Astonia Resurgence

Astonia Resurgence

Astonia Resurgence is a great version of the old school Astonia 3 MMORPG.

For new players: it is an older game, so visually it might not be as appealing as some 4k games you can play. Howver it has unique leveling and stat systems that make it pretty enjoyable if given the chance. Stick around a few hours and you’ll find it’s quite fun. I still hop on old runescape for the sheer fun, not for the visual perfections.

As an old school player there are Some Nice Quality of life updates from the original such as su/gu and most things you pick up going directly into inventory, all the orbs( 10-RD99) now being located in an area in Aston. (Running orb alts used to be a pain).

Real player with 1142.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Fantasy Games.

First of all I must preface that this game is a revamped version of a 30 year old game and through the decades there have been several attempts from other servers to bring it back to life.

Personally this is hands down the best version released to date. OW Astonia was a grind, and is not for most people since fighting and movement aren’t in 3D and there’s not really button mashing like some of the newer RPGs. That being said there are a lot of improvements to quality of life that have already been implemented since release and surpass other servers by leaps and bounds. I really appreciate the community and it does seem to be growing, a mix of knowledgeable OW players with new ones coming on. Developers are constantly adding Quality Of Life/New updates on a timely and consistent manner and any issues are quickly resolved. Suggestions are taken into consideration and implemented. I’d highly recommend joining the discord server as well as there is a lot of useful information for new players already pinned.

Real player with 509.5 hrs in game

Astonia Resurgence on Steam

DreamScapes Dimensions

DreamScapes Dimensions

Let me begin this by saying that how you feel about DreamScapes will, to a great degree depend on what you believe, or expect, a Steam Early Access MMO from an indi developer is going to be.

I downloaded the game last night and, like other players, I had to wait for a long loading time. However, I can tell you that it only took that long the first time.

Once in I encountered lag, freezing as you go through doors, and other bugs. In truth I could have done what many of the other reviewers chose to do, log off, delete the game and move on.

Real player with 365.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer First-Person Games.

DreamScapes Dimensions is not a strikingly beautiful game with the best graphics.

It is not a game with the best optimization and it is not a game with thousands of quests or a game world so big that you can spend hours walking from one side to the other.

And it doesn’t have to be all that. Because it is full of passion.

The game utilizes a DND style dice roll fighting system, in-depth resource mining and crafting, player building and housing, as well as procedurally generated dungeons and raids which add a nice rouge-like feel to it.

Real player with 30.3 hrs in game

DreamScapes Dimensions on Steam

Conqueror’s Blade

Conqueror’s Blade

[Edited again to respond to My.Com’s Ishtrall]:

Still, wouldn’t a [publisher] tag be more accurate and appropriate? Even if the publishers and developers coordinate together (as one would expect), the [Developer] title is not truthful, as whenever the CMs and Mods make excuses about not being able to make any fixes or changes themselves, they say, as you just demonstrated here, below: ‘all we can do is pass on your feedback (we’ve re-labeled as sentiment) to the developers’.

Personally, I prefer Discord, as most players already use this with their houses and alliances. I recognize wider and diverse feedback is needed to help improve the game, so wherever players can report the issues is applicable, I do expect acknowledgement of their reporting on WHATEVER platform, rather than constant announcements to “buy this new cosmetic set” etc. as all we often see.

Real player with 2907.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Strategy RPG Games.

I have over 1300 hours into this game. It is about as healthy and addictive as Heroin. This is not a game for people with limited gaming time. It is the most expensive free to play game I have ever encountered. In fact it is the most expensive game I have ever encountered with over $1500 in micro purchases trying to keep up with the pack. That is over a buck an hour play time. My buddy spent over $2000 before he quit and uninstalled the game. It delivers lots of excitement and lots of variety. BUT what it does not deliver is respect for its users. They set up quests that require players to be available at certain times to access the events needed to complete the quests. It is not uncommon to find oneself waiting for more than 20 minutes for a field battle to start even though they state on the screen typical wait time is 2 minutes. Other companies use systems that estimate wait time much more precisely. IF they cannot provide a PVP battle within a reasonable amount of time and it is needed for quests they should offer it in a PVE mode. I can’t count how many weekly quests I missed owing to the long waits to get into battles. No other game have I encountered such wait times. We all don’t have the luxury of being available 24/7. It is the stingiest company/game I have played when it comes to items and rewards. It seems magically engineered to slow down player progress to the point they will be happy to grab a micro purchase to speed up what become monotonous quests. I have never been an advocate for games with micro sales that give players advantages. They usually engineer them to make it discouraging for players who do not purchase in game. A good example is ho they make no provision for members to finish or buy out daily or weekly quests and collect the pries using game resources which are critical to progress. So week after week I found myself paying from $5 to $15 buying out weeklies. They are designed to suck cash out of your pocket. If not they would have allowed members to work at their own speed and not forcing them to pay real money to buy out the remaining quests. Having a premium account is fine. But having a hand out at every corner looking for gold is not exactly a member service. It is the worst of game marketing. Gamers should not put up with it.

