

I loved this game, but hope that this review will prevent even a single person from expeirencing what I went though.

To sum up my experience

That is EME’s support team lead trying to delete my account after I screamed not to.(I didnt know it was the support team lead until he deleted my account)

Over a month later I stand with a deleted account after battling to have all of my personal information removed from their records.

Real player with 2996.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Hack and Slash Games.

So I have 1000+hrs now, here is what I’ve learnt from the time I’ve played. I recommend this ONLY IF YOU’RE OKAY WITH A LOT OF GRINDING AND REPETITION.

Let me ask you this question. In Battlefield 4, there are servers usually called “Operation Metro/Operation Locker 24/7”. These servers run those maps only. These maps are 100% Close Quarters, explosive spamming, meat grinders that usually lack rules and are great for two things only and that is getting stupid amounts of kills to master weapons and easy exp with little effort while foregoing the BF experience of driving vehicles and blowing shit up for a more CoD-like experience of pure basic bitch infantry CQC madness. You don’t need a brain to play on these servers, all you need is guns, explosives, ammo, and nothing else. How long do you think you can play on these servers for? Doesn’t matter if you’re losing or winning. How many hours do you honestly think you can spend on one of these servers? Doing the exact same thing over and over again, potentially experience the same result of losing over and over again.

Real player with 1984.0 hrs in game

Closers on Steam

Digimon Masters Online

Digimon Masters Online



-Easy to access

-Wide variety of Digimon


-Only 4 Digivolution trees per character (you can make like 30 characters, but that’s tedious; guess that’s why so many slots are locked behind a paywall)

-Essentially pay to win (hatching lv3 eggs is hard enough, but I hear lv5 is necessary late-game)

-Words cut in half in dialogu


-Poor grammar

-Terribly unintersting storyline

-Crashes consistently (in my sub-hour playtime, it crashed twice)

-Difficult to learn (controls definitely take a long time to understand and get used to, and the game does a horribl

Real player with 5783.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer MMORPG Games.


They have now removed eggs from arena and Removed perma aura nd perma jogress from coloseium reward makeing other players not able to compete.

officially dead game now

** UPDATE **

Started playing few days ago and manged to get preatty far.

its a good online game somewhat querky sale system but its not bad. ( after some searious time in this game i wanted to add some things )

i made it to max level and max digimon level on my main digis.

and i found the entire experiance of this game quite good.

Real player with 1509.5 hrs in game

Digimon Masters Online on Steam

Dungeon Fighter Online

Dungeon Fighter Online

The game is fun and nice though its Steam version is glitchy as hell, mostly because of half-assed implementations of many options here and there. You could enjoy it since it is basicaly 8/16 bit Beat’m’up like but you’re warned.

For example you need to launch your Steam under Administrator rights to allow the game install itself (while other games only need Administrator rights for their installer).

Another one is that… Launcher doesn’t show any info since all info is picture-based and you NEED ADMINISTRATOR rights for IE (in other words you’ll need to actualy be under Administrator profile to read the news from Launcher).

Real player with 6173.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Beat 'em up Games.

Played this way back when Nexon NA was still the publisher and quit due to poor handling of the game. Flash Forward into the future and now the game is being published under its actual developers Neople who clearly know how to take care of this game.

Gameplay is simple. Its a arcade side-scrolling beat ‘em up type game with gameplay mechanics similar to that of a fighting game like Street Fighter. Skills in this game can be activated on input such that as a fighting game or traditionally like MMOs where you do skills on a set skill slot that is activated on the hotkey you set for it. The classes in this game are all unique in that some of them advance to do completely different roles. For example, the female mage advancing to become a Battle Mage which changes her whole playstyle into melee focused dps as opposed to one of her other class advancements such as Elementalist which is focused on bursting down enemies with ranged magic. The level progression is imo pretty fast. The game has a heavy focus on its endgame progression so leveling up from 1-90 per character should take you about 2 weeks or more depending on how invested you are in playing. Since this game uses a fatigue system. If you wanted to keep playing for longer periods of time. You would most likely need to make a new character as each character has their own separate fp bar. You will be able to learn more about the other classes by doing this which may help you decide on who you want to main.

