Adventure Land - The Code MMORPG

Adventure Land - The Code MMORPG

I received this product for free in order to help the developer work out issues for Windows 7 users, however I am in no way affiliated with the game or recieve any monetary benefits.

I have much more than just the hours you see on my profile, possibly thousands. It’s been in development for a few years now and myself as well as a small group of others have been playing throughout that time helping the developer bug fix, add content, give feedback, etc.

This is totally a one of a kind game, the closest I can think to it might be Screeps, but this is still vastly different.

Real player with 5831.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer MMORPG Games.

Don’t play this game, even if it becomes free.

This is an idle coding game. I played it for just less than a year. In that time, I never really had a realistic chance of obtaining the highest tier items in the game. The developer of the game has publicly stated that he doesn’t want players to be able to obtain the best items anymore. So only the veteran players get the best stuff, and if you are new, then bad luck. Whatever, i guess? Except the problem is, people who discover/implement strong farming methods/obtain rare items tend to be punished. I spent 6 months optimising a very specific character build so I could contribute to the “entirely p2p economy”. In that time, my farming routine was hit by three (!!!) nerfs/game updates which strongly lowered the profitability of my method. Even though this was a particularly notable example, I was by no means the only player to have this kind of experience. I CANT EMPHASISE THIS LAST POINT ENOUGH

Real player with 4583.1 hrs in game

Adventure Land - The Code MMORPG on Steam

Screeps: World

Screeps: World

I have played lots games over the years. have forgotten 95% of them, 4.9% of them i remember due to them being an excellent game and myself enjoying, Paradox games I love but don’t rate as in the top .1%. Only a very rare game has me remembering epic or defining moments that really set that game apart for me. EvE online is one, for creating a sandbox of such freedom, politics, warfare, resource gathering, trade, which all helps to create proper player driven stories.

The other is Screeps….which has given me my most proud moments in any game i have played. The games are of course markedly different but also surprisingly similar. Screeps like EvE has trade, crafting, factories, land ownership, politics/alliances, resource gathering, warfare, but ants instead of ships and where in EvE when u get killed you take a big loss, in Screeps it can mean game over, time to respawn from scratch……again.

Real player with 3117.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Logic Games.

Note: I am not associated with the developers in any way, I’ve just been playing a lot recently.

Screeps is a game for programmers.

But it is possible for someone without any previous programming experience to learn it with enough dedication, though I recommend at least learning some basics of programming/JavaScript from somewhere like codecademy first. And try the free tutorial before you buy the game (I am still running code that started out based on the tutorial code, 2 months later).

The game has deceptively simple visuals, but a lot of increasingly complex systems that you gain access to as you progress within the game, providing interesting challenges for your programming ability. How complex it ends up getting depends in part on how much of it you end up wanting to automate. Pretty much anything you can do, you can get your code to do for you.

Real player with 2606.2 hrs in game

Screeps: World on Steam



There is a certain charm to Hackmud where, despite some of the flaws that I have been very much accustomed to over my 12,000 logged Steam hours in this game, I still continue to play this game, or at the very least have an interaction with it, daily. If I were to make a shortlist of my favourite video games of all time, would Hackmud be in this list? Compared to actual video gaming masterpieces? After a lot of deliberation, my answer is: “No at its core, but considering everything I’ve been through with it, yes”. Hackmud stands as a testament to the sheer entertainment potential of even the smallest and roughest of games with the right kind of mechanics to allow for infinite user-generated content.

Real player with 21032.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Cyberpunk Games.

This is one of my favorite games I’ve ever played. It’s hard to explain exactly what the draw is in a concise way, so be prepared for a little reading.

It’s easy to say that I love it for the scripting, which is my primary focus, but the reason I love it is so much more than that. The atmosphere really clicks for me, where the lore is presented “Dark Souls style”, which takes some digging to reveal - and what it shows you makes you want to know more. The npcs in this game talk from time to time, and as you see what they have to say you may start to realize they are not just making jokes, spamming weather reports, and adding to the lore, but they also hint at secrets that players can find.

Real player with 3061.8 hrs in game

hackmud on Steam

World Wide Hack

World Wide Hack

World Wide Hack is an MMO simulation game about realistic hacking and cybersecurity for the Web, PC, and Mac. You hack into the leaked system of QuanTech company and, with other hackers, reveal their secrets while exploring experimental open-world networks.

Manipulate corporations' and inhabitants' lives by hacking their computers, observe the consequences of your actions and decide if you want to protect or exploit this world.