Real player with 1364.3 hrs in game

Conqueror's Blade on Steam

Imperia Online

Imperia Online

Okay, let’s go… For all those who are considering this game need to know some facts.

First thing first. It’s pure pay to win game. Meaning if you want to win era/season you need to buy: Premium, Subscription, take daily offers and so on… Or if you have luck to join some rich players alliances and they carry you all the way up.

Second thing; There are cheaters/scripters in game. There are 3rd party people who sell those stuff and when some rich player who spent so much money on the game use those stuff (scripts) IO admins will look otherway. So, as long as you’re spending money you can use cheats do frauds; you are protected.

Real player with 7366.2 hrs in game

As far as I can tell this is the best empire builder mmo I’ve come across so far. I’ve been overlooking this game for a long time. Right now I’m pretty happy I finally decided to give it a shot. It caught me by surprise to be honest. I started off playing these types of games with Evony. Later on I tried Forge Of Empires, Ikariam, O Game. I played Stronghold Empires Online for a good time, and that’s not a bad empire builder game. But, as of now, I don’t think I’ve found a better one than Imperia Online. I’m pretty surprised to be honest. If you’ve ever played any of the games I’ve played then you most definitely want to give this one a shot. I especially like the aspect of managing a court of nobles which you appoint as generals and governors. I’ve never seen this aspect to an Empire Builder before. Pretty fun.

Real player with 226.4 hrs in game

Imperia Online on Steam

Stronghold Kingdoms

Stronghold Kingdoms

Okay, with over 12000 hours on steam alone I think it’s time I review this game. This is a very addicting very parasitic game. It is completely pay to win. While it is possible to do everything for free it would take too much time. The steam version has a lot of issues with crashing so It’s probably best to just download the client at I actually quit this game for some time after leading my house to win an Age then plunging it into war.

If you want to be successfull in this game (in terms of leading other players) you have to have a basic understanding of politics and diplomacy. This game has tightly weaved webs in its community that can sometimes be very hard to climb. It took me most of an age to rise to the rank of House Marshal. It took rising up through the ranks of a faction within house 16. Then when I had a reputation I formed my own faction and filled it with volunteers from other factions of House 16 and the gloucestershire area. Pretty soon it was full and I formed 2 more factions and joined them to house 16. At this point I had 3 votes to make myself marshal. But it was not time to strike. I waited for the opportune moment which presented itself as a out of game issue that my house marshal had. Suddenly he had to go on vacation mode. During his vacation the house started to go slightly down hill and I would just keep whispering how we needed a house marshal. It wasn’t long before I had some of the other convinced that we needed a new HM. But they wern’t sure who, it’s not normally a responsibility people want. Luckily I already had plans of stepping up and ran unopposed. This wasn’t the top of the ladder though. House 16 (at this point) was in a super alliance that controlled the server. House 16 happened to be slated for winning the second age. I had to maintain diplomacy with the other houses of the alliance while waiting for my age to begin. Once it began I became the leader of the super alliance it was just a matter of keeping stability. Which takes all your time. I was psychologically drained and by the end of the round I was ready to quit. But the world at this point was farmville. So I declared war without warning on our main enemy and left the game. I found out later that the enemy won and took the next age.

Real player with 12899.3 hrs in game

Dear Wallets, the TL;DR is run from this game. It will make promises about delivering the best night of your life, only to steal your dignity, and your pocketbook

I started SHK approximately a year ago, in that time i’ve learned that sometimes customer service does get so bad that your absuive family relations really did you a favor preparing you for the “Real World”.

The issues as I see them:

1. You MUST pay to play: You can invest all the time you have to be “the best” but you’ll never come close to the lady/fella that has thousands to spend in order to become the digital pimp of SHKland. You will forever be outclassed and outgunned, and if you want to have any hope of being a competitive player, you’ll end up spending at minimum a few hundred dollars to keep up. Free to pay this game isn’t.

Real player with 3358.0 hrs in game

Stronghold Kingdoms on Steam

High Treason

High Treason

High Treason is a massively multiplayer online PvP game set in a low fantasy medieval world. Create and level up your character by completing tasks such as hunting down player targets, completing quests, and looting towns, caves, and dungeons.