Real player with 2901.3 hrs in game

Dungeon Fighter Online on Steam

Lords Mobile

Lords Mobile

A f2p, p2w game, one that constantly promisses that if you just keep evolving, the experience will become super interesting at some point ahead… yup, its another mobile game.

In the game’s defense, it IS possible to play without putting money, but make no mistake: its absolutely impossible to be even remotely competitive if you dont spend money(LOADS of money, enough to buy the all the DLC packages of DoA5 many times over). It is possible to play, but for players who dont put high quadruple digits of dollars into the game, “play” will for a loooong time mean stay hidden behind your shield 24.7 and just keep hoping your real life dont prevent you from renewing the shield or else some chinese dude will reset your troops count in very short order, it’s just a chore and that part of the game will last a VERY long time for free players.

Real player with 525.2 hrs in game

This is a game where its a purely pay to play. (Its not free to play) Free to play players once after protection cannot even play PVE, this was my experience as mostly free to play player.

PVE Rating: 0/10

PVP Rating: 0/10

Pay to win rating: 10/10

Free to play rating: 0/10

Day 1: Joined a new world which was 2 days old. Free to play players where all using tier 1 troops with numbers in the hundreds of troops. Pay to win players already had tier 3 troops with numbers in the 100s of thousands.

Day 14: Reach tier 2, paid 2 usd worth of in game items to enable myself to travel through time to gain a few days of virtual time advancement so as to get tier 2 units.

Real player with 132.9 hrs in game

Lords Mobile on Steam

Lucent Heart

Lucent Heart

Lucent Heart, what can I say.

First off, I’m one of the dedicated players who’ve been playing this for years and I am happy to see it on Steam. However, it didn’t went on here without its struggles. Yes, it doesn’t have the best graphics, best storyline or the best anything, but this is pretty old. And if you’re like me, chances are, you love this game as much as the other player that you invested over thousands of hours into it. Which I did. I would say Lucent Heart is one of those games you played in your childhood and you simply fell in love with it, like Zelda or FF7, Lucent Heart gives off the same vibe and that’s one of the charms of this game.

Real player with 292.9 hrs in game

A thrilling and unique experience! This game has so much to offer. From battling tough enemies to finding your perfect lover, this game has it all. You may team up with other fellow players or go completely solo, the choice is yours. Equip cosmetics to make your character look cool, pets for buffs, battle pets for an extra hand, and weapons that will burn, freeze, slice and dice, pierce, stab, cast, and shoot your enemies into oblivion!

This game has an intensive zodiac system and deep lore as well. It’s really neat, and you can explore and learn more about zodiac signs all while play the game!

Real player with 259.6 hrs in game

Lucent Heart on Steam



Dear god, where to begin with this crap fest of a game. First off, it’s extremely heavy on your computer. Nexon could have fixed this years ago but they’ve been busy adding too much new stuff that costs either actual money or about 20m ig gold. I’ve only played for about two years, but I finally quit a couple days ago. The GMs are very biased and show favoritism towards friends; there’s even rumors of the CM giving the rarest sword in the game to a friend of a friend for free. The storyline is decent, g19/g20 were my favorites, but hardly anyone actually plays the game. The game is almost completely dead, and those who still play (at least in Tarlach) just afk all day selling things from gacha for insane prices. Again, only playing on Tarlach, I might be biased, but the community is terrible. There’s so much drama between guilds or just a couple people. Half the people, when they actually aren’t afk, are total jerks. The other half are cancerous as h e l l. I will admit I’ve made several of friends on it, I wouldn’t even be dating my boyfriend if I hadn’t played it, but it’s getting worse and worse every month. Save your computer, save your time, save your money, and don’t play this game.

