DreamScapes Dimensions

DreamScapes Dimensions

Let me begin this by saying that how you feel about DreamScapes will, to a great degree depend on what you believe, or expect, a Steam Early Access MMO from an indi developer is going to be.

I downloaded the game last night and, like other players, I had to wait for a long loading time. However, I can tell you that it only took that long the first time.

Once in I encountered lag, freezing as you go through doors, and other bugs. In truth I could have done what many of the other reviewers chose to do, log off, delete the game and move on.

Real player with 365.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Medieval Games.

DreamScapes Dimensions is not a strikingly beautiful game with the best graphics.

It is not a game with the best optimization and it is not a game with thousands of quests or a game world so big that you can spend hours walking from one side to the other.

And it doesn’t have to be all that. Because it is full of passion.

The game utilizes a DND style dice roll fighting system, in-depth resource mining and crafting, player building and housing, as well as procedurally generated dungeons and raids which add a nice rouge-like feel to it.

Real player with 30.3 hrs in game

DreamScapes Dimensions on Steam

Escape from Durka

Escape from Durka

Escape from Durka - horror indie game with a non-linear plot and the ability to network play with friends.

The main character after amnesia falls into a mental hospital, he does not remember who he is, how he ended up here, but what he knows for sure - he needs to get out of here, by any price …

But what awaits him in this place? How is he going to get out of here?

Features of the game

  • Non-linear plot, with many endings

  • The ability to pass the game with friends

  • Voice acting in more than 5 languages

  • Various items and a system for crafting, sharing between NPCs

  • Many achievements

  • References to the film, games and real stories

  • Many puzzles inside the game

“Why haven’t you, Schizoidal, taken pills yet? The head doctor said that they would close you in solitary confinement. Schizoid, how did you get out of the chamber?” - Doctor in a mental hospital 2020.

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Dark Games.

Escape from Durka on Steam



Space deathmatch, pure and simple. Lasers are primary missiles are secondary. Ship goes faster, slower and points in different directions and can spin. “Drift” button cuts engines and you maintain velocity a direction until released. This let you do cool things to out manoeuvre other players . Up to 100 players, not bots, max I’ve seen is 10. It’s fun. I think I got it when it was free, but it’s cheap and fun and I may just go and buy it for everyone I know.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Space Games.

Very barebones, but good. Keep an eye open for this one, but right now it’s only an alpha.

Gameplay is similar to House of the Rising Sun (you can drift in space, and use that to out maneuver your enemies) which is great. It’s a multiplayer only game, with up to 100 players, but I haven’t played with more than 3 persons online, so I haven’t yet seen it’s full potential.

Graphics are bland, models are Ok, but the lighting could be improved.

As of this review, theres only one fighter, one gun, one type of missiles and one map.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Allspace on Steam

Cold Space

Cold Space

Was looking for a new game to play for when I was bored of CSGO for a shooter. At first I was very skeptical of this game as I have never heard of the dev’s before but from the screen shots the game looks amazing. It was only at the time priced a little over 2 dollars and I had just sold a pair of gloves in CSGO so I thought what the hell. Now at first the game will be a little laggy and glitchy but after the game settles in after a few seconds its smooth, and as far as the gameplay I was very surprised as to what I was playing. 1 shot 1 kill or 1 hit melee with little perks to pick up ingame. This game actually is pretty fun and intense at times and doesn’t take too long to figure the game mechanics out to start playing ok/well against other players. 1st place will always win a prize for the character loadout: Helmet, Suit, Jetpack, Pistol, Melee and so on. get it while its still on SALE to check it out and help populate the game by telling your friends.

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Well made game.

Although I can’t aim very well this game is very fun to 1v1 friends in. The devs are working on new content everyday and I feel that this game doesn’t get enough attention from others.

Pros: Good controls, simple objectives, fun gameplay, satisfying kills, interesting items.

Cons: Not many players, not many maps at the moment.