Collect the most effective sets of hacking and security tools, gather assets, and improve your computer to hack others, control parts of the network, or create the best websites and tools which will help other hackers and make you rich! Work with others to make your experimental activities useful for your faction and lead with them the world in the right direction.

Find out how easily some can manipulate many and how powerful but dangerous control over the information can be…

The game is in early access, so please be aware that the game still requires lots of bug fixing, polishing, and content and mechanics of the game can change.

Key Features


Real-life hacking and security tools which are authentic yet modified to be fun and created with several options to strategize


Use your power to manipulate the life of the game characters and corporates, which have various problems and stories and, in the end, affect the world balance.


Engaging main story and mini-stories in quests bring the player new perspectives on world problems. Discover different views of two factions, finding unique pieces with every gameplay.


From the first contact with the QuanTech application, you are pulled into a realistic atmosphere of the corporate environment and their secret quantum experiments, where nothing breaks your immersion.


Full of puzzles in competitive and cooperative quests, playable in both multiplayer and solo-like gameplay with your decision of involving in PvP and area control fights


Experience living futuristic IT context emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity. Find yourself surrounded by other players passionate about technological progress and innovations, learning about the impact of technology on modern society.

Join our Discord community here:

World Wide Hack on Steam

Grey Hack

Grey Hack

So as you can see from my hrs on record I am obsessed with this game. However that is not why I chose to write a review. I have wrote very few reviews on games. It’s just not really my deal. It takes a lot for me to write something either good or bad about it. And I had that “a lot” moment recently when I was interacting with another player in the game. I was talking to them about how much I enjoyed the game and have over 400 hours in to it. That’s when I realized I have almost 500 now…. in a game that’s still in alpha. The game doesn’t even have all the features yet and has many bugs. There’s a running contest in discord for who can find the most bugs. Normally that’s a bad thing for a game. But this game… the bugs are actually fun and in a weird way add to the game. Don’t get me wrong the developer is constantly pushing out updates and actively fixing those bugs and making the game better with each update. But the bugs are used in the game for hacking. Players adapt to the more stubborn bugs and you learn to protect yourself from them. You find others and use those to mess around. I wish I could explain better how and why this game has sucked me in but this game is one massive world where the players create so much of the content without realizing it, “500 hours in an alpha” kind of not realizing it. That was my “a lot” moment. I paid 10$ for 500 hours of game play. I have games in my library that I’ve paid far more for and have far fewer hours and they’re still worth it to me and those are finished! So as a thank you for the best 10$ I’ve ever spent here’s my Review Kuro I hope it helps drive more sales to ya.

Real player with 1884.1 hrs in game

Ever wanted to feel how it is to be a real hacker and face and overcome the difficulties that come with being one?

This game is probably the closest you can get without actually having any prior experience with the technicalities that are involved with gaining illegal access to a person’s computer.

What really sets this game apart from every other in this genre, is that while portrayal in most games is very ‘Hollywood-esque’, this game manages to keep it grounded and convincingly portrays the ‘real feel’ of being a hacker, and the difficulties that must be overcome. In-game computer actually feels genuine and intuitive to use, and unlike in many other games, gaining unauthorized access to a person’s computer is in itself a very rewarding process. It actually feels like the real deal (and the methods and concepts such as social engineering that exist in the game are all real).

Real player with 127.5 hrs in game

Grey Hack on Steam



LauriFB is the disease of this game. Everyone that was loyal has left. The only people here now are the multiple dev accounts or the yes men that the devs like having around oblivious to their own existence. Or the few left in the ship designer.

No PVP - they banned them all for not PVPing the way FB wanted them to (banning in an alpha LOL)

No PVE - Devs are idiots - no trade, no missions, no bounties, nothing to create a single drop of PVP. They even stated NO PVE EVER, should tell you their brain capacity. I mean look at all the other successful MMO sandbox space titles with PVP only. HAHA

Real player with 1236.8 hrs in game

Played this game for quite awhile in earlier days. just came back to try it out while im still waiting for capital ships. but Super surprised at how smooth the game runs now. definately get the sense that theyve been working on it.

For those who care, the ship and station building is unsurpassed by anything i ever played. you will lose ships to the EZ builder unless thats been fixed. the level of freedom you have to do what you want is just amazing. when capital ships come out which make it so u can have a mobile safezone out in pvp space you will litterally be able to live anywhere and do as u will, store your own ships, explore the great reaches of undiscovered space. seriously cant wait for that. and if you have a group the scale and scope of what you can do is pretty redic.

Real player with 150.6 hrs in game

Starbase on Steam