Mini Gal4Xy

Mini Gal4Xy

I’ll try to keep it short as MiniGal4Xy is. This game is a Distilled 4x Strategy Game made with its base parts. Meaning it shows you a standard eXplore, eXpand, eXploit and eXterminate experience. The difference though is that this is not a multiplayer game and it is a solitary experience because of that.

This game it built in an arcade style with score building and randomness (similar to Roguelikes). The reasons that I give this game a positive review is that it is simple to learn. Which makes it a decent learning tool for those that don’t know how to play or feel overwhelmed with most other games in this genre. Think of it as a Skull Girls or TFH’s for people who want to understand how the core parts of a 4x game operates. You use it before introducing the complicated stuff.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Management Space Games.

This is a good, fast paced, easy to learn game. If you like the 4x type of games but don’t have 10 hours to sit and play one this is a good alternative I managed to complete 6 games and the tutorial in about an hour. Initially games are limited to 20 turns and don’t take very long to play through which is something that I enjoyed about it. I unlocked the 25 turn game on my 5th game and played it on my 6th. I managed to so far unlock 3 other races, beside the starting race, and each of them play very differently. I can see this game has a lot of replayability as each time I started a new game it was vastly different having randomised planet layout and research trees. All in all I think this is a great game if you don’t have enough hours in the day for the more complex 4x games or if you just want to relax and not overthink things.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Mini Gal4Xy on Steam

Planet Colonization

Planet Colonization

This is a tough one to rate. I thought I was buying a builder. Instead it is a unique take on Real Time Strategy in which prices from the independent market are the key drivers in determining how you build a functioning economy to support the war machine to take down your rivals.

The approach is creative and unique. You have to focus on staying profitable. Whatever resources you need you can buy in the market. However, to buy in the market you need positive cash flow or sufficient assets to access credit. You’ll bankrupt yourself quickly if you ignore the price signals from the market to focus on building the production chains you need.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Management Early Access Games.

Information / Review English

Planet Colonization combines the Game styles of Strategy and Real-time Strategy game, which was developed by Araknumia Software. And is still in the Early Access Phase.

Gameplay / Story

It all started in a galaxy far, far away … A planet full of natural nutrients that you need to survive, a dream that is too good to be true, but really there. You are lucky enough to have found this planet and you are the focus. This is how the game begins!

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Planet Colonization on Steam

Moon Corp. Tower Defense

Moon Corp. Tower Defense

Create your corporation. Research, Build, and Upgrade turrets to defend the moon from alien invasion, while staying within budget! Hire employees, access experimental weapons through your research, test them in the firing range and call down destruction on the alien threat.

Defend against Alien Swarms. Create Unique Combinations of Weapons. Take Advantage of Alien Weaknesses. Upgrade and Specialize your Turrets.

Expand your Defense Company. Hire and Fire Employees to Research New Technologies. Customise your Office. Adopt an Office Cat!

Outsource your Defense needs with Special Abilities. Bring down the Orbital Laser. Call in an Airstrike. Drop Mechs.

Read More: Best Management Aliens Games.

Moon Corp. Tower Defense on Steam

Astero Inc.

Astero Inc.

Beautiful game. After the first hours of game, feels very addictive and funny situations with the characters and gameplay. It maintains tension at all time on the asteroids! Highly recommended

Real player with 50.0 hrs in game

The game felt fresh, fun and challenging. If you skip the tutorial you will suffer punishment, but you will feel acomplishment as you make your way through the game and master it step by step.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Astero Inc. on Steam



You’re the warden of a prison-arena in a dystopian future.

A mix of strategy, management and fighting game in a cyberpunk 2D pixel art style.

Manage the prison, clone the best fighters, control them using only commands and maximize your profit.

Be the best Warden

As a warden you have 365 days to win the Prison Arena of the Year Award, or face forced resignation.

You will achieve this award by excelling in the management of the prison, hiring employees for each department, researching new technology, and ensuring victories on each stadium!

Have the best fights!

Give real time commands to fighters! They will respond according to their AI and personality which will adjust throughout the battle. Use the arena to influence the outcome of the battle. You will receive multiple bets and challenges as your priority is to entertain and make the most profit.

With the worst Historical Characters

Buy patented formulas, clone historical characters deemed as criminals by the Glorious State, and make them compete in the arena for punishment and entertainment!

Will any of your Gladihaters survive his 100th fight and earn his freedom?

All for the Glorious State!

Gladihaters on Steam

Offworld Trading Company

Offworld Trading Company

Absolutely great game. It’s had me hooked for about a week straight. It’s a spin on the basic old formula of buy low, sell high. Only difference is you now have to deal with a robotic competitor that just dropped a wonderful EMP bomb on your group of steel mills, putting them out of commission. Then the rates rose due to increased buying from the other competitors, after which he sold off all of his stock. Some sold very high, the rest of the selling tanked the market price, and now the steel I just started producing again is worthless. What a nice fellow! And that’s about the first 3 minutes of my average match. It seems fairly simple and straight forward at first, but there is quite a bit of strategy involved. Resource monopolies, price manipulation, technology patents, flat out blowing up an opponent’s building…. there’s a lot you can do. It takes a while to get the hang of it, but if you like RTS games, as well as putting your opponents in the poor house, then it’s definitely worth a buy.