Featuring a unique item progression system, items will demand a specific task to be carried out to refine their quality and improve stats. Some weapons may be bloodthirsty and demand kills, others may need to be sharpened with a grinding stone or polished with a wolf pelt. Each weapon carries with it a unique set of skills to use in combat - charge with shields, swipe with halberds, shadowstep with daggers, slam with greathammers, amongst many more; and of course, the effectiveness is influenced by the item’s quality.

High Treason on Steam

March of Empires

March of Empires

There is always a problem with chat - sometimes worse than others. The game is geared toward people who want to spend money on the game to get big so they can constantly attack way smaller people. Some realms have alliances that dominate, bully and make it hard for smaller alliances to grow. I find I have a lot of glitches, not getting items from Traveling Hero.

Just recently they added higher encounters, lowered the value and put fewer ones in play. Large players port in and grab all encounters, not just the higher ones. Again, the smaller player doesn’t have a chance even after using gold to be able to do more than one encounter at a time.

Real player with 26151.7 hrs in game

i have the pleasure to play this game alot . so my opinion should be quite good :)

i have only bought 2x packages when i was a small level 10 castle which was the bonus construction ones (think they were about £5 )

i went for a defencsive castle , big walls and defensive rings

as for the game it is great upto about castle 25 level , after that it can feel like a little work, you can how ever keep up with the pay2win players quite easily if you can be online alot

the problems arise when your shield is down , you do get 8 or 24 or 3 day shields , this is where you must shield properly as you will get zero’d alot if you dont , however they can only take redeem resources of food/iron/stone/wood and silver , so if you save them in your inventory till needed they cant steal those

Real player with 3859.3 hrs in game

March of Empires on Steam



Boring and grindy, with permadeath. Not much variety in enemies or locations. A hard pass.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

I love the minimalist art style even if the contrast between bordering colors can make it difficult to make out features occasionally. I also understand this wasn’t a big budget MMO or even one individual’s personal passion project MMO. I’m completely okay with permadeath as well, even if it’s not a personal preference.

The issue with this game is the complete lack of meaningful gameplay. You heal in water and hit stuff to upgrade stats. If others played, you could all do this together. The battles are your standard time-based RNG style with no real interactivity.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Tomscape on Steam

VALHALL: Harbinger - Pre-Beta Testing

VALHALL: Harbinger - Pre-Beta Testing

My brother seems to like the game hes played quite a bit, I personally didn’t see much to it in the current state. I don’t really like how the bots fly around when getting hit, I thought it would be more realistic. I’ve backed this game up since around the start so I’ll give a good review to support it further, because I saw your announcement from today clearing up some things. I see you guys are still working to improve it and I don’t think more negative feedback will help. The graphics are impressive and the sound is good as well as the music, everything else could be polished some more. For me its not about the money, you’ll keep that regardless of if you plan to finish the game or not. It’s about the principle that you guys will do what you said you will do and deliver on your end. I want to see the game you guys told me about on discord when I first heard about it. Time will show if you guys hold true to your words, or if you guys will split never to be heard from again. Regardless, either do what you promised or bite your tongue next time you think of asking people to support you.

Real player with 137.7 hrs in game

visuals, music,combat feels great even in this pre beta state. For now game is lacking content becouse its PRE-BETA and that was made clear by the devs. Just be patient and you will see all the pieces of puzzle will get together with lots of content.

For now there are some implemetations that i love about this game:

1)music fits perfect

2)semi/mythologic atmosphere feels great

3)combat is chivalry\mordhau like but more fast paced, that is great( i hate that in mordhau even a dagger feels like concrete baseball bat, heavy and slow)

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

VALHALL: Harbinger - Pre-Beta Testing on Steam

Valor Time

Valor Time

So far so good & the game runs fine on my old computer. Just testing all factions & I’m only in starter gear.

Yes it takes some practice to play & I still don’t know how to throw a weapon, yet I am having plenty of fun. Sidesteping, blocking & timing blows seem crucial, as does team awareness. Overall great fun for casual fights with the potential to build tougher characters over time.

Edit ~

After playing awhile now, I truly enjoy this game. The no indicator target system is refreshing & while it takes some getting used to, your blows do land where you are looking. I’m still on the starter characters, though I have started to build a few things.

Real player with 508.5 hrs in game

Ignore the reviews, some people just treat free to play games like Early acces, you didn’t pay money for this and i can assure you the game will get a lot better in the future but people have to keep playing for that. I have a video with a few bigger battles

Just have paticent and give the game some love, it will be worth it

Pro: mount and blade team vs team, incredible! I wish the real devs would release mount and blade 2 already because it’s not such a big improvement over 1.

Real player with 55.4 hrs in game

Valor Time on Steam