Take the Throne

Take the Throne

Take the Throne is a new Massive Multiplayer Online Battle Royale game with up to 30 players in a free-for-all bloody fight to be crowned and take the throne! Take the Throne is built on PvP encounters and is filled with comedic physics-based gameplay.

Take the Throne is currently in Beta - Please refer to the discord for a free steam beta key.

  • Amazingly satisfying PvP encounters

  • 4 Unique Classes, each with their own abilities

  • Fully physics-based combat

  • Incredibly funny ragdoll physics

  • Unique maps which are all randomized for each round of the battle royale.

  • Advanced fighting mechanics (2 different types of swings, as well as class abilities)

  • Weapon hit force (the lower health you are, the farther you get hit)

  • Customize your character with 60+ skins (each with 4 different variations) and 100+ weapons (Some skins and weapons are only purchasable with crowns you get from winning the battle royale)


Take the Throne is a new Massive Multiplayer Online Battle Royale game with up to 30 players. Each round more players are eliminated until one player takes the throne!


Take the Throne combines ragdoll physics with advanced fighting mechanics and weapon hit force - where the lower health you are, the farther you get hit.


Take the Throne is built on PvP encounters. Equip your weapon and have a choice at 2 different types of swings as well as unique class abilities! If you need to be on the defensive, use the block mechanic to avoid certain death!


Take the Throne has thousands of skin/weapon combinations! Advancing further in the rounds/winning will allow you to purchase more skins or weapons.

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Physics Games.

Take the Throne on Steam




It is a nice game to play if you feel a little childish and also a great game to pass time with. You can meet new friends from all over the world and play. Join a tribe, collect cheese. Maybe you just love building your own maps. Well you will never know until you try it out!


Det är ett trevligt spel att spela om du känner dig lite barnslig och även ett bra spel att fördriva tiden med. Du kan träffa nya vänner från hela världen och spela. Gå med i en stam, samla ost. Kanske du bara älskar att bygga egna kartor. Tja du kommer aldrig att veta förrän du prova det!

Real player with 1200.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer 2D Games.



  • Tons of things to buy in the In Game Store. (No Pay To Win)

  • Lots of different color skins for your mouse.

  • Lots of Maps.

  • You get ranked with all the other players and can see your ranking among them.

  • Funny sometimes.


  • The Community is really messed up.

  • Never go on the Cafe…trust me…

  • Lots and lots and LOTS of Rage quits.

  • Also lots of blaming your FPS.


Transformice…what can I say about it… Well, you are a mouse. Which isn’t that great, but the real amazing thing is that you chase after cheese all day. Literally my biggest dream that I never told anyone. Some may make fun of me for the amount of time I played, but I say if I could chase after cheese in real life I would spend more than a few couple hundred hours on it. You know what makes it even better? It’s free! Free Cheese! And you know everything free tastes better. It’s hard for new people to like it because it’s pretty difficult to be able to even get the cheese in the first place, but once you get that cheese, everything changes. You just want to get that cheese again and again. Life is going good; all the cheese you can get your little grubby little paws on. Then BOOM, it hits you, you realize it, you finally realize that the cheese you love is full of MSG and you can’t stop even if you wanted to… It all spirals out of control at this point. Am I a mouse or human??? I don’t even know anymore. I need to go get some more cheese. Yes, cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese CHEESE CHEESE CHEESE CHEESE CHEESE CHEESE CHEESE!!!

Real player with 1174.4 hrs in game

Transformice on Steam

Greedy Developer’s Cash Grab

Greedy Developer’s Cash Grab

About This Game

We set out to create an online action game that would be state of the art. It would be set in an immersive world with beautiful art, and a fully realized set of characters with convincing backstories and motivations. It would have responsive, intuitive controls, a class-leading UI system, and a full orchestral soundtrack. Then, about 10 minutes into development, someone reminded us that we are much too lazy to make that game so we made this one instead:

Grab cash, drop bombs, and run from Haters in this thinly veiled attempt to make quick money with a reskin of some Snake game we found on the Internet. In this MMO (Moderately Multiplayer Only) Action game, you’ll compete online against other players to see who can stay at the top of the cash score table. Coded in the finest HTML with some art and audio we got on sale from the asset store, this game is a state of the art Steam release.