Real player with 103.6 hrs in game

I am very pleased to give this game the thumbs up - I own it since its launch on Steam. I had a feeling it will grow well and achieve a good level of greatness by the time it was finihsed. Coming back to it now, over 9 months later, I cannot help but enjoy what the developer (Sören Johnson was the lead designer of Civilization 4) has achieved. Regardless whether in single player or multiplayer, you are treated to a fast-paced, ever-be-on-your-toes gameplay. To me, this is the best fast-paced economic sim I have ever played.

Real player with 53.0 hrs in game

Offworld Trading Company on Steam

Space Crew: Legendary Edition

Space Crew: Legendary Edition


While it’s true that Space Crew is a reskin of Bomber Crew, the gameplay has improved significantly to where the purchase is not only warranted, but also improved to the point to where players will most likely never go back to Bomber Crew. The game starts with an enemy alien race known as the Phasmids attempting to invade the Earth, but the main character’s space ship provides hope in beating-back attempted Phasmid invasions all the while obtaining information and technology from the Phasmids that allows the player’s space station to travel through wormholes in space and ultimately take the fight to the Phasmids on their own turf.

Real player with 53.0 hrs in game

LONG DELAYED EDIT: I still haven’t come back to play this again because of how soured my initial experience was. That says more about the influence of first impressions than it does about this game though. Since writing this review, I have a small difference of opinion in that “if its fun for even a little while, and cheap, then just buy it if you want”. This game has fun aspects, and I’d say its cheap. One of these days I will play it again as I’ve been meaning to for this review. For now, I shall change to a Thumbs Up and leave my dumb outdated review up for brownie points. END OF EDIT

Real player with 33.1 hrs in game

Space Crew: Legendary Edition on Steam

StarDrive 2

StarDrive 2

Star Drive 2 takes allot of what made the original star drive fun. Improves on it, then changes the game into more of a traditional 4X experience, with turn based game play.

The Good:

Ship design - This is very deep with a level of subtlety and customization which no other game seems to have, at least in terms of whats on your ships and how they behave in combat.

Personallity - The races all have distinct ship models and very distinct personallities. There is a bit of cheesy humour in the game and allot of pop culture referencing which is worth a laugh. spoiler I got to weld guns to a t-rex’s head and then use it to eat people!!!*

Real player with 135.6 hrs in game

One of the best 4x games to come out in a long time. SD2 has phenomenal game design philosophy…in Most parts.


Ship design:- This is by far the best ship building feature off of any 4x game excluding the original which manages to outdo this one just ever so slightly. You manage everything within your ship in a FUN way. This is the problem with a lot of other 4x games with ship building, they add a ton of things you can do, but it doesn’t feel fun. You’re just moving numbers about. In SD", you get to see exactly where your components go, why they go there is completely up to your combat logic. You want to create massive artillery ships with weak armour and then create some up close and personal heavy shielded and armoured heavy hitters to protect the artillery? Easy. Then when you’ve built your ship with a specific class in mind, you get to see how it plays out in battle.

Real player with 70.8 hrs in game

StarDrive 2 on Steam



Be warned that this game is old and the interface feels all 20 years of its age.

However, if you can stomach old games, this is one of the true classics from its era. A space station management/tycoon game with a lot of heart and humor. Numerous ways to build your station, several ways to challenge yourself or just relax and mess around.

I’ve played this off and on for two decades and still own the original disc so my hours on Steam only reflect buying it again here for convenience.


Of interest to fans: The original development company obviously went out of business, the game transferred ownership for a number of years to Square-Enix who did nothing with it and then released the game back to the care of one of the original developers.

Real player with 91.5 hrs in game

To date, I have purchased just over 15 games on Steam. Some of them have been complete wastenados of my money - one in particular I shelled out a lot for and only got a couple of hours of semi-enjoyment out of it. Startopia is the exact opposite of that game - I paid very little for it and, so far, I’ve gotten more hours of fun out of it than any other game I’ve purchased on here.

You’re managing a space station which is being visited by nine different alien types, each with their own preferences and skills. You have to build facilities to ensure these aliens are healthy, well-rested, well-fed, entertained and other things like that, make sure any aliens who cause trouble get rehabilitated, keep the station clean, and make sure you have enough energy to keep it all running. You’re aided by this artificially intelligent being called VAL who often peppers his advice with a degree of snark and you get occasional visits from a trader named Arona who I swear is a cross between a Vogon and Moneybags from Spyro 2.

Real player with 74.2 hrs in game

Startopia on Steam



StellarHub Review

Ever wanted to live and work in Space, now is your chance…

Some key points that this game offers:

  1. Breathtakingly beautiful simulated images of Deep Space.

  2. Comprehensive Research tree to truly enhance and improve your overall abilities.

  3. Extensive management system to keep your station running, clean and operating smoothly.

  4. Indie Gem 3.5/5

Gameplay & Controls:

The game controls are pretty simple, you can play the entire game with just your mouse, using the LFM for most functions to set task, open menu’s and direct your workers, the RMB can be held in and moved in any direction you want.

Real player with 526.9 hrs in game

This is turning out to be a fun game. It is not easy, with a combination of some straight forward elements and a harsh overall environment. The game is doing it’s best to simulate a space station, while also trying to be a game. Meaning, in the real world certain issues would rarely arise, but in the end, things could get rather boring. On the other side, certain issues could arise in the real world that a real space station could not survive.


I can spend a little bit of time or I can spend hours and either way I can feel like I made progress.

Real player with 49.5 hrs in game

StellarHub on Steam