So if youre looking to buy this game id very much recommend it cause the one of the big things that this game needs now is more players.

For the devs of the game: I think everyone can agree that the game needs more maps and you might need to consider sponsoring a big youtuber or just sending them your game just for publicity.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Cold Space on Steam

Mortal Online

Mortal Online

As you can see I have aw lot of hours on this game. I used to love it, still do to an extent. I honestly can not recommend this game to people in the current state.

I’m going to start with the reason why I don’t recommend this and then I’ll finish with why I love this game and played it for so long.

There are a “few” key areas that this game needs to improve.

Some of these areas require changes in other areas as well.

TC & Sieging:

The TC system in general really needs a revamp along with the sieging mechanics. The idea is good, but the implementation is lacking.

Real player with 4173.4 hrs in game

Mortal Online….

No other game will you ever play be the same as Mortal Online.

I played this game for a VERY short time during it’s beta in 2010, and I’ve been playing almost daily since Febuary 2013. I still don’t know half the crap that you can do….. (Remember, game was released June 2010, this is just it’s release via the Steam Platform).

Alright, it’s been years and this stuff still gets people confused. This game, it isn’t free. You can play it for the low cost of a download, yeah, but it’s far from free. You can have plenty of fun, do most tasks, learn most skills, all without spending a penny, but in the end, you will never be a great PvPer, you’ll never be a good mage, you’ll never make good armor, you just flat out cannot thief, and there are items and skills a you cannot use or learn without going “premium”. Mortal Online is not a free-to-play game, even though Steam forces it to be classified as such. It’s a subscription based game, with a free, unlimited trial. Don’t be discouraged though, because you can still have tons of fun. Also, currently, much of us in the community are pushing for a PLEX like subscription token system to be added. It’s going to happen soon, no doubt. (Edit 12/16/17)

Real player with 2785.1 hrs in game

Mortal Online on Steam

TDP5 Arena 3D

TDP5 Arena 3D

80% of the playernames was in russian, so I suspect this is a russian game.

As we all know russian people are the progamers on games like this one and the rest of us just dont have a chance, or do we?

Well in the 2 games i played there wasent that much action going on except a few pew pew pew moments and then I usually died, when you die you get to watch a very small area of the map that… well usually have a few campers.

At first I tought they was AFK but apparently its real players who at most move very very little around the area where they spawn and then just wait for the other team to get there, I only got to play on the red team so I got no idea how cool it is to be on the blue team.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Earlier played this game on social networks, now started new account on steam. Fun starts with customizing your personage using skill-points. If you like massively multiplayers with A LOT of action (especially on small maps there in the game) , I would strongly recommend it. Game is insane.

P.S. Really don’t understand this stupid haters who played 0.1 hour on record..

P.P.S. The only problem on low level, I think, is a premium shocker gun, it’s quite annoying versus standart rifle. But it has a pretty small amount of charges, maybe it’s ok… In my opinion, tactics of shooting is very important part on low-levels.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

TDP5 Arena 3D on Steam

Cyberless III: Online

Cyberless III: Online

This game is about the competition of dominance and rivalry between Forces and Rebels. While Rebels argue for the election’s unfairness and fraudulence, in the other hand Forces justifies that the elections are completely impartial and right-minded

In Cyberless III: Online, players can participate in the competition by choosing a character and a team. There are 4 characters in this competition. The characters are Gunner, Sniper, Fireman and Bomber respectively. Each character has its own unique weapons.

Cyberless III: Online on Steam

Darkfall Unholy Wars

Darkfall Unholy Wars

ridiculously addictive and fun game

after joining the game world and completing the tutorial it would appear the world is abandoned - atleast it seemed tht way at 1st.

so i continued to complete my beginner feat’s and got my 1st mount. i ventured out the safe zone and started mining some iron ore nodes and some how lost my mount (didnt know to despawn it at this stage) due to some thiev’s in the area.

shortly after this i was killed and robbed for my hard work and my precious iron ores taken from me.

