FINAL FANTASY® XI: Ultimate Collection Seekers Edition

FINAL FANTASY® XI: Ultimate Collection Seekers Edition

This game is not for everyone. Many people coming from other MMOs seem to often misunderstand that the design of FFXI is simply made with a philosophy that is quite different. Consequently, this seems to lead some to go into it expecting the game to try and accomplish a lot of the goals that are now standard in the genre. I believe this unfortunately sours the experience for many. Nevertheless, if you are willing to set aside your notions of what MMOs should be and do, there is a great experience waiting for you in FFXI.

Real player with 847.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Fantasy Games.

Idk where to begin or how to end on this review. Ima just try to make it short (Maybe it will be long) and simple. Btw my main character name is “Ghostmonkey”, for those who want to add me.

The Pros:

-The game does indeed have a good amount of players, if you know which server to join.

Asura is the one for non-japanese players and most populated.

So don’t be discouraged to buy the game if you are concerned about the game being dead.

-Another note is how friendly the community is. I started in my first 2 and a half minutes and already approached by a veteran.

Real player with 308.2 hrs in game

FINAL FANTASY® XI: Ultimate Collection Seekers Edition on Steam



After playing this game for roughly 4-5 years I can honestly say it’s my go to MMO. My main is a reaper which I like the rotations and skills used, it’s a class I find more unique then most other games online. At 1st I had a lot grps complaining about my dmg and my rotations and I actually thought I was playing my class properly. Truthfully though, I did some research, looked up the skills and rotations and found out that other players were correct and I was actually a terrible reaper.

But after sometime, research and putting skills in the correct area of the tool bar, I got better, much better. The game itself in all the years it’s been around has improved in some areas, considering how it used to be when I 1st started to now, you can see the developers put sometime into it and made things for the better in TERA.

Real player with 3710.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Fantasy Games.

It’s going to be F2P next week, so there is actually no reason not to play it. It is, after all, the MMORPG with the best Combatsystem (and the most beautiful as well… especially the Castanics. If you know what I mean. ;) ).

It’s more like a Hack n Slash with one of the Melee Classes. lol.

I can only recommend checking it out if you are into MMORPGs.

/edit 06.02.2017

This recommendation is from January 2013, so take it with a grain of salt. I don’t know how it is now, what gameforge changed and if it’s good for those who play it without spending a dime.

Real player with 826.4 hrs in game

TERA - Action MMORPG on Steam

Black Desert

Black Desert

Bdo is probably one of the best if not the best mmo I have seen and its a one time pay game, no monthly subscription required. There is pay for convenience, however its not required and very much a choice. You don’t have to pay to enjoy the game and since your often getting it for free or only paying 1$ for the game since its constantly on sale. So paying slightly extra for something is not all that big a deal if your used to other mmo.

Financial stuff out of the way I have probably never play a game with a more enjoyable combat system aside from Monster Hunter World. Which you can’t really pvp in. Like any game there is some amount of toxic pvp, but ftm part its not that big an issue. Guilds and parties make the game fun to play with friends or just go adventuring in parties, doing quests/dungeons. Its has world bosses, a rewarding lvl system and you can get burned out if you go too hard trying to progress in the game. I personally switch to life skilling when I want to relax an not put in any effor which allows you to still progress in the game.

Real player with 17075.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Fantasy Games.

Overall rating - [4/10] - The game has massive potential but currently its just not there yet, get it on a free-to-keep special event or on a 5$ sale and sit on the game for a bit.


-You can cop it for like 5$ on sales

-6 year old game with better graphics than current year mmo’s

-Best combat system out of any mmo hands down

-Open world with great scenery

-There’s forced PvP (you can flag up and attack anyone above lvl 56 outside of safe zone)

Real player with 8033.9 hrs in game

Black Desert on Steam

Secret World Legends

Secret World Legends

I have really enjoyed the Borderlands series and story - The characters made the difference. I wanted to try out my first MMO however I’m extremely picky about “Fantasy” - I usual don’t like it. With TSW, it takes place in the Present. It has a “grown-up” story full of characters, etc. not found in most games. Plus, this game has as much playtime as the entire Borderlands series combined.