  • You want Loot Boxes? We got Loot Boxes! Kind of.

  • Dubious DLC that should be part of the main game!

  • Fully Pay-To-Win!

  • Low Player Population means more room for you in the game!

  • Almost Free to Play!

  • Chat!

  • Annoying Chat Bot that you can’t disable!

  • Angry Bosses!

  • Poo!

  • Free Ads! Ad Free!

Surprisingly, the game turned out to be really fun. We saw an opportunity to fill our sports cars with gas and bikini models - so spend, spend, spend! Your sacrifice of a few dollars helps us stay focused on making more greedy games.

  • Greedy.

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Casual Games.

Greedy Developer's Cash Grab on Steam

Sprite Fantasia

Sprite Fantasia

Great game, finding it really fun, don’t get why people are bashing it so hard when it isn’t even bad. Been doing events and raids with my friends daily and met new people. Most negative reviews are avg 1 hour of play time you can’t trust them, just give it shot but don’t just give up after 1-2 hours when you hit level 35+ you will be doing more content and even more with class change at 40 with more skills and a mastery tree, also hardly any ads at all, and the store is not needed I have gotten to level 49 so far without spending a penny.

Real player with 263.2 hrs in game

Full disclosure: I have bought things to make my life easier in the game, but others that I’ve recruited have not and are doing just as well!

Lets get some things out of the way. This is:

  • An optional Auto-MMO [you can play it manually either here or on mobile]

  • A Gacha game

  • Has in-game purchases

  • Currency for said in-game purchases is EXPENSIVE as are the purchases themselves sometimes

  • A silly game, with an overly silly story

  • A game that actually lets you MAKE outfits and obtain rare cards though dungeons and events instead of hiding them solely behind Gacha. [This is a problem in other games, trust me]

Real player with 82.0 hrs in game

Sprite Fantasia on Steam



Extremely laggy game with SEVERE coding issues and bugs.

Game mostly impossible to play because freezing respawning many times or waking up with dead character.

They haven’t fix it for months

Devs are so bored and absolute waste of life that they troll the new players under many name accounts most commonly Deropy Windle and many times playing as as annonymus Stickman but with SAME rude and trollish behaviour that discourages other players to continue playing

The game has no censoring for insults and it is a pool of insults and bad continuous harassement on players.I think is the SAME loser devs or their 5 yo slaves with admin right who try to play as GODS of the skills and do their best to humiliate, insult and to discourage the continuation of this game.

Real player with 223.0 hrs in game

Honestly, It was very fun. I wasnt expecting much out of the game i found it because i was bored and decided to look for free new games. It is very simple but addicting. Defeinitely not one of the best free games but it is something worth checking out for a while. There doesnt seem to be many glitches or bugs or anything, you can level up and unlock new weapons and skins to use as you battle other people. The only main problem is something that is easily fixed. The max ive found on a game is about 4, and i have 4 hours in. I’ve never had a lobby by myself but if there were more people itd be a lot more fun.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

BattleStick on Steam

Hand Simulator: Survival

Hand Simulator: Survival

The control scheme changes, once you get used to them, make the game actually playable! I had a blast with three random people as we worked together to survive even a single night. You need 5 sticks to start a fire, no more no less. Place new sticks in your fire to keep it going. break open coconuts to drink, pick mushrooms or fish or hunt for food. And the best part, building. Jam a bamboo reed into the ground to get started, then use more reeds and a rock as a hammer to completely freestyle build a way to stay off the ground and away from angry critters are night! The game is challenging and thus rewarding. It took 5 hours and more than 30 attempts to survive the first night. We even accidentally beat the game by getting rescued before the first night was over. Game just needs QoL improvements such as text chat, chat in lobbies, restart options, respawn options, and pve mode. Absolutely worth the price, completely different game than before.

