Fasaria World: Ancients of Moons + Server

Fasaria World: Ancients of Moons + Server

This game is an awesome old school mmo. Highly recomended. I love it.

Real player with 23.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer MMORPG Games.

Game is not worth the $20. it reminds me of phantasy star online a little that was one of the reasons I wanted to get it. upon playing I had to make changes to how the character would walk to w,a,s,d. upon wanting to run my own server which is cool that we can do that for this mmorpg but the player base is really small or not even there. I wanted to run my own server with custom configs for exp, drop rate and other things but there is not really any guides that would tell you how. asking in the forums how to make changes to exp, drop rate and so on won’t get you anywhere.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Fasaria World: Ancients of Moons + Server on Steam

Operation: New Earth

Operation: New Earth

Initial review" “Good game, it’s not the “free to play but pay to win” kind of game. It’s worth a try, but the servers are crapy….during pvp events it becomes impossible to play…..hope they will fix this.”

Review after 450 hours of gameplay:

After many hours of gameplay and a couple of bad updates that broke more things than they fixed, I have to change my initial review.


The people playing the game make or break a MMO game, and so far the people I’ve come across are great and make the whole game experience that mutch better.

Real player with 9321.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Sci-fi Games.

This games seemed to be good. The problem is that the higer players and the guys in groups can dictate what you need to do.

I am not going to buy shards onl to get smashed about 5 times from the same guy every day. I am a new player. But I am going to quit if this hit does not stop.

Real player with 3111.5 hrs in game

Operation: New Earth on Steam

Cyberless III: Online

Cyberless III: Online

This game is about the competition of dominance and rivalry between Forces and Rebels. While Rebels argue for the election’s unfairness and fraudulence, in the other hand Forces justifies that the elections are completely impartial and right-minded

In Cyberless III: Online, players can participate in the competition by choosing a character and a team. There are 4 characters in this competition. The characters are Gunner, Sniper, Fireman and Bomber respectively. Each character has its own unique weapons.

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer First-Person Games.

Cyberless III: Online on Steam

Enherjar Synergy

Enherjar Synergy

Well, I saw this game and I thought the neons looked cool, so I decided to give it a download. I really like shooters, even though I can’t say that I usually have high rankings in other multiplayer games, it’s always still alot of fun to hop into matchmaking with my friends when they want to play and this one caught my attention. What I like about Enherjar Synergy is that it seemed really easy to get started playing. They have bots that are pretty fun to train with and get to know the maps, and they also have a Student Aim Assist which really helped me get the hang of shooting with all the different guns in my first few matches. I never played other fps games that were so beginner friendly, like, I’ve played Apex and Overwatch and got slaughtered my first few matches, so I just stopped playing them right away. This one I feel like I can actually play with others at my skill level, which is awesome because I really love multiplayer shooters and it’s nice to be able to play one where I feel like I can do alot of damage to nubs hahaha

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

This game is INCREDIBLY hard to look at. It is by far the ugliest game I have ever played. The environments are built with just WAY over the top Neon and Boom. Your enemies are just beams of light by the looks of it and to top it off, there’s an UGLY as hell dirty visor screen filter thing going on and it’s horrendous. I streamed my first-time experience with this and I couldn’t finish a game because it’s just so difficult to just look at despite several attempts. I have no idea whether the map designs are good, or if anything else is good because the visual aesthetic is not it chief.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Enherjar Synergy on Steam

Anarchy Online

Anarchy Online

I would definitely recomended this game, i used to play AO back in the days when it was freshly out etc i ended up playing for a lot longer than anticipated and have recently returned.

Over the years gaming has changed an awful lot, i have played almost all of the MMOs out there both old and new, but i have to say that AO is my favourite, i like the complexity the time it takes to do things and the mathematics to working out how i’m going to get those high level imps on at low level in order to equip my new belts, ncus, armour/weapons and ofcourse imps, the thing most people don’t seem to be aware of with AO is that the twinking aspect of it is extremely complex. Unlike other MMOs most bits you will find in AO are not level locked, like in WOW for example say your twinking at level 30 you can only equip “from level 30” items, however on AO you do not have this limit so all depending how good you are at maths and how willing you are to devote time to your toons you can make extraordinary twinks (which i love!).

Real player with 97.8 hrs in game

Review Notes:

I played on the Steam client for 37.4 hrs, until I downloaded the New Engine from the Anarchy Online website. The New Engine is now my primary engine but it doesn’t count toward my steam hours. That said, I have about 100 hours in this game as of writing this review.

General Game Review:

I’ve never played an MMO that was so complex. If I had known of this game when it came out, I would have been playing it all along. However, I only learned about this game this year (2019).

Real player with 41.1 hrs in game

Anarchy Online on Steam

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity

this game has potential but in its current state its basically unplayable on an end game scale. massive game breaking bugs are a regular thing. there are no in game moderators what so ever so aside from automated suspensions for too many accounts there is virtually no check on the toxic behavior of the player base. pvp is drastically slanted to the defender and taking over a full system for a single person can take weeks and the defender can just instantly populate other planets. players can run full pvp fleets from a protected set of starter systems so there is no way to really cripple your opponents and the end game combat is lacking in any sort of diversity. maybe in a decade it will be playable but after over a thousand hours playing this game i must say that i am truly disappoint.

