The Castle Doctrine

The Castle Doctrine

The Castle Doctrine is a creepy and unnerving exploration of the idea of home security and more specifically, the doctrine which it is named after.

You begin with 2000 dollars, a lovely wife, two beautiful children and a wide open empty home. You have a vault that you keep your money in. Everyone else around you lives in similar houses, with lovely wives and beautiful children of their own. They also started with 2000 dollars and a wide open and empty home.

Trouble is, 2000 dollars is not enough for anyone. They’re going to come for your money soon enough. And if that’s not enough, they’ll come for your family and take anything your wife is holding onto for you. You’re the man of the house. It’s up to you to protect the things that matter to you. So you build a security system.

Real player with 85.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Perma Death Games.

EDIT: This review is obsolete. It describes what the game was like when the community was vivid and bustling (it was a very fun game back then). Nowadays almost no one plays this game and the few houses that remain are very much unbreakable.


In order to enjoy this game you need to accept it’s rules:

*There’s not going to be any hand-holding, you’re supposed to learn how to play the game by trial-and-failure. Some of the best experiences from this game come from experimenting by your own initiative and gradually learning better methods to build and destroy trap systems. Tutorials would only ruin all the fun of learning by dying or getting robbed.

Real player with 62.4 hrs in game

The Castle Doctrine on Steam

Nice Try!

Nice Try!

Test your patience!

  • One little car

  • One little level (actually, there are five of these but technically it’s not true)

You need to finish just one lap. It looks too ordinary, but - oops! - something went wrong. Be patient and try again.

Good luck.

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Casual Games.

Nice Try! on Steam



(Since I wrote this, the ship balancing has been fixed) In my opinion one of the best games to ever launch. I have a lot of hours on record. This game is worth the money, but if you are not willing to spend 10 dollars you can play it on the website This game came around when the .io games were a big thing, but as soon as I played it I could tell it was different. I knew this game would be succesful. There are minor bugs in the game, but the gameplay is so good that you can usually see through them. One thing about the game is ship balancing. When the game came out the ships were fairly balanced and then the website started to take balancing request. When they started to take balancing requests the ships started to get worse and worse. Level 3 ships soon started to be able to take out level 5 ships. The addition of drones and pods didn’t help this, but it was a fun concept added into the game. The game isn’t broken, but it will be soon be if the balancing problems aren’t fixed. From previous versionsit seemed to work best when the level 3 ships were fast, but did not do a lot of damage, and the rest were slow, but could destroy them if they try to attack them. The game modes in this game are fun, and in my opinion they don’t need to be changed. I’m glad they got rid of the radiation to be honest. The ships are unblanced, but coming from someone whos played this game since it’s release, I think the Y-Defender should be majorly nerfed. I think the developers did such a good job on this game, and this game will be be around for a long time.

Real player with 530.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Casual Games.

You can play for free at to give it a try, and if you become addicted like me, purchase the steam version for all the flashy benefits and goodies.

Starblast began as a simple ‘.io’ webgame, but surging popularity and regular attention from its developers have allowed it to mature into a vastly more complex and competitive game than your typical ‘io’ game. I mean, only one year after genesis, the game has already expanded onto multiple platforms (hello Steam!).

My impression/what I love about starblast:

Real player with 416.8 hrs in game

Starblast on Steam

Trackmania® Turbo

Trackmania® Turbo

When I first reviewed this game I was a bit “hot headed” because even though I knew this game was a console port, I didn’t expect it to lack so many features from the previous games. But after playing it so much I decided to change my review.

Why should you buy this game? (This is mostly aimed to new players to the Trackmania series)

-First and foremost, the game is really fun

-New Double Driver mode

-New Stunt mode

-You can create challenges and publish them for the world to see

-As an arcade game, Turbo is really easy for anyone to get into it and have fun, but its gameplay also has depth, so the possibilities are almost infinity and it will take you a long time to master the gameplay of each environment

Real player with 274.1 hrs in game

Trackmania Turbo is fun, I’ll keep it that simple. But there’s something that needs to be made clear:

This game is not made for creative players who enjoy getting the best out of trackmania. This game is made for the more casual side of players who want nothing more than pure gameplay. If you want a larger range of customization (car, map and replay-wise), more community focused events on anything Trackmania, you should get (one of) the individual trackmania² environments, or Trackmania Nations/United. If you’re here for racing on all environments into one, simply beating times and having a mere joy on several maps. This game might be the one for you.

Real player with 203.8 hrs in game

Trackmania® Turbo on Steam

Naval Action

I have almost 6k hours and belong to a wonderful and very successful community in the game. I actively played and tested almost all content in the game. You can assume that I might know what I am talking about.

I am fan of historical simulation war games. Enjoying Totalwar series for years and particularly attracted to age of sail games thanks to Pirate of Burning Sea. Naval Action is the only successor in the market for this genre now. That is the main reason I had big hopes and enthusiasm toward the game and still playing till another come, mainly sticking with my friends.

Real player with 6996.5 hrs in game

As much as I would love to see a game like this succeed, I must recommend that you avoid spending money on this game right now. If you are interested, I suggest you wait till it releases and watch the reviews then. Let me explain why.

I have many more hours in this game then is posted in my steam information. I was a closed alpha, pre steam, tester. At the time their was a small group of Russian or Euro testers that numbered, less than 50 as far as I can tell. The second batch of testers, another 50ish, included many Americans. I was one of those testers. I believe that was in early 2014 or 2015. Either way, I have been involved in this game from closed alpha, to early access, to sea trials, to open world going on years now.

Real player with 2762.1 hrs in game

Naval Action on Steam

Warspear Online

Warspear Online

EDIT: Game is still good, they are adding new content, it became a LITTLE easier to find friends and guilds, but its still mostly people who know eachother and it will be hard if you start anew but it is possible.

