Orbi Universo

Orbi Universo

It’s Democracy meets Civilization.

Still a work-in-progress, and from a part-time indie dev, but what you see here shows promise.

If you’re a Civ/Paradox/Democracy fan, it’s an easy recommendation.

If you’re not too sure about it, grab it on sale, or wait until they finish all the ages that make the core gameplay.


  • Less intimidating upfront than Democracy, you start from humble begginings.

  • You can start at any place in the globe

  • Many different paths to take your civilization through

Real player with 81.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Management Indie Games.

This game is unique. Maybe not much replayability, but there definitely is some. In the bronze age I had a shining civilization, the entire Iron Age was a time of unparalleled ascension, but I quickly over expanded and then the disruption caused by the immense amount of minorities quickly destroyed my stability. I kept undermining the power of the clergy in order to stop them from toppling my republic, which caused the number of heathens and heretics to rise to such a point as to ruin my stability even further. There was this entire collapse scenario very reminiscent of the fall of the Roman Republic, culminating in a coup d’etat by the military which led to a quickly fragmenting military dictatorship that saw a snowball of decline that just kept rolling and rolling.

Real player with 36.9 hrs in game

Orbi Universo on Steam

Gladiator: about to die

Gladiator: about to die

It will take a bit of work to get the game to where it needs to be, but great potential and fun so far :)

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Management Singleplayer Games.

Gladiator: about to die on Steam

Railroad Corporation

Railroad Corporation

Updated July 9, 2019

I have now played the campaign through twice and have learned a lot since the below review.

The game remains fun and I really cannot wait for the coming updates, because this game has a lot of promise. Some of the problems I had at first have been eliminated by getting better at the game the way it is now.

-Track laying- the first time through I was doing was overloading the network with too many trains and a lot of crossovers and intersections. The routing does need to be improved but with careful planning, future bottlenecks can be eliminated. Upgrade your stations and invest in train research ASAP. This will allow longer and faster trains, that takes care of the problem of clogging the network with slow and over worked trains. Also build sidings frequently so trains can bypass each other easily.

Real player with 724.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Management Trains Games.

See those cool videos ? They aren’t in the game. The general overhead view is what you will be seeing. I expected to be able to zoom in and move the camera to see cool things like in the videos (coal beingg loaded, trains going over bridges all like they show in the videos) Unfortunately that isn’t what you get to see, it may be clips you see in some later mission of the video (that I haven’t gotten to yet).

Overall, though, the game is a good financial strategy management game. I do miss the old days of RRT and 2 where you lay each small section of track individually, looking at the cost and elevations and having to decide if it was worth it in the long run to go through, over or around a mountain etc. But, strategically the game is definately a breath of fresh air for those that enjoy doing research, buying industries and managing trains and growing cities whose demands change over time.. I do kinda wish there was a log of how each city is changing as it pops up and is gone what the city is no longer needing or is now needing (it seems the game has been kinda “dumbed down” for those that don’t really want to immerse themselves in the grand strategy of it all).

Real player with 59.5 hrs in game

Railroad Corporation on Steam

Children of the Nile: Alexandria

Children of the Nile: Alexandria

If it runs choppy, google the jade empire fix, and it will work a treat. This game is an absolute favorite of mine. I know it’s dated, but I don’t care. I love it, and I play it all the time. It’s seventeen years old, but the game play is superb, and the soundtrack is absolutely gorgeous. Stunning in fact. It’s educational, entertaining, immersive, and detailed enough without being overwhelming in its micromanagement. My single greatest complaint is that it really is prone to crashing, and it’s gut-wrenching when it happens.

Real player with 2152.2 hrs in game

Though this game is a bit old, it is still a gem of a city builder! SOme of the visuals are stunning, the colors and the way the light changes the pyramids from pink to blue, however don’t zoom on any faces, cause everyone in Tilted Mills Egypt got hit with the ugly frying pan. But watching the sun break over your Palace while the glistening glass ribbon that is the nile rises up every flood season is a beautiful sigh

Gameplaywise this was the city builder that broke the mold and allowed free plaecment of buildings, by which I mean that there are no market walkers, no building ranges, the only limit to the layout of your city is the distance between things so feel free to build for beauty rather than utility and its is rather difficult to badly screw up

Real player with 625.0 hrs in game

Children of the Nile: Alexandria on Steam

Children of the Nile: Enhanced Edition

Children of the Nile: Enhanced Edition

Children of the Nile is the more modern version of the old citybuilders like Pharaoh And Zeus, allowing you to build a city in ancient Egypt. Some of the more modern things are, aside from the obvious graphics being different, that you no longer need to worry about intersections sending your supply and maintenance people entirely the wrong direction. You can now actually focus on building a city, rather than having to puzzle out the most efficient way to place buildings without them collapsing, catching fire, and starving because the food vendor doesn’t show up there.