Real player with 1544.5 hrs in game

This is like some 4x meets a kind of dwarf fortress in outer space.

While the game shows a lot of promise the wildly unpredictable nature of the interface and random bugs will have you scratching your nuts off. A convoluted, ad-hoc asymmetrical click fest to do simple tasks, a distinct lack of basic search facilities or even fundamental next/prev selection, walls of worthless text thrown up in modal dialogs, it is arcane, yet strangely addictive.

If you are a diehard basement dwelling mutant grognard with nothing better to do than lament the fact that the Dwarves of Dwarf Fortress never made spaceships, then I highly recommend this game for you, provided you have some kind of obsessive compulsive disorder or like sitting on sharp nails and can’t be bothered getting up off it.

Real player with 491.3 hrs in game

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity on Steam

CS Horizon

CS Horizon

This is under the level of ‘asset flip’. It’s just a listing for https://unity.com/fps-sample . If you’re ok with paying money for something that is essentially available for free, that is fine.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

This game crashes instantly after you go to quick start or join any matches. Do not waste your money on this game unless the Devs fix it.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

CS Horizon on Steam



TL;DR: Midair is a true successor for Tribes 1 & Tribes 2 Classic for the FPS-Z genre. Far better than Tribes: Ascend and not using the money grabbing tactics that Hi-Rez used. By purchasing Early Access, you are buying a ‘Progression Pass’ which will unlock all gameplay content FOREVER. Many folks from the Tribes communities had an issue with the price before, and now I think it is very reasonable for you to buy in as this is the price it’ll be staying at until the full free to play release.

If you’ve never played any of the above games, Midair is very friendly to newbies on the learning curve compared to past titles and great fun as soon as you manage to hit a disk in someone’s face. The movement might seem difficult at first, but in the end will the reason why you keep opening the game up.

Real player with 2072.8 hrs in game

No I won’t check the checkbox that I received this product for free! I backed this baby on kickstarter, I bought it for my brother, and I’m so proud of the game it has grown up to be! As of May 3rd, 2018 YOU can get it for free though! And you should! I can’t wait to see how this thing evolves. This is officially a part of Tribes history.

(You see, this isn’t just a game. This here is an art form, son. It’s a lifestyle choice ~ I played Tribes 2, +Construction Mod, Tribes:Vengeance, Tribes:Ascend. Sit here on my knee and let me tell you a tale. There was a game, a long long time ago, called Starsiege Tribes, and in it someone learned that by slapping his spacebar silly he could move rapidly down a hill in a mode they called skiing. Now-a-days we just hold it down and it’s a feature not a bug. Actual wooden skiis were invented soon after by a guy in the Alps with a big curly mustache who got the idea from the game. Anyway, I saw my bro playing last night and he said, “I just needed to ski” and I know that feel! Skiing is a drug. Skiing is an art form. You get better with time by relaxing and learning to feel it. It’s a dance with nature.

Real player with 103.8 hrs in game

Midair on Steam

Project Amalthea: Battlegrounds

Project Amalthea: Battlegrounds

Since the launch they nerfed exp progression to a great extend, then items availabilty in shop, then learnable talents

till every active players left without reaching more than lv 5-6 and unable to even try available content..

no improvements about drops, if you reach lv7 ou can get lv 5-6 items from the co op you unlocked.

But with this exp progression, if you ever reach level 7 ,i think you already purchased all weapons lv 5-6.

u need about 3 600 000 xp to reach ship lv 10 .. even with 100% win .. 1000 xp per 10 min battle,

Real player with 157.8 hrs in game

We all have already used to have Capture the flag mode in first-person shooters, but here a top down space flying simulator that has whole 4 different gaming modes, 16 classess, over 200 skills and different types of weapons - you can play co-op and pvp

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Project Amalthea: Battlegrounds on Steam



Give this game a chance.

For those who don’t like to read long reviews, skip quickly to the TL;DR below.

This game is quickly underappreciated by many players who came in, gave it a first impression, then left.

Some game reviews given by other players are pretty shallow, to be honest. All they say is what they don’t like about the game, and that’s it.

They never gave it a chance to give them what they want: A well built spaceship that plays the way they want to play, and use it to slay opponents with.

Real player with 730.2 hrs in game

The game had a lot going for it, aside being a suspiciously similar game to world of warships (so much so that direct comparisons from mechanics to UI could fill a thesis). had in the past tense; it hasn’t materially changed in over 3 years, but somehow manages to stay up. i keep coming back to this game because of what could have been, not because of what it is. that said, here’s why not to get this game now:

1. no players

the pool of players is limited. there’s nothing to draw people into playing a game with this degree of uphill grinding once you hit mid-game. more on that later. critically, if you want to progress in the game or do anything, you can wait out the pvp queue, or wait up to a minute for pve, which has since been altered to bias the player numbers to 6 vs 8, and has always had the bots respawn in up/downtiered ships depending on the team score. for pve, playing solo to progress is nigh impossible to tolerate right now, when in order to win under these conditions you have to pull a score of 2000 or greater against what is essentially a decked out enemy vs the minimum allowed into the tier on your team (as far as the bots go).

Real player with 255.0 hrs in game

Dreadnought on Steam