Real player with 5599.6 hrs in game

This review is for people who are familiar with Eve Online and I will use it draw comparisons. I will first list the features that both games have, which is the primary reason why I like these games.

  • Player controlled cities/holdings

  • Player controlled buildings

  • Player built ships

  • Full crafting system where just about everything in game is built by players.

  • Full market system with buy/sell orders.

  • PVP is mandatory, if you go out to kill some mobs you always have to be watching your back.

Real player with 622.3 hrs in game

Darkfall Unholy Wars on Steam

Forbidden Ingress

Forbidden Ingress

The game is fun… until you realize how small it is. 3 playable maps… with only a max stage of 100. It took me 7 hours to tie the high score in SP on all 3 maps. The game itself wouldn’t be more worth it with more maps however… because:

The game is too simple.

1. Accumulate money to purchase good weapons

2. Build doors – not blocks, not windows, not anything else, build doors

3. Build Ray defenses, ONLY ray defenses. They shoot through walls and in mass will kill the entire wave for you in a few seconds.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

forbidden ingress is weird to say the least i dont mean its like disgusting or disturbing. ok let me explain the game is poorly made to be frank but why do i enjoy the game even in its state well its an indie game im not going to review as if its a AAA title. it also as of this review its only been released for a week and the derv has already made 2 patches trying to fix the stbility of the game which where released april 29th and the 30th which i have reasons to beleive we will be getting basicly daily patches for the game for the rest of the week. now that i have already defended the dev lets get into the actual game. ok so first lets get into the bad things about the game multiplayer is currently very unstable there are unsensical amount of bugs regarding it that i have ran into in my whole 6hrs of gameplay but i see these bugs will be fixed very soon they are , me and my friends wanted to play trios couldnt even load in which we believe was more than likely server related issues and when we finally got into the game 2 of us were invincible due to the game basicly not realizing we existed , we were able to shoot and do everthing but the enemies wouldnt come after us and when our other friend died we got a game over because once again the game didnt think we existed. i was able to glitch into blocks by being shoved by the enemies. sometimes on my screen the enemies would just stand still while on my friends they were moving making me instantly die. enemies will hit turents and be over to hit blocks that is obviously out of there reach making turents seem basicly just to be used as a distraction rather than what they are meant to do. well i think ive - ran into a few other bugs but i beleive you get the point ok there are few other bad things but theres only one other i feel mentioning but one of them is that there is a huge variety of enmies but im pretty shure theyre not custoom made but thyre are soo many enemies that dont really change all that changes is theyre health , damage and how they look i think some might be faster than others but im not shure but with so many enemies it would be so cool if they had diffrent abilities but they dont this can be forgiven but its just wasted potential. despite all of these i dont beleive it makes hard to enjoy the game and with that said lets get onto the good things about this game. the wave based gameplay is very well done and will provide hours upon hours of fun due to the building aspect making it so you can always try a new strategy and making the game feel fresh. the game has a variety of weapons and turrents which is always nice. the multiplayer despite the bugs when it actually works properly is also very enjoyable. thats all the good things i have to say its simple straight fun now lets get to the games potential i already talked about the enemies wasted potential lets talk about what they could do. currently all the maps in the game are ok and it would be co cool if they had steam workshop maps imajine how cool that would be it would also be very cool if they added work shop mods so you could have the community make extra guns and other enemies cool things like that i just think this game has such a good ability to be a modable game. ok so if youre thinking about buying this its like 5$.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Forbidden Ingress on Steam



No active players, had to play against bots. Running, jumping, sliding, and shooting mechanics are ok, but need to be fine-tuned. There’s a glitch when you shoot next to an object like a pipe: the bullet impact won’t hit the pipe, but there will be a floating black impact mark floating in mid-air.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Dead game only bots and is very bad knock off of COD

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

GHD on Steam