Real player with 1650.2 hrs in game

This game is decent and I can play for hours I guess you could say but there’re so many crappy people on this game :/. I would recommend this game but honestly it’s such a time killer and it pushes you into spending tons of money on it. Like I said, most of the people I’ve met on this game are either rude, perverted, stupid, untrustworthy, etc. Some of my old friends fit in really well with the community, how I don’t know. But in my opinion, it’s just full of a bunch of people I don’t want to be around. But, if you do have time and money to waste and you think you would fit in with this godawful community, then go ahead. And I suggest people 14+ because I know being a young person playing this game is extremely stressful. For example, lets say if you tell a close friend that you’re 12 they might think of you differently, exclude you, think of you as weird, and/or tell you that you’re too young for the game. I’m saying this because that’s happened almost every time I told someone in this game that I am younger than most people that play. But, if you’re lucky enough and you know how to make people like you regardless of your age then you might have some luck with this game.

Real player with 1354.0 hrs in game

Mabinogi on Steam

Aura Kingdom

Aura Kingdom

Now, i’ve got a few hundred more hours with this game than my steam says, given i played it outside of this program, and I can say for sure that this game is both a blessing and a pain at times.

The storyline can be a bit repetitive, if you have many-a character made

A lot of the decent cosmetics are worth a pretty penny amount of gold

Hard to find a guild/clan thats highly active, unless you make your own

Great class customization, no “this class can only be a 2nd to this class” bullshit

a fishing system! (i love fishing in games, sorry)

Real player with 415.8 hrs in game

I was trying to log into my account after not accessing the game for a year (due to school and me having to uninstall the game) but couldn’t cause apparently I used the wrong username and/or password. And when I went to check my “Forgot my pass” on Aeria, I found out that my account was blocked. And I’m honestly very taken aback and very disappointed. I have no idea why my account was disabled, but it makes me extremely unhappy cause I’ve dedicated plenty of time into the game, and to have my progress lost just angers me tremendously.

Real player with 179.8 hrs in game

Aura Kingdom on Steam



I actually really enjoyed this game. There’s so much tactics, research, resource gathering, taking over entire systems. At one point, i got drunk and started a war over a missunderstanding. Two of the biggest galactic unions got involved and the fighting was absolutely relentless and brutal basically the entire galaxy became aligned to 2-3 unions and widespread civil war broke out because of a drunken missunderstanding. It lasted months. The fighting got so intense, people were booking days off work just to stay up all night and defend their unions. One person spent about 50 quid upgrading the stuff in game for better offensive capabilities due to an attack from my tier 5 ships. During this my tiny union put up such a fight came in 3rd in the world for offense and defence for that month.

Real player with 780.5 hrs in game

Battlespace is deep. It has provided me with months of entertainment and a place to meet cool, intelligent people. It’s slow paced, which is perfect for me and highly dependent on strategy the higher level you get. The events are well spaced to let you grow in between the Invasions, but not so far apart to get boring for a patient person.

This game requires a lot of thought and patience, but the payoff in higher level PVP and Giant Planet raids is worth the wait. Finding a good Union is key (SPEED IS KEY, JACK) as is getting your resource production up and keeping it flowing.