There were some Sci Fi MMO’s I considered, but I didn’t want to level grind - TSW has linear growth and I can “spend” my Skill Points where ever to determine my Quality Level (1 - 10).

Real player with 3423.5 hrs in game

ADDENDUM: We are now approaching the 2 year anniversary of the relaunch. In this time, they have added about two hours worth of new story content. Much of the old story and PVP modes are still missing from Secret World Legends, and they are trickle releasing the holiday event content one year at a time. Anyone still questioning if this was just a cash grab?

Make no mistake about it, the real reason this game died the first time is because Funcom only expanded the game by about 25% over the course of five years. Even after that new content was added, the game really only has about a month worth of content to experience, even for a casual player. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great content… the story is fantastic, with great missions that go far beyond the menial tasks that pass for quests in most MMOs. How will the game die this time around? Read on and find out.

Real player with 1842.5 hrs in game

Secret World Legends on Steam



(Just a note, Steam has the dates messed up because I had a previous review that I deleted. This review was actually posted on March 23 and has no relation to the previous review from January.)

Ryzom is a frustrating game for me.

This game is very, very flawed even just with its game design. There are bugs all over that need to be fixed, new player experience is atrocious with almost none of the game’s mechanics explained properly, the game’s engine is archaic, and a lot of its design is of questionable merit. There’s even some serious problems with racism and ableism in this game, plus the most absurdly sexualized costumes I’ve ever seen for female medium armor. Yet, in spite of all that, it really can be a very, very enjoyable game once you slog through learning all the mechanics. I genuinely like the core gameplay, as you can clearly see from my play time, which is actually at least a couple hundred hours less than my actual play time. I’ve had a lot of fun with this game.

Real player with 484.7 hrs in game

Ryzom is 12 years old and it shows. The game is beyond stable. (I don’t know if Steam supports it, but the game works great on Mac and Linux in addition to Windows.) I haven’t had any crashes in over 250 hours of play. The character/mob models look clunky and the landscape polygons seem over large by 2016 standards, but the game is colorful and vibrant. My 6 year old computer handles the highest settings just fine with FPS to spare. The community is the most mature, helpful and pleasant I’ve ever seen (and I’ve played 30+ MMOs in the last 20 years).

Real player with 467.5 hrs in game

Ryzom on Steam

Phoenix Dynasty 2

Phoenix Dynasty 2

This gets a thumbs down from me.

The main quest story is a random mess. Imagine having the ultimate goal of making it to your kids Violin recital, but you have no idea where its being held so you do odd jobs for every other peasant you run across. From washing windows, to baking pies, to fixing tires, to saving cats out of trees until you somehow manage to miraculously stumble across your destination via one of these random errands. Yeah, that’s the story flow. It’s like they had 50 people in a room and instead of everyone agreeing on a segment, they all put in their own random quest. It’s like looking at random jigsaw pieces being beaten together with a hammer. Excruciating.

Real player with 138.3 hrs in game

The current max level is 49 and I have played several characters to around level 40. Around level 40 is when the game content increases in difficulty. Level 40+ mobs seems to all of a sudden do double damage, with twice the hp and armor they normally have. This is the first pain point the game introduces to make make money from players. You can pay to upgrade your items and slot power gems into them to continue breezing through the contents or slowly grind dungeons (capped to 2 entries per day per dungeon) for better gears and do events for upgrade crystals. You can farm for better gears, but I have yet to find any mobs or events that drop the special cash shop items that is required to slot multiple power gems into your equipments.

Real player with 128.0 hrs in game

Phoenix Dynasty 2 on Steam

The Lands of Eldyn

The Lands of Eldyn

Nice game, needs more players

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Too bad I refuse to put my steam login info into their in-game browser so I can buy coins. Not looking to have my account hijacked, sorry.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

The Lands of Eldyn on Steam

Agony Online

Agony Online

Agony Online is the world’s first ever mix of MMORPG & Battle Royale on a monumental scale that is made by independent developers that want to play their own game. Players can choose to join Battle Royale, or continue playing the Horror MMORPG. The massive 30 Mile / 48 Kilometer apocalyptic island explodes and burns with hell fire killing 100s of players not quick enough to make it to the safe zones.


Join our Discord and talk to the Dev Team today!