Real player with 115.4 hrs in game

So it crashes at regular intervals. It lags occasionally when a city gets really big, aside from lagging at every autosave. The AI can be infuriating at times: If you like micromanaging, be prepared to sit back and pull your hair at your laborers who will go across the Nile and over 2 mountains to haul limestone, while an overseer stands by himself overseeing no one in a site right next to their houses. Transporting heavy loads, like statues and obelisks across the Nile is also a well known problem, annoyingly time consuming at best, unsolvable at worse (unless you’re willing to delve into the editor). It shows its age in a lot of ways, the graphics included, though they still hold their own fine enough.

Real player with 70.9 hrs in game

Children of the Nile: Enhanced Edition on Steam

Ozymandias: Bronze Age Empire Sim

Ozymandias: Bronze Age Empire Sim

If you’re interested in Ozymandias, please wishlist, follow us and download the demo! :)

At the dawn of history, Bronze Age kings built the first empires. Strategize their rise to power in a uniquely streamlined 4X.


  • Focus on strategy over tactics, we’ve stripped the busywork out of 4X gameplay.

  • Combat abstracted via innovative Power system so you need only move armies and fleets.


  • 8 handmade maps charting Bronze Ages around the world, empires in real-world locations.

  • Empires are tagged from ‘Easy’ to ‘Very Hard’ to reflect their unique challenges.


  • Data-driven AI system, flexible enough to succeed in any environment.

  • Streamlined ruleset is inherently AI-friendly so no ‘AI cheating’ required.


  • Players take their turns simultaneously so there’s no waiting around.

  • Choose to play ‘live’ (short turn timers) or ‘asynchronous’ (long game timers).

Ozymandias: Bronze Age Empire Sim on Steam

Whiskey Island

Whiskey Island

Early days yet, but this game has more content than half of the “finished” games that leave Early Access nowadays. It has some minor issues, but you can sink several hours into it already. Whiskey Island is honestly a mishmash of several other titles, but what it really comes across as is Prohibition-era Satisfactory minus the alien threat but with a healthy dose of chill.

You’ll spend most of your time shuttling cargo between raw material production like the logging camp and further processing facilities such as the lumber mill, all the while having to keep the entire island supplied with…well…Supplies from the visiting cargo freighter, lest you want everything to grind to a halt. Once something is refined far enough, you’ll then haul the final product to the Dock so the ship can haul it off and deposit a healthy sum in your account - of course, the option’s always there to just sell off products before they’re refined but doing so will earn you less overall. The more deliveries you do, the more gold earned and the greater the happiness level…which in turn causes colour to gradually bleed back into the game world.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

WOW!! this game is, even regarding it is EA, so bad!!!!! WhenI I finaly managed to get in a truck or train, I am walking in it. I mean while driving the truck, I hear footsteps and the screen is moving like I am walking and it does not res[pond like as if I am driving.

I got a refund

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Whiskey Island on Steam

Ballads of Moorfield

Ballads of Moorfield

When the wind still blows and trees still grow, there is always hope.

What I can remember. Years have passed. People come and last.

Whatever comes against us, we weather the storm. And with all our hearts together, we call this Moorfield our home.


Build a Home and Let It Bloom

Get settled on new land, and build upon it your new homeland. A dream starts here once you build your first house. You need farms, and you need materials. Everything is randomly generated while you get more lands and unlock more challenges. Use all means you have to grow your place which you named home.

More Creating and Be Amazing

Be smart, be creative, and be positive. Trust your every thought and it will not fail you. Build your land however you want. You are a designer with a magic wand. Show off your work to others, and amaze them with your masterpiece.