Real player with 40.0 hrs in game

The coconut nut is a giant nut

If you eat too much, you’ll get very fat

Now, the coconut nut is a big-big nut

But it’s delicious nut is not a nut

It’s the coco fruit (it’s the coco fruit)

Of the coco tree (of the coco tree)

From the coco palm family

There are so many uses of the coconut tree

You can build a bigger house for the family

All you need is to find a coconut man

If he cuts the tree, he gets the fruit free

It’s the coco fruit (it’s the coco fruit)

Of the coco tree (of the coco tree)

From the coco palm family

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Hand Simulator: Survival on Steam

Helmet Heroes

Helmet Heroes

I feel like I’m one of the few people that had the patience to play this game for over an hour. Most of the negative reviews on this game are usually people who have either been banned instantly, or just people saying the game was boring. While these are valid criticisms, they aren’t really full reviews, but I will do just that, review 220+ hours worth of game-play, and give my honest opinion on this game, and a little bit of information.

When I first played this game, I chose the warrior out of the 4 classes, those 4 classes being “the warrior” “the archer” “the mage, or wizard” “and “the artillery mastermind, or cowboy” and was greeted to a board with a simple tutorial. I first started off killing these blob things, and got some money and items from the mobs. There is also a level system (how original) where if you kill a certain amount of mobs, you level up, and get 3 “stat points” which you can either spend on your power, defense, H.P. , M.P. , and dexterity. M.P. is necessary in order to use your special abilities, but you’ll need a lot of it. Dexterity is also really critical for damage, because every time you use your stat points on it, you get more chance at dealing a critical attack. Once I got enough money and stat points for my character, I decided to buy some items to speed up the process. The first few hours were just that, killing mobs, getting money, leveling up, spending money and stat points to kill more mobs to level up more, and repeat that for hours and hours on end.

Real player with 227.4 hrs in game

This game isnt a bad game. Once I started I was like, who would ever play this. I see a lot of people that leave bad comments on this game but they seem to never play this game for more than 30 minutes. Once you start playing you can level up and get more gear and fight other players. It is a very fun game once you get into it more, but it can be very boring once you start off. I am level 58 right now in the game and I have a long way to go. I do suggest this game if you have time. My advice to you is once you start playing the game and you decide to get a pet don’t get a penguin xD its a horrible pet. Other than that I do highly reccomend this game if you like 2d games and I feel like they should make this game a third person game, it would be much more fun. Thanks for reading.

Real player with 89.3 hrs in game

Helmet Heroes on Steam

Mafia is Alive

Mafia is Alive

Very fun game)) if you play with your friends))

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

So far there are not enough players in the game. If you play with your friends, it is quite good and even fun. The game has not been finalized yet. I hope in the future it will become a full-fledged game. I put a good rating because now the game is in early access and she’s not bad.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Mafia is Alive on Steam

Mitos.is: The Game

Mitos.is: The Game

This game used to be amazing. What was so great about it? Everyone was on the same plane. Everyone started at the same point and the only way to win was to get really good at actually playing the game. There didn’t used to be equipment or pets or potions. All there was, was gold, skins, a free-for-all and guild wars game mode. It was a simple game, and in that simplicity, it made this game the best free to play game (possibly the best that is) on steam. I absolutely loved this game. So, why the thumbs down? This game was something amazing and was destroyed. The developer turned a simple, amazing game, and added loads of new things to overcomplicate it and make it a pay-to-win game. I cannot reccomend to you enough not to play this game. Sure, it is free, but don’t waste your life on crap like this. If you really want a good experience out of this game, invent time travel and go back to when it was simple. Again, this is bad.

Real player with 4750.1 hrs in game

I’ve logged in many hours into this game, so I figured that it’s time to make a “fair” review. Please understand that this is only just an opinion, so don’t let this dictate your decision of playing or not.


-Easy to learn the basic game controls

-Multiple game modes to chose from

-Customizable “skins”

-Fun holiday events that allow players to obtain “devices” which can temporarily transform another player into something holiday themed


-Pay to win game, tons of microtransactions

Real player with 2712.0 hrs in game

Mitos.is: The Game on Steam



What can I say, this game hilarious with friends. We love that there is no limit to play with people….super fun. Here our last video https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1216963095

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Snowballs takes your common understanding of a season, specifically winter. When winter approaches, you find the time to remain indoors, but Snowballs flips that perception onto its turtle-like wintery back. Snowballs is great if you want a Fortnite Lite experience. Also, the game is a dollar, so don’t expect much. Winter is coming.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Snowballs on Steam