

Wall of text - TL;DR at the bottom

I would strongly recommend Deepworld to anyone who is a fan of the sandbox genre, and to anyone who likes steampunk, and to anyone in general. It’s quirky artstyle and unique gameplay make it one of a kind in the sandbox genre

Whilst it may not have some of the features that other sandboxes have, Deepworld has its own unique gameplay, and has come a huge distance since I first started playing in early 2013. The game is still evolving, and its development heavily influenced by player suggestions.

Real player with 290.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Steampunk Games.

116 Hours played, but returned to this a few times to see what was happening.

116 of wonderful hours of nostalgia and building. I was ecstatic when I first played this on the Ipad, but then disappointed when Android didn’t get it later. Even after all this time I still loved this game, maybe in a more bitter sweet sense.

Overall Gameplay:

It runs like this, you first start out in the tutorial learning the mechanics: mining, flying, crafting, leveling items, etc. You are then opened into the server worlds with varying level designs that come with their own unique characteristics and items. Certain islands required you to prep certain gear like the desert needing you to have water on you. Your main goal in the beginning is to mainly grind exp from the mobs so you can level up your crafting skills. The more crafting skills you have the more you can use the resources you’ve acquired to actually build something worthwhile.

Real player with 116.1 hrs in game

Deepworld on Steam

Open World Foreva

Open World Foreva

This game is all about living life, exploring and creating. In this online 2D game you can: Build, fight, explore, craft and much more.

The game consists of a large procedural world. And all players are inside the same world; as interactions between players is sought after.

You can play solo, or build with friends and protect your base.

Bases can be upgraded through exploring and finding new technology. You will be able to create energy systems & use it to power your bases. You can even exchange electricity by storing batteries and exchanging it with others!

Currently in Early Access(2021 June) to allow YOU to help decide what to add, change or improve!

Resource gathering & Base-building

Gathering resources is a big part of this game. Anything you come across can be broken down or picked up. Once one item is in your inventory.

You can either:

  • Place it in the world again

  • Use it when crafting with blueprint

  • Convert it into another component

Your base decays slowly over time. Or when attacked by players. The world is made to allow you to be gone for weeks at a time. As long as players haven’t destructed your base. Decaying will not occur too quickly. As this is about being able to create a world together with others.

As your base decays or gets damaged. You can right-click blocks to repair them.

Chests & doors have unique passwords. This allows you to share it amongst your crew to work together on things. Your base can also be stengthened by finding stronger blueprints for walls and doors.

Weapons & Bombs

Weapons & bombs are a part of the game. If you and your friends find people being unkind. You can take it upon yourselves to eradicate their base with C4, grenades & weapons.

Using C4 bombs can be used strategically. By placing them around your base. They will explode when anyone walks near them. Cheaper fake C4 bombs also exist. So you can more easily craft those & make enemies believe there might be C4 all around your base. But in truth there are fake C4 which won’t explode. Allowing you to use them as a hidden path into your base.

  • C4 bomb - explode & create lots of damage. To everyone surrounding them in a wider area.

  • Fake C4 - Appears to be a real C4, but creates no damage.

  • Grenade - Does some damage in a smaller area 2 seconds after being delayed. However, the enemy may pick it up and use it as a counter-attack before it explodes.

Weapons such as knives, clubs and swords exist. They may have an increased effect on stone and tree gathering.

Each weapon has:

  • A hit rate per minute - How many hits per minute it can do

  • A damage value per hit

  • Initial health which decays with hits

Open World Foreva is ONE WORLD

You heard it. There is only one world for all players(depending on US/EU). This means. You can meet up with others in the world & exchange items. You can attempt to find others bases to blow them up. Or possibly to just steal from them.

Maybe you’re the next “Negan”? Making sure they pay their fair price to not eradicate their base.

The world has a temporary world border. Meaning the world grows larger as the player demand for the game increases.

Currently the world is almost 1 KM * 1KM(0.62 miles * 0.62) in size.

Blueprints & Technology

You start out with a few standard blueprints. Such as:

  • Torch

  • Club

  • Simple Wall & Door.

When you kill things in the world. Or break them down into your inventory. There is a 10% chance of finding a new blueprint. A blueprint is used to be able to craft new things for you. Which for instance could help you increase your base’s strength.

Technologies can be created by finding blueprints. Tech will help you survive. For instance, some areas are colder and warmer than others. Too hot or too cold will damage your player. Therefore there is technology such as Heaters & Coolers.

Any technology created needs an energy source. Such as:

  • SolarCell

  • WindTurbine

  • Battery

Solarcells yield power depending on the time of the day & how much light that world area generally gets.

Windturbines generate power based on wind which varies every 30 minutes & also based on the area it is within.

Placement of your generators affect how much effect they give. To see this your can right-click the generators and monitor their output for a day or two.