Good Leader Never Withers

Lead your people, manage your resources, listen to your counsellor, and decide on the best strategy. As your land flourishes, your fellows' loyalty never perishes. Fill your people with joy, face the toughness with them, and they will laugh and enjoy the happiness with you.

Seasons Change and Profits Paid

Can’t make the scene if you don’t have the green. You can trade resources for all your needs. Seasons do change, and prices are different. And here comes your chance for big profits and a strong economy. With cash in hands, people are nice.

Obstacles Gone and Enemies Down

Stay alarm. Your enemies could be anything. Weather and terrain, thunder and water. They are all like dangerous beasts, lurking around, and waiting for hunts. So be prepared and avoid the preyers.

Across the Hill, a Future Fulfilled

Ballads were written to glorify the lord of Moorfield. Your name is there, heard by your heirs. All those years of hard work have fulfilled your words. The future has come and brings the dawn.

Ballads of Moorfield on Steam

Computer Tycoon

Computer Tycoon

This is the first review I’ve ever written, even though I have nearly 100 games in my library, so that should tell you something just there. Computer Tycoon is easily one of the greatest tycoon games I have ever tried, right up there with Game Dev Tycoon and Automation (might’ve got the name wrong). It is addictive, and my first 10 minutes of playing it turned into hours upon hours of doing so. For sure worth the price! You get a WHOLE lot of gameplay, and I haven’t even tried hard mode yet. Everything is nearly completely customizable and it is just overall amazing. Some aspects could use some work, though, such as a slow lategame. When you get near 2010, and really 2000s in general, the game really takes a hit. Demand is FAR more than you could ever produce (I mean, you could, but repeating the same process of buying sites, upgrading factories, upgrading recreation, repeat, gets REALLY boring and almost made me stop playing), research gets really slow as in you don’t really have anything to research lategame. For me, it just ran out for a while. Which REALLY made the research department useless, so that is a definite con. Competitors seem to research everything much quicker, and receive an unfair advantage even though you have the best computer on the market PLUS its cheap, and yet they still have the entire world in their color. If there was a way to mass-buy land or mass-produce sites, or to add more factory upgrades, it would make things much better. Again, competitors obviously don’t face this issue and complete everything instantly. At least, that is how it is currently working for me.

Real player with 712.2 hrs in game

After playing it for hours and as a tycoon-games fan, I think this review would be usefull for both the players and the developer(s).

A good, well-balanced Computer Business tycoon game. It’s main focus is computer parts and models, rather than Sims-style city building, which is what many Comp-tycoon players look for.

There are several pros and cons of this game and it is still in alpha-stage; which I hope will result in a batter, near flawless game.

Pros: Vast range of computer parts from memory units to mother boards. Rather than popping computer products, in this game you built your own computer to sell on the market. That way, there are endless possibilities from selling high-end computers to Celeron-type low-end ones; and maintaining classic Home Computer series. During the game, you’d have many available components to choose from. I named my graphic cards as Burnout 100, 109, 330 etc. Quite fun.

Real player with 51.3 hrs in game

Computer Tycoon on Steam

Mars Horizon

Mars Horizon

Iniital Review 12.4 hours into Mars Horizon®

Update since initial review at bottom of review.

Second update December 2022 since initial below that update.

An update beneath an update… that is like four wall breaks. Mind blown!!!

  • Graphics are fantastic

  • Smooth operation and easy to follow learning tutorial

  • Not for under age of 12 years old, bit too advanced for under this age.

  • Few small non game breaking bugs, grammar, and what not. Nothing to get excited about.

  • FPS runs fine on a modern machine 2012 or better. Older and you may have some issues with processing of the information or video being smooth.

Real player with 71.3 hrs in game

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner. This is easily the best manager I have played in a decade.

However, a warning up front. This is not readily obvious. Not, because the game starts outright weak. Instead, it seems to deliver exactly the underwhelming gameplay one learns to expect from indies nowadays. You build a rocket, you fire a rocket, and sometimes it rains. Everything hangs on the roll of a dice. Which makes the space missions look like a lackluster mini game.

Here’s the good news. It gets better. A lot. I just ended my first (short) campaign after 65 hours by landing a crew on Mars. While doing so, my palms were sweaty, because up until the very last turn I wasn’t sure I would make it. Magic question: When did the last manager make your palms sweat?

Real player with 67.8 hrs in game

Mars Horizon on Steam