Real player with 502.1 hrs in game

BattleSpace on Steam

Dragon Saga

Dragon Saga

fun getting into it, might not appeal to some ppl bc of the visuals, style.., i played it years ago and for thousands of hours, has a combat system that is part beat’em up like tekken/streetfighter/etc., also abilities simillar to WoW, with resources and cooldowns, also its possible to macro stuff together (cash shop item macro slot, thats a thing this game had worse, but is still there, pay for benefits, it can feel really grindy if you don’t watch out for EXP buff items (stacking the ones that work) for example, there is a currency that drops tho, that can buy you important cash shop stuff like that, but in the end everything can be reached with basic ingame gold by trading for cash shop stuff (some of it is only giftable, so a bit if a hassle, bc cash and delivery is independent, but there are few items there that are like that. this games has alot of outdated or clunky systems in it, like the market that is basicly an auction house that needs you to buy licenses to sell stuff for a fixed duration, low number of slots, if you buy stuff theres a search bar but the filters are really basic and theres no sorting except for shop points, like a score you can raise with an item xD cash shop ofc. well i could go on like that forever but i just wanted to make clear, it has flaws, its grindy, most content is mediocre, ai is stupid af, but the thing i come back for is the fast, nicely animated 2d combat that comes with a tacked on mmo. i can see what ppl don’t like about it but somehow theres alot of the fun stuff in mmorpgs, like stats, gear, upgrading (by grinding like a crazyperson), talent tree, lots of items, classes and skills, costumes, pvp, housing, crafting, etc.

Real player with 856.4 hrs in game

Building end-game equipment

80% done

Prepared to throw in money/grind for enchantment protection

Waiting for sale


Stat you’re building for got a hard-cap.

Congratulations, the gear you’ve spent months on is now useless.

You need to re-plan all your 16 equipments.

Your class is in the mid process of getting nerfed hard.

This game has been out for 6 years, yes?

and they still couldn’t for the life of it get class balance done.

Everytime they nerf one class, or change one/two stats to become useless,

Real player with 648.7 hrs in game

Dragon Saga on Steam

Fiesta Online NA

Fiesta Online NA


Well nearly 2k hours into fiesta and still haven’t decided to write something about it I figured I’d write one now, anyway, your probably wondering why I’m not recommending this game. Clearly 1.8k hours I SHOULD know something about fiesta and how it works. Well your in luck as I do, bare bones this game is extremely P2W and grindy as **** to the point that it just became to much.

Now in some more detail about this game:

Lets start with the bad parts of the game!

-The cash shop:

Real player with 1843.2 hrs in game

Ah, the days of this game. I’ve known Fiesta Online since I was 12, and fwoooo has this game’s development gone for a ride. Though I still play Fiesta from time to time, and even capped my character when it was 125, I cannot hit the yes on recommend because for new players… There’s not much to see. Most of the player base are those of us who have been with the game for years and still love it despite the many flaws, but for new players Fiesta is nothing but a mess. The first 60 levels are far too frickin easy now, and entering the 60+ zone has a huge difficulty inbalance as that room of zombies will eat you up faster than Majin Buu if you don’t have a proper team. But as said, this is only a problem for the newbies as old players already know what to expect from this crazy world, and likely have equipment and money around to support themselves. The biggest problem though lies in the fact that the devs… Just can’t get everything done. We’ve had nice updates that made leveling faster and all, but I recently read a post saying they had no model artists on hand to fix an issue. Updates are constantly being announced and cancelled, or just forever delayed (that merge though). I could go on abot pay2win drama, but we’ve probably all already experienced free online games and know all about that sbleeptstorm. Oh yeah, and the community can be close and friendly, but also scary in that sense. If you mess with ANYBODY, you could end up on some player wanted lists and what not. Though personally I’ve never had issues with this as I’m a lovely perfect angel ^u^ (95% of the time), but I can see it driving some players away with headaches. Gameplay wise, be warned that Fiesta does not hold back with difficult bosses, at all. Though many dungeons became a lot easier with the lvl entry update, don’t let the cute slimes and adorable hobo men of the early levels fool you. You’ll get your squishy tush torn to shreds by the demons, beasts, and uhhh… bigger slimes of the high levels! And glitches, lots of them, fwoo! But that goes with the development issues. Overall, Fiesta is a game that still holds a place in my heart, and I’ll still hop on from time to time when the devs give us those surprisingly decent updates (they exist whether the community admits it or not). But it pains me that I cannot recommend it to new players. This game will likely stay a gem for the old until the server eventually shuts down.

Real player with 1127.7 hrs in game

Fiesta Online NA on Steam