Batteries are used for storing power which is not used by any machines at the time. When a battery no longer has anyincoming power from another source. It will automatically act as a generator until drained. Meaning a battery can power your lamps during night-time if you only have solarcells.

Machines that currently exists:

  • Heater - Heats the area by 10 degrees

  • Cooler - Cools area by 10 degrees

  • Digger - Digs for Coal, Gold, Copper & Stone

  • Small lamp - Lights a smaller area

  • Large lamp - Lights a bigger area


When you stroll around the world. You will quickly begin to see plants of different kinds. These can be eaten if full-grown. By clicking a plant; you pick it up in its current state. By placing a plant; it will then start growing. By right-clicking it; you can see whether it has disease or if it is yet full-grown.

Once a plant is full-grown. It generally converts into a FoodPackage when collected.

With this you can either:

  • A. Eat to increase your health

  • B. Select in your inventory. And convert into 3 baby plants. To grow more

Plants that can eaten area: Potatoes & Carrots

Non-edible plants: Cotton - Cotton is used when crafting clothes and some weapons

Clothes & Environment

As mentioned earlier. The world has different temperatures. Depending on the area you are inside. And based on the time of the day. Generally an area will have a similar temperature, but during night-time it will decrease.

There are currently two ways to survive extreme temperatures without damage:

  • A. Create clothing which provides resistance

  • B. Create a base with technology such as Heaters & Coolers

If you’re new. It is wise to find a warm, but no too warm area to live in. By opening your inventory you can check the current temperature in the area you are inside.

If the temperature is below 0 or above 50. You will be damaged.

Wind varies based on time and areas. And currently only affects Windturbines.

Crafting clothes

Crafting clothes is done for styling your character. And for providing insulation during cold times. New clothing blueprints are found by killing or breaking things in the world. You can also craft hairstyles.

Other info

The game has some similarities with Minecraft, Rust and Rimworld. But unique in the way that it supports a lot of players in the same world. A world which can be expanded depending on player demand.


Please share your ideas & be a part of this game’s future!


Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Survival Games.

Open World Foreva on Steam

BattleStick 2

BattleStick 2

⣾⡇⣿⣿⡇⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣄⢻⣦⡀⠁⢸⡌⠻⣿⣿⣿⡽⣿⣿ play it

⡇⣿⠹⣿⡇⡟⠛⣉⠁⠉⠉⠻⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⣄⡉⠂⠈⠙⢿⣿⣝⣿ It’s good








Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Massively Multiplayer Physics Games.

This game is fun had a blast playing I recommend it go download now

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

BattleStick 2 on Steam

Odenavirus: Zombie Invasion

Odenavirus: Zombie Invasion

Not an MMO, also could not proceed on my quest. Also why would we want our dog to auto attack for us, could we not just have a basic attack skill?

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Odenavirus: Zombie Invasion on Steam

Astonia Remastered

Astonia Remastered

Astonia 3.0 with a handful of wonderful twists. If you’re new to the game, take some time to explore this wonderful, truly old-school RPG that will allow you to become a master swordsman, all powerful Archmage, sword/spell hybrid class called Seyan, or all new to astonia itself try your hand with Rogues wielding either daggers or bows - and soon (hopefully) master martial arts with the Monk. Alongside all the classes there are several professions to master, allowing for serious customization of your characters abilities in PvE or PvP.

Real player with 101.3 hrs in game

New players be advised, this game can be brutal to start if you have no information at all, your first character will most likely be messed up if don’t ask other players for help on how to play, the game has a lot of lore and secrets that take some time to know and master, community is nice and friendly and usually always helpfull. Be mindfull that this is an old game, retro looking as fk, and if you get triggered with input lag, well be prepared. Even so if you feel like trying it’s free and a lot of fun it has a tamagotchi feel to it because you take really good care of your characters and you get a fulfilling feel when you can kill higher lvl enemies, choose an assortment of different jobs that give you different capabilities on game and breeze through tight spots. There are live events almost every day and you can pvp as well.

Real player with 29.1 hrs in game

Astonia Remastered on Steam




🧍 Audience 🧍

☑️ Beginner

☑️ Casual Gamer

☑️ Normal Gamer

☑️ Expert

☀️ Graphics ☀️

☐ Bad

☐ Alright

☐ Good

☑️ Beautiful

🎵 Music 🎵

☐ Bad

☐ Alright

☐ Good

☑️ Beautiful

💀 Difficulty 💀

☐ Easy

☑️ Average

☐ Hard

☐ Unfair

🐛 Bugs 🐛

☐ No Bugs

☑️ Few Bugs

☐ Lots of bugs

☐ Nothing encountered

✍ Story ✍

☐ There is None

☐ Bad

☑️ Good

☐ Fantastic

🏹 Gameplay 🏹

☐ Frustrating

☐ Boring

☑️ Fun

☑️ Competitive

⏰ Game time / Length ⏰

Real player with 3489.8 hrs in game

If you like classic MMOs, you should check out this game!