Things arent overpriced anymore and its not that hard to grind gear and stuff anymore (It is hard, but not as hard as before, because with addition of new content you can make some nice gold)

Players started realizing how it is and are helping A LITTLE bit more, at least on US and EU servers where i play, i cant speak for others.

Real player with 2468.4 hrs in game

Highly recommend this game if you are into mmorpgs, it had received an award for the best mobile MMO RPG game in 2015.

The gameplay itself is very attractive with its 2D top down view and the artwork of the characters, gear and locations. It can be considered similar to Runescape and World of Warcraft.

Characters can be chosen from 4 different factions, Forsaken, Mountain clan, Chosen and Elves. Each faction has 4 different heroes to choose from which range from supports, damagers and defence heroes. Each faction starts at their own first map and after completing the quests in all zones you will proceed to the second map. The factions will then merge but into two. The chosen and elves and then the Mountcain clan and Forsaken. This map will have many quests, bosses and dungeons to complete until you proceed to the next map Ayvoldil where you will proceed to level up your character more.

Real player with 563.9 hrs in game

Warspear Online on Steam

Draw Rider 2

Draw Rider 2

there are a lot of platformer games around - but this one is the first where you are not running and jumping through different obstacles but riding on a bike!

Game has an interesting physics, that is not that straightforward like in most platformer games, where character is just moving with constant same acceleration, here you have faster speeds when going downwards, and you need to accelerate to move upwards - in addition to the physics you have lots of violence, where you biker is destroyed in any possible way, so that it would be good idea to add checkpoints to save not to start a level from the very beginning.

Real player with 65.9 hrs in game

A nice funny game with a lot of potential… I realy enjoyed Draw Rider 1. What this game needs is: Character customisation ; A Steam Workshop for community content (for example selfmade characters and Levels to keep things fresh) ; maybe Checkpoints in some levels that are hard to master ; AND whats realy importent: LEVELS to keep people interested, maybe you can add a litle more with every update. Pumped to see whats coming out in the future 3

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Draw Rider 2 on Steam

Screeps: World

Screeps: World

I have played lots games over the years. have forgotten 95% of them, 4.9% of them i remember due to them being an excellent game and myself enjoying, Paradox games I love but don’t rate as in the top .1%. Only a very rare game has me remembering epic or defining moments that really set that game apart for me. EvE online is one, for creating a sandbox of such freedom, politics, warfare, resource gathering, trade, which all helps to create proper player driven stories.

The other is Screeps….which has given me my most proud moments in any game i have played. The games are of course markedly different but also surprisingly similar. Screeps like EvE has trade, crafting, factories, land ownership, politics/alliances, resource gathering, warfare, but ants instead of ships and where in EvE when u get killed you take a big loss, in Screeps it can mean game over, time to respawn from scratch……again.

Real player with 3117.3 hrs in game

Note: I am not associated with the developers in any way, I’ve just been playing a lot recently.

Screeps is a game for programmers.

But it is possible for someone without any previous programming experience to learn it with enough dedication, though I recommend at least learning some basics of programming/JavaScript from somewhere like codecademy first. And try the free tutorial before you buy the game (I am still running code that started out based on the tutorial code, 2 months later).

The game has deceptively simple visuals, but a lot of increasingly complex systems that you gain access to as you progress within the game, providing interesting challenges for your programming ability. How complex it ends up getting depends in part on how much of it you end up wanting to automate. Pretty much anything you can do, you can get your code to do for you.

Real player with 2606.2 hrs in game

Screeps: World on Steam

The Neon Boy

The Neon Boy

A lot of pain and pain. A great and fun indie platformer, with simple graphics and great experience. Good musical accompaniment. I play with a gamepad, quite a convenient control. Leaderboards are a great motivator to replay many times, that would occupy the top positions, but this is not always possible.

In general, this is a good game, definitely recommend it.

Real player with 15.0 hrs in game

This game is a great reason to remind you that before the game was more difficult. No one was trying to help you. So this is a game, the heiress of those ideas. She strongly resists and does not give you a chance. That’s cool. I hope in the future we will see the second part of this creation :)

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

The Neon Boy on Steam

Rap simulator

Rap simulator

Rap Simulator is in basically a production with a great deal of humour. The action starts in the 80s of the last century. The player takes on the role of a rapper who sets up his first music studio in a rented apartment. Our task is to break out of the underground and become a part of the mainstream for good, opening our own label or creating the best clothing brand. Beefs, chases, money, green leaves, shootings, gang wars or maybe a softer way to success? The way the player chooses to reach the top will depend only on him/her. At the beginning of the game, the player’s budget is limited, so you have to decide which aspect of the production you want to devote more attention to at the cost of the other elements.

Our musical works are reviewed by the industry press, which affects our sales results. The tastes of listeners become more and more sophisticated every year, so we have to constantly create newer and newer things and use the best possible equipment. As the complexity of our music projects increases, we will be forced to hire more staff and change our premises to larger ones.

Real hip-hop events take place in the background, so if the player’s story goes well, he or she will be able to record songs together with hip-hop legends or start beef with them, which can change the history of hip-hop. Additionally, the players will be able to learn about the history of foreign hip-hop. In the game you will find, among others, elements related to the legends of rap. The rap songs by various artists, which will be played in the background, will complement everything.

Game elements:

  • Start a game in the 80s as rapper

  • Editor (create new character, edit other npc/rappers etc.)

  • Change the history of hip-hop

  • Research new technologies etc.

  • Move into bigger music studios

  • Unlock secret characters

  • Multiplayer

Rap simulator on Steam