Hell has risen and taken over the world, the last of humanity is in hiding. Your family was killed and your child was tortured to death by demons. Satan then cursed you with immortality so you can never leave this Hell on Earth. You kill yourself, but after dying, you always wake up somewhere else. You find out that you’re a part of a prophecy to team up with others like you to destroy Satan in a final battle to save the world.

Movement Information:

In Agony Online supports both WASD & Point-Click movement, whatever sits your style.

10,000 Player Battle Royale Information:

  • All players that register for Battle Royale are teleported randomly across to a 40km/25mile size Battle Island which slowly explodes and bursts into fire as the island becomes unstable.

  • To get weapons and armor, players kill zombies which drop randomized gear. Alternately, treasure boxes spawn which you can also obtain random weapons/armor.

  • To get higher grade gear, you can either hunt players and steal their loot, or kill bosses which also spawn.

MMORPG Information:

  • Upon launch, level cap will be 30, then as the game progresses with more players, we will raise the level cap as we release more content. PvP will be heavy in this game; guilds can declare war and battle anywhere in the open world. With our World War system, every weekend, all guilds fight over an area in a “King of The Hill” style battle. The winning guild that holds the position wins, that guild controls the tax rate across the world and collects all the tax money.

  • Main Story Line: Your body was dragged from a fire into town, you woke up the next day and went back to search for your family, you found your daughter’s body torn apart with your wife still dying. She points to a hill outside before she dies. Satan murdered your family, when you kill one of his possessed vessels, he laughs and curses you with eternal life - now you wake up somewhere every time you die, never escaping Hell on Earth to be with your dead family. Join others like you to get stronger together and save the world that Satan has taken over in a final battle.

  • Side Quests: Story lines can be very boring, we smash the skip button the moment we see it. In AO, we made quests full of memes and jokes.

  • Maybe a crazy homeless guy with crazy eyes wants to order a pizza with gumballs on it and him and his pet cat discuss bitcoin investments.

Agony Online on Steam

ArcheAge: Unchained

ArcheAge: Unchained

They made Archeage p2p which was a big no, no for me… Then they made Archeage Unchained wich was b2p and I was “finally!”… Now these id***s took over and made it p2p. So, now you have 2 Arcehage games that are exactly the same thing and all thjat under the excuse of improving the quality of life which they will not cos if p2p was better than b2p Archeage Unchained would have died long ago and everyone would have transfered to Arcehage. Guess what, people didn’t. Enough said. Goodbye and good riddance.

Real player with 938.4 hrs in game

The game itself is really great. Probably the best MMO I’ve ever played.

Unfortunately it’s dead game. I hope the new publisher will fix all it’s issues and make it fair and playable. The biggest issue that ruined the game is illegal gold buying/selling. Even if AA:U is officially non-p2w, it still is p2w because of the toxic players who quickly get advantage with buying gold for real money. Another issue - alt accounts. You have to buy 3 accounts (which means pay 3 times for the same game) to be competitive. Instead of just enjoying the game, you are forced to waste your time with alt accounts to make gold for your main account. That’s not fair. The solution for AA:U is simple:

Real player with 539.2 hrs in game

ArcheAge: Unchained on Steam



After a long, long time playing this game, as you can see by my hours played. I have one thing to say about this game.

Trion ruined a completely awesome game. This game had everything that you could want from an MMO. Pretty good graphics made on Cryengine, an entire world including the ocean built from the ground up. Deep Sea diving for treasure hunting, massive ship battles, player built housing and even vehicles like tractors and boats ranging from rowboats, to fishing boats and trade boats, to outright galleons entire parties could crew.

Real player with 2339.5 hrs in game

Oh Archeage…Where do I begin…

Edit: this review was based off of the Kraken server (Used to be Enla) which was a merge of two different servers, from the start of Kraken everything went wrong and that is where most of my cons come from. If someone comments just be aware that their experience may not be the same due to being on a server with more stability. This was not just my view on the game but an overall assessment made by a guild of over 40 people. and a close estimate of population would be a 1:1:3 Haranyan (us) : Pirate (Purple and same faction reds) : Nuian (Red), so we were completely out numbered when it came to world PvP and trade runs.

Real player with 838.8 hrs in game

ArcheAge on Steam