Its plays like a hybrid of Caves of Qud; Runescape and RPG-MO … with three major improvements:

1. Responsive Developers who are super passionate about the game, the players, and consistently deliver updates + new content. They draw inspiration from the player base and deliver content people want. You truly feel like you as a player are shaping the game and that the developers live up to their mission in building a game that they themselves love to play!

Real player with 1067.2 hrs in game

Damascus on Steam

DarkStory Online

DarkStory Online

I may like this game and keep grinding, if i am not a mage.

When it says on wiki mage deal massive damage in close range. close range is true, but massive damage? its unbelieveable painful for mage to fight bosses, even a knignt

invested in end stat can do better damage than mage.

And when this question have been bought, answer is mage have nice aoe abilities. But which classed dont have aoe abilities? And as a penalty, mage have very low defense and health

even, the so call “magic defense”, while 95% mobs in game are dealing physical damage. Mage already have the worest lv20 buff that the sole purpose is to turn magic defense into

Real player with 86.5 hrs in game

UPDATE The developer already got back to me on Discord and helped me find a workaround (clicking the NPCs with broken quests instead of spacebar) so my quests are completed and the Dev said he will fix the spacebar issue on the next emergency update ^_^!

I do like this game and review positive, HOWEVER, I will be reevaluating this review due to a very concerning fact. Apparently some (recent?) update has caused glitches with newbie quests making them completely undoable if you complete the task prior to getting the quest. I really hope I don’t have to start grinding over on a new character to enjoy this game, sure i’ve only played 2 days but Id rather quit and play something else if that ends up being the case. I did submit the problem in their discord so we will see what happens. Will update later.

Real player with 82.3 hrs in game

DarkStory Online on Steam

Eviron’s Chronicles

Eviron’s Chronicles

Changing my review to a thumbs up.

This game should really be labeled as early access as there are many bugs, although not game-breaking or super annoying. Mostly just ui bugs that you can work around. It could use a little more documentation as well.

Other than that this is better than other TCGs, IMO.

You are able to level up your player (not sure what it is good for except you get small rewards when you level up and your level can be seen by other players). You can also level up your general, albeit very slowly. When your general levels up you are able to adjust his health and attack power and also choose is portrait and abilities. You can level up many of your cards as well, with dust. You can get gray dust as rewards for completing adventure matches and colored dust by destroying cards you might have. attained other than by destroying your cards. There are several colors of dust used to level up its corresponding car set, you can use any dust but you don’t get full effect for using dust not made for your set. Lastly, there are rare evolution cards that you may use rainbow tokens to alter their powers. This allows you to spend a little extra energy in a match to change your units abilities.

Real player with 80.9 hrs in game

Generally an OK rpg game with a steep pve difficulty curve for the player. Don’t expect to get a lot of quick victories with starting decks unless you spend a fair amount of money. Should I play? Well if you can tolerate a fair amount of time and limited money then it’s a positive.

Real player with 74.6 hrs in game

Eviron's Chronicles on Steam

Kaion Tale MMORPG

Kaion Tale MMORPG

Kaion Tale is very amusing game. This game is very simple to understand, has a lot of

cool stuff and a very cheerful community. You will certainly enjoy this game.

Kaion Tale é um jogo muito divertido. O jogo é simples de ser compreendido tem

diversos itens legais e uma comunidade muito amigável. Certamente você curtirá esse jogo.

Fielporco, SouthAmerica1 server.

Real player with 1667.1 hrs in game

One of the best out there! Very difficult to find a 2D MMO that isn’t clunky and is cross-platform (trust me, i’ve spent time looking). If you’ve ever played Fantasy Tales, Warspear, Orake, or BItHeroes then you’ll be right at home. Not too much of a story from what I can tell (i just completed the first act), but it’s a newer game and I am happy the devs are focusing on mechanics tweaking instead. The UI is friendly and while the combat takes a little getting used to, it is simple yet hard to master (timing & hit boxes vary, it keeps things fun). Overall, very happy with this project!

Real player with 127.0 hrs in game

Kaion Tale MMORPG on Steam

Kakele Online - MMORPG

Kakele Online - MMORPG

I have over 150+ hours and these CMs are the worse CMs ive ever seen in any mmorpg game they are so bad do not recommand playing unless you wanna get banned for something dumb!

Real player with 828.4 hrs in game

I have more than 300 hours of gameplay and I came here to talk about the game: (version 3.2)

Good stuff:

1. Totally free to play so far

2. Interesting and challenging missions.

3. Interesting magic system

4. Rare items and difficult to obtain.

5. Interesting Pvp


1. Poor balance Some classes are better than others.

2. Toxic community and many racist people … for you to have an idea the developers will remove the monkey mob from the game because of that.

3. Bad market system (can improve many things)

Real player with 170.1 hrs in game

Kakele Online - MMORPG on Steam