across as highly suspicious and a possible attempt at data harvesting.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Warrecs 2 on Steam